
Student Corner


डियरवाक ड्रामा नाइट
- Aaniya Poudel - 27002, Grade ... 28 February, 2024

हाम्रो विद्यालय डियरवाक सिफल स्कुलले वार्षिक रूपमा ड्रामा नाइट आयोजना गर्ने गर्छ । ड्रामा नाइटमा कक्षा १ देखि १२ सम्मका विद्यार्थीहरूले भाग लिन पाउँछन् । भाग लिएका विद्यार्थीहरूमध्ये पनि केही विद्यार्थीहरू मात्र ड्रामाका लागि छानिन्छन् । यसरी छानिएपछि ती विद्यार्थीहरूले मञ्चमा आफ्नो कला देखाउने अवसर प्राप्त गर्छन् । यो विद्यार्थीहरूका लागि आफ्नो कला देखाउने एउटा राम्राे अवसर हाे।  धेरै विद्यार्थीहरूमाझ छानिनु आफैमा एउटा ठुलाे परीक्षा नै हाे ।  

यही ड्रामा नाइटको अवसर प्राप्त गर्नेमध्ये भाग्य र मेरो कलाले गर्दा म पनि यसपटक छनाेटमा पर्न  सफल भएँ । ड्रामा नाइट साे का लागि हाम्रो परीक्षापछि जाडो बिदाको सुरुवातदेखि तयारी गर्ने कुरो थियो । हाम्रो जाडो बिदा  सुरु भयो र साथै हाम्रो तयारी पनि सुरु भयो । हामीले ड्रामा नाइटकाे ताेकिएकाे मितिभन्दा दुईतीन हप्ता अगाडिदेखि तयारी सुरु गर्यौँ । सुरुमा जाडो बिदाको बेलामा पनि आउनुपर्छ भनेर गाह्रो लागिरहेको थियो । तर जसरी तयारी सुरु हुँदै गयो यो गाह्रो हट्दै गयो हामीलाई सबैसँग भेट्न पाइन्छ भनेर र तयारी गरे ड्रामा राम्रो हुन्छ भनेर हामी आउन थाल्याैँ । हामीसँग समय थोरै  भएकाले हामीले थोरै समयमा धेरै कुरा  सकाउनु थियो । हाम्रो जाडो बिदा एक हप्ता मात्रै  थियो । र हामी दिनदिनै स्कुल आउन थाल्याैँ । स्कुल आउँदाको अनुभव र तयारी गर्दाको अनुभव छुट्टै रमाइलो थियो। जाडो बिदा सकिन थोरै समय बाँकी थियो र हामीले गर्नुपर्ने काम भने धेरै थियो हामी बिस्तारै बिस्तारै सबै कुरा मिलाएर काम गरिरहेका थियौँ । हाम्रो ड्रामाको लागि लाग्ने सामग्री पनि हामी जुटाउँदै गइरहेका थियौँ। हामीले यसलाई अझै कसरी राम्रो गराउन सक्छौँ भनेर नि विचार गरिरहेका थियौँ । बिस्तारै बिस्तारै ड्रामा अगाडि बढ्दा समय  हामीसँग थोरै भएको अनुभव हुन्थ्यो । कहिलेकाहीँ ड्रामा टाइममा सकिएला त भन्ने  प्रश्न पनि मनमा आउँथ्यो । हामी सबै गर्न सक्छौँ भने भावनाले अगाडि बढिरहेका थियौँ।

हाम्रो जाडो बिदा पनि सकियो । तर हाम्रो ड्रामा सम्पूर्ण रूपमा नबनेको हुनाले हामीले बिहान ७ बजे आउने ९ बजे स्कुल जाने र स्कुलपछि फेरि ५ बजेसम्म तयारी गर्ने भनेर फैसला गर्यौँ । हाम्रो स्कुल सुरु भयाे । नियमित पठनपाठनकाे काम पनि हुने नै भयाे । हामी बिहान छिट्टै उठेर स्कुल पुग्थ्यौँ र त्यहाँ ९ बजेसम्म तयारी गर्थ्यौं । बिचमा राजन गुरुले खाजा खाने समय पनि दिनुहुन्थ्यो । ९ बजेपछि हामी कक्षा कोठामा जान्थ्यौँ । 

