
Student Corner

Everyone is a Racist

Written by: Apurba Adhikari - 22005, Grade XII

Posted on: 15 December, 2021

The concept of equality is an absolute garbage. No matter what and how much a human tries, there is no bringing of equality in this world. Let’s forget race for a second. What if we keep 50 people in a room with almost the same income, almost the same age, and the same intelligence, will every one of them be considered equal? Absolutely not. Humans will find one way or another to declare supremacy on others and the differences will be created. At last, none of them will be equal.

Not believing in God or calling themselves an atheist is a very popular trend nowadays among idiots. You have some control over what you think but have absolutely no control over what you believe. Things that you believe and your values are created from your experiences and there is no way in hell that you can change them by just saying “I won’t believe”. That’s the line said by people who want to be seen as “cool” and want some attention. The same goes for racism, no matter what a human says, no matter what tasks a man/woman does, they will always believe that the so-called “lower race” is inferior to them. Society has raised every human to think in that way and no matter what a human does, they cannot throw out their belief. The so-called “lower race” accept themselves deep inside and believe that they are inferior and are very insecure about the fact, that is why most of them get offended even when a small incident occurs. That insecurity is the reason for ongoing pseudo-feminism and the black’s right moment which I think is overhyped.

Humans are the biggest idiots on this planet because they think that they know everything, they are smart and they are free but in reality, a human has no control even under his/her own will.