
Student Corner


Environment Pollution
- Samyam Rai - 2028032, Grade I ... 28 January, 2021

The environment of our surroundings is very important for us. We get different things like air, water from the environment. Air and water should be pure for our good health. Sometimes, some harmful substances are called pollutants. They pollute air and water. When pollutants mix with air or water it is called pollution. Pollution is a major problem for the world. The garbage of the cities, wastage of industries, and smoke of vehicles are major pollutants. The noise of vehicles, industries, and loudspeaker is also a pollutant. Pollutants pollute the environment. There are many examples of pollution like air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, etc. Air pollution, when smoke, dust particles, bad smell are mixed with air, the air gets polluted. The process is called air pollution. Bad smell and harmful gases are mixed by the garbage and decaying dead animals. It is very harmful to our health. We can also minimize them by growing plants, disposing of garbage in the right way; Dead animals should be burned as far as possible, etc.

Water pollution: Water is very important for us. It helps in many things. Drinking water should be germ-free. When water is contaminated with germs, water is polluted. Dead bodies of animals, washing clothes in water, bathing animals are major causes of water pollution. We can minimize them by Bathing and washing clothes away from water sources, not disposing of animals in rivers, lakes, ponds, etc. Noise pollution, the unnecessary sound is called noise pollution. Noise is also a pollutant. Noise is caused by loudspeakers, airplanes, and other vehicles. It causes deafness too. We can minimize it by not shouting, we should play music in lower volume, Vehicles should be lubricated properly, etc. We should save our surrounding environment from being polluted. We should minimize them. If our environment gets polluted It will be very hard for Living beings like us to survive.

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मेरो जाडो बिदा
- Eshanee Manandhar - 2027007, ... 28 January, 2021

मैले मेरो जाडो बिदामा निकै रमाएँ । जाडोको बिदामा मैले आफ्नो मामासँग पढाइका साथसाथै  गितार बजाउन सिकेँ । मलाई यी कुरा सिक्दा एकदमै रमाइलो लाग्यो। रुबिक्स क्यूब गर्नाले मेरो दिमाग ताजा भयाे र गितार बजाउनाले मेरो मनमा शान्ति आयाे ।  जाडाे बिदामा मैले आफ्नो  पुस्तकमात्र पढिनँ, मैले कथाका पुस्तक र अरू विषयका पुस्तकहरू पनि पढेँ। कथाका पुस्तकहरू र अरू क्षेत्रका पुस्तकहरू पढ्दा मलाई धेरै आनन्द आयाे  र साथसाथै ज्ञान पनि पाएँ । गितारमा मैले विभिन्न सङ्गीत र भजन बजाउन सिकेँ। रुबिक्स क्यूब पहिलो चोटी गर्नाले मलाई एकदमै गाह्राे लागेको थियो तर दिनमा कमसेकम एक पटक गर्नाले मैले त्यो राम्ररी गर्न सकेँ।  यस वर्षमा मैले कम्पुटरको बारेमा धेरै कुरा सिकेँ र  आफ्ना मामासँग धेरै कुराहरू  सिकेँ।  मैले आफ्नो बिदा आफ्नो भाइ र बहिनीसँग खेलेर र कम्युटर र टेलिभिजन हेरेर पनि बिताएँ । यस  बिदामा मैले आफ्नो परिवारसँग पनि छलफल, कुराकानीहरू गरे। मैले केही कविता र कथाहरू पनि लेखेँ । मलाई जाडोको बिदा र अनलाइन कक्षामा केहि फरक लागेन किनकि हामी घरमा त बसिरहेका छौ। त्यसैले यो पालिको जाडोको बिदाभन्दा मलाई पहिलेको जाडोको बिदा राम्रो लाग्यो। मलाई  आशा छ कि अब आउने वर्ष राम्रो  हुनेछ ।

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- Yalam Dev Pradhan - 2027023, ... 24 January, 2021

पानी सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण वस्तु हो। मानिसलगायत जीवजन्तु तथा बोटबिरूवालाई बाच्नको लागि पानी चाहिन्छ। पानी नभएमा  कोही बाँच्न सक्दैन। पानी हामीलाई दैनिक जीवनयापन गर्नको लागि नै चाहिन्छ। हामी पानी खान, नुहाउन, लुगा धुन, सफा गर्न आदिका लागि प्रयोग गर्छाैँ। पानी नदी, नाला, पोखरी, धारा इनार, ताल, झरना आदि ठाउँमा पाइन्छ तर खानेपानी हाम्रो धारामा मात्र आउँछ।  हाम्रो पृथ्वीमा ७१% पानी रहेकाे छ । तर खानका लागि सबै पानी त्यतिकै खेर फाल्न राम्रो हाेइन। पानीलाई फिल्टर गरेर खानुपर्छ। पानी जम्यो भने बरफ बन्छ बरफ तात्यो भने पानी बन्छ पानी तात्यो भने ग्याँस बन्छ। पानीको स्वाद हुँदैन र रङ पनि हुँदैन।  खेती गर्नलाई पानी चाहिन्छ। पानी नभएको ठाउँमा कुलो बनाएर पानी पट्याई खेती गरिन्छ। पानी धेरै भएको ठाउँमा खेती राम्रो हुन्छ।

