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विज्ञानको रहस्यमयी खोज र आविष्कारको यात्रा
- Sampada Sapkota - 25050, Grad ... 17 September, 2024

विज्ञान भनेको प्राकृतिक संसारको व्यवस्थित अध्ययन हो, जसले अवलोकन र प्रयोगमार्फत नयाँ ज्ञान प्राप्त गर्छ । यो खोज र आविष्कारको यात्रा हो, जसले हाम्रो ब्रह्माण्ड र हाम्रो स्थानलाई बुझ्न मद्दत पुर्‍याएको छ ।


विज्ञान हाम्रो दैनिक जीवनको अभिन्न हिस्सा हो । यसले प्राविधिक प्रगतिहरूको माध्यमबाट बाँच्ने, काम गर्ने, र सञ्चार गर्ने तरिकालाई परिवर्तन गरेको छ । ह्वीलको आविष्कारदेखि इन्टरनेटको विकाससम्म, विज्ञानले मानव प्रगतिमा महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका खेलेको छ । यसले प्राकृतिक घटनाहरू बुझ्न, भविष्यवाणी गर्न, र जटिल समस्याहरू समाधान गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ । विज्ञान आधुनिक सभ्यताको आधार हो, जसले समाज सुधारको लागि प्रकृतिको शक्तिलाई उपयोग गर्न सक्षम बनाउँछ । विज्ञानले हाम्रो जीवनका विभिन्न पक्षहरूमा गहिरो प्रभाव पारेको छ। स्वास्थ्य क्षेत्रमा, वैज्ञानिक अनुसन्धानले भ्याक्सिन, एन्टिबायोटिक्स, र उन्नत शल्य चिकित्सा विधिहरूको विकास गरेको छ, जसले जीवनकम सहजता थपेकाे छ। 


कृषिमा, विज्ञानले ईन्जिनियरिङ, कीट नियन्त्रण, र दिगो कृषि अभ्यासहरू विकास गरेर खाद्य सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित गरेको छ।पर्यावरण विज्ञानले जलवायु परिवर्तन, प्रदूषण, र जैविक विविधताको हानिको बारेमा चेतना फैलाएको छ, जसले गर्दा ग्रह बचाउन थप प्रयासहरू गरिएका छन् । भौतिक विज्ञान र रसायन विज्ञानले ब्रह्माण्डका रहस्यहरूको पर्दा खोल्न मद्दत पुर्‍याएका छन् । विज्ञानको मुख्य आधार जिज्ञासा र ज्ञानको खोज हो । वैज्ञानिकहरू नयाँ कुरा बुझ्न खोज्छन् र उनीहरूको अनुसन्धानले भविष्यका अनेकन सम्भावनाहरूको ढोका खोल्छ । वैज्ञानिक विधि, जसमा परिकल्पना परीक्षण, डाटा सङ्कलन र विश्लेषण समावेश छन्, ज्ञानलाई प्रमाण-आधारित र विश्वसनीय बनाउँछ । विज्ञान एक सहयोगी प्रयास हो, जहाँ विभिन्न क्षेत्रका वैज्ञानिकहरू सँगै काम गर्छन् र विचारहरू साझा गर्छन् । उदाहरणका लागि मानव जीनोम परियोजनामा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय अनुसन्धानकर्ताहरूले सँगै काम गरेर सम्पूर्ण मानव जीनोम म्याप गरेका थिए, जसले चिकित्सा र आनुवंशिक अनुसन्धानमा नयाँ मार्ग खोलेको छ।


विज्ञानले नयाँ अवसरहरू ल्याए पनि यसले चुनौती र नैतिक प्रश्नहरू पनि उठाउँछ । जस्तै, आर्टिफिसियल इन्टेलिजेन्स र जेनेटिक इन्जिनियरिङको विकासले यसका सम्भावित फाइदा र जोखिमका बारेमा बहस गराएको छ । विज्ञानले समाज र वातावरणमा पार्ने प्रभावलाई विचार गरेर नै जिम्मेवारीका साथ अनुसन्धान गरिनु आवश्यक छ ।


