
Student Corner


मकर सङ्क्रान्ति
- Prasun Regmi - 22028, Grade X ... 18 February, 2022

नेपाल चाडपर्वहरूमा धनी देश हाे । संस्कृति र सम्पदा नै हाम्रो पहिचान हो । हामी नेपालीहरू हाम्रा चाडपर्व बडो धुमधामसँग सपरिवार बसेर मनाउने गर्छौं । यस्तै चाडपर्वमध्ये माघ महिनामा पर्ने अर्थात् माघ १ गते ‘मकर सङ्क्रान्ति’ पर्व मनाइन्छ । माघ महिनालाई मध्य हिउँद पनि भनिन्छ ।

माघ १ गते अर्थात् माघे सङ्क्रान्तिदेखि सूर्य उत्तरायणमा हुन्छ । उत्तरायणको दिन लामो र रात छाेटाे हुन्छ । ऋतु परिवर्तन हुने र राशि पनि परिवर्तन हुने सूर्य धनु राशिबाट मकर राशिमा प्रवेश गर्ने सङ्क्रान्ति माघे सङ्क्रान्ति हामी धुमधामसँग मनाउँछौँ । माघ १ गते अर्थात् माघे सङ्क्रान्तिको दिन धार्मिक दृष्टिले धार्मिक स्नान अर्थात् बिहानै स्नान गरिन्छ । स्नानपछि भगवान् सूर्य, शङ्कर र विष्णु भगवान्‌को पूजा गरिन्छ । 

माघे सङ्क्रान्ति मध्य जाडोको बेला हो । यस्तो बेलामा शरीरलाई तातो बनाइराख्नु जरुरी हुन्छ । माघे सङ्क्रान्तिमा घिउ, चाकु, तरुल आदि शरीरलाई आवश्यक पौष्टिक तत्त्व भएका खानाहरू खाइन्छन् । यो बेला शरीरलाई एकदम स्वस्थ राख्न यस्ता स्वास्थ्यवर्धक खानेकुराहरू खाइने गर्दछन् । घाममा बसेर टाउकाका साथै शरीरभरि पनि तेल लगाउने चलन पनि छ । हाम्रो संस्कृति, हाम्रो परम्पराले हरेक चाडपर्वहरूको धार्मिक एवम् वैचारिक विशेषताहरू र सिद्धान्तहरू अँगालेको पाइन्छ, जस्तोः माघे सङ्क्रान्तिमा तिल, चाकु, घिउ, तरुल, पालुङ्गाेको साग, माघ महिनामा भगवान्‌लाई चढाएको राम्रो र आफूहरूले पनि खानु स्वास्थ्यका लागि राम्रो मानिन्छ । अनि वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकाेणबाट हेर्ने हो भने माघ महिनामा जाडोले गर्दा हाम्रो शरीर चिसोका कारण धेरै कमजाेर भइरहेको हुन्छ । कमजाेर भएकाे शरीरलाई पौष्टिक तत्त्वहरू खाएर, तातो दिने वस्तुहरू खाएर बलियो बनाउन घिउ, चाकु, तिल, तरुलजस्ता खाना खाइन्छन् ।

माघे सङ्क्रान्तिको दिन पर्वत, स्याङ्जा र गुल्मीकाे सङ्गममा अवस्थित सेतीवेनी धाममा धुमधामसँग मेला लाग्छ । मकर सङ्क्रान्तिको दिन त्रिवेणीहरूमा ठुलो मेला लाग्दछ । नारायणको धुमधामसँग पूजा हुन्छ र भजन गाई याे पर्व रमाइलो गरी मनाइन्छ ।

सङ्क्रान्तिकाे दिनमा सक्नेले दीनदुखीहरूलाई न्यानो वस्त्र तथा खानेकुरा दान गर्छन् । यो दिन तिल दान गर्नाले पुण्य हुन्छ भन्छन् । यो वर्ष पनौतीमा लाग्ने १२ बर्से मकर मेला पनि परेको थियाे । हरेक १२ वर्षमा माघे सङ्क्रान्तिदेखि एक महिनासम्म १२ वर्षमा मकर मेला लाग्छ, जहाँ नारायण भगवान्‌का साथै भगवान् शिव र सूर्यनारायणको पूजा हुन्छ । याे पर्व पहाडी जिल्ला र उपत्यकामा मकर सङ्क्रान्ति भनेर मनाइन्छ भने तराईमा माघी पर्वका रूपमा तराईवासीहरूले धुमधामसँग मनाउँछन् । उनीहरूले यो पर्वलाई नयाँ वर्षका रूपमा मनाउँछन् ।

