
Student Corner


William’s Lesson
- Anuska Yadav - 26003, Grade I ... 31 August, 2022

In a small village there lived three good friends. They were very interested in adventures and discoveries. Theri names were Harry, Smith, and William. They were living a happy time in that village regardless of being born in a poor family. They used to study in a government college and were often bullied for their financial status.

One day their science teacher gave an assignment to get different leaves plants for their project. Harry and Smith were very happy to get that assignment and decided to go to the jungle to collect the different plants for their assignments. But William was kind of afraid to go to that jungle as he heard many negative things about it from his grandparents and other villagers too. But Smith and Harry motivated him to join them and assured him that everything negative he heard about the jungle are just myths and nothing more. William had heard many stories of children getting lost, hearing many scary or screaming noises there. It was just a story but William was afraid to go there. It was also his first time to go there but others had gone earlier so that's why William was scared. After they explained a lot to William then he became ready to go but his fear wasn’t yet removed.

On Friday evening they decided to go to the jungle together. They decided to only search for plants in the edges and decided to not go deep as it may be dangerous from wild animals or they may be lost too. They were given a task to find about 10 or more special plants for the projects. They got 6 of their needed plants easily but rest was a little hard to find rest. Hardly after searching 1 -2 hours they found 3 other plants but didn’t get it. It was already about 7-7:30 and it was starting to become too dark. Then they returned back and asked the elder about the last plant and he guessed that it would be found too deep inside. Tomorrow on Saturday they went to the jungle with some food and water stuff to go deep inside. William was again not ready for it; they insisted him go.

After a 3 to 4 hours walk they reached the place where they would find the plant. They found it too. When they started digging underground to take out the plant with roots they saw a human’s hand. They were too scared. William almost ran back and thought the ghost killed it and they would also die. He started thinking many more negative thoughts but Smith alone dug all the area and saw the dead body which was recently buried as it had not started rotting. Harry remembered a news he had read 2 days ago in the newspaper as a 24 year male was lost in the jungle. They immediately returned to the village and informed the elder people there they again returned back with forest officers and police. Then after some days of investigation the result came that his rivals killed him and dug in there. This was a crime incident but William learned that there’s nothing negative and nothing like ghosts, bad sounds, etc exists. It's just fake stories.

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सङ्गीतविनाकाे जीवन
- Jiya Sapkota - 25003, Grade X ... 29 August, 2022

सङ्गीत कलाको एक रूप हो जुन यस ग्रहमा सबैको प्रिय हो। सङ्गीत एक व्यक्तिको लागि सुख तथा आनन्दको स्रोत पनि हुन सक्छ । मानिसहरू अनेक साङ्गीतिक रुचिकाे विविधताले भरिएको हुन्छ । त्यसैले विभिन्न मानिसहरूले विभिन्न प्रकारको सङ्गीतलाई प्राथमिकता दिन्छन् र मन पराउँछन् । सङ्गीतको विभिन्न विधाहरू हुन्छन् जस्तै; पप, रक, मेटल, पंक, ज्याज, हिप हप, कन्ट्री, इलेक्ट्रोनिक, फङ्क, आदि । सामान्यतयाः धेरैजसो मानिसहरूले यी विधाहरू मन पराउँछन् किनभने तिनीहरू यहाँ समावेश नभएका साङ्गीतिक विधाभन्दा बढी लोकप्रिय छन् र चर्चामा पर्दछन् । सङ्गीतले धेरै मानिसहरूलाई जीवन जीउने कला सिकाएकाे छ । यो धेरै मानिसहरूको लागि सङ्गीतकाे माध्यमबाट खुशीको स्रोत र आत्मविश्वासकाे आधार बनेकाे छ ।

