
Student Corner

My Brother

Written by: Anuska Yadav - 26003, Grade IX

Posted on: 23 August, 2022

Since I was a kid my brother always treated me nicely. 
We fought a lot, but also we laughed and cried together. 
I am very proud of my brother, he is meaningful to me,
I hope he will be in my life for each and every moment.

My brother is not only a brother, he is my best friend,
Doesn't matter where he is, he stands for me. 
When I used to do wrong, he taught me the right thing. 
He is my brother, he is right for me.

A brother like him to find is very hard,
His concern has made my life easy.
Because of  him I haven’t felt any stress
And learnt many lessons from him.

I am blessed for he is my brother,
Who always helps me to go in the right direction.
Having a brother like him has always been a boon 
Richly blessed from the gods I am
All for having a brother like him.