बेलुका ४ बजे हामी सबैजना एक ठाउँमा भेला भएर तयारी गर्न जान्थ्याैँ । यस ड्रामा नाइटमा  चार, पाँच, छ र सात कक्षाका भाइबहिनीहरू पनि थिए । उनीहरू टाढा टाढाबाट आउँथे । हामी दिनदिनै त्यही समयमा पुगेर तयारी गर्न थाल्यौँ बिस्तारै बिस्तारै हाम्रो ड्रामा पनि पूर्ण हुन लाग्यो । मञ्चमा जानुभन्दा ठिक अघिल्लो दिन हामीले पुरै दिन तयारी गर्यौँ । त्यो दिन हामीले ड्रामा दुईचोटि गर्नुपर्छ भनेर थाहा पायौँ । मञ्चमा गएर आफ्नाे अभिनय पस्किने दिन आयाे । त्यस दिन हामी बिहान ७ बजे नै आइपुगेका थियौँ । त्यस दिन खाना र खाजा दुईटै हामीलाई स्कुलले दिएको थियो । हाम्रो पहिलो १२ः ३०मा सुरु भयाे र  १ः ३० मा सकियाे । हाम्राे पहिलाे सो सकिने बित्तिकै हामी खाजा खान तल आयाैँ । खाजा खाइरहँदा हामीले अभिभावकहरू आइरहनुभएको देख्यौँ । यो देखेर हामी खुसी भयौँ । सो सुरु हुनतर्फ लाग्यो हामीले पुरा आत्मविश्वास र जोशका साथ त्यो साे देखायाैँ । अभिभावकको तालीको आवाज सुन्दा हामी सबैलाई खुसी लाग्याे र हामी सबैजना मञ्चमा आयौँ ।

दाेस्राे साे ३ बजदेखि सुरु भयाे र ४ बजे सकियाे । सबै अभिभावकहरूले हाम्रो प्रशंसा गर्नुभयो। उहाँहरूले आफ्नाे मनमा लागेको कुरा हामीसामु व्यक्त गर्नुभयो उहाँहरूको त्यो भावना देखेर हामीलाई पनि खुसी लाग्यो। त्यस दिन हामीले आजसम्म गरेको मेहनत र परिश्रम साँच्चै नै सफल भएको जस्तो अनुभव भयो। सबै अभिभावकहरूले हाम्रो अभिनयले उहाँहरूको मन छोएको कुरा व्यक्त गर्नुभयो। यससँगै ड्रामा नाइट पनि सकियो। 


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An Unforgettable Day
- Satkrit Pokharel - 27034, Gra ... 27 February, 2024

I was in the eighth grade and it all started during a dance class in our school. We were practicing for our dance performance. The dance class was becoming boring. Our teacher was nice but couldn't make it fun. So, my friends and I came up with a plan to make the day more exciting. 

Our plan was really simple: skip a few classes, especially math class because the teacher was new to our school and we didn’t enjoy the class. We wanted to see how many classes we could miss without getting caught. It was kind of a mission to us but turns out that it turned into a thrilling adventure and we'll always remember the incident. 

As it was a social class at that time, we managed to ask our social sir to give us some time for dance practice and he allowed us. But after a few hours, our teacher realized that we were not back from our dance practice and sent some students to find us. We told them we were still practicing, which was not true. 

Surprisingly, our excuse worked for some time. We ended up skipping three classes because of that excuse, but we all forgot that we could get in big trouble. However, our teacher managed to find us and called us to the school hall and started asking questions to find out who came up with the plan. None of us said a word or revealed who thought of it. We even got more friends to join us, so it was even harder to figure out. Teachers even gave us some time to discuss the situation which was even funnier as all of us were panicking and just too worried. 

To our surprise, we didn't get in trouble. Our teacher couldn't figure out what happened, and we escaped any punishment. What's even funnier and memorable is that I was the mastermind behind the plan. I had come up with the idea and convinced my friends to join me, and since I was the class captain, I played a significant role in the class and was the one who was asked most of the time and was assigned to find the mastermind. 

During our discussion with the teacher, she asked one of my friends, and that guy revealed my name. Our social teacher looked at me with a smile and asked if that was true. This turned a serious discussion into a humorous one, and it led to a debate between me and my friend. 

