
Student Corner


Written by: Aashrab Khanal - 22001, Grade XII

Posted on: 15 February, 2022

The word ‘bureaucracy’ is a major part of an organization, usually a government. One of the most famous theories on bureaucracy is  the Max Weber theory of bureaucracy which originated around the time when F.H. Taylor gave his theory of scientific management. Weber is considered as one of brilliant theorists in the field of bureaucratic management.

 Max Weber was a German sociologist born in 1864. He is renowned as the author of works like ‘The Protestant Ethic’ and the Spirit of Capitalism. Weber took interest in the workings of  industrial capitalism and wanted to analyze its application across different societies. Weber wanted to  know why industrial capitalism worked in certain countries and failed in others. Weber traveled to the United States  in 1904 in order to study the nation’s economy and witness capitalism in full flow across the country. From his observations Weber concluded that capitalism was characterized by innovation and competition in the United States and found it to be useful. The experiences in the United States led to the origination of the Max Weber theory of bureaucracy. Weber defined bureaucratic management in his works and proposed theories of effective management. His ideas are still implemented in the corporate industry today. Weber himself coined the term ‘bureaucracy’ and studied the capitalist industries of Germany and U.S to conclude that the best form of organization is a rational one. Thus economic relations are to be prioritized in businesses rather than personal relationships.  In Max Weber’s theory of bureaucracy, the Weberian model of bureaucracy is to  be governed by highly skilled people with high competency and integrity. The governance by people with high social standing is forbidden. Max Weber defined his theory of bureaucracy as being an organizational structure characterized by numerous rules, standardized processes, procedures and  the fine division of labor and responsibility with clear hierarchies and professional behavior between the employees. Weber proposed that his theory must be implemented in all big organizations in order to smoothly maintain the structural operation of tasks by a huge number of employees. The employees are hired and promoted based on their qualifications and competence .

Max Weber’s theory has contributed highly to bureaucratic management. The formation of a bureaucracy is seen as being ideal as people can build a career upon their expertise while enjoying lifetime employment. But there are also many criticisms of the Weberian model. 
The bureaucratic management theory is seen to be highly rigid. Strict regulations should be followed by the employees and the managers of groups in order to function efficiently. It has been seen that a large number of rules and regulations have the effect of delaying work and stifling the overall flow of the system.The Weberian bureaucratic structure is seen to usually suit government organizations rather than businesses.

Source: [Bureaucratic Theory (Max Weber) - Leadership Training by EPM, https://expertprogrammanagement.com/2019/03/bureaucratic-theory-max-weber