
Student Corner


“Virtual Worlds Are Useful For Children”
- Sanjay Puri - 23058, Grade XI ... 17 December, 2021

A research report made by the BBC shows that the virtual world can be very important for children as they can equally perform their daily activities in real life. This report is very relatable to the current generation of children as we all know that every child today has easy access to the internet. BBC conducted the research in their studio by making an online world for children which they explore on their own and share the ideas they got to the interviewers.

This research literally showed that the virtual world can be a better option to give proper knowledge to children. As they can connect with the information  more clearly in the virtual world than in the real world. We definitely know that this research will be a general practice in the future as we are rapidly developing in the field of science and technology. This idea is very interesting as it focuses on the childrens who are the future of this world. Virtual world also gives an opportunity to the children to create contents such as music,cartoons and videos. The children definitely love this idea and are very hopeful of this world coming into generalization. This world will create  various opportunities for the children who have hidden talents as it provides equal opportunities to each and every child. This research also gives us the basic concept about how education would be provided in the future. We are pretty sure that after some decades our education system will be based more on technical aspects than theoretical aspects as we are moving towards the age of advanced technology. The idea of the virtual world is very refreshing and we can see our coming generations enjoying it to the fullest. Virtual words are really useful for children as it is the world which develops the mindset of children more quickly than the real world.

Hence, virtual worlds can be engaging, powerful and real interactive alternative to the real world.
It is very useful for children as they can easily share their ideas and help in the enhancement of the world. Although, virtual world is an idea for the future, it has many positive aspects and provides a special platform for the proper development of children.

Source: BBC News

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- Samyam Shrestha - 2022012, Gr ... 16 December, 2021

“Ah, Such a well organized place. Nothing seems to be wrong here. Everyone looks very serene.”

A world where there is no further place beyond the boundary. Huge walls surrounding the whole area. No-one ever spoke anything of it. Everytime people took umbrage at my question. The people are bereft of colors. I as a child was not able to understand until slowly the people in the area began to dwindle. Happiness started to fade away. The field had been overflowing with red roses.

Even though we had everything, a bunch of people visited daily to refill your supply. I still didn’t understand why people had dejected looks. Every year, two of the guards performed some tests that we were compelled to take.

Some people bless us to live a long life but why? What does that supposed to mean? The next day the people would disappear with nothing remaining. None of the people would talk about them. People show phlegmatic character and some behave like they never existed. A question that is left unanswered, A question that everyone seems to ignore, A question that makes people sweat.

“What is beyond those walls?”

Everyday we are living every second of our life thinking what will happen to us in the future. Why does the red flower smell unpleasant? What is the truth behind this world?

We tried to climb over the wall to view the other side in desire to know the answers. Everyone helped each other but when I reached the top of the wall. The view was completely different compared to the lands they were living in . Nothing but a complete wasteland could be viewed from where I was standing. Rotten bones, dead people and nothing more. The gate had a tunnel attached that led to somewhere. A clear view could be seen from where I was standing. I decided I would see what exactly are the people planning at the gates.

“Where do they take them, What is their purpose, Who are they?”

Many questions arose but couldn't find a single answer. I kept on waiting until the night. No movement was observed from the gate. Hunger was killing me. My friends had covered for me in the town. When the hope within was lost, and thought that it is now pointless even waiting for. Some people from the gate started heading towards the town. Then I crouched on the ground to watch them. Then I started working my way toward the people. A girl and a boy were dragged by the people from their family. The tears falling from their eyes, begging to let them leave. Ruthlessly hitting them, shooting at them and dragging their children away from home was hard to watch. Every second felt like suffocating. In return they received some red flowers. The blood trail of the boy and the girl was callous. The scene was terrific, it felt like a horror movie.

“What will happen to us?”
“There is freedom, but why does it feel suffocating?”

I shared the dreadful experience with my friends. Most of them agreed with me and the reason why others are disappearing was found.

Is there any point in living? What happened to them? What did they do to them? Was our birth for this purpose? We were borned on living hell.  

We asked the elder all the details and information for what the truth was. There was no point of hiding. All the secrets behind the area were revealed. Humans had reached the age of extinction. Hardly anyone beyond these walls had survived. They also stated that there were almost 40 places like this where they kept other human beings.

“So, we are just like cattles that are kept on a farm?”

No-one answered back. So there was no point in asking questions any further. We were test subjects. So there was no point of happiness from the beginning. So, this was the reason that my family was sad about. 
“Soon, I won’t be here anymore. Where will they take me?”

