
Student Corner


नेपाली सुन्दर भूमि
- Roji Gurung - 26007, Grade X ... 17 January, 2024

तिम्रै सुन्दरतामा म रमाउँछु,

सबैभन्दा प्यारो लाग्छ मलाई तिमी मात्र ,

तिम्रै सुन्दरताको चर्चा छ सबै जहाँतही 

छानिएका तिमी लाखाैँमा कहीँकहीँ ।


नेपाल छौ तिमी यति राम्रो नेपाली भेषमा ?

जन्मिए म पनि यही प्रिय आफ्नै देशमा

जन्मे गौतम बुद्ध  तिम्रै तराई पाखामा,

गुनगुनाउँछन् लाेकभाका सुरिलाे भाकामा ।


वीरता र एकताका प्रतीक कति कति

गाउँछन् वीरगाथा सबैले यै देशका अति

पृथ्वीनारायण शाह, वलभद्र र भक्ति थापा

 रमाउँछन् सबै हेरेर  हिमाल र वनपाखा ।


 रातै लालीगुराँस फुलेका पाखामा,

बजाउँछन् मुरली सुरिलाे भाकामा, 

मन्दिर र स्तूपहरू, मस्जिद अनि गुम्बा

 मिल्ला र खुसी मलाई अरू के याे भन्दा ?


नेपालको सुन्दरतामा हामी रमाउँछाै

हाम्रा सपनाहरू उडिरहेकाे हामी पाउँछाै,

हिमालको अँगालोमा, प्रकृतिको काख,

नेपालको सुन्दरता नेपालमै राख ।


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Guheshwori Jatra
- Pratik Dangol - 27009, Grade ... 17 January, 2024

Guheshwori Jatra is one of the popular jatras celebrated in the Pashupati area of the Kathmandu Valley. This two-day-long jatra has many important beliefs within the devotees. It is not only a moment of joy in the Pashupati area but all over Kathmandu city. For the jatra, the Guheshwori area is also decorated with lighting that enhances the joy in the jatra.

Guheshwori Jatra is all about showing respect to the goddess Guheshwori. Guheshwori is one of the most powerful Ajimas of the Kathmandu valley, also known for her protective and nurturing qualities. The festival starts with the Newar community performing traditional ceremonies like prayers and offerings. They do this to ask for the goddess's blessings and wish for the good health and happiness of the community.

On the 1st day of the jatra, the goddess is brought in a chariot from Taleju Bhawani located at Basantapur with different ceremonies and different bajas like Dhime baja and Nya khin Baja that make the jatra more enhancing. Before entering the chariot inside the Temple Premises, the lingoo is set up outside the temple. After that, different offerings are done the next day, and the chariot is lifted around 7 pm the next day after all offerings are completed. There, in the temple, samay baji is also given as prasad to all the devotees who came to the jatra. The special part of the jatra is that Gurju paltan comes to take the chariot from Guheshwori Temple to Taleju Bhawani. Not only that, but bajas of different groups like Dathu tole, Srijanshil, Chabahil, Kutubahal, Mitrapark, Guheswori, etc., make the jatra more enhancing and fun.

After the gunshots from Gurju paltan, the chariot is officially lifted and is taken around the temple at first, which has its own religious importance. After that, the chariot is taken outside of the temple and kept outside. Then, after the lingoo is dropped down, the chariot is taken to the next side of the Bagmati river, crossing it. After that, the chariot is taken to Basantapur, going through Gaurighat, Pashupati, Jayabageshwori, Nawali tole, etc., where different offerings are done by the locals. There, in Basantapur, the jatra officially ends again with the gunshots from Gurju Paltan. At last, the samay baji is also given in Basantapur.

In conclusion, the Guheshwori jatra creates a moment of happiness with the devotees who come to worship the goddess. This jatra is very important according to the beliefs and rituals in the Newar community of the Kathmandu valley.


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- Rushina Tamang - 26008, Grade ... 16 January, 2024

“I sometimes wonder what it would feel like to be the one waiting. What it would feel like to be the one sitting behind the table rather than the one standing in front of it.

“That’s one huge dream you have, kid.”

“Well, it is my dream, and I just can’t seem to get around it.”

“Well, kid, you have to work a lot in order to achieve something like that. You have to work outside this kitchen, explore your options, and face everything with strength, bravery, and determination.”

“I could achieve that dream just by working here as well, you know. I could work hard in this kitchen, get promotions and work my way through.”

“Well, that would work if this place would exist for that long. This place is dying down, kid. I bet in the next two years, this place will get demolished by the bank. This restaurant has a lot of debt, you know. And looking at the way this restaurant is earning its profit, this place won’t be able to recover from its debt.”