विज्ञानले नयाँ अवसरहरू ल्याए पनि यसले चुनौती र नैतिक प्रश्नहरू पनि उठाउँछ । आर्टिफिसियल इन्टेलिजेन्स र जेनेटिक इन्जिनियरिङ जस्ता प्रविधिहरूले स्वास्थ्य सेवा, उत्पादन र कृषि क्षेत्रमा क्रान्तिकारी सुधार ल्याउन सक्छन् तर यसले बेरोजगारी, गोपनीयताको उल्लङ्घन, र सामाजिक असमानताको जोखिम पनि बढाउँछ ।  आर्टिफिसियल इन्टेलिजेन्सको प्रयोगले मानवीय श्रमलाई विस्थापित गर्न सक्ने र गोपनीयतामा आँच पुर्याउन सक्ने सम्भावना छ भने, जेनेटिक इन्जिनियरिङले अनुकूलित सन्तानको अवधारणा जन्माएर नैतिक बहस उत्पन्न गरेको छ। विज्ञानले समाज र वातावरणमा पर्ने प्रभावलाई ध्यानमा राखेर जिम्मेवार अनुसन्धान गर्नु आवश्यक छ । वैज्ञानिक प्रविधिहरूको प्रयोगमा कडा नियमन र नैतिक दिशानिर्देशहरू आवश्यक छन्, । ताकि प्राविधिक प्रगति मानवअधिकार, पर्यावरण संरक्षण, र सामाजिक न्यायसँग सन्तुलनमा रहोस् ।


सारमा विज्ञान मानव चतुरता र ज्ञानको लागि निरन्तर खोजको प्रमाण हो । यसले हाम्रो जीवनको गुणस्तर सुधार गरेको छ र ब्रह्माण्डको हाम्रो बुझाइलाई फराकिलो बनाएको छ । हामीले विज्ञानको सहयोगमा नयाँ चुनौतीहरू समाधान गर्न र उज्यालो भविष्य निर्माण गर्न अघि बढ्नुपर्छ ।

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National Science Day in Nepal
- Darshika Shrestha - 26010, Gr ... 17 September, 2024

Every year on the 1st of Ashwin, Nepal has been celebrating National Science Day. Though it is not certified, according to the Himalayan Times, This day has been marked as National Science Day since 2070 BS by the former prime minister of Nepal Babu Ram Bhattarai during a conference with the scientists of Nepal including the respected Dr. Daya Nanda Bajracharya, a Former Vice Chancellor of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology.


The main purpose of this date is to honour the contributions of scientists who came before us and to promote science and technology in Nepal. Science and technology play a crucial role in solving complex problems, contributing to the economic growth of the nation and its people, and improving the overall quality of life. Especially in a developing country like Nepal, where resources can be limited, scientific innovation is essential for addressing and adapting to challenges in fields such as agriculture, health care, and environmental sustainability.


The first national science day was held on 1st Ashwin, 2070 with the slogan  "Bigyan ra Prabidhi Desko ko Samridhi" which translates to “Science and technology: Prosperity of nation”. According to the organisers from Amrit Science Campus, a rally was to be organised from Tri-Chandra Campus Ghantaghar to the Ascol premises. Similarly, the Ministry of Science and Technology and Environment organised a program at the National Academy Hall. Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) also encouraged the concerned organisations to organise various promotional science activities and to make people aware of the value of Science and technology and its importance for the overall development of Nepal.


This year we will celebrate the Twelfth National Science Day, 1st Ashwin, 2081 with the slogan “Bigyan ra Prabidhi: Bikash ra Utpadan Bridhi” translating to “Science and Technology: Development and Productivity Growth”. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology will be organizing various programmes with other science-related organisations. This day will provide a platform to show scientific projects and research.


The main concept of National Science Day is to highlight the importance of science and innovation. Considering the country’s geographic and economic conditions, scientific innovations that support the locals have become a need to adapt and carry out development projects specifically in those areas that are prone to natural hazards. The day also helps Nepalese researchers to gain recognition for their research and innovations.

Most schools and educational institutions celebrate Science Day with various events and activities. These activities promote and encourage the students to explore scientific concepts. The exposure to various scientific ideas and career paths helps them to decide their future roles in the scientific community, potentially leading to increased participation in STEM. 

In Nepal, where challenges such as natural disasters, health issues, and environmental concerns aren’t very uncommon, raising awareness about scientific solutions and innovations is extremely important. National Science Day helps to educate the public about how scientific advancements can contribute to tackling these issues.


