
Student Corner

Experiencing a Lucid Dream

Written by: Samrat Nakarmi - 2022011, Grade XII

Posted on: 22 September, 2021

I lay in my bed with my eyes wide open. I stayed that way for a long time. What I was trying to do was to create a situation to which I could dream about. I had to do that to the point where I couldn’t distinguish reality from dreams. That, however, was not a simple task. Like filling a bucket with one drop of water each day, it took an uncomfortably long amount of time. It was something that could not be done at once. It needed arduous time of focus and a state of meditation until you can’t discern where you are. I did that for weeks. Everyday feeling more tired than the last. But then one night, I finally experienced it. 

I didn’t know what was going on at first. One of the things required for lucid dreaming is to mix reality with dreams. But the deeper I went, the more I started to feel it. I realized I was in a dream. Not any dream, but a dream where I had full control over everything. Everything could be as I desired. I first created a massive mansion where I spent a long time wandering through. Once I got bored of that, I dismantled it and created a theme park. Going out to parks was never really my off time, let alone a theme park. So, I decided to make one of my own to have fun. A theme park wouldn’t be one, without people bustling through it. And thus, I made a huge crowd of people. It was funny how I could do all of these things with the snap of a finger. And so I laughed, quite abnormally. It felt like I burst out in laughter over nothing, to the point where my sides hurt. Then the whole world started to feel wobbly. I thought that if I’d ever smoke marijuana this would be what it felt like. Bunch of happy chemicals in your brain. Being able to do whatever you want. Being the god of your own little world. The whole place started moving and me along with it. It was a sensation that couldn’t be described. It was like having slight light-headedness akin to feeling tipsy from just the right amount of beverage, combined with the feeling of unending laughter you get when you hang out with your friends. The blood that rushed into my head felt similar to the low blood pressure you get when you suddenly stand up. All I can say is that it was not at all a bad feeling, no. I dare say it was delightful. No wonder people would want to get high and spend their lives in bliss. However, I soon realized that that was the part of the mind that wanted to get crazy talking so I dismissed the ridiculous thought as soon as it was made up.

Nevertheless, I could do whatever I wanted. Then I started being all giddy like a kid. I thought that creating fire out of nowhere would be cool. And so I did it. I thought of fire in my hand and thus it was born. It almost felt like a point-of-view perspective of the first lines of the Bible with God saying ‘let there be light’. Then I tried a bunch of other stuff. Creating a tree that grew money, getting my own private jet, spaceship, space station and many other ludicrous things. Then I wanted to fly. And as such, my wish followed through by me lifting off. My feet not being able to touch the ground felt weird at first and panicked over it. However, I got used to it slowly. It started being more and more fun the longer I kept flying. And so I flew, high above the sky, to space. Einstein said that nothing could break the speed of light, but I had other thoughts. I zapped across galaxies in mere seconds and created new ones as I went. Soon I reached the border of the universe itself that I created. That was something that even I couldn’t change for some reason. Maybe my mind was much too unaware of what the universe’s end would look like. So much so that it couldn’t even make up one. As I mellowed in my thoughts, I was rudely interrupted by a voice telling me to wake up. ‘Who dares to interrupt me’ was what I thought at first not realizing that it was my mother and that I had said it out loud. Evidently, I got chewed on  and my blissful dream came to an abrupt end.

Lucid dreaming causes one to fall into a deep sleep. It is in fact a state where reality and dream are one in the same. Naturally it would mean being fast asleep. As a result I had to be woken up because I stayed in my bed until 1pm. Then I decided not to ever try to do it again. Yes, it was fun but only for a brief moment. Considering all the work that had to be put into it, I’d rather just have normal dreams. And if it meant getting scolded everytime I did so, then it would be better not to. And that was my first and last time ever experiencing a lucid dream. Not all events are clear to me as of now but the point was that I was able to do whatever I wanted, which I did. Since I wouldn’t be doing it again, I’d say that was a pretty memorable experience.