निष्कर्षमा मकर वा माघे सङ्क्रान्ति पनि नेपालका अरू धेरै चाडहरूमध्ये एक चाड हो र यो चाडको पनि आफ्नै सांस्कृतिक पहिचान छ । यो चाडमा पनि धेरै मेलाहरू हुन्छन्, पूजाहरू हुन्छन् । यो चाडमा खाइने विशेष किसिमका खानाहरू हुन्छन् । यी सबैकाे संयाेजनमा यो चाड धुमधामसँग मनाइन्छ । यो चाड मनाउनु रमाइलो गर्नभन्दा पनि हाम्रो शरीरका लागि राम्रो छ । यो चाड पनि एउटा एकदम राम्रो र रमाइलो चाडपर्व हो र यसका आफ्नै विशेषता छन् ।  

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- Prasun Regmi - 22028, Grade X ... 17 February, 2022

Brainstorming is an idea that first emerged back in 1942. The term was introduced by Alex Faickney Osborn, founder and advertising executive of the US advertising agency BBDO. In fact, brainstorming was introduced as a creative technique inspired by the working atmosphere in BBDO. During his time in the company, Osborn`s observations of the everyday work in the office took him closer to developing this creative technique. He found out that during the company's meetings and discussions, all employees were not proposing creative ideas, methods or solutions, which resulted in poor meetings` closings.
Brainstorming is the word that all of us have crossed once or many times in our lives. We’ve not just crossed along it but used it. Brainstorming is a technique to generate ideas in writing and even used to solve problems in the business field. The concept of brainstorming includes defining a simple or a complex problem for which solutions generate different ideas that are later accepted or rejected. The participants in the process of brainstorming present and reveal new ideas as potential solutions for a specific problem. In this process, brainstorming helps the stimulation of the human mind towards creative problem solving. Most people have
heard of (or used) brainstorming techniques to generate creative ideas and many believe that it was created by psychologists or decision scientists. However, brainstorming was the brainchild of an advertising executive in the 1950s. Since its invention, brainstorming has become very popular and there are tremendous claims about the technique`s success. Unfortunately, research has suggested that brainstorming may not be very effective, and that individuals actually perform as well, or better, than brainstorming groups. Brainstorming typically involves
groups of 6 to 10 members throwing out ideas in a noncritical and nonjudgmental atmosphere, trying to generate as many ideas as possible. The basic rules are: (a) no idea is too far out; (b) no criticism of ideas is allowed; © the more ideas the better, and (d) members should build on one another's ideas.Over 40 years of research on brainstorming suggests that the technique is not as effective as its proponents claim. The problem is that despite the ground rules, group dynamics are too powerful and the creativity of people in the brainstorming groups is often inhibited. For example, members become embarrassed and inhibited, others may engage in "freeriding" and not contribute to idea generation. The research suggests that individuals are equal to or better than brainstorming groups in generating creative ideas.

The interesting thing is that members of a brainstorming group strongly believe that group brainstorming is more productive than individual brainstorming. The moral is that because a method sounds popular or logical, research must be done to determine its effectiveness.

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Mental health in Nepal
- Aagya Bhandari - 23002, Grade ... 17 February, 2022

Nepal is one of the developing countries in South Asia. We have progressed in various developmental projects but regarding the health sector there is still a lot to do, not only with the cure and prevention, new technology but also with the concept or awareness of the disease and as most of the population is still unaware about the term “Mental Illness'''. Here most of the people think that suffering from mental illness is the same as being crazy, becoming unfit to remain in society and the family, and the reason behind that is due to loss of control over self or being possessed by a holy spirit or a black magic. Individuals with severe mental disorders, as well as their family members, are targets of stigma and discrimination to the point where they hesitate to come forward for appropriate treatment.

The mind and body are considered distinct entities in Nepalese culture, thus mental illness is viewed as being separate from physical illness. Mental health is highly stigmatized in our community. Stigma and discrimination are the major barriers for seeing mental health care in the community. The cause of mental illness and distress, as well as needs of sufferers, are largely being ignored. Nobody really likes to talk about it because of which a person having a hard time with mental health cannot ever speak about it. Even patients with neurotic disorders do not like to consult mental health professionals because of the stigma of mental disease. The key barriers to accessing mental healthcare are lack of awareness on mental health, lack of adequate mental health professionals and treatment facilities. There is only one mental health hospital in the country, and mental health services are not easily available in rural and remote areas. Mental health infrastructure is poor and human resources are not sufficient to meet the need. At present, most psychiatric wards are staffed and run by general nursing staff without specialized training in mental health or disorder. Governmental structures to address mental health are not yet in place.