When I look back, I remember an enjoyable and special day. It was all about having an adventure and being with friends. Whenever I think about that day, I used to feel happy because we were brave and had so much fun. It's a real event which  I'll never forget. 

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किशाेरावस्थाका मेरा अनुभूति
- Amu Shakya - 27021, Grade IX ... 26 February, 2024

जब म सानाे थिएँ 

परिपक्व थिइनँ केही बुझेकाे थिइनँ

 न त आलाेचना गर्ने स्पर्श थियाे

 न समालाेचना नै ।


जब म ठूलाे हुँदै गए,

 शारीरिक र मानसिक रूपमासमेत

 म ठूलाे भएँ ।

सबै कुरा राम्रै चलिरहेकाे थियाे 


आक्षेप उमेरकाे हाे या म स्वतःकाे

 साेचमग्न बनाउने भावनाहरू
मेरा सपनामा नृत्यमग्न छन् ।

आलस्यपनकाे भाव 

एकान्तमा बस्ने रहर ।


 कुनै पल राम्राे थियाे

 कुनै नराम्राे

 कुनै निकै रमणीय थियाे

 कुनै निकै दुःखदायी ।

कृत्रिम आकाशवाणीकाे अनुभूति

 कृत्रिम स्त्रीमा मप्रतिकाे प्रेम


 यतिमा मात्र सीमित नभई

 प्रवृत्तिमा पनि आए थुप्रै परिवर्तनहरू

 ममा रिसाहा व्यवहारकाे उदय भयाे,

 जीवन एक बाेझकाे अनुभूति भयाे

 बाँच्नकाे निमित्त निराशा पलायाे ।


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नेपाली पहिचान
- Manaswi Sapkota - 26004, Grad ... 23 February, 2024

सुन्दर वातावरण हिमाल र सगरमाथा 

यो मेरो देशको हिमाल धाैलागिरी र अन्नपूर्ण ।

नेपाली प्रकृति संसारकै लाेभ लाग्ने ठाउँ

खाेलानाला र झरना लाेभ लाग्ने गाउँ


नेपाली वाावरण नेपाली प्रकृति

छटाले भरिएकाे सुन्दर याे देश

सेताम्मे हिमाल भएर पाे हाे कि 

मेराे देश नेपाल छ राम्राे परिवेश


देशमा धेरै रोजगारी नभएर हाे कि

विदेसिने लर्काे किन हाेला यति ?

कहीँ कतै प्रतिभा लुकेकाे पाे छ कि 

बगाएका छन् पसिना परिवारकाे मायामा ।


गरेर सङ्घर्ष, पाल्नकाे लागि परिवार

बाेकेर काँधमा अनगिन्ती सपना

पैसा कमाउन विदेसिएका

ती जवानहरू,

बाँचिरहेछन् धन कमाउने र पाल्ने परिवारकाे

जिम्मेवारी काँधमा बाेकेर मेरा ती

दाजुभाइहरूले खुसी पालेका छन् ।


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Solo Levelling
- Deerghayu Ghimire - 27032, Gr ... 23 February, 2024