कहिले कहिले त सोच्छु पनि, यदि सङ्गीत नै नभएको भए सङ्गीत बिनाको जीवन कस्तो हुन्छ होला भनेर। म आफैलाई प्रश्न पनि गर्छु यदि सङ्गीत थिएन भने, प्रत्येक पटक कसैले “नानु, के गर्न रुचाउछौ ?” भनेर प्रश्न गर्दा म के भन्थे होला? किनभने मेरो उत्तर त सधैँ “सङ्गीत सुन्छु” नै हुन्छ। म प्रायः अन्य विधाहरू भन्दा रक र मेटललाई अलि बढी प्राथमिकता दिन्छु । तर पप, आर एन्ड बी र अन्य सङ्गीतको विधाको रूपमा म "द वीकेन्ड" सुन्छु जो मेरो मनपर्ने सङ्गीतका कलाकार हुन् । मलाई आवाज कम भएका ती सुस्तरी-सुस्तरी बज्ने गीतहरू मन पराउन त एउटा युग नै लाग्छ होला। यस्ता गीतहरू सुन्दै न सुन्ने त हैन तर आफूलाई जे मन पर्छ त्यसमै धेरै ध्यान हुन्छ, जस्तै मलाई ठुलो आवाज हुने र चिच्याउन मिल्ने गीत सङ्गीत निक्कै राम्रो लाग्छ । समय समयमा मेरो कोठाबाट धेरै ड्याङ्गडुङ्ग आवाज आउँदा गीत न सुन्न वा ठुलाे आवाजमा नबजाउन आदेश आए पनि बरू केही उपाय खोजेर भए पनि सुन्ने गर्छु ।कहिले काहीँ त आएर आफैँ ढोका लाउने पनि गर्नुहुन्छ किनभने उहाँहरूले मेरो सङ्गीतप्रतिको लगाव बिस्तारै बुझिसक्नुभयो । सङ्गीतविनाको जीवन चाहिँ म कल्पना गर्न पनि सक्दिनँ। तीन चार बर्षअघि चाहिँ बरु सक्थे होला तर अहिले सोच्दा त यो केवल असम्भव मात्र हो भन्ने देख्छु ।

यो कुरा सत्य हो कि म लगभग हरपल सङ्गीतका साथ नै आफ्नो काम गरिरहेकी हुन्छु ।  फूलमा उसको बास्ना उसको मिठास भए जसरी नै सङ्गीत भनेको जीवनको मिठास हो। व्यक्तिगत रूपमा मेरो लागि सङ्गीत मसँग हरपल हुन्छ । यदि यो नै भएन भने त म निक्कै अलमल्लमा पर्ने छु।  हुन त धेरै सङ्गीत सुनेर पनि होला तर जब म अलमल्लमा हुन्छु म सङ्गीत नै सुन्छु, जहिले पनि म दुःखी वा निराश हुन्छु जहिले म खुसी हुन्छु वा निकै कठोर महसुस गर्छु । जब म भावनामा डुब्छु म सङ्गीत नै सुन्छु। सङ्गीत त्यहीँ हुन्छ जसले स्वर्णिम आनन्दकाे महसुस गराउँछ ।

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The Girl who craved for Love
- Aayusi Shrestha - 26002, Grad ... 29 August, 2022

My name is Lucy and I am 15. Life was perfect when I was a kid. I used to be a little kid who dreamt big just like other kids. I had a simple dream, I wanted to be a model. Looking back at how I wanted to be a model makes me want to cry. I destroyed my own dreams. All I want in life is happiness but somehow every single day just manages to get worse. I am sitting in my bed, holding in my tears and trying my best to not cry.

To be honest, I wasn't always this way. I used to be like sunshine when I was a kid, always smiling and laughing. I used to be the ideal youngster who was excellent in school but now I am just an average teen who is never good enough. I think I am losing myself. I used to be my parent’s little girl but now our bond is not the same. I sometimes miss how happy we used to be. I fight with my mom almost everyday and my dad and I do not even talk much. I have tried to kill myself a lot but no one knows. When I am at school or at my relatives I’m always smiling but I don’t think I can hold in my emotions any longer. I feel like one day I am just gonna burst and say everything out loud to others. Even my closest friends do not really know how I feel. It’s not that I am always sad, I feel happy sometimes but I start feeling empty again. Even if others do not know how I feel, I just want my parents to know and to comfort me. I don’t think it is possible though. I feel like no one likes me, not even my parents or my friends or my brother. I do want to vent to someone. It's not that I don't trust them, it's just that maybe they will find it annoying or cut ties with me. I can feel my eyes getting watery. Tears stream down my face and I can’t control it. I feel so insecure and lonely. Sometimes I feel angry at my parents because they never listen to me or try to understand me but in the end I just blame myself thinking I’m the problem. When I was a kid my parents almost divorced but even though they are together now it does not feel the same.

