
Student Corner

William’s Lesson

Written by: Anuska Yadav - 26003, Grade IX

Posted on: 31 August, 2022

In a small village there lived three good friends. They were very interested in adventures and discoveries. Theri names were Harry, Smith, and William. They were living a happy time in that village regardless of being born in a poor family. They used to study in a government college and were often bullied for their financial status.

One day their science teacher gave an assignment to get different leaves plants for their project. Harry and Smith were very happy to get that assignment and decided to go to the jungle to collect the different plants for their assignments. But William was kind of afraid to go to that jungle as he heard many negative things about it from his grandparents and other villagers too. But Smith and Harry motivated him to join them and assured him that everything negative he heard about the jungle are just myths and nothing more. William had heard many stories of children getting lost, hearing many scary or screaming noises there. It was just a story but William was afraid to go there. It was also his first time to go there but others had gone earlier so that's why William was scared. After they explained a lot to William then he became ready to go but his fear wasn’t yet removed.

On Friday evening they decided to go to the jungle together. They decided to only search for plants in the edges and decided to not go deep as it may be dangerous from wild animals or they may be lost too. They were given a task to find about 10 or more special plants for the projects. They got 6 of their needed plants easily but rest was a little hard to find rest. Hardly after searching 1 -2 hours they found 3 other plants but didn’t get it. It was already about 7-7:30 and it was starting to become too dark. Then they returned back and asked the elder about the last plant and he guessed that it would be found too deep inside. Tomorrow on Saturday they went to the jungle with some food and water stuff to go deep inside. William was again not ready for it; they insisted him go.

After a 3 to 4 hours walk they reached the place where they would find the plant. They found it too. When they started digging underground to take out the plant with roots they saw a human’s hand. They were too scared. William almost ran back and thought the ghost killed it and they would also die. He started thinking many more negative thoughts but Smith alone dug all the area and saw the dead body which was recently buried as it had not started rotting. Harry remembered a news he had read 2 days ago in the newspaper as a 24 year male was lost in the jungle. They immediately returned to the village and informed the elder people there they again returned back with forest officers and police. Then after some days of investigation the result came that his rivals killed him and dug in there. This was a crime incident but William learned that there’s nothing negative and nothing like ghosts, bad sounds, etc exists. It's just fake stories.