“So, it's fixed, huh?”

“Look, kid, you are a bright person. You are the brightest kid I have ever met. And I can assure you that whatever path you take in life, you’re going to make the best out of it. Someday, you are going to reach the top. And when you finally get your place behind the table, don’t you forget my name, ok?”

I giggle a little, “Alright, Brin. One day, when I make my way to America after I finish my studies and I make something out of myself, I’ll make sure to come back finding you, Brin. And we’ll go to the biggest restaurant in the city and sit behind the table while someone else stands in front of us and takes our order.”

“Sure, kid. One day I hope to see ‘Krist Roberts: The new success in the world’ in bold written in the font Times New Roman, as the headline of the newspaper.”

“Table 4 needs a waiter.”

“It’s your turn, Krist. Before you head out into the world, why don’t you head out of this kitchen first?”

“I swear, Brin. Someday, I will rise to the top. For now, I have to head out for that order.”

I walk out of the gray kitchen doors as the bright yellow light flashes on my eyes. Whenever I walk out of the kitchen doors, I imagine myself walking out on the red carpet from my black limousine. I step outside my car, and a bright light flashes at my eyes. As I walk, paparazzi surround me with questions that I’ll probably ignore except a few. But whenever I walk my 7th step, I enter the same old restaurant that I’ve worked at for 4 years. The same old The Bennies.

After I wake up from my daydream, I click back in with reality and walk my way towards Table 4.

“Hello, folks. Welcome to The Bennies, how can I help you today?” I look at the family of three surrounding Table 4. Two young parents and a toddler. The toddler had blond hair and blue eyes. Blue eyes from the father and blond hair from the mother. The toddler looked exactly like me. I also had blond hair and blue eyes. When I saw the toddler, and the happy family of three I felt a sharp pain in my heart.

“We’ll just do Alfredo pasta, a Caesar salad, and fried rice.” “Ok, I’ll be right back with your order. You have a lovely family.” “Thank you.”

The toddler looked exactly like me. I never knew my parents. Well, I did know them. But it was so long ago since I last saw their face that I don’t remember what they look like anymore. They left me on the streets when I was about 6. And Brin has raised me ever since. I wonder if I also got my blue eyes from my dad and my blond hair from my mom. But oh well, it didn’t matter anymore. It’s not like they’re gonna come finding me again.

“Krist, you should head out first. I’ll finish up the dishes and be right behind you. Your results are tomorrow, aren’t they?”

“Yeah, I’ll head home first then. See ya later, Brin.” “Get home safely!”

This is it. Today might be the last day of me working in this restaurant or just another day. I cannot believe a few numbers will decide the entire course of how my life will go. Tomorrow might just be the most important day of my life. I can imagine myself in a few decades remembering the moment I opened my results online. It would be 12:00 o’clock in the morning, my arms sweating, my mind full of thoughts, and Brin next to me supporting me. I wonder if I’ll get any sleep today.

“Krist, it’s time.” I run downstairs and open my old almost run-down laptop. Brin had to save up for months to buy me that laptop. And it was a second-hand run-down laptop but it was more than anything I could ask for. That was the best present I had ever got. It was time, I checked the clock on the laptop and saw the time being 11:59. It was time. This was it. I open the website and put my credentials in the website. “On the count of three, three, two, one.”

“Hey, Brin. BRIN!! Come look at this.” “What is it?” “Come check this out!! Quickly!!!” I get handed a newspaper and on the newspaper’s headline, there was written in bold and in Times New Roman, “Krist Roberts: The new success in the world.”


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साहित्यमा माेह बढाउँदै सिफल स्कुल
- Suprabh Acharya - 27014, Grad ... 16 January, 2024