"Solo Levelling" is a famous Korean manga also known as manhwa written by Chu-Gong (Chugong) that has been adapted into a anime and a light novel series. It follows the story of Sung Jin-Woo, a young man in a world in which portals called gates, filled with monsters and creatures of all kinds, have been appearing. These beings called "monsters" threaten humanity's life, and a group of individuals known as hunters have emerged to fight them. The first gates appeared 10 years ago. The protagonist, Sung Jin-Woo, starts off as an E-rank hunter, the weakest of the hunters and has the title of “Weakest Hunter of all Mankind” and seems down upon by using his friends. However, in the course of a particularly risky raid in a dungeon. Jin-Woo makes a difficult choice to stay behind and save his friends, resulting in his death. However, Jin-Woo wakes up in a hospital. He discovers that he has acquired the capability to "stage up '' similar to an online game, becoming more potent every time he defeats monsters. As he carries on his adventure as a solo hunter, he aims to emerge as the most powerful hunter and protect the ones he cares and loves. Throughout his adventures, Jin-Woo faces several trials and battles against strong opponents, step by step growing in energy and skill. He unravels the mysterious world of hunters and confronts his own past. It explores subject matters of willpower, and pursuit of power while also going into darker factors including betrayal and sacrifice. As Jin-Woo progresses through his adventure, he encounters  allies with different goals and adversaries  with their own motivations and agendas. The series has gotten a fan following for its fascinating storyline, artwork, and character making it stand out inside the genre of movement-journey fable. As Jin-Woo's strength grows, his sense of obligation also grows. Jin-Woo feels the burden of his new powers and frequently worries about the results of his actions. He wonders if what he is doing is right in a world where being powerful is all that matters. As the story goes on, Jin-Woo changes a lot and will become a much more potent and extra confident man. Throughout the series Jin-Woo's character undergoes increase and improvement. He evolves from a weakling and under confident  into a confident and strongest, driven via a sense of motive extra than himself. In addition to its compelling narrative and nicely-developed characters, "Solo Levelling" also features stunning artwork that brings life to the manhwa. The manga variation, specially, is praised for its dynamic action scenes, targeted person designs, and putting visual fashion. Overall, "Solo Levelling" is an immersive series that gives a mixture of feeling, adventure, and individual-pushed storytelling. Its gripping plot, attractive characters, and breathtaking paintings have earned it a dedicated fanbase international “Solo levelling” has brought a lot of new manga and manhwa readers to the realm of the manga and manhwa and even I have been attracted towards the realm of manhwa. Its anime series just started and has about 4 episodes, all of them are breathtaking and I hope we get to see more of its episodes soon.


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- Sakshyam Karna - 26013, Grade ... 22 February, 2024

It had been almost three years since the resistance had fallen. The city had been changed into a dumpster because of all the battles, spaceships crashing, and the reactor explosion. Adam was one of the few members of the resistance who had survived. He should have been the first to die since he was the closest to the reactor blast. The reactor had been the last hope humans had at winning this war, but because of the betrayal of Noah, the intruders had found its location and had bombed it. 


Almost half of the resistance army had been destroyed in the explosion, and it killed all of the generals and scientists they had, except Adam. He was inside the reactor when a siren started blowing. He could see the people panicking from inside. He saw Noah pull out a gun and shoot the other scientists. By the time the security came, Noah had been escorted out by the alien’s aircraft. Adam was opening the exit of the reactor when everything went black. He woke up after what felt like an eternity. His ear was buzzing, and people were running aimlessly. There was the sound of gunshots and aircraft. Adam stumbled around the debris, trying his best to stay on his feet. An aircraft flew over him. It looked similar to the ones in which Noah had run away, but now that he thinks of it, he was not sure that it was Noah. It could have been an imposter; who knew what the extent of the power of the aliens were? Maybe they could shape-shift. THUD! Everything went black after that. 


He woke up after a month. He had been shot in the head, but somehow he survived. There was an excruciating pain in his head, but there were no signs of injury. He stood up but could not. His leg was stuck in a rod from the debris. He tried to think of a way to get out but could not think of any that did not involve having to cut his leg off. He saw a rock near him but could not reach the rock, no matter how hard he tried. He thought if he could bend the rod and make it straight, maybe he could pull his leg out. He tried bending it with all the force he had. After a few hours of struggle, he finally managed to straighten the rod. Now was the difficult part: ignoring the pain and pulling his leg off. He slowly tried sliding his leg outside of the rod. 


The pain was too much to handle, but he got his leg out. He lay on the floor for a while and then started looking for a stick to lean onto. But by the time he found something promising, he realized that his leg was healing. The hole made by the rod in his thigh was almost healed by the time he removed his clothes to check. He was shocked to see this, but when he saw a plane scanning over him, he went to find shelter. After some time, he found someplace to hide but was disheveled and confused about the things that had happened in the past few months or years? He did not even know. He lay down beside a rock and started making plans for the future.


