
Student Corner


The Impact of Video Games on Young Children
- Estella Shrestha - 2023013, G ... 03 March, 2021

Nowadays, young children are into video games just for fun or to enjoy in their free time. Video games have an effect on children and also have a bad impact on them because most games are content with violence. Those children who play video games that are violent increase aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Those children who play video games, can become immune to it, more likely to act violently themselves, and are less likely to behave emphatically.  A video game is an electronic game that can be played on a PC, mobile phone, tablet, computers, and virtually. 

Adolescents and not to neglect the fact that children at a very young age these days have been involved and so much obsessed with video games and even YouTube videos relating to people reacting and playing the same games. Not just involved but it is seen that the children are overly involved in the games. From starting their day to ending their day they’ve been giving time to video games ignoring their hobbies, interests, reading, playing physical games, and exercise. It’s obvious that spending 2 third of their time on laptops, computers or mobile phones they have poor social skills and no time for family or friends which makes a bad impact on their eyesight too. We can observe that many young children wear glasses for their poor eyesight. It is often seen that children spend more time on video games rather than their studies. Video games not only give a child poor eyesight and an unhealthy and conserved mindset it also makes them have aggressive thoughts and behaviors in life due to the loss they face in the game. It has not only made the children lack behind in everything but video games have grabbed a studious and a playful children’s mind from studies and physical games, as psychologists mention that video games make a children’s mind sharp I believe it only makes their mind blunt. Video games are often referred as exercises to minds but in today’s context, it has made children practice riskier behaviors recklessly.

Children even force their parents or guardians to buy them new cell phones or gadgets so that they can play games. Another fact to consider is that every gadget has its different characteristics and features which attract children to that specific thing and they don’t consider their family situation or financial position. Even my brother forced his mother to buy him a new phone just because to play games and now it has affected him by settings his mind in an unexpected way. However, he spends most of the time playing mobile games. For him, the game is more important than his family. He spends all his pocket money to buy data packs in order to play games online. It has changed his mindset, thoughts, as well as behavior. Some video games teach kids the wrong values including violent behavior and aggression. Additionally, it also affects academics and their studies.

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जीवनको लक्ष्य
- Muskan Singh - 2023005, Grade ... 02 March, 2021

उद्देश्यविनाको जीवन निरर्थक हुन्छ । मानिसले जीवनमा कुनै न कुनै लक्ष्य लिएरै जन्मेका हुन्छन् । हरेक मानिसको लक्ष्य हुन्छ । हामीले आफूमा भएको क्षमतालाई  बुझेर आफ्नो लक्ष्य पूरा गर्नतिर लाग्नुपर्छ । लक्ष्य प्राप्त गर्दा धेरै बाधाहरू  आउँछन् ।  हामी त्यसबाट विचलित हुनुहुँदैन । उदाहरणको रूपमा  राष्ट्र निर्माता पृथिवी नारायण  शाह, नेपोलियन बोनापार्ट, अब्राहम लिङ्कन, नेल्सन मन्डेला  आदिलाई लिन सक्छौँ । उनीहरूले आफ्नो लक्ष्य प्राप्त गर्न धेरै कठिनाइ सामना गर्नुपरेको थियो । त्यसैगरी हामीले पनि हरेस नखाई  अफ्नो लक्ष्य पूरा गर्न आजदेखि नै लाग्नुपर्छ । 

संसारमा हेरक मानिस केही न केही सिप र कला लिएर जन्मेका हुन्छन् । हामीमा पनि त्यस्तै केही न केही सिप  र कला छ । हामीले आफ्नो कला र सिपलाई चिन्न सक्नुपर्छ । हाम्रा कला वा सिप साना ठुला जुनसुकै हुन सक्छन् । जीवनमा लक्ष्य चुन्न गाह्रो हुन सक्छ तर हाम्रो सिपले हामीलाई अगाडि बढ्न धेरै मौका  दिइरहेको हुन्छ । 

