
Student Corner


झरीका दिन
- Ojeshwi Gurung - 23029, Grade ... 24 September, 2021

नरोकिन घेरै समय वा दिनसम्म  पानी परिरहने बेलालाई झरी भनिन्छ । झमझम पानी पर्ने  वा घेरै वर्षा हुने दिनहरू नै झरीका दिन हुन् । यसलाई अर्को शब्दमा बर्खायाम तथा मनसुन पनि भन्न सकिन्छ । नेपालकाे सन्दर्भमा भन्दा असारदेखि भदौ महिनासम्मका दिनलाई  झरीका दिनहरूका रूपमा लिन सकिन्छ । 

चर्को घामले समस्त जीवन-जगत्‌लाई पोलेर अत्याउनु गर्मीयामको विशेषता हो भने सेतै हिउँ, तुषारो, ठन्डी,  ठिही र मुटु कमाउने जाडो शिशिरयामका विशेषता हुन् । मेघको गर्जन र बिजुलीको चम्काइबिना झमझम पानी पर्ने  झरीका दिनहरूलाई  विभिन्न व्यक्तिले आआफ्नै किसिमले लिने गर्छन् । वर्षान्तमा झरी पर्नु प्राकृतिक विशेषता नै हो । झरीका दिनहरूमा निकै पानी पर्छ । नेपालजस्तो भौगोलिक विशेषता भएको मुलुकका लागि निकै दिन लगातार झरी पर्दा प्राकृतिक प्रकोपको सम्भावना पनि त्यतिकै रहन्छ । पहिरोका साथै ठुला नदीहरूमा पानीकाे मात्रा बढ्न गई ती नदीका आसपासका इलाकामा बाढीको प्रकोप भएर धेरै उर्वर खेतका फाँटहरू र कतिपय बस्तीसमेत मारमा पारेको देखिन्छ । 

रोपाइँ गर्ने किसानहरूका लागि झरीका दिनहरू निकै रोमाञ्चक, आनन्ददायक र रमणीय हुन्छन् । यस अवधिलाई नेपालका सबैजसो किसानहरू खेतका आली र डिल ताछेर, खेत खेनजोत गरी धानको ब्याड राखेर कहिले झरी पर्ला र रोपाइँ  थालौँला भन्ने प्रतीक्षा गरेर बसेका देखिन्छन् । उनीहरूको यो समय मुठी रोपेर मुरी उब्जाउनका लागि रोपाइँ गर्ने समय हो । अझ नदी तथा अन्य कुनै स्रोतबाट सिँचाइको सुविधा नपुगेका खेतमा त किसानहरूका लागि झरीका दिनहरू अन्नपूर्णाकै वरदान साबित हुन्छन् ।

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Life is Meaningless, We all Die
- Aashutosh Pudasaini - 22002, ... 24 September, 2021

Why bother living when in the end it all amounts to nothing? It doesn’t make any difference whether you spend your life sleeping on your mother’s couch lazy and jobless or living your life as a fancy suit-wearing entrepreneur. It’s like that catchy Linkin Park song ‘In the end, it doesn’t even matter’, as the destination is the same, DEATH, so why? What makes some people leave their comfortable bed at 5 am in the morning to sell milk while some people don’t even bother bruising their teeth? Is it this flawed system of assigning value above each individual's head called money or is it moral values? It is probably the first one, but I personally think it is to avoid “uncomfortability” to not ‘get the blues’.

Being Uncomfortable sucks. We have all been in the state of being “ Uncomfortable”, maybe someone forced you to give a speech to a large audience, or you had to get wet in the rain because you forgot your umbrella, or maybe your friend started talking about embarrassing things to a person like. We as a part of Society believe that any form of discomfort can be eliminated if we make enough money and it is true for the most part. Your shoes have gotten old and have holes in them that make you uncomfortable, throw some money, get a new one, discomfort GONE. What people don’t understand is it is ok to be uncomfortable. I used to hate being uncomfortable until I realized that the feeling uncomfortable was the most effective way to learn about yourself, you’ll learn about your strength, weaknesses, you’ll learn about what you’re you afraid of and most importantly you’ll learn about what makes you comfortable, you don’t grow when you are in comfortable state, when you’re comfortable you don’t progress anymore than you already have. You are fixed in one stop with no momentum in life. I am not telling you to go fight a monkey or anything. When you get an opportunity that you know will make you uncomfortable, say yes, take part in it. You never know you might end up enjoying it.