नेपालकाे राजधानी, काठमाण्डाैँ उपत्यका, धेरैले मन पराउने सहर जँहा सबैका रहर पनि मुस्कुराउने गर्दछन् । तिनै मध्येकाे म पनि उपत्यकाकाे विद्यालयमा भर्ना भएर जीवनकाे उज्वल भविष्य काेर्नका लागि वि.स. २०७५ सालबाट काठमाण्डाैंकाे सिफलमा रहेकाे सिफल माध्यमिक विद्यालयमा कक्षा ५ देखि भर्ना भएर पढ्न थालेँ । यस विद्यालयमा आउनुभन्दा पहिले म बानेश्वरमा रहेकाे ‘विद्या संस्कार’ विद्यालयमा अध्ययन गर्दथेँ । तर त्याे विद्यालय बानेश्वरबाट स्थानान्तरण भएर गाेकर्णेश्वर तिर जाने खबरले मेरा बुबाआमालाई निराश बनायाे किनकी त्याे ठाँउ म बस्ने ठाँउ भन्दा निक्कै टाढा पर्दथ्याे । मेराे विद्यालय जाने समय र बसकाे यात्रा धेरै हुने कुराले मेराे विद्यालय परिवर्तन गर्ने चाहना अभिभावकमा देखियाे र अरू विद्यालयकाे खाेजी हुन थाल्याे । यसै क्रममा बुबाले यसबारेमा आफ्नाे कार्यालयका साथीहरूसँग पनि साेधपुछ गर्नुभएछ । नभन्दै बुबाकाे साथीले यस सिफल विद्यालयकाे बारेमा तारिफ गरेकाे सुनेर विद्यालय भ्रमण गर्ने याेजना लिएर मेरा बुबाआमा विद्यालयमा जानुभयाे । विद्यालय भ्रमण र त्यहाँका शिक्षकहरूसँगकाे कुराकानीमा मेरा अभिभावकलाई विद्यालयले गर्ने कृयाकलापमा चासाे भयाे र सबै कुरा बुझेपछि मलाई सिफल माध्यमिक विद्यालयमा भर्ना गरिदिनु भयाे । 

सुरुमा त मलाई नयाँ विद्यालय कस्ताे हाेला, साथीहरू कस्ता हाेलान्, शिक्षक शिक्षिका कस्ताे हुनुहाेला भनेर कुतूहलता र मनमा डर दुवै थियाे । तर जब शिक्षकहरूले विद्यालयकाे बारेमा सुरूका दिनहरूमा बताउनुभयाे, भएसँगै रमाइलाे र उत्सुकता जागिरह्याे । मलाई यस विद्यालयले गर्ने दैनिक गतिविधिले लाेभ्याउँदै गयाे जसमा सदन बाँडफाँड प्रकृया, कक्षा प्रतिनिधि छनाैट जस्ता कुराहरूले मलाई नेतृत्व छनाैटमा सहयाेग गर्याे । मैले पनि आफ्नाे कक्षाकाे कक्षा प्रतिनिधि पदमा भाग लिन पाएँ । यसले मलाई हाैसला र सबै समान भएकाे महसुस गरायाे । यति मात्र हाेइन मैले जब हरेक महिना अङ्ग्रेजी र नेपाली भाषाका फरक फरक साहित्यिक पुस्तकहरू जुन पाठ्यपुस्तकभन्दा अतिरिक्त पठनका लागि विद्यालयले दिने गर्थ्याे र त्यसकाे बारेमा साप्ताहिक र मासिक रूपमा पुस्तक समीक्षा भरेर बुझाउने कुराले मलाई पुस्तक पढ्ने कुराप्रतिकाे लगाव र लगनलाई बढावा दिएकाे महसुस गरेँ । 


अहिले म यसै विद्यालयकाे कक्षा नाैमा अध्ययनरत विद्यार्थी हुँ । मैले मासिक पुस्तक अध्ययनका क्रममा अहिले पनि पुस्तकहरू महिनाकाे सुरूमा पाउने गरेकाे छु । कक्षा ८ मा रहँदा मैले नेपाली र अङ्ग्रेजी गरेर जम्मा २४ वटा साहित्यिक पुस्तकहरूकाे अध्ययन, पुस्तक समीक्षासमेत गर्ने सिप सिकेँ । जसले गर्दा मेराे पुस्तक पढ्ने रूची बढ्दै गएकाे छ । मैले कक्षा ८ मा नेपाली साहित्यका जम्मा १२ वटा पुस्तक एक वर्षमा अध्ययन गरेकाे थिएँ । म लगायत मेरा साथीहरूले निरन्तर रूपमा शिक्षक, शिक्षिकाकाे सहयाेगमा ती पुस्तककाे सारांश लेख्ने र पुस्तक समीक्षा गरी पत्रपत्रिका र विद्यालयकाे स्टुडेन्ट कर्नरमा प्रकाशन हुने गर्दथे, जसले हामीलाई झन् झन् हाैसला दिँदै जान्थ्याे र निरन्तर रूपमा पुस्तककाे समीक्षा गरी सम्बन्धित शिक्षकलाई पठाउने गरिन्थ्याे । यसै क्रममा मैले मासिक रूपमा अध्ययन गरेका पुस्तक जस्तै अनन्त वाग्लेजीले लेखेकाे यार्चा, विरेन्द्र नेपालद्वारा रचित छन्द कविता सङ्ग्रह विश्ववेदना, आन्विका गिरीद्वारा लेखिएकाे नारीवादी सचित्र कथा सङ्ग्रह आमाले सक्नुहुन्छ, रामदेव पाण्डेद्वारा लिखित बाल उपन्यास हजुरआमाकाे लाैराे, गितेश प्याकुरेलकाे याेध्दा, मन्जु ज्ञवालीकाे किशाेर कथा सङ्ग्रह फेक आइ डी, डा. सुदर्शन भक्त माथेमाकाे कविता सङ्ग्रह मैले बुझेकाे जीवन, राधा पाैडेलकाे खलंगामा हमला र उनै साहित्यकार राधा पाैडेलद्वारा लिखित राेल नम्बर एक साहित्यिक पुस्तकहरू मलाई मन पर्ने पुस्तकहरू मध्येका हुन् । 