बाल्यकालमा हरेक व्यक्तिले एक न एक सपना देखेका हुन्छन् । कोही चिकित्सक, इन्जिनियर,नर्स, बन्न चाहन्छन्  त कोही शिक्षक, पाइलट , पत्रकार, आर्मी, प्रहरी, समाजसेवी आदि बन्न चाहन्छन् । आफ्नो जीवनमा जे  बने  पनि त्यसमा लगाव हुनुपर्छ। अरूको लहलहैमा लागेर अथवा कसैको करकापमा परेर लक्ष्य बनाउनु हुँदैन । अरूको देखासिकी र करकापमा परेर म यो बन्छु र त्यो बन्छु भन्नु हुँदैन । यसले भविष्यमा नकारात्मक परिणाम पनि ल्याउन सक्छ । त्यसैले आफ्नो जीवनको लक्ष्य आफैँ छनोट गर्नुपर्छ ।

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‘My View on Teenage Life’
- Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, ... 02 March, 2021

Basically, teenage life starts from the age of 12 and ends at 19. This stage is often known as the stage which is a passage to one’s adult life. This is known as the stage which plays a vital role in everyone’s life. Everyone who is an adult now, or a senior went through their teenage stage and everybody has a different perspective on the teenage stage. Well, I too have a different view on teenage life as me being a teenager.

I observed a lot of things in my teenage life and am still observing more. Well, in this life, most teenagers get depressed, anxious, and other mental health illnesses. Teenagers feel like they are treated indifferently. In this teenage life, there are many barriers of teenagers with everyone, especially with their families and friends. I have seen that and I know that because sometimes I also create barriers between friends and my families. In teenage life, there are a lot of outgoing things and thoughts in their mind. The most common thing I felt was about having physical attraction with the opposite sex which we call it liking someone or having a crush or even falling in love. Most teenagers face these situations. Having a crush on someone is normal and even liking and loving is also normal. But people often see this topic as really a bad thing which is absolutely wrong. They make fun of it and just criticize others. Why do the people of our society against everything that plays an important role in a teenager's life? Why do they think having a crush on someone or falling for someone is bad? Why is it wrong to have a guy's best friend rather than not having a girl's best friend for the teenagers? They expect us to act like adults but then they treat us like children.

In this teenage life, I had a lot of experiences although I am just 16 right now. In this stage, many teenagers feel insecure about everything happening around them and even hate themselves for many reasons and start to compare themselves with others. In this stage, teenagers often seek more privacy as they know what they feel and are struggling through and the parents should also understand them. Not only parents should understand them but teenagers should also equally understand their parents. What you do to others is the same response from them to you. Teenagers are really emotionally active because of many issues. They have a hard time opening up to others and are very good at hiding their feelings too.

This stage is really a crucial part and also a happy part of a person’s life.  In this teenage life, your friends leave you, you don’t get good grades, you are rejected, you are left out, you are ignored, and you are shown to act fake from the close people in your life. These problems all lead to depression, anxiety, stress, and more serious mental illness. Many teenagers even commit suicide because of those problems in their life. We people need to behave properly not only with teenagers but everyone because we never know what they are going through.

In teenage life, there is big insecurity of not being good enough in everyone’s eyes, especially with a family as they have high expectations from teenagers. Teenagers are compared to each other and that is the most disturbing thing you will ever face as that creates a lot of anxiety for a teenager inside. This is to all the teenagers, that it is fine to be not good enough as being you is enough. It is okay to make mistakes, like someone, get bad grades but you should keep in your mind that you must never give up. You need to fight for yourself and strive for success. You need to love everything about you and others' opinion is none of your concern. That is all I know what I think of teenage life being a teenager.

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Pregnancy in Adolescence
- Bipana Shrestha - 2023003, Gr ... 01 March, 2021

Pregnancy in adolescence means the act of minors getting pregnant. When teenagers from the age of 14 to 19 get pregnant it is known as pregnancy in adolescence. It can also be called teenage pregnancy. Pregnancy in adolescence is pretty similar to a normal pregnancy but it carries risks since the teenager’s life can be in danger since they are less likely to be physically developed to sustain a healthy pregnancy or to give birth. The baby can also get born unhealthy and malnourished in such cases. This kind of pregnancy also has negative effects.