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Fact about HoneyBee
- Kunjal Shrestha - 23025, Grad ... 24 September, 2021

Honeybees are social insects. They tend to live in a colony. The lifecycle of bees goes through four stages. They are egg, larva, pupa and adult. The colony of bees consists of three castes: queen bee, worker bee and drones(males). 

In the first stage, the queen lays about 3000 pin head sized eggs in a single day. Eggs take three days to hatch into larvae. The larvae resemble a grain of rice. The worker bees feed larvae. The larvae which are destined to develop in queen bees feed on special bee secretion called royal jelly. The larvae will stop eating, spin themself a cocoon and begin to take the form of pupa on about the sixth day. Then pupa is sealed into brood cells by the workers. Then in the pupa stage, the bees begin to develop legs, eyes and wings. The process is called histogenesis. Pupa stages usually last for seven and half days for the queen, twelve days for workers and about fourteen days for drones. In the adult stage, all the bees are fully grown. The typical colony consists of one queen bee. 100 to 500 drone bees and 10,000 to 50,000 worker bees. 

Bees are friendly and don't attack or sting without being provoked. But it also depends on the shape of the defensive response of bees, like genetics and their roles in the colony. According to researchers bees can recognize human faces the same way we do. The friendliest bee is the bumblebee. The bumblebee is the largest and gentlest of all the known species of bees. They live mostly alone and don't swarm. We don't have to be afraid of the friendly furry bee although they might sting if they feel threatened.

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आइतबारको बिहान
- Ishan Raj Upadhyay - 22008, G ... 23 September, 2021

आइतबारको बिहान भएसँगै मलाई केही सातादेखि फुटसल भनेर याद आउँछ । लगभग ३ साताअघिको कुरा हो । शनिबार र आइतबार हाम्रो विद्यालय बिदा हुन्छ । त्यो शनिबार पनि अन्य शनिबारजस्तै चलचित्र हेरेर लगभग बिहानको ३ बजेतिर निदाको थिएँ । सुतेको मात्र के थिएँ, मेरो फोनमा मेरो साथी अधितले फोन गर्यो । ३ बजे त निदाएको थिएँ, पहिलेको २, ३ फोनको त मेसो नै पाइनँ । केही समयपछि फेरि फोन आयो अनि एक्कासि उठेँ । निद्राकै सुरमा थिएँ । आँखा मिच्दै हेलाे मात्र के भनेको थिएँ, उताबाट फुर्तीका साथ "ओइ आज फुटसल आउँदैनस् ? १० बजेको खेल छ" भनेर भन्यो । निकै नै ढिलो सुतेको हुनाले शरीरमा त्यति फुर्ती पनि थिएन । "ह्या ! आजका लागि होस्, अरू कुनै दिन जाने" भन्दै फोन काट्नै लागेको थिएँ तर एक्कासि एक मनले भन्याे, "हिँड् इशान ! धेरै भयो नखेलेको पनि, उसै त लकडाउनले गर्दा मोटाएको छस्, कति बस्छस् घरमै ?" अनि निद्रा माया माररेर उठेँ । १० बजेको समय दिइएको हुनाले म घरबाट आफ्नो फुटसल ब्याग बोकेर ९ बजे हिँडेँ ।  साथीहरू र हाम्रा गुरुबाहरू पनि आइसक्नुभएको रहेछ।   

