
Student Corner

Teachers are better than students

Written by: Samyam Rai - 2028032, Grade IV

Posted on: 24 January, 2021

Teachers are much better than students. There are several reasons why teachers are better than students. Teachers are a person who teaches us. They work much harder than students. Teachers need to read first and then they teach us new things and give us a good education. Students can make excuses not to come to school or join the classes but teachers cannot. Even in difficulties, they teach us lovingly. Let me give you an example from our own class. Sometimes we do not do homework and make so many excuses. We make teachers disappointed. Still, teachers ask lovingly and calmly to complete the homework. They show the right way for every student. Students need to make fewer efforts but teachers make every possible effort to make the students learn. 

Let me ask you a question, “Can you think a student can reach their aim without a teacher's education and guidance? 

No. It's the teachers who guide the students. There are several scientists, business persons, big officers, technicians, and artists. And they are THEY because of their teacher. If there is no teacher there is no better person. Teacher’s teaching helps in making a good society. That is why I think teachers are very much better than students and we should always respect them.