
Student Corner

The Impact of Video Games on Young Children

Written by: Estella Shrestha - 2023013, Grade IX

Posted on: 03 March, 2021

Nowadays, young children are into video games just for fun or to enjoy in their free time. Video games have an effect on children and also have a bad impact on them because most games are content with violence. Those children who play video games that are violent increase aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Those children who play video games, can become immune to it, more likely to act violently themselves, and are less likely to behave emphatically.  A video game is an electronic game that can be played on a PC, mobile phone, tablet, computers, and virtually. 

Adolescents and not to neglect the fact that children at a very young age these days have been involved and so much obsessed with video games and even YouTube videos relating to people reacting and playing the same games. Not just involved but it is seen that the children are overly involved in the games. From starting their day to ending their day they’ve been giving time to video games ignoring their hobbies, interests, reading, playing physical games, and exercise. It’s obvious that spending 2 third of their time on laptops, computers or mobile phones they have poor social skills and no time for family or friends which makes a bad impact on their eyesight too. We can observe that many young children wear glasses for their poor eyesight. It is often seen that children spend more time on video games rather than their studies. Video games not only give a child poor eyesight and an unhealthy and conserved mindset it also makes them have aggressive thoughts and behaviors in life due to the loss they face in the game. It has not only made the children lack behind in everything but video games have grabbed a studious and a playful children’s mind from studies and physical games, as psychologists mention that video games make a children’s mind sharp I believe it only makes their mind blunt. Video games are often referred as exercises to minds but in today’s context, it has made children practice riskier behaviors recklessly.

Children even force their parents or guardians to buy them new cell phones or gadgets so that they can play games. Another fact to consider is that every gadget has its different characteristics and features which attract children to that specific thing and they don’t consider their family situation or financial position. Even my brother forced his mother to buy him a new phone just because to play games and now it has affected him by settings his mind in an unexpected way. However, he spends most of the time playing mobile games. For him, the game is more important than his family. He spends all his pocket money to buy data packs in order to play games online. It has changed his mindset, thoughts, as well as behavior. Some video games teach kids the wrong values including violent behavior and aggression. Additionally, it also affects academics and their studies.