I told earlier I wanted to be a model but now I can’t imagine myself being one. Like the models are so pretty and have the perfect body and I am just an ugly girl with now confidence. I’ve always wanted to feel prettier so that people will start loving me. I starve myself and try lots of beauty products but I’ll never be as pretty as others. School is exhausting too. I have so much incomplete work to complete but every time I start doing my assignments I start to cry or overthink. Why is it that I can never be happier? Why can’t I be a good daughter or a good student? My eyes get blurry and with tears falling down my eyes I bring out a knife and cut my hand. I think to myself maybe the world would be a better place without me and I feel weaker. My 4 attempts all failed but I hope this time I can die and finally be at peace.

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- Aavash Malla - 26001, Grade I ... 26 August, 2022

टाढाको छ यात्रा अब‍‍‍‌‍
देश बाेकेर देश छाड्ने निर्णय गरी
बाआमा परिवार  छाडेपछि 
राम्ररी बाचाैँ र बचा‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‍औँ भनी

सबै छोडी गएर 
विदेश यात्रा न भने जस्तो न साेचे जस्ताे 
रहेन छ यहाँ 
पैसा त परकाे  कुरा ।

एक्लै गयौ विदेशमा 
दिन र रात मिहिनेत गरी
परिवार नेपालमा 
आफू खाडी मुलुकमा

सम्झिदा हुन् आफ्नो परिवारलाई 
कति सताउँदाे हो यादहरूले 
जानी जानी त्याे लामाे यात्रा
पक्कै थालिएकाे हाेइन 
तर समयले टाढा  पुऱ्यायो
कसरी फर्किने हाे  थाहा छैन 
बाकसमा या जिउँदै
आफू दिनरात खटेर 
अरूको देशमा

लाग्दो हो आफ्नो देशको माया 
तर गर्न सकिन्छ के नै यहाँ 
कहिले फर्किन्छाै भन्छिन् हाेलिन् 
घरमा पर्खेकी ती आमा
खै, याे जीवनकाे यात्रा कहाँ र कहिलेसम्म छ …।

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- Jiya Sapkota - 25003, Grade X ... 26 August, 2022

“A face that awakes when I close my eyes, A face watches every time I lie, A face watches every time I fall”, were the exact group of words I heard before I passed out. After waking up, I realized that I had been unconscious for a couple of minutes. I get too stressed out sometimes and I find myself getting anxious about it and I faint. This thing has happened 5 times this week and I blame myself for it. Every time I am doing my assignments and all my body alarms me to not forget about everything that has happened in my life. But what made me anxious today was the word “death”. Never had I experienced something like this in my life. I felt like the word was trying to tell me that something bad is going to happen tomorrow.  I can not keep myself in a similar state for even an hour, especially with so much workload. The only thing that calms me down is music, music is like my everything. People often question me about the kind of music I listen to and they do not expect my answer, some people jump out of excitement after learning and some just reply “oh? You look too feminine to listen to THAT kind of music”. I mean do I really have to listen to something that matches my appearance? People have preferences. Plus, you like what you like. Do we really need to clarify?

I am only talkative with the people I am close with, and every time while starting a conversation with someone new, I usually pull out the “Oh I’m from Asia” card. It is fun. Because they start to get curious and ask me literally everything. I almost every time tell about how homesick I am. Leaving my own country immediately after turning 18 was the hardest thing. I have always been ambitious so I really thought it was going to be fine. Leaving the place you grew up in is one of the hardest chapters of  one's life is something I realized just a few weeks before my flight to the UK from Nepal. As the day of flight grew near, the nervousness of me leaving grew. And now, It has been 2 years since I left Nepal. I am 20 but I am turning 21 in a few weeks.

After an hour or so, Saige came to pick me up for a freshen-up ride. Saige is my best friend whom I trust with my whole heart. But the funny fact is that we both met on a date. We were together for quite a while but realized that we were better off as friends and that was the best decision ever. She is literally a part of my life I can never imagine losing. Long after the ride, I realized that I had to iron my shirt for the first day at work. I decided to work part time as I am in a huge need of money. I left my previous part time job and joined this due to financial instability. A cashier at a renowned office seems tough but I know for a fact that I can definitely pull off.