Teenage pregnancy in developed countries is usually outside of marriage while teenage pregnancy in developing countries often occurs within marriage. Getting pregnant is one’s teenage years can hamper them in many aspects. The first and the important one is with their education. When a teenager gets pregnant it affects their studies and disturbs them. Many teenagers have even dropped out of high school and discontinued their studies after getting pregnant. This also decreases career opportunities for them. Prenatal and maternal health also matters a lot in teenage pregnancy. The baby might become unhealthy and the mother's health can be at risk too. This will put both the baby’s and the mother’s life at risk. And after giving birth, the baby needs the utmost care, which a teenager might not be able to handle.

Moreover, getting pregnant at teen is not something that is recommended. As mentioned above, the baby’s health and the mother’s health can be in danger and it also violates reproductive rights. We can control teenage pregnancy by spreading awareness and by practicing safe sexual behavior mentioned in sex education.

In my opinion teen pregnancy or adolescent pregnancy is not something that should be banned but adolescents must take measures to avoid it as much as possible as adolescents themselves cannot answer their problems and to top it off having a child to bear at such a young age would be really difficult. But if adolescent pregnancy does occur, both the parties and parties' families must be willing to take full responsibility for the case. If both the parties are willing to abort the child, they must be taking a rightful decision that would not harm any of the parties. Many adolescents are carefree enough to harm the mother of the upcoming child by taking the wrong medicines to abort the baby and harm the female in general. This should be always avoided. And if both parties decide to keep the baby, the child must be taken care of properly both before and after the birth. But still, adolescent pregnancy should be avoided as much as possible. It is not recommended. Teens should be willing to take responsibility for the action.

Thus, even though adolescent pregnancy is not much reported and is not discussed much, it should be avoided as much as possible as the consequences it brings are endless. Even though in my opinion it should not be banned, it should certainly be controlled.

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विज्ञानको देन
- Himani Bhattarai - 2023017, G ... 28 February, 2021

आजको युग विज्ञानको युग हो । विज्ञान सम्मत ज्ञान नै विज्ञान हो । अहिले विज्ञानले  मानवका हरेक कार्यलाई सहज र सरल बनाइदिएको छ । आजको संसारमा विज्ञानले महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका खेलेको छ । विज्ञानविनाको संसारको कल्पना गर्न सकिँदैन। मानिसलाई ढुङ्गे युगबाट आधुनिक युगमा ल्याउन  विज्ञानकै देन रहेको छ। 

विज्ञानका नयाँ नयाँ आविष्कारले गर्दा नै मानिस पृथिवीभन्दा बाहिर अन्तरिक्षमा पुगिसकेको छ । ग्रह, उपग्रहलगायत अनेकौँ कुराको खोजी गरेको छ । अहिले संसारमा जे जति उपलब्धी र आविष्कार  भएका  छन् ती सबै विज्ञानका देन हुन् । अहिले मानिस एउटा कोठाभित्र बसेर विश्वका गतिविधि नियाल्न सक्छ। विश्वमा कहाँ के भइरहेको छ सबै कुरा थाह पाउन सक्छ। मानिस एक ठाउँबाट अर्को ठाउँमा जान महिनौँ दिन लाग्थ्यो तर आज केही घण्टा वा मिनेटमै पुग्न थालेको छ। बस, ट्रक, जहाज जस्ता सवारी साधनका कारण मानिसको दैनिकी निकै सहज भएको छ ।  घर,अफिस,अस्पताल, कलकारखानालगायत हरेक क्षेत्रका काम विज्ञानका सहायताले  छिटो छरितो बन्दै गइरहेका छन् । 

