
Student Corner


अध्यारो मुहार
- Aarashi Shakya - 24004, Grade ... 15 September, 2023

चट्याङझैँ खुम्चेको निधार
राता ज्वालाझैँ आँखा
गुमसुम सुकेका ओठ
लाली बिहिन गाला
त्यस्तै रहेछ अध्यारो मुहार ।।


मस्तिष्कमा छाएको ठुलो बादल
प्रलयको नाम लिई गर्जन्छ
सबै अनिष्ट आवाज लिई झस्कन्छ
आरिसे बादलझैँ बेसरी भट्कन्छ
त्सस्तै रहेछ खुम्चेको निधार।।


छायाका बादल ठोकी नयनधारा खुल्छन्
ती धारा बगी आशा समुन्द्र रित्तिन्छन्
आशाका समुन्द्र राति रातो लाभा भरिन्छन्
रातो लाभाभरि तातो आँसु बग्छन्
त्सस्तै रहेछ जवालाझैँ आँखा।।


मसानमा सलबलाउने शून्यता
मरभूमिमा रहेकाे माटोझैँ
त्सस्तै रहेछ सुकेका ओठ
घाम ढलेपछिको गाेधुली साँझझैँ
त्सस्तै रहेछ अध्यारो मुहार ।।

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Small Tasks, Big Contributions to Environment
- Subigya Baral - 25026, Grade ... 15 September, 2023

The trees are the savior of our earth. Not only do they provide us with life-sustaining oxygen and shelter for countless creatures but they also offer us respite through their cooling shade. By planting trees in our backyards or within our communities, we can contribute to the preservation of our planet. Our small work can contribute to a great deal for the earth. 
Water, a truly invaluable resource, must be treated with utmost reverence. Simple steps, such as turning off the tap while brushing our teeth, and collecting rainwater for gardening purposes, can collectively make a substantial difference. To reduce waste, purchase products in bulk to minimize packaging, opt for refillable products, and donate items we no longer need. Currently, the environment is degraded by pollution, deforestation, and climate change. However, there is cause for optimism, as even the simplest of actions can contribute to its salvation. Let us now explore effortless methods to safeguard our environment and forge a brighter future for generations to come. Littering is an act that displays disregard for both local customs and nature. By refraining from this behavior, we showcase our respect for our surroundings.
Additionally, opting for eco-friendly accommodations reinforces our commitment to sustainable practices. Environmental groups, often found within our local communities, organize clean-up drives, tree-planting initiatives, and awareness campaigns. We can make a tangible impact on the preservation of our environment by actively participating in these endeavors. Mindful energy consumption plays a vital role in our efforts. Turning off lights, computers, and electronic devices when not in use, utilizing energy-efficient bulbs and appliances, and even considering the implementation of solar panels within our homes are all steps towards a sustainable future. Supporting companies that prioritize sustainability and employ eco-friendly methods and materials is a cooperative way to encourage a broader shift toward environmental consciousness within the business community. 
Embrace the power of the 3 R's: reduce, reuse, and recycle. By minimizing waste and opting for products with minimal packaging, we can conserve precious resources. Before discarding an item, consider its potential for reuse; an old jar can serve as storage and worn-out clothes can be repurposed as cleaning rags. Transforming used materials into new ones through the process of recycling, such as paper, glass, metal, and plastic, can significantly alleviate our impact on the environment. Conserving electricity is a responsibility we all share. Embrace natural light during the day, unplug devices when not in use, and consider utilizing fans instead of air conditioners whenever possible. Harnessing the power of composting allows us to transform kitchen waste, such as vegetable peels, into a natural fertilizer that aids in plant growth and reduces the need for harmful chemical alternatives. 
Water pollution is a grave concern that necessitates our mindfulness. Avoid disposing of medicines, paints, or oils down the drain, and choose eco-friendly detergents and soaps to mitigate our impact on water sources. every year, on June 5th, we commemorate world environment day. This serves as a momentous occasion to spread the message of environmental preservation and renew our commitment to fostering a sustainable planet. Education and advocacy are powerful tools in effecting change. By engaging in discussions with our friends and family about the importance of environmental preservation, we can expand awareness and inspire greater action.
Saving paper is not only a practical measure but also an act of saving the environment. Utilize both sides of the paper when writing or printing, opt for electronic bills and online bank statements, and indulge in reading books and newspapers online, all to reduce paper consumption. The menace of plastic, which takes centuries to decompose, demands our immediate attention. By opting for cloth bags instead of their plastic counterparts, refraining from purchasing bottled water and instead utilizing reusable containers, and saying no to plastic straws and utensils, we can collectively fight this environmental hazard.