To ensure the availability and accessibility of mental health services for all , and in particular for the most vulnerable and under-privileged groups, mental health services have to be integrated into the general health services system of the country. Mental health care facilities should be developed and have an active and dynamic interaction with the communities they serve. Mental health services have to be made available at the regional, district and peripheral levels. They have to be integrated into general health services at all levels including primary health care. Mental health resources have to be distributed in accordance with the mental health policy, and adequate supply of essential psychotropic drugs should be maintained. mental health legislation to insure the rights of people with mental disorders has to be developed and implemented. Finally, awareness raising activities on the formulated rights have to be done as well.

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घरदेखि डियरवाकसम्मकाे यात्रा
- Rakshit Dahal - 22023, Grade ... 17 February, 2022

बिहान बिहान म सकी नसकी ६ बजेतिर उठ्छु । बिहान उठेपछि सबैभन्दा पहिला मुख धोएर दाँत माझ्छु । घरमा पाएकाे संस्कारअनुसार म मन्त्र जप्ने र सूर्यलाई जल अर्पण गर्ने काम गर्छु । त्यति गरिसकेपछि बाँकी रहेका गृहकार्य र कक्षाकार्यहरू पूरा गर्छु । सबै काम सकिएपछि सफा र राम्रो लुगा लगाएर म आमालाई “आमा खाना पस्किनु है ।" भन्दै ठुलो स्वरमा चिच्याउँदै जान्छु । बिहान बिहान पेट नदुखोस् भनेर दुध र भात खाने मेरो बानी छ ।

आमाले दिनुभएको खाना खाएपछि म इअरफोन लगाएर विपुल क्षेत्रीको असार र देउराली डाँडा भन्ने गीत सुन्दै घरबाट निस्कन्छु, केहीबेर हिँडेपछि म पशुपतिनाथ आइपुग्ने गर्दछु । पूजाका समान बेच्नलाई पसलेहरूको तँछाडमछाड हुन्छ । भगवान्‌को मन्दिर भएको हुनाले होला, यहाँ एकदम सकारात्मक भाव पनि आउने गर्दछ ।

म आउने बाटामा धेरै मन्दिरहरू छन् । पशुपतिनाथबाट अलिकति माथि लागेपछि म सिफलको जयवागेश्वरी मन्दिरमा आइपुग्छु । त्यहाँको भाव पनि छुट्टै छ । बिहान बिहान ताताे तेलमा डुबाउँदै पसलेहरू ताता ताता समोसा र पकाैडा पकाउँछन् । भात खाएर आए पनि त्यहाँ पुगेपछि भने मेरो मुख फेरि रसाउँछ ।

त्यहाँबाट केहीबेर हिँडेपछि म डियरवाक सिफल स्कुलकाे जुनियर ब्लकमा आइपुग्छु । साना साना बच्चाहरू आफ्ना आमाबुबालाई बाई बाई भनेर आफ्ना साथीहरूसँग गफ गर्दै गेटभित्र छिर्छन् । मलाई पनि आफू त्यसरी नै स्कुल गएका दिनहरूको सम्झना आउँछ । अस्ति भर्खरै कक्षा १० को अन्तिम परीक्षा रद्ध भएजस्तो लाग्छ तर अहिले हेर्यो भने कक्षा १२ का दिनहरू पनि सकिन लागेका छन् । साथीहरू, गुरुबा र गुरुआमाहरूसँग रमाइलाे गर्दै पढ्दै गर्दा हेर्दा हेर्दै कति छिटो समय बित्याे थाहा नै भएन । यति कुरा सम्झिँदै म गार्ड दाइलाई गुड मर्निङ भन्दै साथीहरूसँग ब्याडमिन्टन खेल्न जान्छु ।

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- Dhendup Norphel Sherpa - 2302 ... 16 February, 2022

मलाई हाेचाे भएकामा मजाक गर्न बन्द गर्नुहोस्,
मैले हाेचाे हुन चाहेको होइनँ,
म मेरा कारणले हाेचाे भएकाे हाेइनँ, 
म मेरा आमाबुबा 
वा पुर्खाका कारणले मात्र हाेचाे भएकाे हुँ ।

म किन हाेचाे हुन चाहन्छु ?
म हाेचाे हुनुमा के समस्या छ तपाईंहरूलाई ?
के यदि मैले चाहेको भए म अग्लो हुन सक्थेँ ?
त्यसो भए तपाईं किन मलाई हाेचाे भनेर खिल्ली उडाइरहनुहुन्छ ? 
हाेचाे हुनुमा के रमाइलो छ ?