In conclusion, National Science Day helps to recognise and award the Nepalese scientists and researchers who have contributed significantly to addressing and helping combat the challenges and global issues. As Nepal continues to navigate its path towards development, National Science Day stands as a reminder of the power of science in shaping a better future for the country and its people.

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Every Cloud has a Silver Lining
- Bitisha Khulal - 26021, Grade ... 13 September, 2024

This phrase “Every cloud has a silver lining” means that even when things seem difficult or sad, something good can come out of it. Sometimes we can see that clouds block the sun's rays which appear dark and it’s not quite a pleasant sight but if we look carefully we can see the silver lining forming on the edges. Just like a cloud in the sky can have a bright and shining edge when the sun peeks through by finding its way of presenting itself in a new way, challenging situations in life can sometimes help us explore and learn and even give us new opportunities.


Once, there was a little boy named Tim, who loved to ride his bicycle. On his birthday his father bought him a new bicycle and he was excited to show off his new bicycle to his friends. The next day, in the evening he decided to visit his friends at the park and show off his bicycle. But as he went outside, the rain started pouring heavily, and he couldn’t go out. He was very disappointed because he couldn’t ride the bicycle as planned. Feeling down he sat by the window and watched the rain. His grandmother noticed his sadness and suggested baking some cookies together. He agreed and they spent the afternoon mixing dough, baking, and chatting. As they waited for the cookies to bake, he discovered that he enjoyed baking and had a lot of fun making cookies with his grandmother. When the cookies were finally ready he shared them with his family and they all enjoyed it together. Tim realised that although the rain had ruined his bicycle ride, he was able to discover a new hobby. So, he learned that even though the rainy weather had ruined his day, it had a silver lining. It gave him a chance to do something new and enjoyable. This story shows that sometimes, when things don’t go as planned there can still be a bright side or a new opportunity and things to discover.


This saying reminds us to stay hopeful and positive even during hardships and tough times. Life is full of ups and downs but it’s important to remember that challenges can lead to new possibilities and opportunities. We might get lost in those big thick dark clouds, but if we just trust and work our way through them relentlessly and stay positive all the time we will find and discover a new path to get out of those dark clouds. Finding the silver lining helps us to see that difficulties are not just obstacles and barriers but can also be a chance for learning, discovering and finding new opportunities. We shouldn’t only focus on the big thick clouds blocking the sun's beauty but also if we carefully observe we can see the beautiful silver lining peeking from the clouds. 

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Memorable Poon Hill Trek 2080
- Diubyash Khanal - 26043, Grad ... 11 September, 2024

As students, we all remember our school days, as school memories are often considered nostalgic and hard to forget. We have many memories, and my school experiences are precious moments that I always love to recall. I do have lots of memories. Among them, the memorable ‘Poon Hill trek’ is the one I am always fond of, which I went with my school friends. 

Poon Hill is located in Pokhara, in the Gandaki province. All the students were excited about the trek. After completing our SEE Pre-board exam, the much-awaited day was here. On January 12, 2024, it was departure day. My friends and I  arrived at school at 6 AM, and at 8 AM, we left for Pokhara on a tourist bus. The journey took around 15 hours to reach our destination.

On the very first day of our trip, we stayed at Nayapul, which is 41 km from Pokhara. We spent our first day travelling on the bus. The next morning, we began our trek from Nayapul to Ulleri at 9 AM. It took us around 6 hours to reach Ulleri from Nayapul. We were quite tired that day, as Ulleri lies at an altitude of 2050 meters above sea level. The following morning, we woke up around 7 AM. After freshening up, we had our breakfast. It was our second day of walking, and our destination was Ghorepani, which is at an altitude of 2850 meters above sea level. We started our trek at 10 AM, but the walking routes were quite challenging. After trekking for 5-6 hours, we reached our next destination. That day, we were exhausted and went to bed early, as we planned to visit Poon Hill, the hill station, early the next morning.

On the following day, we woke up around 5 AM. After getting ready, we visited the hill station. Poon Hill is situated at an altitude of 3210 meters above sea level. When we reached Poon Hill, it felt like heaven. The surroundings were adorned with beautiful mountains, including the Annapurna range, Dhaulagiri, Machhapuchhre, and Himchuli. We experienced a temperature of -2°C at the hill station, and we enjoyed it immensely.

