
Student Corner

How can good hygiene affect our mental health?

Written by: Eshaan Kumar Rajbhandari - 27027, Grade X

Posted on: 11 June, 2024

We all know that good hygiene is always necessary for us to be healthy. Without good hygiene we will always face health issues as many diseases are caused by unhygienic things such as not washing your hands, not cleaning your toilet, digging nose, spitting on the road etc. So in all, good hygiene is a must for a healthy and safe life. Many ask how can good hygiene affect our mental health?


Good hygiene can affect our mental health in many ways. Cleanliness is the first thing that comes to our mind when we hear about good hygiene. Cleanliness has always been the major key for a person to be healthy. If a person is clean or if he/she has maintained good hygiene then they can boost up their self confidence while being in public as they will feel less insecure about themselves. In order for us to maintain good hygiene we need to follow a certain set of rules, and while following these rules a person will develop a sense of control and order which will lead to loose anxiety and stress levels. Self hygiene means cleaning and cleansing ourselves on a regular basis. As we all know that when all of us stay clean then our mind and body will always be fresh. It will give us a positive outlook motivating us to have a fresh start in every work we plan to do. It will also freshen our mood. Good hygiene can lead us to good social reactions as we all know that nobody likes to have any kind of relationship with a person who has dirty, unpleasant body odor and is mainly unhygienic. As I have said earlier, good hygiene will always prevent us from any illness. So mental health will always be down with any kind of illness. With feeling clean and comfortable we could always lead to a good sleep. So as we get good sleep it will prevent us from having any kind of headaches. Being clean and well-groomed can enhance productivity and focus, as it removes distractions related to discomfort or self-consciousness. Not only that but with no distractions we could have a better life as we would be mainly focused about our future with no mental discomfort. Establishing a hygiene routine can serve as a form of self-care, promoting mindfulness and self-nurturing behaviors.


In conclusion, I would like to say that having good hygiene is very important for a person to have good mental health. Having good mental health will always help us improve in many extracurricular things such as our studies, sports, our daily life and many more. Thus we should be  careful with our mental health as we do with our physical health. Also having good mental health will never have any bad effects as it will always lead a path for a calm and healthy life.