After reaching the office, I was led to a small room for the cashier. But I learned that I was not the ONLY cashier there and so later a rude looking man who looked like my age entered the room. Staring at me for quite a minute, the man finally spoke out saying “I thought I was  the only one”. I wanted to blurt out “same” but I just flashed him a small smile and turned back into the music I was listening to. I actually had no job on the first day though. Not that I wanted to notice, but I somehow noticed that his facial features matched with someone I met a few years back. I noticed that his name was Arthur. Although he seemed rude and arrogant, when we started talking I felt like he was the most fun person to be around. Like the friend who seems serious but is actually fun? He was attractive, I can’t deny but him having similar music taste as mine made him even more attractive. After knowing so, he even insisted on playing music directly from the computer, rather than plugging in headphones. I was still inside the room, the music still on, I was minding my own business when I heard the same lyrics I heard yesterday, before passing out. “A face that awakes when I close my eyes, A face watches every time I lie, A face watches every time I fall”. My body panicked and then it hit me…

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नेपाली राजनीतिमा विकृति
- Smriti Lama - 25015, Grade X ... 25 August, 2022

विकृति भनेको के हो त ? विकृति भनेको कुनै कुराको विकार, बिगार वा खराब  हुनु हो । केही कुरामा विकृति देखिन थाल्यो भने विविध क्षेत्रमा प्रभाव पार्न सक्छ । त्यस्ता विकृतिका क्षेत्रहरु  हुन सक्छन् जस्तै; पारिवारिक विकृति,सामाजिक विकृति,सांस्कृतिक राजनैतिक विकृति आदि । पारिवारिक विकृतिले परिवारलाई, सामाजिक विकृतिले समाजलाई असर पार्छ भने राजनैतिक विकृतिले देशलाई  नै असर गर्छ ।
विगत केही वर्षदेखि नेपालको स्थिति हेर्ने हो भने नेपालको राजनीति साह्रै विकृत भएको छ । नेपालको राजनीति विकृत हुनाका कारणहरू धेरै छन् तर मलाई लाग्छ सबैभन्दा प्रमुख कारण भनेकाे भ्रष्टाचार हाे । हाम्रो देशमा धेरै मानिसहरू नेतृत्व गर्ने तहमा पनि  छन् तर पनि अहिलेसम्म कसैले देशकाे विकास वा सकारात्मक परिवर्तन हुने काम गरेका छैनन् । मैले सबै नेतृत्व गर्ने नेताहरूलाई नराम्रो भन्न खोजेको हाेइन । देशमा भएका सबै नेता त अबुझ पनि छैनन् होला । आफ्नो देशको परिवर्तनका बारेमा सोच्ने पनि हुनुपर्ने ? यदि भएको भए अहिले हाम्रो देश नेपाल यो ठाउँमा हुँदैनथ्यो होला । हाम्रो देशका नेताहरूकै कारण देशको राजनीति अहिलेसम्म पनि जनताले साेचेजस्ताे राम्रो हुन सकेको छैन । देशमा उठ्ने करकाे सही सदुपयाेग पनि भएकाे पाइँदैन । सरकारले बजेटकाे प्रयोग गलत ठाउँमा गर्‍यो भने कसरी देश विकास हुन्छ ? कसरी राजनितिमा सुधार आउँछ ? कुनै पनि क्षेत्रमा विशेष बजेट छुट्ट्याइएको हुन्छ अनि त्यसमा पनि सबैभन्दा उच्च स्तरका मानिसले आफ्नै स्वार्थअनुरूप प्रयोग गरिरहेका हुन्छन् । बजेटकाे समानुपातिक वितरण प्रणालीका आधारमा नभएका कारणले पनि देशका नागरिकहरूले गुणस्तरीय तथा दीगाे विकास कस्ताे हुन्छ भन्ने कुराकाे अनुभूति गर्न पाएका छैनन् । मलाई लाग्छ, युवा पुस्ताले संसद तथा  सरकारमा सहभागिता जनाए विकासका काम धमाधम गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने कुरा पुराना पुस्ताले अझै स्वीकार गरेका छैनन् । युवाहरूलाई देश परिवर्तन गर्नका लागि राजनीतिमा असफल भएकाले बाटाे खुला गर्नुपर्छ । युवाहरूलाई मौका दिनुपर्छ । पुरानाहरू पदबाट बाहिर हुनुपर्छ किनभने उनीहरूसँग भएकाे राजनीति अनुभव  युवाहरुलाई बाँड्नु पर्छ तर थाहा छैन सदावहार राजनीतिक पेवा ठान्नेहरुले आजका जनतालाई के चाहिन्छ र हामी विकासका कामहरू कसरी छिटो गर्न सक्छौँ भन्ने कुरा । भ्रष्ट सरकारका कारण देशमा विकास निर्माणको काम राम्ररी हुन सकेको छैन । याे सबै राजनीतिक विकृतिका कारणले भएकाे हाे भन्न सकिन्छ । त्यसैले राजनीति विकृतिकाे निवारण गर्नु हामी सबैकाे प्रमुख दायित्व हाे ।