There was no reason to live anymore. The food felt tasteless. My body became pale , and I wasn't able to feel anything.

“Let me just end my life.”

When my turn had arrived, some guard came to retrieve me. I had just quietly gone with the people with a smile. I thanked my parents for taking good care of me. I had a good life. So, Please don’t feel sad when I am gone.

“Thank you for everything. Live strong, everyone.”

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छठ पूजा
- Diya Bajracharya - 23021, Gra ... 16 December, 2021

छठ ऐतिहासिक रूपमा भारतीय उपमहाद्वीपमा बसोबास गर्ने एक प्राचीन हिन्दू वैदिक पर्व हो । यो पर्व विशेष गरी भारतीय राज्य बिहार, झारखण्ड र नेपालको दक्षिणी भागमा मनाइएको देखिन्छ । छठ पर्व वा छठ पूजा कार्तिक शुक्ल पक्षदेखि कार्तिक शुक्ल सप्तमीसम्म मनाइने चार दिने लोक पर्व हो । दिपावलीको छ दिनपछि यो पर्व मनाइन्छ । छठ वैदिक कालदेखि भारतमा मनाइने बिहारको एक प्रसिद्ध पर्व हो । षष्ठी तिथिको प्रमुख व्रत मनाउने भएकाले यस पर्वलाई छठ भनिन्छ ।

छठ पूजाको समयमा गरिएका प्रार्थनाहरू सौर्य देवता र सूर्यप्रति समर्पित छन् । सूर्य हरेक प्राणीले देख्न सक्ने देवता हुन् । सूर्यदेव पृथ्वीका सबै प्राणीहरूको जीवनका आधार हुन् । सूर्यदेवको साथमा यस दिन छठी माताको पनि पूजा गरिन्छ । वैदिक ज्योतिषअनुसार छठी मैया वा छठी माताले सन्तानको रक्षा गर्नुका साथै उनीहरूलाई दीर्घायु प्रदान गर्दछिन् । याे प्रार्थनाले पृथ्वीमा जीवनका प्रशस्तताहरू प्रदान गरेकामा कृतज्ञता प्रकट गर्दछ र निश्चित मनोकामनाहरू प्रदान गर्न अनुरोध गर्दछ । छठी माता, आमा, देवी र सूर्यकी बहिनीलाई यस पर्वकी देवीका रूपमा पूजा गरिन्छ । यो रीति चार दिनभन्दा बढी मनाइन्छ । यसमा पवित्र स्नान, व्रत र पिउने पानी (व्रत) बाट अलग रहनु, पानीमा उभिएर प्रसाद (प्रार्थना, भेटी) र अस्ताउँदो सूर्यलाई अर्घ चढाउनुलगायतका कार्य समावेश छन् । याे अवधिमा व्रतबन्धीले ३६ घण्टा व्रत बस्छन् । याे अवधिमा उनीहरूले पानीसमेत पिउँदैनन् ।

छठ पूजा चार दिनसम्म चल्ने लोक पर्व हो । यसको सुरुवात कार्तिक शुक्ल चतुर्थीबाट हुन्छ र कार्तिक शुक्ल सप्तमीबाट अन्त्य हुन्छ । छठ पर्वको पहिलो दिन लाई नहाखाए भनिन्छ । याे दिन पहिले घर सफा र पवित्र पारिन्छ । त्यसपछि व्रतालुहरू नजिकैको नदी वा पोखरीमा गएर सफा पानीमा स्नान गर्छन् । याे दिन व्रतालुहरू एकपटक मात्र खान्छन् । यो खाना काँस वा माटाका भाँडाकुँडामा पकाइन्छ । पर्वको दोस्रो दिनलाई खरना वा लोहन्दा भनिन्छ । यस दिन व्रतालुहरू पुरै दिन व्रत बस्छन् । साँझपख गुँड र उखुको रस प्रयोग गरी खिर तयार गरिन्छ । एउटै घरमा एक्लै बस्दै आएका सूर्यदेवलाई नैवेद्य दिएर फेरि यी दुई कुरा लिइन्छ । छठ पर्वको तेस्रो दिनलाई सन्ध्या अर्घ्य भनिन्छ । परिवारका सबै सदस्यहरू मिलेर उपासनाको लागि तयारी गर्छन् । छठ पूजाका लागि ठेकुवा, कचवनिय (भातकाे लड्डु) जस्ता विशेष प्रसादहरू बनाइन्छन् । पूजाका लागि बाँसबाट बनेको एउटा टोकरीमा पूजा सामग्री राखिन्छ । पाँच प्रकारका फलफूल र अन्य पूजा सामग्री लगेपछि दाउरामा राखेर घरका मान्छेलाई हातले लगेर छठ घाटमा लगेर राख्ने गरिन्छ । यस पर्वमा शुद्धताको विशेष ख्याल गरिन्छ । यस सम्पूर्ण कार्यक्रममा महिलाहरू प्रायः घाटमा गएर छठी माताको गीत गाउँछन् । बिहान छठ पूजाको अन्तिम दिन सूर्य भगवान्‌लाई अर्घ दिने गरिन्छ । यस दिन सूर्योदयअघि नै अस्ताउँदो सूर्यलाई अर्घ दिन भक्तहरू नदी किनारमा जानुपर्ने हुन्छ । यसपछि सन्तानको सुरक्षा र सम्पूर्ण परिवारको सुखशान्तिका लागि छठी माताबाट आशीर्वाद खोजिन्छ । पूजापछि भक्तजनले काँचो दुध पिउँछन् र व्रत ताेड्नका लागि परान वा पराना भनिने प्रसाद अलिकति खान्छन् ।