पहिले पहिले मानिसको मृत्यु हुँदा कुन रोग लागेर भयो भन्ने कुरासमेत थाहा हुँदैनथ्यो । विज्ञानको विकास हुँदै जाँदा रोगका साथै औषधीसमेत  पत्ता लाग्यो र मानिस अकालबाट बच्न थाल्यो । विभिन्न प्राणघातक क्यान्सर, एड्स जस्ता रोगको उपचारमासमेत  विज्ञानले अनुसन्धान गरिरहेको छ । हालको विश्व महामारी कोरोना भाइरसको खोप निर्माण हुनु विज्ञानको देन हो । शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, यातायात, सञ्चार ऊर्जालगायत हरेक क्षेत्रमा जे जति उन्नति र विकास भएको छ त्यो सबै विज्ञानको देन हो।  त्यसैले विज्ञान भनेको मानिसको जीवनको सारथी हो।

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Social Media Persona
- Aryan Thagunna - 2022003, Gra ... 28 February, 2021

The place where kids flex about almost anything. Social Media. Ever wondered how social media portrays one’s life? It gives a one-dimensional perspective on someone's life. It is a perfect representation of having complete control over our life. We can show what we want and present ourselves however we want others to think of us. This sometimes changes a person drastically creating different personalities while on and off social media.

We often hear about the different personalities humans have. One we show to everyone from our closest friend to a complete stranger selling us chocolate, the other one we show to our friends and families, and the final one which we show no one. Well, you can add social media personality to that list. Or rather it perfectly fits itself within the personality we show the outer world. Our social media presence creates a person carefully molded by ourselves. This person loves Starbucks, only shops from Gucci, and is a massive Kylie Jenner fan. We can make them whoever we want, however, we want.

A massive factor that contributes to the fake presentation of us individuals online is that it is too social. You want everyone to see what you eat, wear, drive, celebrate, read, etc. This causes people to grow self-conscious and care more about what others think. Our online persona becomes the driving factor of everything we do in our ‘normal’ daily life. A great example is a trend of following the trend. When everyone decides that rap is cool again and is THE type of music you want to listen to currently, many individuals hop on the trend. It doesn’t matter what their music taste is or if they even like rap. They will listen to rap, show everyone what song they’re listening to on social media, adding an extra trait to their online persona.

Almost everyone on social media is affected by this problem. Stressing over what other people think of you based on what you show them causes split personality on and off social media. A person who loves traditional music (in the context of Nepal) is made fun of so you don't see people in social media vibing to the latest Folk song. Social media has created standards of not only what we must eat, listen to, wear but is also changing the perception of people on physical qualities. Social media holds the power to decide what beautiful, attractive, or appropriate is. This hugely contributes to the different personalities a person has. Our personality online is influenced by trends, celebrities, and peers.

Talking about myself, I use social media but the last time I showed the world what was going on in my life was ages ago (5 years to be precise). This doesn’t mean that social media personalities have not affected me. Evaluating myself based on the difference in my personality on and off social media, I’ve noticed that the way I go about doing things differently. And although not much is different my online persona influences what I am doing off social media. The personality we show no one comes out in social media and lucky for us, we can create however we want it to be.

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How did WHO really save the entire world?
- Bikarsha Ojha - 2022005, Grad ... 25 February, 2021

WHO or World Health Organization is a specialized agency of UNO with the utmost objective to assist in the medical research sector. Nowadays, it has been well recognized in the world for its recent contributions in informing the globe about the ongoing pandemic and introducing measures on how to minimize the effect in one’s country. But, how did they actually save the whole world from something that could’ve left the entire world in a disastrous situation and a different scenario on what we see today?
COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 is the newest virus on the chart that has left the world in a complete lockdown(literally). International transport was stopped, Physical communications were completely blocked due to lockdown and we had to completely go on an isolated-digital state. Well, the world did see a new development towards the technological state faster than ever before, more than the advantages many disadvantages were more visible. One of such disadvantages was isolation from all means of physical life. Human beings are known to be social and sudden isolation was very hard for many people to cope with. These sudden changes caught an impact on people who were beginning to properly interact. Also, it affected a nation by developmental and economic means. Economically, the whole world suffered and developmental works shut entirely for health precaution measures. Many people suffered but the situation got under control before it got very much out of hand. After the discovery of the virus in Wuhan, China, this virus was taken into immediate notice although it was unknown to the world. After some research about the virus, COVID-19 was taken into immediate notice and was announced to the world of an upcoming inevitable wave of a pandemic that had bestowed upon the world. WHO did act upon its main objective and did inform regularly on what to do and follow and continuously worked with big health research agencies on finding a cure. WHO informed the world, proceeded to create many policies and measures to member governments on measures and protocols to be followed on preventing the virus to go to its most dangerous. Yes, theoretically Human beings suffered a mass loss and crisis in many ways and we cannot ignore the fact of all minimizations that happened with the help of WHO introduced protocols. We could’ve been seeing a whole different scenario if WHO didn't stand up and act as the only messenger to the entire world amidst what was most necessarily required. 