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एसइईपछिका ती दिनहरू …
- Aahyan Panta - 25072, Grade X ... 14 September, 2023

परीक्षाको अवधि समाप्त भएपछि मैले पाठ्यपुस्तक र कक्षाकोठाकाे सिकाइलाई थाती राखेँ ।

बाहिरको संसारलाई पुनर्जीवित गर्ने र अन्वेषण गर्ने मौकाको रूपमा मैले बाकिँ समयलाई लिएँ । 

किन किन मलाई प्रकृति औधी मन पर्छ । 

मैले यही बिचमा पद यात्रा गरेँ ।

बिहान सबेरै साइकिलिङ गर्नुकाे मज्जा नै बेग्लै । थकाइ पनि उत्तिकै तर आनन्दभित्रकाे थकाइकाे मज्जा नै बेग्लै ।

यात्राले चारैतिरकाे वातावरण बुझ्न, नयाँ पाठहरू, नयाँ अनुभवहरू दिलाउँछ नै ।

यही बिचमा ऐतिहासिक स्थलहरू घुम्न पनि गएँ । याे कुरामा मलाई मेरी मामुले सहयाेग गर्नुभयाे ।

चित्रकला पनि मेराे रूचिकाे विषय हाे । क्यानभास, ब्रस र रङ्गहरूको त्यति बेला मेरा साथीहरू भएँ । घन्टाैँ समय बिताएकाे पत्ताे नै नहुने कस्ताे गजबकाे पल ।
यही बिचमा मैले चित्रकला सम्बन्धी भिडियाेहरू पनि हेरेँ । ताैरतरिकाबारे थाेरै भए पनि जानकारी हासिल गरेँ । 

साेचेँ, ज्ञानकाे क्षेत्र कति फराकिलाे छ । 

मैले केही अनलाइन पाठ्यक्रमहरूबारे पनि खाेज गरेँ । 

मैले मेरो बुबाको व्यापारको बारेमा पनि अवलोकनसँगै आफ्नो जिज्ञासा मेटाउने पनि मौका पाएँ । 

मैले मामूलाई खाना पकाउने, भाँडा सफा गरिदिने काममा पनि सघाएँ । मैले केही खानाका रेसिपिहरू पनि हेरेँ । बनाउने प्रयास पनि गरेँ ।

भान्साकोठा नै मेरो प्रयोगशालामा बन्याे । मिठाे खाना बनाउनु पनि ठुलाे कला रहेछ । मैले बल्ल व्यवहारतः बुझेँ । 

वातावरण संरक्षणका लागि समाजका सदस्यहरूसँग मिलेर मैले पनि रुख रोप्ने अभियान, सरसफाइ गर्ने अभियान र सचेतना कार्यशालाहरूमा पनि भाग लिएँ । 
यी कामले म खुशी थिएँ । 

मेराे जीवनमा यी क्षण निकै नै गुणात्मक रहे भन्ने मेराे बुझाइ हाे । 

सबैभन्दा बढीआमाबाबा पनि निकै खुशी थिए । 

म खेलप्रेमी पनि छु । यही समयमा कहिलेकाहीँ त अबेलासम्म खेलहरू पनि हेरेँ । 

याे समयमा मैले पुस्तकहरू पढ्ने पनि समय निकालें । 

समग्रमा परीक्षापछिको मेरो दिनचर्या रमाइलाेसँग नयाँ अनुभवका साथ व्यतित भयाे ।  

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Dimensions of Education
- Grace Shrestha - 25015, Grade ... 13 September, 2023

Education refers to the process of acquiring knowledge, important life skills. Education plays an important role nowadays. It is very important especially in the 21st century. Education teaches us new skills which are important in our day to day life and it also gives us a lot of knowledge.