नेपाल र भारतमा धेरै पर्वहरू मनाइन्छन् र ती प्रत्येकको फरक फरक विश्वास रहेकाे देखिन्छ । त्यसै गरी छठ पूजा पनि एक हो । 

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दुःखी आत्मा
- Diya Shrestha - 22032, Grade ... 16 December, 2021

गरिब र दुःखीले पसिना बगाउने
फलेको फल चाहिँ साहुले खान पाउने
गरिबका छाेराछाेरी भोकभोकै सुत्छन्, 
धनीका छोराछोरी चिन्ताविहीन बस्छन् ।

धनीको गाडी चलाउने ड्राइभर
आफ्नो घर हिँड्दै जान्छन्, 
धनीको घरमा मिठो खाना पकाउने
रातभरि भोकै सुत्छन् ।

अरूलाई आफ्नो कलाले हँसाउने
आफैँ भित्रभित्रै रुन्छन्,
बाहिरी सुन्दरतामा त पुरै संसार मर्छ,
भित्री कुरालाई त परेकाले मात्रै बुझ्दछन् ।

अरूलाई सम्झाउने व्यक्ति आफैँ तनावमा हुन्छन्,
मानिसले परिश्रम होइन, परिणाम मात्रै देख्छन्, 
यो संसार देखेजस्तो कहाँ हुन्छ र ? 
बाँच्न पाए पनि मानिसहरू कहाँ खुसी हुन्छ र ?
सबैलाई कुनै न कुनै चिजको खाँचो छ,
आफ्नो तुलना अरूसित गरेर के पाइन्छ ?

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Why are you having frequent Mental Breakdowns?
- Arpan Acharya - 23010, Grade ... 15 December, 2021

Have you ever had so much load in your head that you felt heavy? Have you ever been through so much stress that it feels that your nerves are cracking? I bet you have unless you live in heaven, I mean you're “dead”. Everyone gets tense sometimes and goes through catastrophes and It’s pretty normal. But having frequent mental breakdowns is a different issue.  Breakdowns are so disruptive that they disable you from performing your normal day-to-day tasks effectively. 
You feel exhausted, everything seems chaotic. You get paranoid, it seems that the whole world, gravity and simply everything is against you. Too many bad things come flooding in, that make you filled with a lot of complexities and just at that moment mental breakdowns happen. Basically it’s when you cannot handle the complexities that occur in your life. You cannot comprehend the state or situation you are in.

After being through such a state very often deteriorates your ability to deal with complexities. Then even a minor inconvenience can lead to breakdowns and other reactions. What other people see is that you are being very uncertain and anxious to cry or get disturbed by such a small thing and even you can think why am I being distracted by such a trivial subject. But deep down even you know that what bothered you was not just that small problem. What caused that breakdown was years of repressed emotions and not having a person to share your feelings. Why you had to suffer that terrible feeling was you had unhealthy and over expectations from others. Huge changes that's happening in your life such as migration, parents getting divorced or scenarios like that can deeply result in nervous breakdown. Also the grind or hustle mindset that is trending in today’s world has led towards success but it is also true that majority of the times it has caused mental breakdowns. Sedentary lifestyle and sleep deprivation might be the other causes.

