
Student Corner

Small Tasks, Big Contributions to Environment

Written by: Subigya Baral - 25026, Grade XI

Posted on: 15 September, 2023

The trees are the savior of our earth. Not only do they provide us with life-sustaining oxygen and shelter for countless creatures but they also offer us respite through their cooling shade. By planting trees in our backyards or within our communities, we can contribute to the preservation of our planet. Our small work can contribute to a great deal for the earth. 
Water, a truly invaluable resource, must be treated with utmost reverence. Simple steps, such as turning off the tap while brushing our teeth, and collecting rainwater for gardening purposes, can collectively make a substantial difference. To reduce waste, purchase products in bulk to minimize packaging, opt for refillable products, and donate items we no longer need. Currently, the environment is degraded by pollution, deforestation, and climate change. However, there is cause for optimism, as even the simplest of actions can contribute to its salvation. Let us now explore effortless methods to safeguard our environment and forge a brighter future for generations to come. Littering is an act that displays disregard for both local customs and nature. By refraining from this behavior, we showcase our respect for our surroundings.
Additionally, opting for eco-friendly accommodations reinforces our commitment to sustainable practices. Environmental groups, often found within our local communities, organize clean-up drives, tree-planting initiatives, and awareness campaigns. We can make a tangible impact on the preservation of our environment by actively participating in these endeavors. Mindful energy consumption plays a vital role in our efforts. Turning off lights, computers, and electronic devices when not in use, utilizing energy-efficient bulbs and appliances, and even considering the implementation of solar panels within our homes are all steps towards a sustainable future. Supporting companies that prioritize sustainability and employ eco-friendly methods and materials is a cooperative way to encourage a broader shift toward environmental consciousness within the business community. 
Embrace the power of the 3 R's: reduce, reuse, and recycle. By minimizing waste and opting for products with minimal packaging, we can conserve precious resources. Before discarding an item, consider its potential for reuse; an old jar can serve as storage and worn-out clothes can be repurposed as cleaning rags. Transforming used materials into new ones through the process of recycling, such as paper, glass, metal, and plastic, can significantly alleviate our impact on the environment. Conserving electricity is a responsibility we all share. Embrace natural light during the day, unplug devices when not in use, and consider utilizing fans instead of air conditioners whenever possible. Harnessing the power of composting allows us to transform kitchen waste, such as vegetable peels, into a natural fertilizer that aids in plant growth and reduces the need for harmful chemical alternatives. 
Water pollution is a grave concern that necessitates our mindfulness. Avoid disposing of medicines, paints, or oils down the drain, and choose eco-friendly detergents and soaps to mitigate our impact on water sources. every year, on June 5th, we commemorate world environment day. This serves as a momentous occasion to spread the message of environmental preservation and renew our commitment to fostering a sustainable planet. Education and advocacy are powerful tools in effecting change. By engaging in discussions with our friends and family about the importance of environmental preservation, we can expand awareness and inspire greater action.
Saving paper is not only a practical measure but also an act of saving the environment. Utilize both sides of the paper when writing or printing, opt for electronic bills and online bank statements, and indulge in reading books and newspapers online, all to reduce paper consumption. The menace of plastic, which takes centuries to decompose, demands our immediate attention. By opting for cloth bags instead of their plastic counterparts, refraining from purchasing bottled water and instead utilizing reusable containers, and saying no to plastic straws and utensils, we can collectively fight this environmental hazard.