
Student Corner


Written by: Anushree Rajbhandari - 24012, Grade XII

Posted on: 12 September, 2023

In skies of blue, they softly drift,
The clouds above, a tranquil gift.
Their cotton forms, so light and free,
In whispered tales, they beckon me.


They paint the heavens with strokes of white,
A canvas vast, a pure delight.
A calming presence in the sky,
As time goes by, they gently lie.


With grace, they dance on gentle breeze,
Their tranquil movements, sure to please.
No rush, no hurry, they meander,
In peaceful skies, a gentle commander.


Each cloud a dream, a fleeting thought,
In their embrace, worries are caught.
They carry stories of the day,
In their serene and quiet way.


When evening's hues begin to blend,
With pinks and purples, they descend.
The stars above, they soon enshroud,
In night's embrace, a soothing shroud.


So as I gaze upon the sky,
I thank the clouds that drift on by.
For in their beauty, I have found,
A calm and peace that knows no bound.