Now what you have to work is on the right coping mechanisms. No solution is better than healing yourself with happiness. Heavy stress is created when you constantly work in the field where you have no interest so find something that you are really passionate about. Plant euphoria in yourself. By euphoria I am not encouraging you to do drugs or alcohol, you can generate euphoria by getting that dopamine hit. Ecstatic dances are beautiful, all you have to do is lock yourself in a room, close the curtains and move your body like no one is seeing you. Laugh like a maniac. Not to forget exercises are always great for that dopamine spike in your brain. Sleep tight & eat right. It’s not that substance that's making you high, it’s the chemical inside you. It’s you. You are magic, nothing else.

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Everyone is a Racist
- Apurba Adhikari - 22005, Grad ... 15 December, 2021

The concept of equality is an absolute garbage. No matter what and how much a human tries, there is no bringing of equality in this world. Let’s forget race for a second. What if we keep 50 people in a room with almost the same income, almost the same age, and the same intelligence, will every one of them be considered equal? Absolutely not. Humans will find one way or another to declare supremacy on others and the differences will be created. At last, none of them will be equal.

Not believing in God or calling themselves an atheist is a very popular trend nowadays among idiots. You have some control over what you think but have absolutely no control over what you believe. Things that you believe and your values are created from your experiences and there is no way in hell that you can change them by just saying “I won’t believe”. That’s the line said by people who want to be seen as “cool” and want some attention. The same goes for racism, no matter what a human says, no matter what tasks a man/woman does, they will always believe that the so-called “lower race” is inferior to them. Society has raised every human to think in that way and no matter what a human does, they cannot throw out their belief. The so-called “lower race” accept themselves deep inside and believe that they are inferior and are very insecure about the fact, that is why most of them get offended even when a small incident occurs. That insecurity is the reason for ongoing pseudo-feminism and the black’s right moment which I think is overhyped.

Humans are the biggest idiots on this planet because they think that they know everything, they are smart and they are free but in reality, a human has no control even under his/her own will. 

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कति शक्तिशाली छ ओमिक्रोन ?
- Arya Tharu - 22006, Grade XII ... 15 December, 2021

हामी सबैलाई कोरोनाको बारे थाहा नै छ । कोरोना एक प्रकारको भाइरस हो र याे समयअनुसार परिवर्तन भइराख्ने छ । यसै कारण हामीले यसका नयाँ रूपहरूका बारेमा सुन्दै आइराखेका छौँ । अल्फा, डेल्टा र गामा भेरियन्टपछि हालै हामीले कोरोनाको नयाँ रूप ओमिक्रोनको जन्म भएको देख्न वा सुन्न सक्छौँ । काेराेनाकाे याे रूपले दुनियाँका हरेक जनता तथा सरकारको मनमा त्रास जगाइदिएको छ । याे भेरियन्टले पनि पहिलेका भेरियन्टहरूले जस्तो लाखौँ मानिसहरू मार्छ कि भनेर दुनियाँका कतिपय देशमा  लकडाउनको घोषणा समेत गरिसकिएकाे छ ।

ओमिक्रोन बी. १.१.५२९ भनेर पनि चिनिने गर्छ । याे भेरियन्ट पहिलो पल्ट अफ्रिकाको बोत्स्वाना देशमा भेटिएको थियो र दक्षिण अफ्रिकाले याे भेरियन्टका बारेमा विश्व स्वास्थ्य सङ्गठनलाई रिपोर्ट गरेको थियो । अहिलेको समयमा यो हरेक महादेशमा भेटिइसकेको छ, अन्टार्टिकाबाहेक । नेपालको कुरा गर्नुपर्दा अहिलेसम्म २ जनामा सङ्क्रमण देखिइसकेको छ भने दक्षिण अफ्रिकामा याे भेरियन्ट एकदमै छिटो सरिरहेको छ र यसकारण हामीले थाहा पाउन सक्छौँ, यो भेरियन्ट अरू भेरियन्टहरूभन्दा बढी सङ्क्रामक छ ।

अब यो एक हिसाबमा नराम्रो हो कि धेरै मानिसहरू याे भेरियन्टको सिकार भइरहेका छन् । धेरै मानिसहरू अस्पतालमा भर्ना हुनुपरिरहेको छ, मानिसहरूको ज्यान गइरहेको छ र कतिपयको ज्यान जोखिममा छ तर अर्को हिसाबमा कति वैज्ञानिकहरू भन्छन् कि धेरै सरुवा रोगहरू कम घातक हुन्छन् । उदाहरणका लागि क्यान्सरलाई लिन सकिन्छ । क्यान्सर एक घातक राेग हो र याे रोग सजिलैसँग सर्दैन तर साधारण रुघाखोकी कम घातक हुन्छन् तर एकदमै धेरै सर्ने खालका हुन्छन् ।

