
Student Corner

How did WHO really save the entire world?

Written by: Bikarsha Ojha - 2022005, Grade IX

Posted on: 25 February, 2021

WHO or World Health Organization is a specialized agency of UNO with the utmost objective to assist in the medical research sector. Nowadays, it has been well recognized in the world for its recent contributions in informing the globe about the ongoing pandemic and introducing measures on how to minimize the effect in one’s country. But, how did they actually save the whole world from something that could’ve left the entire world in a disastrous situation and a different scenario on what we see today?
COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 is the newest virus on the chart that has left the world in a complete lockdown(literally). International transport was stopped, Physical communications were completely blocked due to lockdown and we had to completely go on an isolated-digital state. Well, the world did see a new development towards the technological state faster than ever before, more than the advantages many disadvantages were more visible. One of such disadvantages was isolation from all means of physical life. Human beings are known to be social and sudden isolation was very hard for many people to cope with. These sudden changes caught an impact on people who were beginning to properly interact. Also, it affected a nation by developmental and economic means. Economically, the whole world suffered and developmental works shut entirely for health precaution measures. Many people suffered but the situation got under control before it got very much out of hand. After the discovery of the virus in Wuhan, China, this virus was taken into immediate notice although it was unknown to the world. After some research about the virus, COVID-19 was taken into immediate notice and was announced to the world of an upcoming inevitable wave of a pandemic that had bestowed upon the world. WHO did act upon its main objective and did inform regularly on what to do and follow and continuously worked with big health research agencies on finding a cure. WHO informed the world, proceeded to create many policies and measures to member governments on measures and protocols to be followed on preventing the virus to go to its most dangerous. Yes, theoretically Human beings suffered a mass loss and crisis in many ways and we cannot ignore the fact of all minimizations that happened with the help of WHO introduced protocols. We could’ve been seeing a whole different scenario if WHO didn't stand up and act as the only messenger to the entire world amidst what was most necessarily required. 

Well, the strict protocols encouraged by WHO did have some negative effects on the world’s productivity and economy, but if we look from another point of view where the protocols were never introduced, we would be in a disastrous scenario as there would be no practice of physical distancing, isolation and a sense of prevention would not happen and COVID would’ve just ended the world and left it in shambles, possibly even making human beings to start from scratch.