On the third day, after visiting the hill station, we prepared to leave for our next destination: Tadapani, which lies at an altitude of 2630 meters above sea level. We started our trek around 9:30 AM. The route to Tadapani was challenging and risky, as we had to climb two hills and navigate some difficult paths. Despite the tough terrain, our unity kept us strong. After walking for 6 hours, we reached Tadapani and had a great time.

The next day was the last day of our trek. After breakfast, we began our journey to Ghandruk. After a 2-hour walk, we arrived in Ghandruk, a place famous for its cultural attire and traditions. After spending an hour there, we headed back to Pokhara. That evening, we enjoyed a night walk. The following morning, we visited Tal Barahi Temple, followed by Devi's Falls and Gupteshwor Mahadev Cave. At 3 PM that day, we returned to Kathmandu, marking the end of our Poon Hill trek.

Those memories are truly remarkable, and recalling them brings back many moments. The school memories and the Poon Hill trek were unforgettable experiences that I cherish. All of these memories are wonderful, and even when we are busy with our lives, such memories remain special. Ultimately, the Poon Hill trek was so memorable that it cannot be forgotten.

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Is Black Hole a Wormhole?
- Sohan Bhattarai - 25003, Grad ... 10 September, 2024


Many researchers pay attention to black holes and wormholes that appear camouflaged among constellations. Black holes are considered space objects that behave like gigantic magnets that attract even light in space. They are thought to form from the collapse of massive stars. Wormholes, on the other hand, are hypothetical tunnels in spacetime that could allow travel across vast distances, possibly exceeding the speed of light. From a scientific point of view, such curiosity is born out of the possible relationship between these two cosmic objects. They argue that, at least in some sense, it is possible that one or two black holes could be turned into this kind of entity, although it is also possible that it may have been related to something similar. This thought excites scientists as it seems to be promising to unveil other angles to explore the universe and even space travel, something we saw only in movies and in our dreams before.


BlackHoles: A Mysterious Object

Black holes are the most unknown objects in the visible Universe, or the objects which are the focus of the present astrophysical research. The nomenclature of black holes is given from the fact that black holes are so massive that nothing in them, including light, can ever come out of them. This involves anything that from time to time was near a short-lived but enormously large star at the time it turned into a black hole. A black hole is derived from the exercise of gravitational force which results in the massive stars’ collapse in such a way that incredible compression in the star’s centre, profound gravity, draws the outer portion of the star and causes a black hole to be formed. The singularity of a black hole is the infinitely dense point situated at the centre of the collapsed star. Born from supermassive stars that are numerous times larger than the sun, the singularity is always surrounded by what is referred to as the event horizon, the point beyond which nothing can get out. Black holes are categorised with the mass they possess and depending on this mass, they are referred to as stellar black holes or supermassive black holes. That is what forms the event horizon and singularity, which is the stuff that makes a black hole so intriguing.



Astronomers studying thick interstellar space aim to detect evidence of wormholes, a theoretical concept in physics. Wormholes are theoretical bridges in spacetime with the conjectured ability to transport matter through larger distances and possibly faster than light. In General Relativity, it was postulated that gravity curves space-time and, when these equations are applied to absurdly large objects like black holes or other astronomically larger objects, the equations yield the theoretical hypothetical entities called Schwarzschild wormholes. This is where the most accurately calculated mathematical models of wormholes stem from — solutions to Einstein’s field equations. These are wormholes which are possibly navigable; they do not have the gravitational collapse that is characteristic of Schwarzschild wormholes. This type is named after two astrophysics professors at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who predicted their existence in 1988. Morris-Thorne wormholes are therefore solutions to the vacuum Einstein equations, implying that there is no necessary extra energy. These exist as a class of numerical solutions to the Einstein field equations, but whether such a shortcut could be as stable as to be used is still uncertain. Another layer of complexity is added to the quest for a perfect theory of wormholes, jittery spacetime can be stretched to form multi-page books, while immense black holes, which devour galaxies, leave cosmic ashes, and form gravity fields which can send photons very far.


