
Student Corner


यसपालिकाे दसैँ
- Nicky Mahato - 2028019, Grade ... 06 December, 2020

दसैँ  हाम्रो सबैभन्दा ठुलो पर्व हो ।  यो पर्व १५ दिन मनाइन्छ ।  यस चाडमा टाढा भएका आफन्तजनहरू, घरपरिवारका सदस्यहरू घरघरमा भेला भएर ठुलाबडाको हातबाट टीका लगाउने काम हुन्छ ।  यो पटकको दसैँ भने कोरोनाका कारण पहिलाकोजस्तो हुन सकेन ।  आफू  जहाँ जहाँ छौँ त्यहीँबाट टीका लगाउनु पर्ने आदेश सरकारको थियो र कतै आफन्तजनकोमा जान  पनि कोरोनाको डर थियो ।  त्यसैले यसपालीको दसैँ पहिलाको जस्तो हुन सकेन । हामीले  पढ्ने स्कुलको अनलाइन कक्षाको दसैँको बिदा बाह्र दिन थियो।  यसपालिको दसैँमा मैले मेरै घरमा आमा बाबा र दाजुहरूको हातबाट टीका लगाएर जमरा लगाएर मनाएँ ।  मेरो बाबाले यसैमा दुईवटा कुखुरा किन्नु भएको थियो । त्यसैलाई पूजा गरेर काटेर त्यसैको मासु खाएर अनि टीका लगाएर दसैँ मनायाैँ ।   मेरा ठुला बुबाले पनि मलाई टिका लगाएर पैसा दिनुभयो । कोरोना भाइरसले गर्दा  लकडाउन भएर हामी घरमा दसैँ मनायाैँ ।   दसैँमा म मेरा दाजुहरूसँग खेलेँ ।  घरमै बसेर चङ्गा उडाएँ । दिदीले हामीलाई मिठाई दिनुभयो। मैले पैसा जम्मा गर्नको लागि एउटा खुत्रुके किनेँ  ।  मैले आफूसँग भएका सबै पैसा खुत्रुकेमा जम्मा गरेँ र यसपालिको दसैँदेखि पैसा अनावश्यक खर्च नगर्ने आफूसँग भएको पैसा खुत्रुकेमा राखेर जम्मा गर्ने उद्देश्य लिएको छु ।  आफूसँग भएका सबै समयले खुत्रुकेमा नि राख्ने पनि गरेको छु । कोरोनाका कारण गाउँमा गएर दसैँ मनाउन नपाए पनि अर्को वर्षको दसैँ मैले गाउँमै गएर मनाउन पाइयोस् भन्ने आशा पनि लिएको छु ।

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- Yalam Dev Pradhan - 2027023, ... 26 November, 2020

खानेकुरा नखाई हामी बाँच्न सक्दैनाैँ। खानेकुरामा भात, दाल, तरकारी, फलफूल आदि धेरै कुरा पर्छन्। खानेकुरा फलाउनका लागि धेरै मिहिनेत चाहिन्छ।  कतिपय देशमा खान नपाएर कैयाैँ मान्छे मरिरहेका हुन्छन्।  त्यसैले खान सक्ने जति मात्र आफूले लिनुपर्छ। हामीले एकएक गरेर अन्न जम्मा गनुपर्छ। त्यसले धेरै जनालाई पुग्छ। हामीले खानेकुरा कहिल्यै खेर फाल्नुहुँदैन।