यसका साथै मैले खबुज नामकाे पुस्तक पनि अध्ययन गरेकाे छु, जसका लेखक बेन्यामिन हुन् जाे केरलाका साहित्यकार रहेका छन् । यी पुस्तकहरूकाे अध्ययनबाट मैले हाम्राे समाज, समाजमा घट्ने घटना, मानिसका सङ्घर्षका कथा, सामाजिक र सांस्कृतिक विसङ्गति, बाल मनाेविज्ञान, देश भक्त नेपाली, १२ वर्षकाे द्वन्द्वकाल र परिघटना, यार्चागुम्वाका कारण बालबालिकाले भाग्नु परेकाे दुःख र पढाइमा भएकाे अवराेधका बारेमा बुझ्ने माैका पाएँ । यसमध्ये पनि मलाई असाध्यै मन परेका पुस्तकमा आमाले सक्नुहुन्छ र हजुरआमाकाे लाैराे रहेका छन् । यी दुवै पुस्तकका पात्र महिला र बालबालिका हुनु र यसमा उल्लेख गरेकाे घटना क्रमले महिलालाई हेर्ने दृष्टिकाेण, समाजकाे महिला प्रतिकाे साेच, तथा अहिलेकाे आधुनिक युगमा महिला, बालबालिका तथा वृद्धवृद्धाले भाेग्नु परेकाे पीडालाई उल्लेख गरेकाे छ । 

क्रमश: ………………..


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आफूलाई पनि महत्त्व दिनुपर्छ
- Rushina Tamang - 26008, Grade ... 26 December, 2023

हरिराज शास्त्री आज ६७ वर्ष पुगे । हरिले आफ्नो ६७ वर्षको लामो आयुमा धेरै कुराहरू अपनाएका, पाएका र छोडेका छन् । नेपाली गाउँघरमा हुर्केका हरि निम्न आर्थिक अवस्थामा हुर्केको थियो । उसँग धेरै कुरा थिएन तर उसले सधैँ आफूसित भएको कुराले नै काम चलाउँथ्यो । ऊ अरूको जन्मदिनमा गएको थियो, रमेको थियो तर आफ्नो जन्मदिन मनाएको थिएन । न त उसको बुवाले न त उसकी आमाले न त उसका तीन भाइबहिनीले आफ्नो जन्मदिन मनाएका थिए । हरिलाई कहिले जन्मदिन मनाउने बानी नभएर होला उसलाई अहिलेसम्म गरिबबाट धनी भइसकेपछि पनि आफ्नो जन्मदिन मनाउन अफ्ठ्यारो लाग्थ्यो ।

हरिका आमाबुवा गरिब भए पनि असिना पसिना गरी छोराछोरीहरूलाई पढाएका थिए । हरि पढेलेखेको व्यक्तिलाई जन्मदिनको महत्त्व थाहा थियो र आफ्नो छोराछोरीहरूको हरेक वर्ष जन्मदिन मनाउने पनि गर्थ्यो तर जब पनि उसका छोराछोरीहरूले उसको जन्मदिन मनाउने कुरा ल्याउँथे उसले त्यो कुरा अस्वीकार गर्थ्याे ।

हरि सधैँ कक्षामा प्रथम आउने विद्यार्थी थियो । साथी, शिक्षक सबैले उसलाई मन पराउँथे । ऊ एकदमै राम्रो व्यक्ति थियो जो सधैँ अरूको लागि सोच्ने गर्थ्यो । उसलाई अरूलाई सहयोग गर्न पाउँदा धेरै राम्रो लाग्थ्यो । ऊ सधैँ अरूको मद्दत गर्ने मौकामा जुटेको हुन्थ्यो । र धेरै जसो बेला आफू आगाडि अरूलाई राख्ने गर्थ्यो । ऊ आफूबाहेक अरू सबैजनाको बारेमा सोच्ने गर्थ्यो।