नयाँ भेरियन्टको त्रासले विश्वका कतिपय देशले दक्षिण अफ्रिका र धेरै अफ्रिकी देशबाट आउने यात्रीहरूलाई प्रतिबन्धित गरिसक्यो तर के लकडाउन नै कोभिडको समाधान हो ? यसका निम्ति हामीले अरू केही गर्न सक्देनौँ ? मेरो विचारमा यसको समाधान लकडाउनमात्र चाहिँ होइन । दक्षिण अफ्रिकाले नयाँ भेरियन्टको खबर गरेर हामी सबै मानिसलाई एकदमै धेरै मद्दत गरेको छ तर विश्वका ठुला ठुला देश भने के गरिरहेका छन् ? त्यहाँबाट आउने सबै यात्रीहरूलाई प्रतिबन्ध गरिएको छ । यस्तो गर्नाले देशको आर्थिक स्थिति कमजोर हुन्छ र यो एकदमै अन्यायपूर्ण हुन्छ । यस्तो प्रतिबन्धले हामी साधारण मानिसको जीवनमा एकदमै ठुलो भूमिका खेलेको हुन्छ । हामी स्वतन्त्र रूपमा कहीँ जान सक्दैनौँ र हाम्रो मानसिक स्वास्थ्यमा असर पर्दछ । यसका साथसाथै देशको आर्थिक स्थितिमा पनि धेरै असर पर्छ ।

अत: यो भेरियन्ट कतिको शक्तिशाली छ, यो समयले नै बताउने छ किनभने वैज्ञानिकहरूले याे भेरियन्ट कति शक्तिशाली छ भन्ने पत्ता लगाउन सकेका छैनन् ।

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सगरमाथाकी स्लिपिङ ब्युटी
- Aarpan Acharya - 23010, Grade ... 15 December, 2021

जब एक आम मानिसको आँखा कुनै पनि हिमशृङ्खलामा पर्छ, उसको मन प्रफुल्ल हुन्छ । त्यो चुचुरोबाट संसार कस्तो देखिइरहेको होला भनेर थुप्रै प्रश्नहरू मनमा उठ्न थाल्छन् । हिमालमा अचम्मै अचम्म र रहरहरूबाट बनेका कथा मात्र नभएर भयानक र डरलाग्दा कथाहरूको मिश्रण पनि भेटिन्छ । हो, त्यस्तै दु:खलाग्दा घटनाहरूकै बारेमा म याे लेखमा चर्चा गर्ने छु ।

संसारको सबैभन्दा अग्लो हिमाल सगरमाथामा ३ देखि ४% प्रतिशतको दरले पर्वतारोहण अभियानमा जाने मानिसहरूको मृत्‍यु हुन्छ । एक तथ्याङ्ककअनुसार सगरमाथा आरोहणमा जाने हरेक १०० व्यक्तिमा ४ जनाको मृत्‍यु हुन्छ । त्यस्तै मृत मानिसहरूमध्ये २०० जनाको शव अहिले पनि सगरमाथामै रहेको अनुमान गरिएको छ । निम दाजुको "१४ शिखर" वृत्तचित्र, अन्य पर्वतारोहीहरूका कथाहरू र त्यो शिखरबाट देखिने दृश्यहरूका कुराहरू एकदमै मनमोहक छन् तर त्यही हिमालमै अत्यन्त दुःखपूर्ण स्थितिहरू पनि आएका छन् ।