But education is still hard to obtain in the rural village areas. Children have to walk for a long time to get to school with heavy bags which is very hard. Education is a thing that should be available for us all. It should be equally available in every region with no problems to face. 


Education is important for Empowerment. We need to have at least a little education to get a job and earn money. Education is also important for the eradication of poverty because it helps us to get money so the poverty is eradicated. Education is also important for social and cultural development because with education we can know about the different cultures and values all through the education. Education also helps us to develop leadership skills which is very important. With education we can receive a lot of respect as well. Education also helps to eradicate discrimination on the basis of caste, color, gender etc. Education also helps the country to develop faster. The more educated manpower the faster the country develops. It also helps in the economic growth of the country. So education is also very important in the development of countries as well. Education also helps in the reduction of crimes as everyone is educated they can separate the difference between good and bad. They can make their own decision which reduces the crimes and all the bad doings and cultures.


Education is also important for self growth and the fulfilling of one's goals. Everyone has a goal in mind to fulfill that goal education is must. Through education one can also develop critical thinking, decision making, teamwork and many more abilities. Education also helps us in our day to day life and is very much important and good. Everyone should be provided with education because it is a must in this generation. We have to know how important education is and also how helpful it is for us in our life and how much we need education.


So these are the importance of education. Education helps us in many things and these are just some of the importance of education. It is very helpful.we should be thankful that we can get education easily. It is not so hard to get an education nowadays as we have access to the internet and different AIs. But we should not take it for granted just because we have it. We have to fully utilize it and feel lucky that we have it. They provide us with a lot of knowledge in a short amount of time which is very helpful. So these are the importance of education and how helpful it is for us.

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पखेटा भए त उड्छु झैं लाग्थ्यो…
- Nitesh Singh Bista - 25013, G ... 12 September, 2023

लाग्थ्यो चरा भए त म खुशीले नचिरहन्थे
तर उडेका चराको नृत्य कसले हेर्ला र ?
लाग्थ्यो, स्वतन्त्र म उडिरहन्थेँ
तर कुन मुलीले हेर्दै छ भनी म तर्सिरहन
लाग्थ्यो हावासँग ताल मिलाउँदै 
म गीत गाउँथेँ
तर विशाल आकाशमा म त 
अजीव कण मात्र रहेछु 
चारो खोज्नै मात्र दिन नपुग्दो रहेछ

अनायासै म त सिकारीको जाल रहेछु...

रहेछु एक भोको पेटको चारो
जीवन मेरै हो जस्तो लाग्थ्यो 
रहेछु पिँजडाको एक मात्र साथी
जीवन स्वतन्त्र हो ठान्थेँ
रहेछु वृद्ध विधवाको गायक
जीवन नै सङ्गीत लाग्थ्यो
रहेछु बिरह बोल्ने न्याउली
जीवन कथित गर्न मात्र चाहन्थे ।

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- Bipana Shrestha - 24017, Grad ... 11 September, 2023

आमाको कोखमा जन्मिएकी सानी 
ओठमा न्यानो मुस्कान बोकेकी उनी 
संसार चिन्नु अघि नै जिम्मेवारीको चपेटामा परि 

हास्ने खेल्ने उमेरमा पन्चे बाजा बजाएर बिदा लिन बाध्य ऊ 
कसैको लागि छोरी त कसैको लागि बुहारी 
कसैको लागि आमा त कसैको लागि सारा संसार बन्न पुगी


लक्ष्मी समान छोरीलाई पराइको दर्जा दिने यो समाजमा 
मनभरि प्रश्न अनि आखाभरि आशुँ बोकी
मूल्य र अभिमान बिच ताैलिन पुगी सानी


सानीका पनि केही रहर थिए होला सायद 
आफ्नो खुट्टामा उभिने , 
आकाशमा खुल्ला उड्ने 
भाग्य र  समयलाइ दोष दिन पुगी सानी


हजाराैँको भिडमा एक्लै रमाउने सानी
आज खै किन शुन्यताको पछि लाग्दै छे 
ठुलो मान्छे बन्ने सपनाबाट हार खाँदै छे


यी मुर्खहरुको चपेटामा बाधिएकी सानी
आफूलाई नै कतै गुमाउँदै छे 
गुनासो त कति थिए 
तर जिम्मेवारीले ढाकिन पुगी सानी