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खेलकुद सप्ताह मेरो अनुभव
- Kritanjali Odari - 27018, Gra ... 22 February, 2024

हाम्रो सिफल स्कुलद्वारा आयोजित खेल कुद प्रतियोगिता नियमित कार्यक्रम हो । हाम्रो विद्यालयमा खेलकुद सप्ताह कार्तिक २० गतेबाट सुरु भएको थियो । यो प्रतियोगिता सात दिनसम्म लगातार चल्ने गर्छ । हाम्रो विद्यालयमा ४ ओटा हाउस छन् । सबैको आआफ्नो हाउसलाई चिनाउने रङ्गहरू छन् जस्तै कोशीको निलो झन्डा छ । कर्णालीको हरियो झन्डा छ । महाकालीको भान्टा रङ्गको झन्डा छ । मेचीको सुन्तला रङगको झन्डा रहेको छ । 

सबै हाउसहरूका आआफ्ना शिक्षकहरू हुनुहुन्छ र हाम्रो हाउसकाे साम्यो म्याम, मजिना म्याम , रोहित सर हुनुहुन्छ । उहाँहरूले हामी बाल बालिकाहरूलाई उत्प्रेरित र हौसला दिनु भएको थियो। उहाँहरूको साथ र समर्थनले गर्दा हामीलाई खुसी र हौसला मिल्यो । म महाकाली हाउसको सदस्य हुँ । मलाई त्यो सप्ताहभरि मन परेको खेलकुद बास्केट बल रहेको थियो । मलागयत  मेरो टिम श्रीया दिदी, समिरा दिदी , सुबिज्ञा दिदी र डीना दिदी मिलेर बास्केटबलकाे खेल जित्न सफल भयाैँ । मलगायत मेरो टिम र हाम्रो हाउस शिक्षक निकै खुसी भयाैँ । हामीहरूको टक्कर फाइनलमा कोशी हाउससँग परेको थियो । त्यो हाउसमा निकै राम्रा र हामीभन्दा ठुलो तहमा खेल्ने खेलाडीहरू थिए । त्यसकारण मलाई डर लागिरहेको थियो तर, म र मेरो टिम जे हुन्छ, हुन्छ भनेर लागि पसेर खेल्न थाल्याैँ । हाम्रो खेल हेर्ने एउटा दाइ हुनुहुन्थ्यो  । उहाँले हामीलाई सलाह सुझाव दिनुभएको थियो ।  खेल हाम्रो लगभग ४८ मिनेटको हुन्थ्यो । खेल सुरु भयो । कोशीलाई पेलेर खेल्न सुरु गर्याैँ । पहिलो अङ्क श्रीया र सुविज्ञा दि मिलेर  हान्न सफल भए । हाम्रो हाउसलाई समर्थन गर्ने हाम्रै हाउसका समर्थक विद्यार्थीहरूले  हुटिङग गर्न थाले । हामीले पहिलो अङ्क पाएकाे २ मिनेटपछि हामीलाई हाम्रो बास्केटबल प्रशिक्षकले हामीलाई ब्रेक दिनुभयो । त्यो ब्रेकको समय ३ मिनेट मात्र थियो, त्यहाँ हामीले अझै हाम्रो टिमलाई बलियो बनाउने सल्लाह गर्याैँ। हामीलाई त्यहाँको दादाले फेरि खेल सुरु भयो भनेर बोलाउनु भयो । खेल सुरु भयो, बिस्तारै खेल्दै गर्याैँ । कोशीले हामीलाई दबाब दियाे तर हामीले पनि उनीहरूलाई पेल्दै गयाैँ ।  अर्को एक अङ्क आयाे हाम्राे । जति अङ्क बढ्दै गयो त्यति कोशीले हामीलाई नराम्रो गर्दै गयो। उनीहरूले हामीलाई दबाबमा पारे पनि हामीले आफ्नो कोसिस गर्न छाेडेनौ ।

केही समयपछि हाम्रो बास्केटबल खेलाउने प्रशिक्षकले ब्रेक दिनु भयो । हाम्रो एक अङ्कलाई २ भनेर मानिदो रहेछ । कुन ठाउँबाट बास्केटमा बल छिराएकाे त्यहीअनुसारकाे अङ्क प्राप्त हुँदाे रहेछ ।  हाम्रो हाउसको शिक्षकले जित्नुपर्छ है भनेर हौसला दिनुभयो हामीलाई । हाम्रो प्रशिक्षकले अर्को तरिका दिनुभयो । हाम्रो आराम लिने समय सकियो । यो हाम्रो अन्तिम ओभर थियो । अन्तिम ओभरमा मैले एक अङ्क हाने र अन्तिमकाे २ मिनटमा कोशीले  हान्यो । कोशीका खेलाडीहरूले  आफू जित्नुपर्छ भन्ने धेरै आत्मविश्वास थियो तर त्यसाे भएन । खेल सकिएपछि हामी महाकालीको सबै सदस्य भएर फोटो खिच्याैँ । रमाइलो गर्याैँ । हामी सबै जना पदक लिने समय कुरेका थियाैँ । त्याे समय डियरवाक सिफल नाइटमा आयाे र हामीले पदक लियाैँ । यसरी यस वर्षकाे खेल सप्ताह सकियाे ।