यस्तै थुप्रै घटनाहरूमा पनि मलाई सबैभन्दा पीडादायी लाग्ने कथा हो, फ्रान्सिस आरसेन्तिएवको । फ्रान्सिस आरसेन्तिएव र उनका श्रीमान् सेर्जेइ आरसेन्तिएव सन् १९९८ मा सगरमाथा आरोहण गर्ने सपना बोकेर पाइला चाल्न थाले । फ्रान्सिस आरसेन्तिएव अमेरिकी महिला पर्वतारोही थिइन् । उनले सन् १९९८ काे मे महिनामा बोतलबन्द अक्सिजनबिना सगरमाथा चढ्ने पहिलो उत्तर अमेरिकी महिला बनेर ईतिहास रचेकी थिइन् तर उनको यो ऐतिहासिक सफलताको खुसी धेरै समय रहेन । आरोहणपश्चात् अवरोहणका क्रममा हिमालले उनलाई आफूबाट टाढा जान दिएन । उनको याे अवरोहण अलि भिन्न थियो किनकि फ्रान्सिस सगरमाथा बिनाबोटलवाला अक्सिजन प्रयोग गरी चढ्दै थिइन् । सुरुवाती समयदेखि नै उनलाई मौसमले दु:ख दिइरहेको थियो । जसोतसो समय लगाएर भए पनि फ्रान्सिस र उनका श्रीमान् सगरमाथाको शिखरमा पुगे तर तिनीहरू तल झर्दै गर्दा समस्याहरू देखापर्न थाले । झर्ने क्रममा फ्रान्सिस र उनका श्रीमान् अलग भए । सेर्जेइ बेसक्याम्पमा पुगेर २, ३ घण्टा बिताइसक्दा पनि फ्रान्सिसको कुनै अत्तोपत्तो थिएन । यो देखेर सेर्जेइ आफ्नी श्रीमतीलाई उद्धार गर्नतर्फ लागे । आफ्नै यात्राबाट थकित भइसक्दा पनि आफ्नी श्रीमतीप्रतिको त्यो माया र स्नेह देखेर मेरो पनि आँखा रसायो । सेर्जेइ पुग्नुअघि नै एक उज्वेकी टोलीले शिखरमा पुग्ने क्रममा फ्रन्सिसलाई फेला पार्यो । तिनीहरूले उनको शरीरमा अक्सिजनको कमी स्पष्ट रूपमा देख्न सक्थे । टोलीले उनलाई मद्दत गर्ने प्रयास नगरेको होइन तर आफैँ नै कतै अक्सिजनको अभावले मरिने हो कि भनेर उनीहरू आफ्नो बाटो लागे । उज्वेकी टोली आफ्नो बाटो लागेपछि अर्की एक महिला पर्वतारोही, दक्षिण अफ्रिकी क्याथी ओडाउडले फ्रान्सिसलाई देखेर उनको मद्दत गर्न खोजिन् । उनको प्रयास पनि विफल भयो । उनी पनि आफ्नो बाटो लाग्दै गर्दा फ्रन्सिसले अचेतनताकै अवस्थामा  'मलाई यहाँ मर्न नछोड्नुहोस्, मलाई यहाँ मर्न नछोड्नुहोस् ।' भनेको सुनिरहिन् । फ्रान्सिसले त दु:ख पाइन् तर पछिल्लो पर्वातोरोहीले फ्रन्सिसलाई बाध्यतावस छोड्नुपर्दा  उनले सुनेका ती अन्तिम गुहारहरू उनका कानमा जिन्दगीभरि गुन्जिरहेका र तिनले दिनहुँ उनलाई सताइरहेका म कल्पना गर्न सक्छु । तिमी जिन्दगी भन, म दर्दनाक अनुभवहरू भन्छु । पछि थाहा भयो कि सेर्जेइले आफ्नी पत्नीलाई भेटेका रहेछन् तर कसरी हो सेर्जेइ पनि बेपत्ता भए । शायद थप सहयोग माग्नका निम्ति उनी अतालिँदा दुर्घटनामा परे । ८,००० फिटको उचाइमा अक्सिजनबिना धेरै दिन बसेर र चिसोले गर्दा शरीरमा शीतदंशका कारणले फ्रन्सिस आफ्नो सपनाकै घरमा प्राण त्याग्न पुगिन् ।

दक्षिण अफ्रिकी पर्वतारोही कैथी ओडोडले फ्रान्सिसलाई एक उपाधि दिएकी छिन् "द स्लिपिङ ब्युटी"। यो उपाधि फ्रन्सिसको मृत्‍युअगाडिको रूपको वर्णनमा आधारित छ । फ्रस्टबाइटले उनको छाला सेतो भएको थियो । त्यहाँ अर्धचेत अवस्थामा सुतेकी उनी सुतेकी सुन्दरीजस्तै, एक गुडियाजस्तै देखिएकी थिइन् । यो लेख तिनै स्लिपिङ ब्युटीको सम्झनामा समर्पण गर्न चाहन्छु ।

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- Aashrab Khanal - 22001, Grade ... 14 December, 2021