निकै दिनपछि खेल्ने मौका पाउँदा म निकै उत्साहित थिएँ । हामी दुईओटा टिममा छुट्टियाैँ शिक्षक र विद्यार्थी खेल्ने निधो भएपछि हाम्रो खेल सुरु भयो ।  सुरवात त दुवैतिरबाट राम्रै भएको थियो तर खेलसँगै हामी गेम बाट खस्किदै गयौँ । १ गोलले पछि हुँदा हुँदै ११ गोलले हामी पछाडि पर्यौं । 
जति पछि परे पनि हामीले हार चाहिँ मानिसकेका थिएनौँ । १ घण्टा खेल्ने भनेर आएको हुँदा हुँदै १ बाट २ र २ बाट साढे २ घण्टा भइसकेको थियाे ।  हामी ११ गोलले पछाडि भए पनि हिम्मत नहारेको हुँदा हामीले गाेल अन्तर १ गोलसम्म ल्ययाैँ तर अन्तिममा गएर १ गोलले पराजित हुनुपर्यो ।
खेलमा हार र जित त भइहाल्छ तर धेरै पछि घरबाट निस्किएर खेल्न पाउँदा भिन्दै रमाइलो लग्यो । हामी कोरोनले गर्दा घरमै कैद थियौँ । यो महामारीका कारण सबै दिनचर्या ठप्प नै भइसकेको थियो तर कोरोन सङ्क्रमण अलि कम भएसँगै मान्छेहरू आफ्नो दिनचर्यामा लाग्ने, घुम्ने, खेल्नेजस्ता कार्यमा फर्किएका छन् । यस्तो समयमा खेलकुद, योग वा अन्य कुरा गरेर आफ्नो शरीरलाई स्वस्थ राख्नु निकै जरुरी छ । धेरै समयपछि भएर होला मलाई त्यो दिन निकै रमाइलो लग्यो । 

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Nepali Politics
- Sashwot Poudel - 23039, Grade ... 23 September, 2021

Corruption, Money, more money, BMW, Rolex ,Thailand tour, account in the Swiss bank, Gold and diamonds.Woow,This the most amazing politics one can even experience.Nepali politics actually is the easiest way to make a name on the Forbes list. But Forbes doesn’t count black money otherwise Nepali politician
would be there ahead of Elon musk.

Nepali politics is so corrupted that the nation has a loan above Nrs 60,000 per head but development work is nowhere to be seen. The constitution says about public sovereignty and transparency in governmental work but the public has to think if there is any constitutional supremacy in their nation. The constitution is actually a
joke which is attacked by dissolving the parliament in nonsense matters. The nation suffers from floods and pandemic but the government is concerned about fighting. National border is threatened but the prime minister is busy telling jokes. Nepal is such a fulfilled country that the common people never cry one because it is extremely beautiful and the next politicians are so comedy that listening to them for 5 minutes without laughing is very difficult. Sometime watching a parliamentary session equals watching stand up comedy. One can never get bored watching anything in Nepal.

In province no-2 the condition of society is so embarrassing but the houses of politicians surely have at least a fortuner in its base. Sometimes one gets confused how someone in a poor state can have a fortuner or a range rover. But the only sad part is the fortuner is bought by snatching rice from the poor. It feels so bad to see out nation which was so brave that it fought the might of the Britishers and the made sure that the world feared by the name of gurkha is today on such a condition that it needs to beg to other nation for the most basic needs and
can’t sustain a 3 months border dispute. Being a Nepali it hurts seeing our brave nation being governed by such cowards. Seeing our brothers crying for two times food kills us but not this politics. This is the most powerful politics in the world that can sustain anything but can’t even stand strong. It is a statue after all.

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- Deepti Neupane - 23019, Grade ... 23 September, 2021