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The games that I like to play
- Yalam Dev Pradhan - 2027023, ... 21 January, 2021

The games that I like to play are basketball, badminton, chess and carrom board. We play games for education, entertainment, and fun. Games are of two types: indoor and outdoor games. Games could be a good exercise for our mind and body. The examples of indoor games are chess, Chinese checkers, ludo, carrom board, etc. and the examples of outdoor games are football, basketball, tennis, badminton, hockey, golf, etc. Outdoor games are generally played in an open environment. Games are played all over the world. Every country has its national game, ours was Dandi Biyo until recently it has been changed to volleyball. Here is a brief introduction about the games I like to play.


Basketball is an outdoor game. We play basketball on the basketball court. In basketball, there is a net and a ball. We play basketball by dribbling and throwing the ball in the net to score and win the game. There are five players on each side.


Badminton is an outdoor game. We play badminton on the badminton court. In badminton, there are 2 players and it’s played by hitting a cork with a racket. It is commonly played by people of all age groups.


Chess is an indoor game. We play chess on a chessboard. It has 64 square boxes. There are 32 pieces. Two people are needed to play this game. We play chess by its rules. Each character or piece of chess has its own move and the aim in the game is to checkmate the opponent's king! It’s a beautiful mind game. 

Carrom board 

Carrom board is an indoor game. We play carrom on the carrom board. There are 20 disk pieces including one striker and a queen. It has 9 black disk pieces and 9 white disk pieces. Two to Four players are needed for the game. We play carrom board by dropping all the pieces in the hole or a pocket until finally dropping the queen at last. A striker is used to strike other pieces. 

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रमाइलो पहाडी उडान
- Kabya Oli - 2028015, Grade IV ... 20 January, 2021

विद्यालयमा बिदा भएकाे माैका पारेर म  मेरा बुबा र उहाँका साथीहरू पहाडी उडानमा गयाैँ । हामी बिहान सबेरै बिहान एयरपोर्ट गयौँ  । हामीले उडानका लागि लुगा लगायौँ ।  हाम्रो उडान ७ बजे थियो। उडानका लागि हामी धेरै उत्साहित थियाैँ । 

 उडानका क्रममा म झ्यालमा  बसेँ । हामी बसको यात्रामाजस्तै जाँदै थियौँ ।  छिटो तर माथि आकाशमा । उड्ने कराले खुसी थियाैँ  l त्यसैले हामी आकाशमा गयौँ । हामीले घरहरू खेलौनाहरूजस्तै देख्यौँ ।  जुन हास्यास्पद थियो । त्यसपछि हामीले पहाडहरू देख्यौँ  । ती राम्रा थिए तर हामी हिमालहरू देख्न सकेनौँ । किनकि हिमालहरू अर्कोतर्फ थिए । यसरी पहाडहरू घाँस र बोटबिरुवाले ढाकिएका थिए । पहाडहरूको तल घरहरू थिए र पहाडमा  घाम लागेकाे थियो।

त्यो दृश्य धेरै आकर्षक थियो मलाई  साँच्चिकै रमाइलाे लागेकाे थियाे ।   हवाइजहाज  केही काेल्टिने क्रममा  मैले हिमालहरू देख्न पाएँ  । त्यहाँ कुनै बोटबिरुवा र सूर्य थिएनन् । जुन एकदम चिसो देखिन्थ्यो । त्यहाँ तल मैले हिमालहरूलाई घरहरूजस्तै देखेँ तर पहाडहरूमा  केही घर थिएँ जुन माथि थिए  र तिनीहरूका कुनै बोटबिरुवा थिएनन् । त्यहाँ सुनसान र आनन्दमय वातावरण थियो मेरा बुबाले मसँग फोटोहरू पनि खिच्नुभयो । त्यसपछि  हामी एयरपोर्टमा फर्क्यौं । हामीलाई  त्यहाँ रमाइलो लाग्यो । त्यस यात्रालाई मैले कहिल्यै बिर्सिने छैन ।

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