तारा भनेर वैज्ञानिकहरू एक खगोलीय वस्तु हाे, जसमा प्लाज्मा हुन्छ र यो आफ्नो गुरुत्वाकर्षणले सँगै बसेको हुन्छ । तारा भनेपछि हाम्रो दिमागमा सूर्यका बारेमा धेरै कुराहरू आउँछन्, जस्तैः ‘पृथ्वीको सबैभन्दा नजिकको तारा सूर्य हो ।’ सूर्य नभए पनि हामीले अन्य धेरै ताराहरू रातमा नाङ्गो आँखाले देख्न सक्छौँ । ताराहरूलाई हेर्दा अर्कै खालको विचार र मनमा सन्तुष्टि आउँछ ।

पृथ्वीबाट हेर्दा ताराहरू विन्दुका रूपमा देखा पर्छन् । सबैभन्दा प्रमुख ताराहरू नक्षत्रमा हुन्छन् र त्यस्ता धेरै उज्याला ताराहरूको उचित नामहरू राखिएका छन् । अवलोकनयोग्य ब्रह्माण्डमा १०२२ देखि १०२४ ताराहरू अनुमान गरिएका छन् तर ती ताराहरू हामी आफ्ना नाङ्गा आँखाले देख्न सक्दैनौँ । ताराको जीवन मुख्यतया हाइड्रोजनबाट बनेको सामग्रीको ग्यासीय नेबुलाको गुरुत्वाकर्षणीय पतनबाट सुरु हुन्छ । ताराको कूल मासले यसको विकास र भाग्यको निर्धारण गर्ने काम गर्छ । ताराको जीवनकालको अन्त्यमा त्यसको मास धेरै भयो भने त्यो ब्ल्याक होल वा न्युट्रोन तारा बन्न सक्छ । ताराहरूले अन्य खगोलीय वस्तुहरूसँग मिलेर सौर्य प्रणाली पनि बनाउन सक्छन् ।

ताराको बारेमा सबै कुरा यसको प्रारम्भिक मासद्वारा निर्धारण गरिन्छ, जसमा चमक, आकार, विकास, आयु र यसको अन्तिम भाग्यजस्ता विशेषताहरू पनि हुन्छन् । धेरैजस्ता  ताराहरू १ बिलियनदेखि १० बिलियन वर्ष पुराना हुन्छन् । जति ठुलो तारा हुन्छ, त्यति नै छोटो त्यसको आयु हुन्छ । मुख्यतया ठुला ताराहरूको कोरमा बढी दबाब हुन्छ, जसले गर्दा उनीहरूले हाइड्रोजन छिटो जलाउँछन् । ताराहरू भारी तत्त्वहरूको सानो अंशबाट मात्र बनेका हुन्छन् । विशाल ताराहरूको सतहको तापक्रम ५०,००० K  को हुन सक्छ । सूर्य एउटा सानो नारा भएकाले यसको सतहको तापक्रम अरू ठुला ताराहरूको तुलनामा कम छ । कोरमा ऊर्जाको उत्पादनले गर्दा ताराहरू धेरै चम्किलो रूपमा चम्कने गर्छन् । ताराहरूको कोरमा दुई वा बढी परमाणु केन्द्रकहरू एकसाथ फ्युज भएर नयाँ भारी तत्त्व बनाउँछन्, जसले गर्दा धेरै ऊर्जा आउँछ । तारकीय स्पेक्ट्रम प्रयोग गरेर खगोलविद्हरूले सतहको तापक्रम र गुरुत्वाकर्षण, धातुपनको निर्धारण गर्न सक्छन् ।

तपाईंलाई थाहा नहुन सक्छ तर ताराहरू आफैँसँग निरन्तर सङ्घर्षमा हुन्छन् । ताराको सम्पूर्ण पिण्डको गुरुत्वाकर्षणले यसलाई भित्र तान्छ तर प्रकाशले त्यसलाई सन्तुलनमा राख्छ । ताराहरू सूर्यबाहेकका पृथ्वीबाट धेरै टाढा छन् । पृथ्वीको सबैभन्दा नजिकको तारा प्रोक्सिमा सेन्टौरी हो, जुन ४.२ प्रकाश वर्ष टाढा अवस्थित छ । सबैभन्दा छिटोअन्तरिक्ष यानमा पनि पृथ्वीबाट त्यहाँ पुग्न ७०,००० भन्दा बढी समय लाग्ने वैज्ञानिकहरूले अनुमान गरेका छन् । ताराहरू हामी मानिसहरूका लागि रोचक र चाखलाग्दो कुरा बनेको छ । 