हरिलाई सबैभन्दा धेरै प्यारो लाग्ने कुरा आफ्नो घर थियो । उसको गाउँ उसलाई सारै प्यारो थियो । उसले आफ्नो गाउँलाई विकास गरेर सहरझैँ बनाएर र आवश्यक सामग्री ल्याएर मद्दत गरेको थियो । सबै गाउँलेहरू हरिदेखि एकदमै खुसी थिए । उसलाई धेरै सम्मान पनि गर्ने गर्थे । तर, उसका लागि पनि केही गर्न मिल्छ कि भनेर सोध्दा हरिले मेरो लागि केही गर्नु पर्दैन । यो सबै तपाईंहरूले पाउने हक छ भनेर हरिले भन्याे । हरि सधैँ अरूबाट केही समान लिन हिचकिचाउँथ्याे । उसलाई लिन अफ्ट्यारो लाग्थ्यो तर दिनमा उभन्दा अब्बल काेही थिएन ।

उसको यो बानीले उसका परिवार धेरै निराश थिए । किनकि हरिले अहिलेसम्म आफ्नो लागी केही कुरा गरेको थिएन । उनीहरूलाई थाहा थियो कि हरि एकदमै राम्रो व्यक्ति थियो भनेर । तर, राम्रा व्यक्तिहरूले पनि आफ्ना लागि केही राम्रा कुरा त गर्न सक्छन् नि । अरूलाई मद्दत गरेर सुखी बनेर आफ्नो अवस्था नराम्रो राख्नु ठिक थिएन । हरिले अहिलेसम्म दिने बानीले जन्मदिन मनाउन असजिलाे मान्थ्याे । आज ६७ वर्ष पुगेकाे उसले आफ्नाे जन्मदिन यत्तिकै कुनै अर्को दिन जसरी बित्छ भनेर सोचिरहेको थियो ।


हरिकी छोरी, “ह्याप्पी बर्थडे टु यु बाबा।”


“आबुइ के हो यस्तो मैले भन्या हैन, मलाई बर्थडे मनाउन मन पर्दैन भनेर छोरी ! ”

“बाबा, तपाईं सधैँ हरेक वर्ष अरूको कति मद्दत गर्नुहुन्छ। कति मानिसहरूको जन्मदिन मनाउन मद्दत गर्नुहुन्छ । तर हरेक कामको फल हुन्छ बाबा । आजको दिन तपाईंकाे कामको फल सम्झिँदै यो केक खानुस् । बाबा ! हजुरले कहिलेकाहीँ त आफ्नो लागि पनि केही गर्नुपर्छ ल ल छिटो खानुस् । यसपछि हजुरलाई मनपर्ने सबै सामान किन्न जानु छ,  बाबा ! 


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Hokshe: Nepal’s Hidden Kidney Valley
- Satkrit Pokharel - 27034, Gra ... 26 December, 2023

Fifty kilometers away from the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, there is a village named Hokshe, also known as the Kidney Valley. It is said that "members from every house have sold their one kidney, and some people are forced to sell their kidneys."


Different kidney brokers from all around the world have said, "You have 2 kidneys, and you can survive with one kidney and will gain your kidney again." Due to finances and education, some are forced to sell their kidneys. Every parent from this village has sold their kidney to educate their children and fulfill their wants and needs. There are different causes for selling kidneys in this village: some people have sold their kidneys to go abroad to earn money and fulfill their dreams, some to build their houses, some to pay their loans, and many more. Due to this, they are now facing a difficult time in their lives.


Not only in this village, but most of the rural villages and their fellow villagers are forced to sell their kidneys. After the earthquake of 2072 and after COVID-19, villagers of rural areas suffered from a financial crisis, which also increased the process of selling kidneys in high amounts. From this, the number of kidney brokers also increased.


Talking about Nepal and India, there is a high demand for kidneys. According to a report, every year, people from Nepal and India need 3 lakh kidneys, but the supply of kidneys is around 8000, which is also supplied illegally from places like Hokshe of Nepal and Tamil Nadu of India. Because of this, different brokers, government, politicians, hospitals, etc., are interested and are earning millions and millions of money from such crimes.


Kidney brokers are used to target victims who are in an emergency and need a kidney urgently. For those people, they used to charge from 25 lakh to 1 crore. Many people have been victims of such crimes. There are many cases of victims being the brokers to fulfill their dreams. Doctors, brokers, government officials, politicians, and many more high-profile people are also involved in such crimes to earn money. There are many cases in which, due to the lack of proper work by doctors, kidney donors are living a difficult life.