Well, the strict protocols encouraged by WHO did have some negative effects on the world’s productivity and economy, but if we look from another point of view where the protocols were never introduced, we would be in a disastrous scenario as there would be no practice of physical distancing, isolation and a sense of prevention would not happen and COVID would’ve just ended the world and left it in shambles, possibly even making human beings to start from scratch. 

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कोरोना कहानी
- Simone Shree Pathak - 2023012 ... 24 February, 2021

बेला बेलामा संसारमा अनौठा अनौठा कुराहरू सुनिन्छन् र देखिन्छन् पनि । कतिपय अवस्थामा पत्याउन नै नसकिने स-साना जीवाणुले प्राणीलाई दु:ख दिन्छन् भने कतिपय अवस्थामा ज्यान पनि लिन्छन् । यो २०७७ साल पनि यस्तै भयो । भयरहित अवस्थामा न त नयाँ वर्ष मनाउन पायौँ  न त कुनै चाडपर्व नै। यसको मुख्य कारण कोविड १९ थियो ।  

कक्षा ८ को अन्तिम परीक्षा सक्दै कक्षा ९ मा जाने तरखरमा रहेका हामी सोचे जसरी विद्यालय जान सकेनौँ  । बिदामा घुम्न जाने हाम्रा योजना मनभित्रै बिलाए । न हामी हाम्रो गाउँ गयौँ  न घरबाहिर खेल्न पायौँ । देशभर लकडाउन सुरु भयो । हाम्रो संसार भनेको मोबाइल र ल्यापटप हुन थाल्यो । ग्याजेटमा समय बितायौँ । सुरु सुरु त राम्रै लाग्यो अझ भनौँ रमाइलो नै  लाग्यो । जब लकडाउन लम्बिदै जान थाल्यो तब आत्तिन थाल्यौँ । कोरोना सङ्क्रमितको सङ्ख्या पनि दिनप्रति दिन बृद्धि हुँदै जान थाल्यो ।    हाम्रो संसार भनेकै घर मात्रै भयो । घरबाहिर निस्कनु भनेको कोरोनालाई घरभित्र  ल्याउनु हो भन्ने कुरा मात्र हाम्रो मनले सोच्यो । त्यसैले हामी जोखिम मोलेर घरबाहिर निस्कन चाहेनौँ।  

कोरोनाको जोखिम कायमै रहे पनि बिस्तारै सरकारले लकडाउन खोल्यो । बन्द यातायात जोर  बिजोर गर्दै खुल्न थाले । व्यापार व्यवसायलगायत अरू पनि खुला हुन थाले । २०७६ चैतदेखि नै बन्द विद्यालयहरू बिस्तारै खुल्न थाले । अहिले हामी पनि भौतिक रूपमै विद्यालय आउन  थालेका छौँ। कोरोनाको भ्याक्सिन बनिसकेको छ। डर हराउँदै जान थालेको छ। सबै सामान्य कुरा बन्दै गइरहेका छन् । 

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Animal Abuse In Clothing Market
- Anushka Basnet - 2023002, Gra ... 24 February, 2021

Clothes are our basic necessity. With modernizing society and urban places increasing at a rapid pace, clothes have not only been to things to cover our body but also something that defines us, it has become a fashion. Thus them being manufactured every day in huge amounts is also a need. Alpaca, mohair, cashmere, down, leather, and wool products are some of the most famous types of clothing used by people every day. These types of clothes are preferred by a huge amount of people. But barely anyone knows the consequences animals face to make these kinds of clothes. Recently the news about the process of manufacturing of the clothes has been surfacing through the internet. Many animals have been abused to make those fancy items of clothing that we as human beings pay a fortune to wear and show to other people. 