यो हा हा हाे हाे गर्नु भनेकाे 
याे भन्नुजस्तै हो कि 
मराे खुट्टामा छाला, हड्डी र कोसिकाहरू 
तिम्रा खुट्टामाभन्दा कम छन्,
त्यसैले यो हास्यास्पद छ ।

के भनेँ मैले तपाईंलाई ? 
कहिल्यै भनेँ मैले “हा हा तपाईं अग्लो, तपाईं अग्लो गधा” भनेर ? 
त्यसैले “हाेचाे हुनु हास्यास्पद छ” भन्न रोक्नुहोस् ।

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- Manisha Gurung - 2022030, Gra ... 16 February, 2022

आज आफ्नै सपनादेखि डर लागिरहेछ, 
आज आफ्नै इच्छाका कारण मन पाेलिरहेछ,
धत् ! सपना सजाउनु गल्ती भयाे, 
आज त्यही सपनाले मन पाेलिरहेछ ।

किन राखेछु यति धेरै कहिल्यै पुरा नहुने चाहनारू ? 
आज आफैँदेखि अति रिस उठिरहेछ,
भन्नलाई त देखिँदैन घाउ
तर त्यही सपनाले मन, मस्तिष्कमा कुटिरहेछ ।

सपना देख्नुपर्छ भन्नेकाे लहैलहैमा लागेर देखेँ, 
तर आज आफैँलाई “ठुलाे गल्ती गरेछु” लागिरहेछ, 
आज आफ्नै सपनादेखि डर लागिरहेछ, 
आज आफ्नै इच्छाका कारण मन पाेलिरहेछ । 

“अन्धकार औँसीको रातलाई पन्छाउँदै
उज्यालोको सपना नदेख्नुपर्ने” लागिरहेछ,
कर्मको खेल भनौँ या आत्मबलको कमी भनौँ, 
तर आज आफ्नै सपनादेखि मन भागिरहेछ ।

बिर्सन नसकिने सपनाकाे पछि लागेर 
आज त्यही सपनामा जलिरहेछु
सपनाको सपना सजाउँदा सजाउँदै 
आज त्यही सपना पुरा गर्न मरिरहेछु ।

अब ती चाहना, इच्छा र साेखलाई बिर्सन मिल्छ भने 
पुनर्जन्म लिन मन छ,
ताकि फेरि बिर्सेर पनि 
सपना सजाउनु नपराेस्, 
ताकि फेरि बिर्सेर पनि 
सपनामा मन लगाउनु नपराेस् ।

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Interesting facts about music
- Sashwat Paudel - 23038, Grade ... 15 February, 2022

Musicians have shorter lifespan than general population
A study conducted by a University of Sydney professor examined the deaths of musicians 1950 and June 2014 and concluded that musicians lifespans were 25 years shorter than average. 
Mozart sold more CDs than Adele, Drake, and Beyoncé in the year 2016. 
When the Universal Music Group released a box set commemorating the 225th anniversary of Mozart's death, called Mozart 225: The New Complete Edition in October 2016, it sold 6,250 copies according to Billboard. 
Finland has the most metal bands per capita 
Finland is the country with the most bands per capita with 53.5 metal bands per 100,000 people. The second place was tied between  Sweden and Norway, each having 27.2 metal bands per 100,000. 
The most expensive musical instrument is a violin, sold at 15.9 million.  
In 2011, a violin named "Lady Blunt" Stradivarius violin sold for a world record $15.9 million. 
Metallica is the only band that has played in all seven continents. 
In 2013, Metallica earned a new Guinness world record, after playing a concert in all seven continents of the world. Further, this was done in a single calendar year. They earned this record after performing for 120 scientists in  a transparent dome at Carlini Station in Antarctica. 
People who listen to  heavy metal and classical music have a lot in common.  Heriot-Watt University in Scotland, which examined the personalities of more than 36,000 music fans from all over the world, concluded that people who listen to the aforementioned genres tend to be creative, at ease with themselves, and introverted in general. 
Monaco has a bigger military orchestra than it’s own army.
Monaco is the only country that has it’s army smaller than its military orchestra. Monaco’s army has 82people , while the orchestra has 85 musicians. 
4% of the world can’t sing 
This might come as a surprise, but anyone can get good at singing if they practice enough. That is, if you’re not unlucky enough to be one of the 4% of the world that can’t actually sing, no matter how much they try. This situation is called congenital amusia, or usually known as tone deafness. People with tone deafness are accompanied with the inability to differentiate between tones, and musical tones in general. 
Despacito has achieved seven world record 
Despacito holds the record for the world’s most viewed online video, most viewed music video online, most viewed duet YouTube video, most liked video online, the first to pass 5 billion views, the most-streamed track in the world and finally, it it spent the most number of weeks in the USA’s Number One spot as a single. 
Evlis presley is still the best selling solo artist in the world.
Even as of today, Elvis Presly is the best selling solo artist with more than  billion sales worldwide. 
Michale jackson’s thriller is the most selling album of all time with more than 66 million copies worldwide
Daddy yankee is the first latin artist to hit the number one spot on spotify. 

