
Student Corner

‘My View on Teenage Life’

Written by: Deelisha Maharjan - 2022006, Grade X

Posted on: 02 March, 2021

Basically, teenage life starts from the age of 12 and ends at 19. This stage is often known as the stage which is a passage to one’s adult life. This is known as the stage which plays a vital role in everyone’s life. Everyone who is an adult now, or a senior went through their teenage stage and everybody has a different perspective on the teenage stage. Well, I too have a different view on teenage life as me being a teenager.

I observed a lot of things in my teenage life and am still observing more. Well, in this life, most teenagers get depressed, anxious, and other mental health illnesses. Teenagers feel like they are treated indifferently. In this teenage life, there are many barriers of teenagers with everyone, especially with their families and friends. I have seen that and I know that because sometimes I also create barriers between friends and my families. In teenage life, there are a lot of outgoing things and thoughts in their mind. The most common thing I felt was about having physical attraction with the opposite sex which we call it liking someone or having a crush or even falling in love. Most teenagers face these situations. Having a crush on someone is normal and even liking and loving is also normal. But people often see this topic as really a bad thing which is absolutely wrong. They make fun of it and just criticize others. Why do the people of our society against everything that plays an important role in a teenager's life? Why do they think having a crush on someone or falling for someone is bad? Why is it wrong to have a guy's best friend rather than not having a girl's best friend for the teenagers? They expect us to act like adults but then they treat us like children.

In this teenage life, I had a lot of experiences although I am just 16 right now. In this stage, many teenagers feel insecure about everything happening around them and even hate themselves for many reasons and start to compare themselves with others. In this stage, teenagers often seek more privacy as they know what they feel and are struggling through and the parents should also understand them. Not only parents should understand them but teenagers should also equally understand their parents. What you do to others is the same response from them to you. Teenagers are really emotionally active because of many issues. They have a hard time opening up to others and are very good at hiding their feelings too.

This stage is really a crucial part and also a happy part of a person’s life.  In this teenage life, your friends leave you, you don’t get good grades, you are rejected, you are left out, you are ignored, and you are shown to act fake from the close people in your life. These problems all lead to depression, anxiety, stress, and more serious mental illness. Many teenagers even commit suicide because of those problems in their life. We people need to behave properly not only with teenagers but everyone because we never know what they are going through.

In teenage life, there is big insecurity of not being good enough in everyone’s eyes, especially with a family as they have high expectations from teenagers. Teenagers are compared to each other and that is the most disturbing thing you will ever face as that creates a lot of anxiety for a teenager inside. This is to all the teenagers, that it is fine to be not good enough as being you is enough. It is okay to make mistakes, like someone, get bad grades but you should keep in your mind that you must never give up. You need to fight for yourself and strive for success. You need to love everything about you and others' opinion is none of your concern. That is all I know what I think of teenage life being a teenager.