Clothes produced by leading clothing and lifestyle retail shops such as Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, Zara, etc exactly know what kind of abuse those innocent animals have been facing in the name of human fashion, however, they are keeping their mouths shut on these topics. With many people who are unaware of these things, these clothing retailers are taking advantage and are continuing to abuse animal lives. Slaughtering animals’ skin to produce clothes to cover our own skin is no joke and should be taken down immediately. It was exposed that workers tie-down and mutilate pregnant alpacas for wools. During shearing, workers hit, kick, and mutilate sheep for their wool which leaves sheep with bloody wounds. At mohair and cashmere operations workers burn, electroshock beat, and slaughter cows and buffalos to make leather, not leaving even the young calves. It was even revealed that workers yank out a fistful of geese feathers, and boil silkworms alive to produce silk. And we pay so much money indirectly to abuse those innocent animals. Unawareness of the people has been resulting in the incidents. Excessive manufacture of clothes is also a problem that makes the earth more polluted but is not much discussed. Many activists are actively participating in programs to cancel these  “trends” of slaughtering animals for clothes.

I believe each and every person should be informed on this topic. For this media should play a great role. Also, these leading brands should minimize abusing animals for their profit. Those voiceless animals cannot stand up for themselves and stop the wrong deeds we humans are doing, therefore at least we can help minimize these activities. Animals are life, and killing and abusing them is an inhuman act conducted by humans, and each and every person should work on abolishing it. Clothes can be manufactured from plants and other measures too. Using cotton clothes instead of leather, minimizing the use of leather in daily activities can help minimize these acts.  

Thus, animal abuse for the manufacturing of clothes is a serious crime and should be taken down immediately. In my opinion, there should be more laws against these crimes and people should be ashamed of what they are doing to animals in the name of clothes.

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- Estella Shrestha - 2023013, G ... 23 February, 2021

Itzy is a South Korean girl group, formed by JYP Entertainment that debuted on February 12, 2019. The group is composed of 5 members Yeji, Lia, Chaeryeong, Yuna, and  Ryujin. They released their first-ever single album named It’z Different with the lead song “Dalla Dalla '' within 24 hours the video reached an astonishing 14 million views on youtube, additionally, they scored the biggest billboard debuts. Their Dalla Dalla is a cool and hip-hop band creating a fresh and experimental track. The girls of this group were introduced way too earlier than their debut. Their talent is the most noticeable thing about Itzy; their dancing skills are on another level, hitting on every beat.

Their fans are called “Midzy'' which means that the fans trust ITZY and ITZY trusts the fans in return. Itzy received a lot of attention since its debut as they come fromJYPE, home to many other famous groups like Straykids, NiziU, etc. JYPE is also one of the big 3 companies of S.Korea. Their song “wannabe” did a major hit across the globe and their dance also became popular. Their latest song was Not Shy which was greatly popularized among the fans due to the hard choreo. They also released a full English album with zepto. All the members can speak English which is a huge advantage to the group as they can easily interact with international fans. One of the members, Chaeryeong along with her sister Chaeyong (a member of another girl group named Iz*One) are famous as Chae sisters for their flawless dancing skills. Ryujin is widely known for her shoulder dance in Wannabe. Lia became a huge topic of discussion because of her soothing voice. Yeji is widely popular for her fierce-looking face, stage presence, voice duality, and leadership quality. Yuna who is just 17 and is the maknae of the group is famous for her duality. 

All the members of ITZY are really popular and are doing great in the industry. We are all eagerly waiting for their next comeback.

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