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Dark Matter
- Aavash Malla - 26001, Grade I ... 25 August, 2022

Dark matter is a hypothesized type of matter that is thought to make up about 85% of the universe's matter.Dark matter is so-called the dark matter  because it doesn't seem to interact with the electromagnetic field, which means it doesn't absorb, reflect, or produce electromagnetic radiation like light, making it hard to detect.Any material that primarily interacts with visible matter through gravity is referred to be dark matter. Although dark matter has not yet been directly seen, it must rarely interact with other regular matter and radiation other than gravity. We have only barely explored space and are not even sure about many theories that we have created regarding space,time and matter. Dark matter is a part of the cosmos that can only be detected by its gravitational pull, not by its brightness. Fritz Zwicky of the California Institute of Technology first used the phrase "Dark Matter" in 1933 to refer to the invisible substance that must exist in one aspect of the cosmos. Since it is dark, we cannot see whether it is in the forms of Stars or Planets. Dark matter is not made of baryonic clouds because then we could have seen the matters absorbing the radiation which passes by it.One popular theory holds that dark matter is made up of strange particles that have no interaction with ordinary matter or light but yet have gravitational force.Even between the Earth and the moon, dark matter comprises to almost 24 trillion tons.Galaxies were formed in large part as a result of dark matter.

Dark matter, which makes up the majority of galaxies' and galaxy clusters' mass, also gives galaxies their large-scale structure. Meanwhile, we refer to the mysterious force behind the universe's fast expansion as dark energy.Your physical body would crumble if all of the atoms in it were converted to dark matter atoms. Without ordinary matter, your atoms wouldn't be held together any more, which is why dark matter is very dangerous . Galaxies would lose a significant portion of the gas that creates new stars just after the first significant star-forming event they experienced if dark matter didn't exist. According to recent research, one kind of dark matter may act like small, high-speed projectiles that may penetrate human tissue like bullets. In reality, the heat from the dark matter hit would tunnel through biological tissue as a plasma plume, dissolving flesh. There is dark matter even inside you but not too much. Dark matter particles may even be able to go straight through our globe without losing any energy because they can pierce all other types of stuff. On the other side, they could be significantly hampered and lose energy if they collide with the common substance that makes up Earth. Nothing bad will happen.

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- Sunabi Pokharel - 25018, Grad ... 24 August, 2022

मेरो गाउँमा, सहरिया थिए, गाउँले भए अहिले
विकासको मूल फुटी, गाउँले भए अहिले ।
हिँड्दै पुग्ने पसल जाँदा डुङ्गा चढ्छु अहिले
पसलबाट चिप्लेटीमै घर आइपुग्छु अहिले ।।

पक्की थियो बाटो पहिले, हिलाम्मे छ अहिले
खाली खुट्टै हिँडिदिन्छु क्या मस्ती छ अहिले ।
बाइक, मोटर, पेट्रोल खर्छ कति गाह्रो पहिले
पेसा, रोजगार गरी खान्थे, बसी खान्छन् अहिले ।।

सानो बाटो ठुलो बन्ने लक्ष्य हो रे अहिले
भ्यागुता र माछा हिँड्छन् त्यही बाटोमा अहिले ।
मान्छे, गाडि हिँड्यो भने बजेट आउँदैन रे
दु:ख नभै सुखका त दिन नै आउँदैन रे ।।

नाली भित्र ढल बग्थ्यो, भूमिगत थियो पहिले
माथ्लाघरे दाइ बग्यो रे त्यहि खोलामा अहिले ।
कलकल गर्ने खोला थियो, पौडी खेल्थे पहिले
ढल निकासको डम्पिङ साइट, त्यही खोला छ अहिले ।।