विगत समयलाई बिर्सिदै अगाडि बढ्न खोज्दै छे सानी 
हरेक पाइला निस्वार्थ चाल्दै छे सानी 
शुन्यतामा आफैसँग रमउँदै अगाडि बढ्न खोज्दै छे सानी ।

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Navigating the Currents of Brain Drain in Nepal
- Subir Acharya - 24072, Grade ... 08 September, 2023

Over 3000 Nepalis leave their country every day in a heartbreaking decision to pursue educational and professional opportunities that many believe are beyond their reach in their homeland. These individuals travel abroad in quest of these opportunities. This sizable exodus of human potential, sometimes known as the "brain drain," has become intricately woven into Nepal's socioeconomic structure and permanently altered its course. Discussions concerning this phenomenon have been more prominent as it gathers speed, raising questions about the consequences it may have for Nepal's present situation as well as its potential future.

The phrase "brain drain" serves as a succinct way to describe the complex process of gifted people choosing to leave their native country because of the temptation of better opportunities abroad. Because they want to pursue greater education and successful jobs, young people in Nepal in particular are increasingly preferring to look into chances overseas. It becomes harder to avoid a deeper investigation of the root factors driving this migration pattern and the significant effects it has across a broad range of fields as this trend intensifies.


The brain drain problem in Nepal is a tapestry made of several contributing factors. A climate that is less favorable for developing and maintaining talent has been made worse by elements including bad governance, persistent political instability, and inadequate infrastructure. Rapid changes in political power have bred an atmosphere of persistent uncertainty, undermining faith in the ability of the country to create opportunities and advance. Additionally, the pull of foreign educational systems and the assurance of greater professional chances overseas sometimes portray leaving Nepal as the only realistic route to success.


It's interesting how brain drain may feed a vicious cycle. Despondency might start to pervade the cultural psyche as more people decide to seek chances elsewhere. Those who remain may find themselves pulled more and more to pursuing fulfillment and riches elsewhere as the impression of limited opportunities takes hold. The problems caused by brain drain are made worse by this self-reinforcing cycle, which also amplifies longing and emptiness. Brain drain undoubtedly has detrimental effects, but it's also important to recognize its good aspects. The GDP of Nepal is largely influenced by the remittances made by its overseas citizens, who also provide a sizable amount of funding for the economy. Those who pursue jobs or study overseas frequently return with useful skills, new viewpoints, and a variety of experiences. These qualities can support Nepal's growth and development if appropriately tapped.

The dangerous long-term effects of brain drain, however, are hidden under the apparent short-term benefits. Critical shortages might result from an unbalanced departure of educated workers in crucial industries like technology, healthcare, and education. The country's growth and innovation may be hampered by the loss of knowledge in these fields. Additionally, if this pattern continues for several years, Nepal may develop a demographic skew that is predominately made up of elderly people and very young people, which might hurt the country's overall growth trajectory.

In response to comparable problems, some countries have effectively addressed the brain drain by putting into practice tailored policies. For example, Malaysia and Thailand have aggressively fought back against the brain drain. Malaysia did this by making significant expenditures in infrastructure, research, and education, creating a climate that encourages talent retention. To encourage its diaspora to return and aid in the country's growth, India, which was dealing with similar problems, devised initiatives.


The fight against brain drain in Nepal demands a multifaceted approach. This calls for large expenditures in the infrastructure of both education and research, as well as the creation of a setting that promotes creativity and entrepreneurship. Addressing basic problems like political stability and corruption is equally important. To support the growth of the country, policymakers should think about creating incentives that encourage competent employees to remain and share their knowledge.


Nepal is at a crossroads because of brain drain, where it must evaluate immediate economic benefits against long-term costs. The key to addressing this difficulty is collaboration among numerous stakeholders, including the governmental and business sectors, academic institutions, and people themselves. The country has to put effort into building a setting that not only preserves its potential but also nourishes and uses it as it moves forward. Nepal can guarantee that its talent pool stays within its borders by making conscious efforts to address the causes of brain drain and create an environment of opportunity and prosperity, opening the door for a better and more successful future for the country and its people.

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