There are many effects of having one kidney only. People who have one kidney can suffer from different diseases and problems, such as respiration problems, heart stroke, physical limitations, blood circulation problems, and many other diseases. Alcoholics who have one kidney have more risk than others because alcohol affects the liver and gives more load to the kidney, and alcoholics can die from kidney failures.


To conclude, the major problems for such crimes are due to a lack of education. The people of Hokshe Village are not educated, and they used to believe in others. Due to a lack of education and awareness, such crimes in rural areas are increasing. The government of Nepal should conduct different campaigns to educate and conduct awareness programs for such activities.



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लैङ्गिक हिंसा विरुद्धको १६ दिने अभियान
- Suprabh Acharya - 27014, Grad ... 25 December, 2023

लैङ्गिक हिंसा विरुद्धको १६  दिने अभियान सन् १९९१ मा सुरु भएकाे अभियान हाे । यस अभियानले महिला विरुद्ध हुने हिंसालाई सम्बोधन गर्न र यसकाे विरूद्धमा आवाज उठाउनका लागि विश्वव्यापी आन्दोलनको रूपमा मनाउँदै आइएकाे छ । यो अभियान अमेरिकाको न्यु जर्सिस्थित रुटजर्स युनिभर्सिटीमा रहेको महिला अधिकार सम्बन्धी संस्था सेन्टर फर वुमेन्स ग्लोबल लिडरसिपले सुरु गरेको हो । उद्घाटन अभियान नोभेम्बर २५ देखि डिसेम्बर १० सम्म विभिन्न अभियान र दिवस मनाई सम्पन्न गरिन्छ । यो अभियानले विश्वभरि महिला र किशाेरीहरू विरुद्ध हुने हिंसा अन्त्य गर्न सचेतना जगाउने र कारबाही गर्ने लक्ष्यका साथ सञ्चालन हुने गर्दछ । १६ दिनसम्म मनाइने याे अभियानकाे पहिलाे दिन नोभेम्बर २५ मा महिला विरुद्धको हिंसा उन्मूलनको लागि अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय दिवसकाे रूपमा र्याली, झाँकीका साथ मनाइने गरिएकाे छ । यो दिन अभियानको सुरुवातकाे दिन हो र महिला विरुद्ध हुने हिंसाको व्यापकता र प्रभाव बारे चेतना जगाउने र यसकाे महत्त्वका बारेमा जानकारी दिने गरी याे पहिलाे दिनलाई मनाइन्छ । नेपालमा महिला, बालबालिका तथा जेष्ठ नागरिक मन्त्रालयले १६ दिने अभियानकाे नेतृत्व लिदै आएकाे छ । यस वर्षकाे महिला हिंसा विरूद्धकाे  १६ दिने अभियानकाे राष्टिय नारा लैङ्गिक हिंसा अन्त्यकाे सुनिश्चितताः महिला तथा बालबालिकामा लगानीकाे सुनिश्चितता भन्ने रहेकाे छ ।

नेपाल तथा दक्षिण एसियाका देशहरूमा र विश्वभरमा नै महिला तथा किशाेरीमाथिका हिंसाका घटनाहरू बढी रहेकाे परिप्रेक्ष्यमा महिलालाई पनि पुरूष सरह मानव अधिकारकाे सुनिश्चितता हुनुपर्छ र उनीहरू दाेस्राे दर्जाकाे नागरिककाे रूपमा रहनु भनेकाे मानव अधिकारकाे विश्वव्यापी घाेषणपत्र सन् १९४८ ले प्रत्याभूत गरेकाे मानव अधिकारकाे उल्लङ्घन हाे भन्ने मान्यतासहित महिलामाथि हुने सबै प्रकारका भेदभाव उन्मूलन सम्बन्धी महासन्धि (सिड) १९७९ मा संयुक्त राष्ट सङ्घकाे महासभाबाट पारित गरी सन् १९९१ मा नेपालले पनि अनुमाेदन गरी विभिन्न कार्यक्रम गरी मनाउँदै आएकाे छ । 

यस १६ दिने अभियानका हरेक दिनहरूमा विभिन्न किसिमका दिवसहरू पर्दछन् जसमध्ये मुख्यतया नाेभेम्वर २९ लाई महिला मानव अधिकार रक्षा दिवसका रूपमा मनाइने गरिन्छ भने डिसेम्बर १ लाई विश्व एड्स दिवस, डिसेम्बर २ विश्व दासता उन्मूलन दिवस, डिसेम्वर ३ विश्व अपाङ्गता दिवस, डिसेम्वर ५ मा विश्व स्वंयसेवक दिवस, डिसेम्वर ६ विश्व महिला सहिद दिवस, डिसेम्बर ८  मर्यादित महिनावारी दिवस र डिसेम्वर १० मा मानव अधिकार दिवसकाे रूपमा मनाई अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार दिवस  मानवअधिकार र महिला विरुद्ध हुने हिंसा उन्मूलनबिचको सम्बन्धलाई जोड दिँदै यस दिनकाे अभियानको समापन हुन्छ।