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नेपाल: हाम्रो साथी
- Phoebe Shrestha - 26016, Grad ... 21 February, 2024

कति सुन्दर तिमी

अनि कति भाग्यमानी म

तिमीसँग पृथ्वी

र मसँग तिमी ।


मेरो सुन्दर नेपाल

त्यो सगरमाथाकाे काख

शब्दहरू कहिल्यै पर्याप्त हुन सक्दैन

यही हाे मेरो नेपाल ।


त्यो सगरमाथाको ताल

त्यो पहाडहरु तिमीसँगको

त्यो शान्ति तिमीसँगको

म भाग्यमानी महसुस गर्छु 


तिमी मेरो घर हौ

यो जहाँ म सम्बन्धित छु

मलाई कुनै लाज छैन

मलाई कुनै लाज छैन


म कसरी भुल्न सक्छु

तिम्रो मायालाई ?

तिमीसँग म मेरो सान्त्वना पाउँछु

पशुपतिनाथ, जहाँ पूजा गरिन्छ,


रङमा गुराँस जलेको,

प्रकृतिको एक सिम्फनी

जुन साँच्चै चकित हुन्छ । 

जुन सधैँ जसको लागि गर्व गर्छ ।


मेरो नेपाल मेरो देश

बुद्धको जन्म स्थानबाट

मन्दिर, पहाड र हिमालको भूमि

नेपाल तिमी अनन्त अँगालो हो ।


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Brain Drain Politics
- Ashish Dahal - 27004, Grade I ... 21 February, 2024

Nepal is a beautiful country set in the heart of the Himalayas. But this beauty has been dealing with a very huge virus that has been killing Nepal from inside, ‘Brain Drain’. This is a very huge problem in any country. This problem makes it so that there are no people who can work or be able to stay in their motherland. In Nepal, there are many factors that have been causing this problem. I would like to talk about the main cause of this problem: ‘Politics’ of Nepal.


The politics in Nepal has not been stable for decades. Changes in governance and constitution have been very common in Nepal. The shift in power dynamics is very huge. One day one political party might be in power but the very next day someone else comes. There has been too much conflict in this nation over the political power. Youth in this conflict either go abroad for work and education or a little bit of those who are still here get influenced by a political party and die in that conflict. The guys who want to go abroad also sometimes get into this political matter and die in it. As there was news that a guy was shot dead by a police officer for protesting about the government not letting them go abroad. Politics has been like a business in Nepal. In every household there is someone who is a politician more than actual workers in Nepal; there are politicians. Those politicians are also not so fair as Nepal has been set up for the 110 countries in corruption among 180 countries. Nepal has a corruption index rate of 34% as it shows how corrupt Nepal’s politicians are.


Nepal has very few factories and very few job opportunities. Most of the young people who have been staying and working also don't earn that much. The money earned from hard work in Nepal is less than in other countries. If a person works the same amount of time giving the same amount of dedication and working hard, then he can earn way more money than he can earn in Nepal. In Nepal, there are already monopoly sets for any business one likes to start because of that there are very few business sets in Nepal. Nobody invests in Nepal because it looks like a business that can never grow. People are very scared to run any kind of business because of heavy inflation; one day the raw materials might cost less but the very next day it might skyrocket. The whole economy is not stable in Nepal. The trade is also very fluctuating. But if one would like to start anything, one would need human resources. That key thing is also missing in Nepal. In every household, there are some who have gone abroad to either study or work in Nepal.


Although this problem might be affecting Nepal, the government is trying to get rid of this problem. They are adding courses in school that would stress the importance of staying in the motherland. They are adding new things in the government like if anyone wants to start a business, the Nepali government would sponsor it. Adding many more things and trying to make politics stable and getting rid of monopoly in every market might be the way of getting rid of this problem in my thoughts.


