
Student Corner


Written by: Deepti Neupane - 23019, Grade XI

Posted on: 22 September, 2021

Many people in this world are not happy with what they have , what they want. This world is full of problems that we are gonna face and also have faced back in our days. People working in office, teaching in schools have their own problems from their professions. That's why they are not able to be happy with their life and their work. 

Happiness is necessary in all aspects of life. We can prevent many diseases by being happy in each and every part of our life. There are two types of people, one who finds happiness in very small things and another who is not happy by getting everything in their life. The person who is happy in each and everything is healthy and happy with what they have done , how they have done. And the other person who has everything but he/she is not happy as they always have fear, anxiety , tension about the job, money. These people are always scared of failure and losing things which lead them to stress, thus losing their happiness.

Due to our own problems we are not able to be happy. Children ,teenagers ,adults, everyone has problems related to work , education, exams, school, games, life etc. which prohibits them from being happy. Mainly the students have problems like depression, anxiety, tension and many more which might make them take wrong steps without having any thoughts in their mind, leading towards suicidal attempts just in trivial things.

We watch many videos which makes us happy but only till the time we watch , after closing that video or our device we again feel sad. We find happiness attached to something, confined within other things or beings. Happiness must rely only on yourself, the day we understand this we can be happy forever. For a few minutes or seconds someone can make you happy but after that you need to be happy from inside of yourself not just by having a fake smile or fake happiness it should be from inside of yourself. To be happy you always need to have positive thoughts in your mind so that each and everything can make you happy. Be happy, be healthy.