नेपाल एउटा हिन्दू राष्ट्र हो, जहाँ धेरै चाडपर्वहरू मनाइन्छन् । हिन्दू महिलाहरूको महान् चाड तिज हो । तिज भदौको शुक्लपक्षको तृतीयाको दिनमा मनाइन्छ । यस दिन महिलाहरूले गीतका माध्ययमबाट आफ्नाे मनभित्रकाे वेदना पाेख्ने गर्दछन् । आफूलाई परेका दुखहरू सबै गीतमार्फत् भन्दछन् । 
तिजको दिनमा नारीहरूले व्रत बस्छन् । तिजको व्रत पहिलेदेखि चलिआएको परम्परा हो । विवाहित महिलाले श्रीमान्‌काे सुस्वाथ्य र दीर्घायुको कामनाका लागि र अविवाहित महिलाले राम्रो श्रीमान् पाऊँ भनी व्रत बस्छन् । यस दिनमा महिलाहरूले दुध, फलफूल आदि खान्छन् । यस दिन महिलाहरूले रातो सारी, टीका, चुरा, धागो आदि लगाउँछन् । यस चाडमा नाचगान धेरै हुन्छ । कोही मन्दिरमा नाच्छन्, त कोही घरमा । पहिलेका र अहिलेका तिजगीतमा धेरै भिन्नता छ । कसैले तिजको गीतमा हिपहप गीत हालेका छन् भने कसैले नराम्रा शब्द हालेका छन् । हाम्रो परम्पराअनुसर तिजकाे गीत सबैको मन छुने र नाच्न मिल्ने खालको हुनुपर्छ । याे दिन सबै दिदीबहिनीको भेटघाट हुन्छ र आफ्नो सुखदुख साटासाट  गरेर रमाइलोसँग तिज मनाउँछन् । तिजको दिन पशुपतिनाथ मन्दिरमा सबैभन्दा बढी जाने गरिन्छ । मन्दिरमा शिवजीलाई पूजा गरिन्छ र धेरैजसो जुन मन्दिरमा पूजा गरिन्छ, त्यही मन्दिरमा नै नाचगान हुन्छ । 
तिज तीन दिनसम्म मनाइन्छ । पहिलो दिन हो दर खाने दिन, दोस्रो हो व्रत बस्ने दिन र तेस्रो हो ऋषि पञ्चमी । सहरमा दर खाने दिनमा सबै महिलाहरू एउटा ठाउँमा जम्मा हुन्छन्, दर खान्छन् र एकअर्कालाई चुरा, टीका, पोते, लुगा आदि दिन्छन् । व्रत बस्ने दिनमा महिलाहरूले दिनभरि अन्न खाँदैनन् र पानी पिउँदैनन् तर अविवाहित नारीहरूले भने फलफूल खान्छन् र पानी पिउँछन् । 
ऋषि पञ्चमीको दिन महिलाहरू बिहानै उठेर नुहाउँछन् र आफ्नो दाँत दतिउनले सफा गर्छन् । सहरमा खोला सफा हुँदैन, त्यसैले उनीहरू आफ्नो घरमै नुहाउँछन् भने गाउँतिर नजिकको खोलामा गएर नुहाउँछन् । त्यसपछि उनीहरूले पूजा गर्छन् अनि खाना खान्छन् । 
नेपालमा तिज तीन दिन मनाइन्छ तर अरू देशमा यस्तो हुँदैन, फरक हुन्छ । हामीले हाम्रो परम्परालाई भुल्नु हुँदैन र यससम्बन्धी चेतना फैलाउनुपर्छ । हामीले तिजगीतको सही उपयोग गर्नुपर्छ, सही शब्द र भाव प्रयोग गर्नुपर्छ । 

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- Subham Regmi - 22014, Grade X ... 22 September, 2021

पशुपतिप्रसाद सन् २०१६  को विनाशकारी भूकम्पपछि गरिबीमा रहेको एक व्यक्तिले जीवनमा गरेको सङ्घर्षको बारेमा बनाइएको एक राम्रो र मन छुने चलचित्र हो । यसको मूल्याङ्कन १० मा ९.५ गरिएको छ । यस कथाले हाम्रो समाजको मुख्य समस्यालाई पनि व्यक्त गरेको छ । यसका निर्देशक दिपेन्द्र खनाल हुन् । 
पशुपतिप्रसादको भूकम्पले सबै परिवारको मृत्यु भएपछि उनी काठमाडौँ आएका हुन्छन् । यो चलचित्र पशुपतिप्रसाद नामक एक व्यक्तिको बारेमा छ, जो काठमाडाैँ सहरमा आफ्ना बुबाको मृत्युपश्चात् ऋण चुक्ता गर्नका लागि सङ्घर्ष गर्नलाई आएका हुन्छन् । पशुपतिप्रसाद भिन्न भिन्न मानिससित भेट्छन् । उनले भेटेका केही मानिसहरूले उनलाई मन पराउँछन् भने कसैले हेला गर्दछन् । यो चलचित्रको कथा पशुपतिप्रसादकै बारेमा सीमित हुन्छ । उनी एकदम दयालु  र राम्रा मान्छे हुन्छन् तर उनको बाटामा धेरै मान्छेहरू बाधा बनेको पाइन्छ । यो चलचित्र भावनात्मक  चलचित्र  हो । चलचित्रमा खगेन्द्र लामिछानेले खेलेको नायकको भूमिकालाई दर्शकहरूले निकै रुचाएका छन् । यो चलचित्रले धेरै राष्ट्रिय पुरस्कारहरू जित्न सफल भएको थियो । यो चलचित्र धेरैले रुचाएका छन् र सबैको मनमा यसको कथाले छोएको छ । यो १३५ मिनेट लामो चलचित्र राम्रो तरिकाले निर्देशित, अभिनय गरिएको छ र एक व्यक्तिको भावनात्मक कहानीका साथै यसमा हास्य दृश्यहरू पनि  छन्। चलचित्र पशुपतिप्रसाद ओस्कार अवार्डका लागि द ब्ल्याक हेन भन्ने अङ्ग्रेजी चलचित्रसँगै चुनियो ।
जीवन र मृत्यु, सपनाहरू र आशाहरू, उपलब्धि र निराशालगायत जीवनका हरेक पक्ष यस चलचित्रमा चित्रण भएका छन् । मलाई व्यक्तिगत रूपमा यो लाग्छ कि यो फिल्म हेर्नुपर्छ र पैसा पशुपतिप्रसादजस्तै फिल्महरू हेर्न खर्च गर्नुपर्छ ।