हामीले धेरै पानी पिउनुपर्छ। दुध पनि पिउनुपर्छ। पानी र दुधजस्ता झाेल पदार्थ धेरै पिउनाले मानिस फुर्तिलाे  हुन्छ। चाउचाउ, चिजबल, कुरमुरे, आलुचिप्स जस्ता सुख्खा खानेकुरा खानुहुँदैन। यिनले  हाम्राे  पेट बिगार्छन्। आइसक्रिम र चकलेटजस्ता बजारिया खानेकुरा खानुहुँदैन। यिनले हाम्राे दाँत बिगार्छन्। बिहान बेलुका खाना खाएपछि दाँत माझ्नु पर्छ। फाेहाेर र  बासी खानाले हामी राेगी हुन्छाैँ। सागसब्जी, फर्सी, गाजर र फलफूल धेरै खानुपर्छ। यिनले सम्झने शक्ति बढाउँछन् र आँखा कमजाेर हुनबाट बचाउँछन्।  हामी धुलाे, हिलाे र फाेहाेरमा खेल्नुहुँदैन। खाना खानुअघि जहिले पनि साबुन पानीले हात धुनुपर्छ। 

स्वास्थ्य ठूलो धन हो ।  स्वस्थ रहनका लागि खानेकुराको निकै ठूलो भूमिका रहेको हुन्छ ।  त्यसैले हाम्रो जीवनलाई स्वस्थ र निरोगी बनाउनका लागि सधैँ पोसिलो खानेकुरामा ध्यान दिनुपर्दछ । 

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My life after Covid 19
- Eshanee Manandhar - 2027007, ... 23 November, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed my life. When I used to go to the school, by the end of the day I would be exhausted and as a result, I did not have trouble falling asleep. Now, I don’t get tired enough during the day, so I can’t sleep at night, and I wake up late in the morning. That’s why I am sometimes late, or even miss, online classes.

Before, I used to wake up anytime between 6 a.m.to 6:30 a.m. and I used to be at school by 8:00 am. After classes, I would return home and do my  homework and hang out with my friends. I went to bed sometime between 9 p.m. to 10pm. Now, I get up at 7am, or even as late as 8:30 or 9 a.m. When the weather is good, I might go out to play with my brother, but the rest of the time I’m at home playing online games and watching movies.  I go to bed at 12 or 1 a.m., and at times, I am watching youtube with my brother until 12 or 1 a.m., sometimes until morning! Well, not a good habit, I admit!

The teachers are trying to teach our classes like they did in the school; but still, I can’t say that online classes are as fun as they were in school. At least now, I have a bit less homework to do. I was more active during classes while in school and there was more interaction as well. The programmes that we use for online classes cannot replace the school experience.

I was very sad at the beginning, but my friends and I found a solution together. We created a chat in Gmail. We named the chat “girls.” At least we get to talk here with our friends and we find this very helpful.           

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Lockdown taught me a lot
- Aaradhya Prasai - 2027001, Gr ... 19 November, 2020

The corona virus started in Wuhan, China and gradually became a global pandemic. The atmosphere of the global pandemic was becoming frightening.  My final exam was about to start then. After some corona infections started appearing in our country Nepal as well, the government of Nepal issued a notice on March 26 for a nationwide lockdown.


I was disappointed and I haven't met any friends personally since then. It was very difficult to spend the first few days after the lockdown. I study in class 5 at Sifal Secondary School. Nowadays, online classes are taught. My teachers send homework online. Now let me tell you what I learned in lockdown. 


First of all, I get up in the morning and help my mum with her work. My classes start at 9:30. My mother makes some sweet breakfast before my classes and also delicious lunch. I write two pages of handwriting daily and read for 2 hours. I draw pictures, meditate, do yoga, dance, read children's stories and jokes in magazines. Lockdown provided an opportunity to learn a lot about making tea, cleaning the room, washing small dishes, and washing vegetables. It gave me time to learn household work. Covid-19 pandemic is also increasing in Nepal. To avoid coronavirus, stay at home and wash your hands with soap and water from time to time, do not go out for unnecessary work, wear a mask whenever you go out, maintain a social distance of 2 meters, apply sanitizer on your hands time and again and do not touch your nose and mouth. 


In the end, may everyone who is in isolation have a happy time. I wish everyone good health and the global pandemic of Corona to end soon!