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Why Do People Lie?
- Rushina Tamang - 26008, Grade ... 20 February, 2024

Let’s admit the fact that we all have lied at least once in our lives and it’s not wrong. Sometimes during near death or necessary situations a person has to lie. As it is in our survival instinct. But lying becomes a problem when it becomes a regular practice. Even in situations where it is better to speak the truth for the better and apologize, people prefer to lie. Children are parented from a young age to always speak the truth and never to lie then how do they grow up to be adults who lie. Well, it’s not their fault, it is just the environment that they grew up in. We lie so that we don’t have to stay in a stressful situation which might take a toll on us physically  or mentally. Lying is necessary and important in appropriate situations as much as telling the truth is. But some adults grow the habit of lying so much to the extent where they develop anxiety to tell the truth or find it physically difficult. And growing up amongst these types of adults, children just adapt to lying to not get in trouble with their respective adults in their lives. 


It’s normal to lie and it is necessary but when it becomes a habit, then is the moment it becomes an unfair motive. Because sometimes in a situation when a person can easily tell the truth and fix a problem with just a simple apology they lie. And even if they do not lie and tell the truth, they fabricate it with hundreds of excuses one on top of other causing the person who was blaming them initially to think that they were in the wrong for blaming them. Which is the situation I personally hate the most. Because I believe that if you are generally trying to fix a problem, you shouldn’t fabricate your apology with excuses because even if the truth is being said, I would consider it as a lie. If a person is at fault, their apology should basically output as, “I am very sorry. I did these wrong things to you. Please forgive me.” And that’s it. It is the most general form of an apology that sounds like it is actually meant. 


And as an adult, we should prevent our children from getting involved in the act of constant lying. For example:- You can’t argue with your partner in front of your young child for years as they are growing up and when they just adapt to the fighting and start distancing themselves from you because they don’t want to get involved or are mentally scarred and scared, you come up finally want to be a proper parent and fix the scar that cannot be erased and apologize and your apology sounds like, “It was all your other parents fault, they ruined everything which is why I they argued so much, I tried to tell your other parent to not fight in front of you as it might affect you (They did but never initiated this thought), etc.” blaming everything on everything else but them and then telling them to be strong and handle this trauma like an adult. This type of parenting, you can’t even call it parenting. It is more like manipulating. 


This is why I think most children and adults prefer to lie. It isn’t their fault, it is just the happy and so definitely cheerful environment that they grew up in that is just perfect for children. 


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खेलकुद र मानव जीवन
- Parisa Nepal - 27033, Grade I ... 20 February, 2024

सबैभन्दा पहिले खेलकुदले शारीरिक गतिविधि र सिप समावेश गर्ने गतिविधिलाई जनाउँछ । खेलकुद मानव जीवनको अभिन्न अङ्ग हो र जीवनका हरेक क्षेत्रमा खेलकुदको ठुलो महत्त्व छ । यसबाहेक खेलकुदले व्यक्तिको चरित्र र व्यक्तित्व निर्माण गर्न पनि मद्दत गर्छ । यो निश्चित रूपमा शरीरलाई शारीरिक रूपमा तन्दुरुस्त राख्नको लागि एक उत्कृष्ट अभ्यास हो । सबैभन्दा उल्लेखनीय, खेलकुदका फाइदाहरू यति धेरै छन् कि जसमा किताबहरू लेख्न सकिन्छ। खेलकुदले दिमाग र शरीर दुवैमा ठुलो सकारात्मक प्रभाव पार्छ । खेलकुद विद्यार्थीको वृद्धि र विकासको महत्त्वपूर्ण भाग हो । तिनीहरूले मानसिक स्वास्थ्य र शरीरको शारीरिक तन्दुरुस्तीको विकासमा मद्दत गर्दछ । खेलकुद र खेलहरूमा सहभागिताको माध्यमबाट विद्यार्थीले विभिन्न सिप, अनुभव र आत्मविश्वास प्राप्त गर्दछ, जुन उनीहरूको व्यक्तित्व विकास गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ।