यी १६ दिनहरूमा विभिन्न सङ्घसंस्था, कार्यकर्ता र व्यक्तिहरूले चेतना जगाउने, नीति परिवर्तनको पक्षमा वकालत गर्ने, महिला विरुद्ध हुने हिंसा रोक्न र उन्मूलन गर्ने प्रयासलाई प्रवर्द्धन गर्ने गतिविधि र पहलमा संलग्न हुन्छन् । अभियानले घरेलु हिंसा, यौन दुर्व्यवहार,  १६ दिने अभियानका क्रममा लिङ्गमा आधारित हिंसाका मूल कारणहरूलाई सम्बोधन गर्ने, त्यस्ता हिंसालाई निरन्तरता दिने सामाजिक मान्यताहरूलाई चुनौती दिने र लैङ्गिक समानतालाई प्रवर्द्धन गर्ने लक्ष्य राखिएको हुन्छ । यो समयलाई व्यक्ति र समुदायहरू एकजुट हुने एक अर्काका सफलता र भाेगाइका कथाहरू सुन्ने सुनाउने र सबैका लागि हिंसामुक्त संसार बनाउनको लागि कदम चाल्ने र शून्य सहिष्णुताकाे सिद्धान्त अपनाएर मानव अधिकारकाे सुनिश्चित गर्दै विभेद रहित समाजकाे निर्माणमा याेगदान दिने समयका रूपमा लिने गरिन्छ र विश्वव्यापी मानव अधिकारकाे सुनिश्चितताका लागि हामी सबैकाे याेगदान हुन जरूरी छ । 

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नेपाली भूमि
- Roji Gurung - 26007, Grade X ... 22 December, 2023

तिम्रो सौन्दर्यले हुन्छ शान्तिकाे अनुभव,

हिमाली चुचुराहरूले गर्छन् बिहानीको स्वागत, 

हिमाली छाया छन् जहाँ अग्ला शिखर,

सगरमाथाको जस्ताे शिर हुन्छ आशीर्वाद, 

हिमालयको मुटुमा तिमी एक दुर्लभ 

नेपाल तिम्रो सौन्दर्य तुलना काेसँग गरूँ ?

चुचुराहरूमा ठाेक्किएर भन्छन् बादल मरूँ 

जहाँ प्रकृतिका चमत्कारहरू चम्किरहेछन् ।

प्रकृति सौन्दर्यको र समृद्धि

नेपाल तिम्रो सौन्दर्य विश्वमा एक

 बग्ने कञ्चन हिमनदीहरू यहाँ

के नाम लिनु एक, छन् यहाँ अनेक ।

नदीहरू बग्छन्, धुनहरूका साथमा

आकाश छुने माथ जुन् हाे सगर माथमा

 गहिरो विश्वका उपत्यकाहरूमा

तराईका सम्मा फाँटहरूमा

चम्किरहेछ, याे सुन्दर प्रकृति

चिसाे हावा, आत्माकाे शान्ति र मुक्ति

ऋषिले तपस्या गरेकाे याे देव भूमि

हाे याे, अनेक सुन्दरताकाे कर्म भूमि

बसेका छन् जन यहाँ सारा विश्व एक मानी ।


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The Ascension of Bjorn: Unleashing the Future's Fury||Part 2
- Prashraya Shrestha - 26014, G ... 21 December, 2023

The once peaceful dynasties living in peace had shattered moral and ethical boundaries, and it was a race between the dynasties to colonize the new planet dubbed Twitter. In the Thrash dynasty, the war had cooled down, with Bjorn single-handedly taking down the entire force of Epirus.

Bjorn gathers his troops and states that the king was killed in the midst of the battle, with his remains being vaporized by the atomic weapons used by Epirus. This brought great grief and sorrow to the soldiers, as Math was a great and charismatic leader. Bjorn says, “But you shall not worry as your new emperor stands before your eyes.” The mutter and noise soon turn into cheering as they cheer Bjorn’s name, echoing throughout the whole nation. “Inform the other planets we shall leave for our new planet in a week's time.”

Bjorn was questioned by Busu, “Emperor, should we leave for the journey now? The other dynasties must be way ahead of us already.” Bjorn smirks and says, “We are the Thrashians, we don't colonize, we conquer.” This left Busu with a chilling feeling down his spine.