खेतीपाती हरियाली कति राम्रो पहिले
खेतबारी बाँझो राखी विदेश जान्छन् अहिले ।
सुल्टो विकास दौडिराथ्यो, सुन्दर गाउँथ्यो पहिले
उल्टो उल्टो काम हुँदैछ, मेरो गाउँमा अहिले ।।

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A Word
- Angel Dhimal - 25002, Grade X ... 24 August, 2022

Isn't it strange how a word can cause a lot of pain to someone and also a good choice of word can give a lot of happiness? The word is a magical thing. It can make a beautiful relationship whereas at the same time it can break the relationship. What we speak and how we deliver words are very important as we meet with a lot of new people throughout the day.

The words we speak are the most important thing. As I have said before, words are magical. They can change people's thinking towards you, change their behavior and also come to a good or bad conclusion about you and your personality. The words or the way we speak and behave is a major thing to make our personality acceptable in the society. For example you are the CEO of a very remarkable company but your behavior towards your juniors is not nice. You don't respect them and speak whatever you like to them. How would they judge you as a person? You would not be counted as a respectable person for them. Even if you earn a lot of money, if you  speak whatever you like in front of people that makes them upset, if you are rude then they won't like you. Money is not everything, your behavior, your selection of words to speak determines your character. The words we deliver to a person are very important. We must think twice before we speak. We have learnt in many books or in many novels that words hurt more than knives. The words we speak can affect a person very deeply. Isn't it strange how it is possible for one to get hurt from a word? but I have seen many people whose relationships have broken apart just because of miscommunication or just because of an inappropriate word that they used. Whenever we are angry with someone we talk rudely and while talking we actually don't realize what we are saying. We use different words to take out our anger and all. But we forget what other people will be feeling by hearing those words we speak in anger. We must always think how we would feel if we were in that situation. My mother always tells me that whenever you speak, think many times and if we are angry we must not talk if we don't have control over our word. Your one word can hurt a person's feeling whether we have said that word in a joke or unknowingly. The knives or the pain that someone gives in our body is physical but the words that hurt us will always remain in our heart and mind. It affects us mentally. We also know that if we speak something that is disheartening for someone then that person can go overthinking. If someone  uses words talking about your insecurities or flaws that will sure affect them mentally. There must be politeness in our words. If we don't have the kind of politeness and we show wrong behavior to others they won't judge us in a good way. The people simply make a conclusion that he/she is not a good person and dont deserve any kind of respect. In many families this kind of problem arises too. Sometimes parents tell the things that make their child insecure and their feelings get hurt. Sometimes the children also talk rudely with their parents. The situation is between a parent and child. It will get solved. But when it comes to society or other people, the situation won't remain the same. There are some people who get hurt but still dont show it , some people don't feel anything at all and there are some people who get hurt a lot. Slowly  their behavior  will change for you. They might not talk with you or might make distance with you because they have experienced how it feels when they talk with you. And as a result you hurt them with words. If we speak properly and treat everyone with the same respect they will give us back respect. If we encourage them with their insecurities then they surely will like to talk with us. If we have politeness in our words the people will like our behavior. Even if we are very poor but we are manared and respect everyone our standard will be higher than the rich person. If we do the correct word situation and have control in our words then we will never have any conflicts. Our relationship with everyone will remain nice and friendly. We are living in a society and it is important that we maintain good relationships with others. Whenever we meet someone what do we do? We talk with them and we greet them. And at the first meeting if we talk rudely or our words don't support us then the people might feel bad and awkward. Whenever we talk with someone we must talk with all respect, love and politeness.

We must be very careful with the words we use. We must never make fun of anyone. The words hurt deep and we must understand that. We should always try to see ourselves in place of the victim and then think. To be a respectful and honorable person, money is not important. Our behavior and the way we speak is very important. We must always remember that the way we speak reflects our character and judges our personality. .Remember that the words hurt deeper than the sword so whenever you speak, think many times.