खेलकुदले शारीरिक र मानसिक स्वास्थ्य सुधार गर्दछ । खेलकुदका मुख्य फाइदाहरूमध्ये विद्यार्थीको शारीरिक र मानसिक स्वास्थ्यलाई बढावा दिनु हो । खेलहरू टोलीहरू बीच स्वस्थ प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक वातावरणमा खेलिन्छ जसले विद्यार्थी सक्रिय र तन्दुरुस्त रहन्छ भन्ने सुनिश्चित गर्दछ । फुटबल, क्रिकेट, टेनिस, पौडी, दौडजस्ता आउटडोर खेलहरूले शरीर र दिमागलाई सक्रिय र व्यस्त राख्छ । चेस, ब्याडमिन्टन र टेबलटेनिस जस्ता इनडोर खेलहरूले विद्यार्थीको एकाग्रता स्तर बढाउँछ । यसले शरीरको प्रतिरक्षा प्रणालीलाई पनि बलियो बनाउँछ र उनीहरूलाई ऊर्जा दिन्छ । विद्यार्थीहरूलाई जीवन कौशलको साथ सशक्त बनाउँछ जबकि खेलकुदले शारीरिक र मानसिक स्वास्थ्यको विकासमा मात्र मद्दत गर्दैन यसले विद्यार्थीको व्यक्तित्वको जीवन कौशल पनि विकास गर्दछ । यसले उनीहरूको क्षमताहरू बढाउँछ र उनीहरूलाई आफूलाई राम्रोसँग बुझ्न मद्दत गर्दछ । खेलकुदले सामाजिक सिप विकास गर्न, अरूलाई मद्दत गर्न, अन्तरक्रिया गर्न पनि सघाउ पुर्याउँछ । 

विद्यार्थीहरूलाई जीवन कौशलको साथ सशक्त बनाउँछ । जबकि खेलकुदले शारीरिक र मानसिक स्वास्थ्यको विकासमा मात्र मद्दत गर्दैन, यसले विद्यार्थीको व्यक्तित्वको जीवन कौशल पनि विकास गर्दछ । यसले उनीहरूको क्षमताहरू बढाउँछ र उनीहरूलाई आफूलाई राम्रोसँग बुझ्न मद्दत गर्दछ । खेलकुदले पनि सामाजिक सिप विकास गर्न र मानिसहरूसँग मिल्न मद्दत गर्दछ। तिनीहरू आफ्नो उमेरका बच्चाहरूसँग मात्र होइन तर तिनीहरूका प्रशिक्षक र वरिष्ठहरू जस्तै वयस्कहरूसँग पनि अन्तरक्रिया गर्न सिक्छन् । थप रूपमा बच्चाहरूले विभिन्न टोली गतिविधिहरू मार्फत निर्णय गर्ने सिपहरू प्राप्त गर्छन् ।  सरुवा र नसर्ने रोगहरूबाट बच्नको लागि खेलकुदमा संलग्न हुनु उत्तम तरिका हो । खेलकुद गतिविधिहरूले रक्तचाप घटाउने र हृदयको तन्दुरुस्तीमा सुधार लगायतका विभिन्न हृदयाघातका फाइदाहरू पाएका छन् । यसले निद्राको गुणस्तरमा सकारात्मक प्रभाव पार्छ । खेलकुद माध्यमबाट विकास धीरता, टोली कार्य, नेतृत्व, अनुशासन, असफलताबाट सिक्ने, आदि जस्ता सिपहरू विकसित हुन्छन् । जब विद्यार्थीहरू कुनै पनि प्रकारका खेलकुदमा संलग्न हुन्छन् तब तिनीहरू हरेक सिप सिक्नमा तत्पर हुन्छन् । 

खेलकुद मानव जीवनको सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण पक्ष हो । यसले पक्कै पनि मानव जीवनको गुणस्तर बढाउँछ । विद्यालयमा खेलकुद अनिवार्य गरिनुपर्छ । किनभने यो शिक्षा जत्तिकै महत्त्वपूर्ण छ । याे मानव जीवन र स्वास्थ्यसँग जाेडिएकाे विषय पनि हाे ।  सबैले कम्तिमा एक खेल गतिविधि नियमित रूपमा  गर्ने बानी भयाे भने हामी स्वस्थ र निराेगी हुन्छाैँ । 


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