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Corona and its effect
- Prasiddhi Dangol - 2027017, G ... 17 November, 2020

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered virus ,the virus has caused many people to fall sick and  even to die.The covid has caused lockdown worldwide and because of this people cannot work and earn money as a result many people are suffering. The spread of covid 19 has caused pandemic.The virus is mainly transmitted through the droplets of cough sneezes,these droplets are too heavy to hang on the air so they quickly fall down.

We can be infected by breathing in the virus if we are near the infected person or by touching things in contact with the infected  person. Common symptoms of the disease are fever, cough, sore throat and headaches. In severe cases difficulty in breathing and deaths can occur. This new strain was unknown before December 2019, when an outbreak of a pneumonia of unidentified cause emerged in Wuhan, China. To protect yourself and others against COVID-19, clean your hands frequently and thoroughly. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer or wash your hands with soap and water. If you use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, make sure you use and store it carefully. Keep alcohol-based hand sanitizers out of children's reach.

For precaution, apply a coin-sized amount on your hands. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose immediately after using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, as it can cause irritation. COVID-19 has turned the world upside down. Everything has been impacted. How we live and interact with each other, how we work and communicate, how we move around and travel. Every aspect of our lives has been affected. Decisions made now and in the coming months by the governments will be some of the most important made in generations. They will affect people all around the world for years to come. It is important that governments making those decisions have access to the best information available.

These days are like  in prison because of lockdown. Schools have been closed and online classes are running. Students' academics depend entirely on the internet.  We can't meet our friends. We do online shoppings because of fear that the corona might be loose. We don't go out of the house. It seems that the world has become empty, except there are mostly police, nurses and doctors working actively. Many people have died and many are suffering. But many have recovered too. People wear masks and use sanitizer as a necessary precaution.

It's very hard to live in such a world like this so we all wish that this pandemic would go and the days will again be normal as before. But till then we all must stay home and stay safe and be protected from the covid 19.

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- Smriti Shrestha - 2028053, Gr ... 17 November, 2020

कुकुर घरपालुवा जनावर हाे । यसले घरकाे सुरक्षा गर्छ ।  कुकुरलाई हामीले किनेर ल्याई आफ्नो घरमा राख्न सक्छौँ । सबै कुकुरको नाम एउटै हुँदैन ।  कुकुरहरू फरक-फरक रङगका हुन्छन् ।  कुकुरहरू फरक फरक खालका हुन्छन्  ।  जस्तैः  जर्मन सेफर्ड,बुल कुकुर आदि ।  कुकुरका बच्चाबच्चीलाई छाउरा छाउरी भनिन्छ  । मसँग  पनि एउटा कुकुर छ ।उसकाे नाम जर्मन सेफर्ड  हो । त्यस  कुकुरले हामी नभएको बेलामा रातिको समयमा घरको रेखदेख गर्दछ । जब घरमा कोही नयाँ मानिस आउँछ त्यसबेला ऊ टोल नै थर्कने गरी कराउँछ । उसको बानी धेरै राम्रो छ । उसले म बोलेको सबै भाषा बुझेर आज्ञापालन गर्छ । हाम्राे कुकुरले  आफूलाई माया गर्ने र एक पटक चिनेकाे  मानिसलाई कहिल्यै भुल्दैन ।पशु भए पनि उसले मानिसले गर्नेजस्तै  धेरै  व्यवहार गरेर देखाउँछ  ।  उसले आफूलाई माया गर्ने जति सबै मानिसलाई उत्तिकै माया गर्छ । मेरो कुकुरलाई मासु धेरै मन पर्छ ।  उसलाई अन्य खाना मिसाएर मासु दियो भने मासु मात्रै खान्छ र अरू खानेकुरा फाल्छ । यो उसको खराब बानी हो ।  कुकुरको महत्त्व धेरै छ ।  कसैले कुकुर घरको शोभा बढाउनको लागि पाल्ने गर्दछन् भने  कसैले साथीकाे रूपमा पनि पाल्ने गर्दछन्  अनि कसैले घरको रेखदेख गर्न पनि पाल्ने गर्दछन् ।  कुकुरले हामीलाई घरको धेरै काममा मद्दत गर्दछ ।  कुनै-कुनै कुकुरले त अपराध गर्ने मान्छेलाई सुघेर पनि पत्ता लगाउँछन् ।  अहिले सुरक्षाको दृष्टिकोणले पनि कुकुरको महत्त्व  धेरै छ ।   कुकुरका धेरै बेफाइदाहरू पनि छन ।  कुकुरले यदि हामीलाई टाेकिहाल्यो भने रेबिजजस्तो डरलाग्दो राग पनि लाग्न सक्छ ।  यस्तो रोग लाग्यो भने मानिसको मृत्यु हुन्छ ।  त्यसैले समय समयमा कुकुरलाई रेबिज विरुद्धको  सुइ लगाउनुपर्दछ ।  थोरै बेफाइदा भए पनि कुकुर कामको दृष्टिकोणले धेरै उपयोगी जनावर हो । 