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प्राकृतिक तथा राष्ट्रिय सम्पदाहरू
- Ayan Basnet - 25019, Grade X ... 23 August, 2022

पुस्ताबाट सर्दै आएका महत्त्वपूर्ण र बहुमूल्य वस्तु, स्थान, कला, संस्कृति र प्राकृतिक वातावरणलाई वर्तमानमा संरक्षण गरी भावी पुस्ताका लागि प्रस्तुत गरिने कुराहरूलाई सम्पदा भनिन्छ ।  वन्यजन्तु, वन, नदी, ताल, हिमाल, पहाड आदि हाम्रा प्राकृतिक सम्पदाहरू हुन् । जैविक विविधता, भौगोलिक संरचना र कलात्मक, ऐतिहासिक, वैज्ञानिक वा सामाजिक महत्त्व वा अन्य विशेष मूल्य भएका संरचनाहरू नै प्राकृतिक सम्पदा हुन् । यी सम्पदहरूले देशका गौरव र सुन्दरता बढाउँछन् । हाम्रा प्राकृतिक सम्पदाहरूले राष्ट्रकाे पहिचान दिन्छन् । यिनले देशको पर्यटन क्षेत्र र अर्थतन्त्रमा टेवा पुर्याउँछन् ।
विश्वकाे सर्वाेच्च शिखर सगरमाथा राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज नेपालको प्राकृतिक सम्पदा विश्व  उदाहरण हो । सगरमाथा राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज सन् १९७६ साउन १९ गते स्थापना भएको हो । यो सोलुखुम्बु जिल्लामा अवस्थित छ । सन् १९७९ मा विश्व सम्पदा सूचीमा सूचीकृत भएको सगरमाथा पनि यही क्षेत्रमा अवस्थित छ । सगरमाथा बाहेक, ल्होत्से, चोयु, पुमोरी, आदि यस राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जमा अवस्थित अन्य प्रमुख चुचुराहरू छन् । यो नेपालको सबैभन्दा लोकप्रिय र गौरवपूर्ण प्राकृतिक सम्पदा हाे । दोस्रो चितवन राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज हाे । चितवन राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज नेपालको प्रमुख पर्यटकीय गन्तव्य मध्येको एक हो । यो चितवन जिल्लामा करिब १२० किलोमिटरमा फैलिएकाे छ । यो विश्वमा बिरलै पाइने एकसिङ्गे गैँडाका लागि प्रख्यात छ । रोयल बङ्गाल टाइगर यस राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जमा पाइने अर्को महत्वपूर्ण वन्यजन्तु हो । यस्तै पशुपतिनाथ, बाैद्धनाथ, काठमाडाैँ दरबार स्क्वायर, पाटन दरबार स्क्वायर, भक्तपुर दरबार स्क्वायर, लुम्बिनी, चाँगुनारायण आदि  नेपालक राष्ट्रिय सम्पदाहरू हुन् । यिनीहरूले नेपालकाे पर्यटन र आर्थिक विकासमा महत्त्पूर्ण भूमिका निर्वाह गरेका छन् ।

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साइबर अपराध र यसबाट बच्ने उपाय
- Sauharda Bajracharya - 26010, ... 22 August, 2022

बढ्दाे प्रविधिको यस संसारमा अधिकांश मानिसहरू इन्टरनेट र कम्प्युटरको प्रयोग गर्छन् । इन्टरनेटकाे बढ्दो प्रयाेगसँगै मानिसहरू साइबर अपराध र यसबाट कसरी बच्ने भन्नेबारे जान्न आवश्यक छ । साइबर अपराध भनेको कम्प्युटर र नेटवर्क समावेश गरी गरिने अपराध हो । यसले कसैको व्यक्तिगत सुरक्षा र आर्थिक अवस्थालाई हानि पुर्याउन सक्छ । त्यसैकारण, हामीले इन्टरनेटमा आफ्नो व्यक्तिगत जानकारी दिनुभन्दा अघि हामीले त्यो वेबसाइट विश्वासनीय छ कि छैन हेर्नुपर्छ । ठगी अपराध, अनलाइनमा सताउने, साइबर युद्ध, विज्ञापन ठगी, आदि सबै साइबर अपराध अन्तर्गत पर्छन् ।
विश्वमा धेरै मानिसहरू ठगी अपराध र विज्ञापन ठगीमा परेका छन् । सामान्यतया मानिसहरूलाई सामाजिक सञ्जालमा यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस् र १ करोड जित्नुहोस् भनेर स्क्रिन प्रस्तुत गरिन्छ । धेरै मानिसहरू यस जालमा फस्छन् र आफ्नो व्यक्तिगत र अन्य जानकारीहरू राख्छन् र ठगिन्छन् । यदि, हामीले याे सबै भने अनुसारकाे गर्दै गयाैँ भने हाम्राे व्यक्तिगत विवरणबाट ह्याकरले हाम्राे सबै कुरा थाह पाउँछ । यस्तै गरी साइन अप गर्नुहोस् र सित्तैमा केही जित्नुहोस् प्रस्ताव देखेर साइनअप गरेमा हामी ठगिने डर हुन्छ । सूचना प्रविधि सुरक्षा विशेषज्ञहरूले २००१ सालदेखि नै इन्टरनेटमा ठग र घोटालाहरू छन् भन्ने कुरा थाहा पाएका थिए ।