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अध्यात्मप्रति भौतिक धारणा
- Arpan Acharya - 23010, Grade ... 22 September, 2021

आजभोलि हामीजस्ता युवाहरू माझ "स्पिरिचुआलिटी" एक "क्लिसे" बनेर आएको छ । इमान्दारीपूर्वक भन्नु पर्दा कसैले पनि अध्यात्मलाई त्यसकाे मुख्य उद्देश्यलाई लिएर पछ्याएको छैन । केही अपवाद होलन् तर धेरै मानिस भौतिक सफलताकै निम्ति अध्यात्मलाई खेद्न चाहँदै छन् । 
केही त चहियो नि उत्प्रेरित हुन, कुनै काममा उत्प्रेरित हुन सुरुमा केही फल देख्न आवश्यक छ । त्यसैले हामी सबैले बुझ्नुपर्छ कि अध्यात्मको अभ्यासले भौतिक र व्यावसायिक संसारलाई पनि राम्रो परिणाम दिन्छ । उदाहरणका लागि एक विद्यार्थीलाई परीक्षामा राम्रो अङ्क चहियो रे । अब उसले ध्यान र सचेतनाको अभ्यास गर्‍यो भने उसले एकाग्रता हासिल गर्छ । एउटा व्यापारीको निर्णय लिने सिप उजागर हुन्छ । दैनिक भोग्नुपर्ने दु:खहरूबाट टाढा नगए पनि त्यसलाई नियन्त्रणमा लिन सिक्छ र सदा खुसी हुन्छ । मानसिक चिन्ता र रोगहररूबाट मुक्त हुने कुरा त विज्ञानले नै बताइसक्यो । सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण आत्मपहिचान गर्न सहज हुन्छ । 
यो लेख पढेपछि कुनै पाठकलाई "अध्यात्म" शब्द प्रयोग गर्दा कुनै धर्ममा केन्द्रित भएर लेखिएको जस्तो लागेमा क्षमा चाहन्छु तर म त्यो कुराप्रति असहमत छु । सिकारु भन्नुस् या हिजोको चल्ला ! जे भने पनि यति चाहिँ निर्धक्क भएर भन्छु कि अध्यात्मलाई कुनै देश, धर्म वा जातिमा सीमित राख्न सकिँदैन । अध्यात्मको न कुनै सुरुवात छ, न त कुनै अन्त्य नै । अध्यात्मको अन्त्य नहोला तर याे लेखको अन्त्य यहीँ हुन्छ । 

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- Deepti Neupane - 23019, Grade ... 22 September, 2021

Many people in this world are not happy with what they have , what they want. This world is full of problems that we are gonna face and also have faced back in our days. People working in office, teaching in schools have their own problems from their professions. That's why they are not able to be happy with their life and their work. 

Happiness is necessary in all aspects of life. We can prevent many diseases by being happy in each and every part of our life. There are two types of people, one who finds happiness in very small things and another who is not happy by getting everything in their life. The person who is happy in each and everything is healthy and happy with what they have done , how they have done. And the other person who has everything but he/she is not happy as they always have fear, anxiety , tension about the job, money. These people are always scared of failure and losing things which lead them to stress, thus losing their happiness.

Due to our own problems we are not able to be happy. Children ,teenagers ,adults, everyone has problems related to work , education, exams, school, games, life etc. which prohibits them from being happy. Mainly the students have problems like depression, anxiety, tension and many more which might make them take wrong steps without having any thoughts in their mind, leading towards suicidal attempts just in trivial things.