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जन्म दिनकाे उपहार पुस्तक दिने गराैँ !
- Manasbhi Niraula - 2028017, G ... 11 November, 2020

मेरो नाम मानश्वी निरौला हो ।  म कक्षा चारमा पढ्छु । मलाई मेरो विद्यालय धेरै मन पर्छ । यहाँ पढाइका साथै धेरै अतिरिक्त क्रियाकलापहरू हुन्छन् । पाठ्‍यक्रमका किताबबाहेक हरेक महिनामा हुने मासिक अध्ययन मेरो धेरै मन पर्ने विषयवस्तु हो । हामी प्रत्येक महिना नेपाली र अङ्ग्रेजी भाषाका दुई किताब पढ्छौँ । यी किताबहरूमा निकै रोचक र राम्रा कथाहरू हुन्छन् । हामीले कथा पढिसकेपछि कथाको बिस्तृत रुपमा सबै पक्षको अध्ययन गर्नुपर्छ । जसमध्ये मन पर्ने चित्रको वर्णन, नयाँ शब्दभन्डार र कठिन शब्दको अर्थ, कथावस्तु, असल पात्र, खराब पात्र, परिवेश आदिको वर्णन गर्नुपर्छ । यसरी मासिक पुस्तक अभिलेख तयार पार्न नेपाली कथाको लागि तेजप्रसाद काफ्ले सर र अङ्ग्रेजी कथाको  लागि साम्यो हाङ्गमा राई म्यामले सहयोग गर्नुहुन्छ । यसरी कथा पढेर पुस्तक अभिलेख तयार पार्दा कथाको सम्पूर्ण पक्षको ज्ञान बढ्ने गरेको छ । यसरी मासिक पुस्तक अध्ययनले गर्दा मेरो किताब बढ्ने बानीको विकास भएको छ ।  नयाँ नयाँ शब्द र अर्थमा पनि निकै विकास भएकाे छ  । किताबहरू शुद्ध र स्पष्टसँग पढ्न सक्ने भएको छु । चित्रहरूको राम्ररी वर्णन गरेर लेख्‍न सक्ने भएकी छु । नयाँ नयाँ कथा सुन्न र पढ्न धेरै मन लाग्छ त्यसैले विद्यालयले दिने भन्दा बाहेक अरु पनि नयाँ किताबहरू किनेर पढ्छु । मसँग अहिले धेरै कथाका किताबहरू छन् । अहिले म प्राय: जसकाे जन्मदिनमा पनि कथाका किताबहरू उपहार दिने गर्छु र मलाई मेरो जन्मदिनको बेला किताब उपहार पाउँदा ज्यादै खुसी लाग्छ । मासिक पुस्तकका कथाहरूमा निकै ज्ञानका कुराहरू सिक्न पाइन्छ । 

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