Differences between Black Holes and Wormholes

The distinction between black holes and traversable wormholes is the differences in their properties with regard to gravity and also their other weak properties. Black holes are obtained through the gravitational compaction of a massive star and involve an inescapable force of gravity driving towards an event horizon where the pressure beyond which cannot be escaped. For a black hole, the singularity is a point of infinite density, while spacetime theory allows a class of stabilized shortcuts called traversable wormholes only in spacetime in case there is exotic matter with negative energy densities. In theory, these ‘hypothetical passages’ would not accompany the gravitational collapse with which the formation of a black hole is usually accompanied, and, can be pathways that enable one to travel from one part of the universe to another. Observable phenomenology also differs; black holes distort near their mouths as bending of nearby light paths and gravitational lensing but similar to traversable wormholes we can only infer its existence. Such an understanding helps to define connections between gravity and space-time that in turn give an insight into these mysterious phenomena occurring in space.


Challenges and Controversies

There are theoretical difficulties when theoretical physicists attempt to synchronize the basic regulating laws for such cosmic events. While black holes have been described as objects with measurable effects including the bending of light as described by Einstein’s theory of general relativity, how the same could be transformed into a traversable wormhole has been a compounding mystery. Further scientific questions relating to the existence and the stabilization of traversable wormholes are some of the most philosophical due to the hypothetical use of exotic matter with negative energy density which defies conventional physics. 


There are also some problems in the process of associating theory with empirical evidence. Observation of black holes using the characteristic property that they swallow light is impossible in the usual sense. Empirical validations also do not exist for traversable wormholes themselves, which are theoretical constructs and hence a major source of confusion regarding their existence. The current tools of observation and other technologies are not sufficient to inspect these cosmic phenomena; they need new methods to decipher and explain the mysteries and theoretical difficulties at the juncture of black holes and traversable wormholes.


Current Research and Observational Efforts

Scientists investigate black holes and wormholes in order to acquire information on these subjects, which is actually quite fascinating and unique in the context of the universe. Hence, they employ sophisticated instruments and gadgets to assist in observations. Future studies will explore just what it is that these enigmatic objects do and how the impact of them may be observed in the universe. Some of the newest scientists would like to know where they are and what they want, black holes and wormholes. However, using the present day’s technology to conduct cosmological experiments and attempt to study such quantum black holes and wormholes in the actual galaxy is still fiction. Thus, the only possibility for their reproduction at the present moment is to replace them with the help of some other tabletop experiments, for instance, a small-scale quantum computer, etc. They plan to peer deep into the cosmos and investigate and discover the very nature of such strange entities and how they impact the fundamental structure of the universe and time. These (efforts) as you may know are intended to discover more about the universe and they may one day lead to great discoveries that will in one way or another bring about significant changes in our understanding of the universe.


Practical Applications:

Furthermore, theoretical scientists are not only thinking of this as a way of gaining knowledge but they also have thoughts of thinking of how to come up with handy uses of such knowledge. Of all these possibilities, there is one that has shocked experimenters and theorists through one channel or another – the theoretical consideration of traversable wormholes. Thus, in theory, tunnels of this sort may be cosmic shortcuts enabling faster-than-light travel and building bigger channels that permit interstellar communication. The future of space exploration holds exciting possibilities for how these spacetime corridors might work in practice. However, turning these ideas into reality requires both ethical considerations and technological understanding. The appearance of ethical questions is quite logical, scientifically-restrained possibilities and their negative potential in the context of spacetime distortion must be balanced by the scientists. Furthermore, the technicality of creating stable and traversable wormholes is a technical maze that science has to navigate. Moving to the wider but sometimes plausible area of evidenced or at least hypothesized real-world applicability, ever-rising imagination is enhancing the concept of space travel and communication across stars with traversable wormholes.



Wormholes are thought to be black holes that act as bridges in space-time, which is an interesting but unproven idea in physics. Theoretically, black holes and wormholes are both related since they come from Einstein’s equations of general relativity. A black hole can have a singularity at its centre with only a way event horizon while a wormhole is expected to be some kind of tunnel connecting far-away regions of space-time. Scientists currently believe that black holes are not wormholes because there has been no observational evidence to support this possibility and significant problems exist in the theory models that describe them.

  • https://www.britannica.com/science/wormhole
  • https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0577907320301374
  • https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/283627/whats-the-difference-between-wormholes-and-black-holes
  • https://www.space.com/build-wormhole-using-extra-tiny-dimensions
  • https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-challenges-faced-while-studying-black-holes
  • https://www.msstate.edu/newsroom/article/2023/01/study-possible-wormholes-space-lands-msus-ye-prestigious-scientific#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20cosmological%20experiments%20to%20study,real%20option%20at%20this%20moment.
  • https://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11456-4

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