We watch many videos which makes us happy but only till the time we watch , after closing that video or our device we again feel sad. We find happiness attached to something, confined within other things or beings. Happiness must rely only on yourself, the day we understand this we can be happy forever. For a few minutes or seconds someone can make you happy but after that you need to be happy from inside of yourself not just by having a fake smile or fake happiness it should be from inside of yourself. To be happy you always need to have positive thoughts in your mind so that each and everything can make you happy. Be happy, be healthy.


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Experiencing a Lucid Dream
- Samrat Nakarmi - 2022011, Gra ... 22 September, 2021

I lay in my bed with my eyes wide open. I stayed that way for a long time. What I was trying to do was to create a situation to which I could dream about. I had to do that to the point where I couldn’t distinguish reality from dreams. That, however, was not a simple task. Like filling a bucket with one drop of water each day, it took an uncomfortably long amount of time. It was something that could not be done at once. It needed arduous time of focus and a state of meditation until you can’t discern where you are. I did that for weeks. Everyday feeling more tired than the last. But then one night, I finally experienced it. 

I didn’t know what was going on at first. One of the things required for lucid dreaming is to mix reality with dreams. But the deeper I went, the more I started to feel it. I realized I was in a dream. Not any dream, but a dream where I had full control over everything. Everything could be as I desired. I first created a massive mansion where I spent a long time wandering through. Once I got bored of that, I dismantled it and created a theme park. Going out to parks was never really my off time, let alone a theme park. So, I decided to make one of my own to have fun. A theme park wouldn’t be one, without people bustling through it. And thus, I made a huge crowd of people. It was funny how I could do all of these things with the snap of a finger. And so I laughed, quite abnormally. It felt like I burst out in laughter over nothing, to the point where my sides hurt. Then the whole world started to feel wobbly. I thought that if I’d ever smoke marijuana this would be what it felt like. Bunch of happy chemicals in your brain. Being able to do whatever you want. Being the god of your own little world. The whole place started moving and me along with it. It was a sensation that couldn’t be described. It was like having slight light-headedness akin to feeling tipsy from just the right amount of beverage, combined with the feeling of unending laughter you get when you hang out with your friends. The blood that rushed into my head felt similar to the low blood pressure you get when you suddenly stand up. All I can say is that it was not at all a bad feeling, no. I dare say it was delightful. No wonder people would want to get high and spend their lives in bliss. However, I soon realized that that was the part of the mind that wanted to get crazy talking so I dismissed the ridiculous thought as soon as it was made up.

Nevertheless, I could do whatever I wanted. Then I started being all giddy like a kid. I thought that creating fire out of nowhere would be cool. And so I did it. I thought of fire in my hand and thus it was born. It almost felt like a point-of-view perspective of the first lines of the Bible with God saying ‘let there be light’. Then I tried a bunch of other stuff. Creating a tree that grew money, getting my own private jet, spaceship, space station and many other ludicrous things. Then I wanted to fly. And as such, my wish followed through by me lifting off. My feet not being able to touch the ground felt weird at first and panicked over it. However, I got used to it slowly. It started being more and more fun the longer I kept flying. And so I flew, high above the sky, to space. Einstein said that nothing could break the speed of light, but I had other thoughts. I zapped across galaxies in mere seconds and created new ones as I went. Soon I reached the border of the universe itself that I created. That was something that even I couldn’t change for some reason. Maybe my mind was much too unaware of what the universe’s end would look like. So much so that it couldn’t even make up one. As I mellowed in my thoughts, I was rudely interrupted by a voice telling me to wake up. ‘Who dares to interrupt me’ was what I thought at first not realizing that it was my mother and that I had said it out loud. Evidently, I got chewed on  and my blissful dream came to an abrupt end.

Lucid dreaming causes one to fall into a deep sleep. It is in fact a state where reality and dream are one in the same. Naturally it would mean being fast asleep. As a result I had to be woken up because I stayed in my bed until 1pm. Then I decided not to ever try to do it again. Yes, it was fun but only for a brief moment. Considering all the work that had to be put into it, I’d rather just have normal dreams. And if it meant getting scolded everytime I did so, then it would be better not to. And that was my first and last time ever experiencing a lucid dream. Not all events are clear to me as of now but the point was that I was able to do whatever I wanted, which I did. Since I wouldn’t be doing it again, I’d say that was a pretty memorable experience.

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