त्यतिबेला त धेरै कम मानिसहरूसँग कम्प्युटर र इन्टरनेट थियो तर अहिले त अधिकांश मानिसहरूसँग कम्प्युटर र इन्टरनेट छ । त्यसकारण अहिले यस्ता साइबर अपराधका घटनाहरू पहिलाभन्दा अझै धेरै छन् । अहिले अधिकांश मानिसहरू इन्टरनेटमा भएकाले मानिसको व्यक्तिगत जानकारी चुहावट गर्ने, अरूको खाता ह्याक गर्ने, धम्की दिने, पैसाको लागि मानिसहरूलाई गैरकानुनी अपराध गर्न लगाउने जस्ता कार्यहरू बढ्दै गएका छन् । इन्टरनेटको माध्यमबाट मानिसहरूलाई धम्की दिएर अनि हत्या गरेका धेरै घटनाहरू पनि छन् । ह्याकरहरूले अरूको कम्प्युटर ह्याक गरेर मालवेयर र भाइरसहरू राखेका धेरै घटनाहरू पनि छन् । जसरी प्रविधिको विकास हुँदै जान्छ, अपराधीहरूले त्यसरी नै अपराध गर्ने नयाँ नयाँ तरिका खाेज्दै जान्छन् । मानिसहरू यस तरिकाको अपराध र ठगीमा पर्नुले हाम्रो समाज प्राविधिक क्षेत्रमा कति पछाडि छ भनेर देखाउँछ । हाम्रो समाजमा कम्प्युटर र इन्टरनेटको बारेमा धेरै कम मानिसहरूलाई ज्ञान भएको कारण ह्याकरहरू सजिलैसँग हाम्रो कम्प्युटरमा सजिलै ह्याक गरी चलखेल गर्छन् ।

यस्ताे साइबर अपराधबाट बच्ने चाहिँ कसरी ? हामी त्यस्ता साइबर अपराध र आक्रमणहरूबाट आफूलाई पूर्ण रूपमा जोगाउन सक्दैनौँ । हामी तिनीहरूलाई रोक्न चाहिँ सक्छौँ । इन्टरनेट चलाउँदा हामी सावधान रहनुपर्छ । हामीले जथाभावी लिङ्कहरू क्लिक गर्नु हुदैँन, थाहा नभएको साइटहरू र लिङ्कहरूमा पनि विश्वास गर्नुहुदैँन । कम्प्युटरमा बलियो पासवर्डहरू राख्नुपर्छ र हामीले पासवर्डहरू अरूलाई दिनु हुँदैन । यदि हामीले अनजानमा पनि त्यस्ता लिङ्कहरू क्लिक गर्यौँ भने हामीले तिनीहरूलाई तुरून्तै बन्द गर्नुपर्छ । यदि हामी त्यस्तो जालमा फस्यौँ भने हामीले सुरक्षा निकायमा रिपोर्ट गर्नुपर्छ । हामीले इन्टरनेटको सुरक्षित प्रयोगको बारेमा मानिसहरूलाई सचेत गराउनुपर्छ । हामीले भाइरस वा खराब सफ्टवेयर डाउनलोड गर्नु हुँदैन । हामी सुरक्षित रहन भि.पि.न प्रयोग गर्नुपर्छ र प्रविधिसँगसँगै अगाडि बढ्दै जानुपर्छ ।

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