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- Aashrab Khanal - 22001, Grade ... 15 February, 2022

The word ‘bureaucracy’ is a major part of an organization, usually a government. One of the most famous theories on bureaucracy is  the Max Weber theory of bureaucracy which originated around the time when F.H. Taylor gave his theory of scientific management. Weber is considered as one of brilliant theorists in the field of bureaucratic management.

 Max Weber was a German sociologist born in 1864. He is renowned as the author of works like ‘The Protestant Ethic’ and the Spirit of Capitalism. Weber took interest in the workings of  industrial capitalism and wanted to analyze its application across different societies. Weber wanted to  know why industrial capitalism worked in certain countries and failed in others. Weber traveled to the United States  in 1904 in order to study the nation’s economy and witness capitalism in full flow across the country. From his observations Weber concluded that capitalism was characterized by innovation and competition in the United States and found it to be useful. The experiences in the United States led to the origination of the Max Weber theory of bureaucracy. Weber defined bureaucratic management in his works and proposed theories of effective management. His ideas are still implemented in the corporate industry today. Weber himself coined the term ‘bureaucracy’ and studied the capitalist industries of Germany and U.S to conclude that the best form of organization is a rational one. Thus economic relations are to be prioritized in businesses rather than personal relationships.  In Max Weber’s theory of bureaucracy, the Weberian model of bureaucracy is to  be governed by highly skilled people with high competency and integrity. The governance by people with high social standing is forbidden. Max Weber defined his theory of bureaucracy as being an organizational structure characterized by numerous rules, standardized processes, procedures and  the fine division of labor and responsibility with clear hierarchies and professional behavior between the employees. Weber proposed that his theory must be implemented in all big organizations in order to smoothly maintain the structural operation of tasks by a huge number of employees. The employees are hired and promoted based on their qualifications and competence .

Max Weber’s theory has contributed highly to bureaucratic management. The formation of a bureaucracy is seen as being ideal as people can build a career upon their expertise while enjoying lifetime employment. But there are also many criticisms of the Weberian model. 
The bureaucratic management theory is seen to be highly rigid. Strict regulations should be followed by the employees and the managers of groups in order to function efficiently. It has been seen that a large number of rules and regulations have the effect of delaying work and stifling the overall flow of the system.The Weberian bureaucratic structure is seen to usually suit government organizations rather than businesses.

Source: [Bureaucratic Theory (Max Weber) - Leadership Training by EPM, https://expertprogrammanagement.com/2019/03/bureaucratic-theory-max-weber

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आमा र छोरा
- Ansel Dhungana - 22018, Grade ... 15 February, 2022

उसलाई घुम्न मन पर्थ्यो,
ऊ बेला बेला जान्थ्यो,
घुम्थ्याे अनि घर फर्किन्थ्याे,
उसकी आमा भन्थिन्, “बाबु नघुम,
बाहिर नजाऊ, 
बाहिर खतरा छ,
खतरासँग नखेल ।”
तर उसले टेरेन, 
अझै गइरह्यो,
एक दिन धेरै रात पर्यो,
ऊ घर फर्केन,
उसकी आमा चिन्तित भइन्,
रुन थालिन्,
“बाबु ! तिमी कता छौ ?
खै मेरो बाबु !
घर फर्क ।”
धेरै रात पर्यो,
आमा खोज्न गइन्,
उनले कराइन्,
“बाबु कता छौ ?
कहाँ गयौ ? 
के भयो तिमीलाई ?
घर फर्क ।”
आमा जङ्गल गइन्, 
तर भेटिनन्,
दुःखको साथ रुँदै फर्किन्,
घरमा छोरो रहेछ ,
छोरो घाइते थियो,
आमाले सोधिन्,
“बाबु के भयो ?”
छोरोले भन्यो,
“आमा हजुरले भन्नुभएको ठिक रहेछ,
मैले त
हजुरले मलाई केही गर्न नदिएको,
मलाई मेरो रुचिको कुरा गर्न नदिएको,
मेरो खुसी नचाहेको मात्र बुझेँ,
मैले हजुरको माया बुझिनँ,
हजुरकाे माया मैले देखिनँ,
त्यो माया मैले महसुस गरिनँ, 
क्षमा गर्नुहोस् मलाई, आमा !”

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