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चुरोटको उत्पादन र बिक्रीलाई गैरकानुनी बनाउनुपर्छ ।
- Grishma Upreti - 23052, Grade ... 14 December, 2021

मानव सभ्यताको इतिहासमा चुरोट सबैभन्दा घातक वस्तु हो । बीसौँ शताब्दीमा धूमपानले मात्र १० करोड मानिसको ज्यान लिएको थियो भने यसले हरेक वर्ष करिब ६० लाख मानिसको ज्यान लिन्छ र यदि मानिसहरूले धूमपान गर्न नछाड्ने हो भने यो सङ्ख्या अझै बढिरहन्छ ।

धूमपान प्राकृतिक वातावरणलाई हानि गर्ने महत्त्वपूर्ण कारण पनि हो । चुरोट उत्पादनले बढ्दो उपचार, स्वाद, प्याकेजिङ, यातायात, विज्ञापन र कानुनी रक्षामा दुर्लभ स्रोतहरू खपत गर्छ तर ठुलो कीटनाशक प्रयोग र वन विनाशबाट पनि हानि निम्त्याउँछ । चुरोट उत्पादनले पनि तुच्छ हरितगृह ग्यास उत्सर्जन गर्दछ । लापरवाहीपूर्वक विसर्जनबाट आगो र धूमपानबाट हुने रोगहरूको उपचार गराउँदा खर्च बढ्न सक्छ । यसको मुख्य रसायन निकोटिन हो । यसले सानो मात्रामा उत्तेजकको रूपमा काम गर्छ तर ठुलो मात्रामा यसले कङ्काल मांशपेशी कोसिकाहरूको कार्यलाई रोक्छ ।

तसर्थ कसैको स्वास्थ्यको लागि हानिकारक हुने चिजलाई गैरकानुनी बनाउनुपर्छ । यसको प्रयोग, कब्जा, उत्पादन र बिक्रीमा चरम जरिवाना, जेल सजाय र  कारबाहीजस्ता गम्भीर दण्डको परिणाम हुनुपर्छ ।

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Butterfly effect
- Aashrab Khanal - 22001, Grade ... 14 December, 2021

Just as I was writing the first word of this text , I paused for  a couple of seconds. But why mention such a trivial event? Do a  couple of seconds even matter in the vastness of our life? This is where the idea of the Butterfly effect comes in .

The term “Butterfly effect” is derived from the work of mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz. It is termed from the metaphorical example of a tornado’s conditions being altered by the flapping of wings of a butterfly several weeks earlier. The Butterfly effect was discovered by Lorenz when he saw vast differences in the weather predicted by his weather model after rounding the initial numerals in the data. Lorenz drew the inference that small changes in the data led to vastly different outcomes which was termed as the Butterfly effect. In mathematics, chaos theory deals with the concept of the Butterfly effect. The butterfly effect is observed in physical systems employed in the field of weather and quantum mechanics.

The idea of the butterfly effect is both intriguing and concerning. It is intriguing to sense how small things can have a big impact on life .My action of pausing which I mentioned at the beginning might have significantly altered my living. Every action leaves us with a different path to choose in life. But as humans, we cannot comprehend small actions capable of having a huge impact. Everyday we do things without giving it a second thought which is because  impact is measured by perspective and the amount of thinking that goes into the action. There have been many instances in history where seemingly insignificant and small events have led to devastation on a larger scale affecting millions of people. The story of how Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated shows the effects of minor decisions. During the visit of Franz Ferdinand in Serbia, a group of assassins tried to assassinate him during a motorcade. The assassins hurled a grenade at the Archduke’s carriage but it exploded late and injured another group of people riding behind the Archduke. Later in the day, the Archduke decided to meet with the injured in the  hospital but the chauffeur took a wrong turn and stopped right in front of one of the assassins named Gavrilo Princip who proceeded to shoot the Archduke and his wife. After this event , Austria sent an ultimatum to Serbia which Serbia refused and the First World War began. A  minor mistake by the chauffeur led to a war which had devastating consequences around the globe. We could argue that the First World War was unavoidable but without the small mistake, the timeline and the results of the war would be entirely different. A delay of even a few years could have altered future conflicts like the Second World War and relations of the west with the Middle East would have been different.

You as a reader will experience significant changes in life just by reading this text and spending the limited time left in your life in knowing about the butterfly effect. The butterfly effect shows that perspective cannot determine the importance of an action. Everything we consider as insignificant might have a significance beyond our imagination.

Source : [Wikipedia(“Butterfly effect”),Viewed in 2021]

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