
Student Corner

Wake up

Written by: Arunesh Manandhar - 23011, Grade XI

Posted on: 16 December, 2021

World was at dawn
Worshipping clown
Build lots of town
Destroyed the lawn
But the people there were all the devil
Smiling with mask, hiding the evil
(But you know I warned you that time)

People want more
enough was bore
Started to lock the door
and one person own the store
Power buys them and power bind them
They are in such position, but you never find them
(But everything is possible but we don't know how)

Hey people wake up you still sleeping?
Your body is with you but your soul yourself leaving
You want the sorrow go away but you want it again
You don't want in trouble then why you left other in pain
Like hell i want kill you but please coordinate with me
There is no such things in world, forever it is fun to be
(Wake up from the dream world and do something awesome)