In a week's time, they got ready with special suits made with brut skin which can stand the radiation of the sun, summoning their brutes. They embark on a journey with a billion soldiers. The scene shifts to Epirus, who have already colonized Twitter. Time moves differently on Twitter; as it is far from the reach of MrBeast, which makes this planet desirable among all the planets. Twitter can be used to create genetic advancements as one week in Twitter is equal to a year in the universe. It turns out the planet was originally inhabited by a primitive species called the Pokémon, but they were forced into hiding by the Epirus. It had already been a year on Twitter, and other dynasties had still not attacked the planet.

Until they received a notice stating that all the planets inhabited by the Epirus had been invaded by the Thrash. The Epirus were stunned by this turn of events. In complete horror, the emperor of the Epirus dynasty retreated immediately, but it was too late as Thrash were here to conquer Twitter too. The Epirus were wiped out of existence in a single week. This devastated the seeker as they knew their doom was near too until they were called by the emperor. Even the ruler of the universe was scared of what Bjorn had done and was anxious that he may come for the throne next. He was not wrong, and it is revealed that Bjorn is the chosen one, the one with the battle experience of a thousand emperors who ruled before him. His power exceeded MrBeast's power.

MrBeast came up with a clever plan to get rid of Bjorn while still protecting his own pride and reputation. He worked on this plan with Pikachu, the oldest Seeker who could see into the future up to 160 years. But there was a problem – Bjorn seemed to have vanished completely. No one could find him, not even MrBeast with all his power.

In five years' time, Bjorn was back after 260 years of genetic evolution. It turned out Bjorn had hidden himself very well. Instead of being out in the open, Bjorn had gone into hiding. He was doing something unexpected: he was building a deep and strong connection with the Pokémon creatures. This bond he was creating was special and powerful. And it was all part of a secret plan he had in mind – a plan that could cause immense destruction across the entire universe.

Genetically advanced, the Thrashians could alter and manipulate the parts of their body to the cellular level. It was unlike anyone had ever seen before. With their new powers, they unleash an attack with their troops on all the colonized planets. The force that kept time static between all the planets vanished after it was overpowered by Bjorn’s, every Thrashian, and achieved immortality and were far beyond the seekers and the fury. In a 92-year conquest, all the planets were finally under the Thrash dynasty. Unable to store his power in a single body, Bjorn had changed himself into pure energy which can neither be destroyed nor be created.

The story brings us back to the same mysterious enclosed room. Inside, we see the men in white robes who had hidden their faces. At the center of the room, there's a tube containing Bjorn, who appears to be in a deep, unnatural sleep. As the tension thickens, the men start removing their hoods, revealing their faces for the first time. What's under those masks is not what you'd expect – they have strange, inhuman features, giving you an eerie feeling.

A sense of suspense and uncertainty fills the room as they start chanting, “Hail fury.”

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जिउनु छ मलाई
- Aashiya Shrestha - 27030, Gra ... 21 December, 2023

बरू सुतेरै बिताइदिऊँ कि म जीवन 

कि अरूको कुरा सुनेर बिताइदिऊँ जीवन 

कि अरूलाई कुरा सुनाएर बिताइदिऊँ जीवन 

जीवन जिउनु कसरी म बताऊ त जीवन । 

जीवन अझै जिउनु छ मलाई 

तर जिउने कसरी बताऊ त मलाई   

कसले भन्छ, के हाे जीवन जिउने कसरी

काेही भन्छन्,  नगर पिर बाँच यसरी


खै कता कता हराएको मेरो 

वरिपरि घुमेकाे सेराेफेराे

आत्मालाई  खोज्न हिडूँ कि म

खुला पन्छीझैँ उडेर  हावामा

आकाशमा डुली संसार तरूँ म 

जीवन जिउन कहाँबाट सुरु गरूँ म ।

पन्छीझैँ उडेर आकाशमा रमाउन सक्दिनँ

म मानिस हुँ आफ्नाे वास्तविकता आफैँमा छ

कुनै समय भुइँमा झर्ने पर्छ मलाई 

डर लाग्छ उचाइबाट झर्दा चोट लाग्ने पो हो कि 

छक्क पर्छु म उसरी जीवन जिउनु कसरी ?

आफ्नै तरिकाले खुल्ला भएर जिउने छु

नरोक मलाई अब टाढा कतै जाँदै छु म 

उडेर जानेछु म टाढ अनि  मेरो खुसीमा 

जिउनेछु म आफ्नै तरिकाले संसारमा

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