
Student Corner


The Unsolved Case of Jack the Ripper
- Yawat Malla - 24037, Grade XI ... 04 July, 2022

Murder, genocide, and war are not unfamiliar topics to human beings ever since the origin of civilization. Generally, murderers are driven by their feelings of hatred, greed, and anger or by their self-designated sense of justice or injustice or even for revenge. Generally, murderers commit such crimes in response to the physical or emotional damage dealt with them by their victims, but at certain times, some murderers commit their crimes in such a way they almost seem passionate about turning people inside out. The reason for this behavior of people is considered to be some sort of abnormal psychological satisfaction.  These kinds of dreadful psychopaths kill their victims in a specific pattern and by a particular procedure. Turning back the pages of history, there are several names that have gained an astonishing amount of popularity for their merciless yet unsubstantiated killings, which sends shivers down the spines of the listener or observer yet finding it unusually astonishing. Jack the Ripper is even more popular among them, whose true identity has yet to be revealed, even after a couple of centuries.

Jack the Ripper, the ghost and the devil, is the dreadful villain of many western stories, the ultimate case for many detectives, and a fascinating tale for many mystery lovers. Ever since the murder of his first victim in the late 19th century, his popularity has only skyrocketed and he has been the ideal for many criminals.  This unidentified killer crept into the slums and improvised districts of East End London in the late 19th century usually at night, whose victims were mostly female prostitutes. He mercilessly mutilated the abdominals of his victims after opening up their throats. It is said that every cut he made in the victim’s body and every injury he dealt with his victim was convincing and frighteningly meaningful and he didn’t leave a strand of hair as evidence. Records say that he had such excellence in mutilating the organs of his victims that the investigators back then were almost sure that whomever they were seeking was an expert in the medical field and had detailed knowledge of human anatomy. But unfortunately, the investigators were not able to track the killer down and more women fell victims to his crimes.

During his lifetime, it is believed that at least 5 women fell victims to Ripper, but the number may be even greater considering the unreliability of records in the past. Investigators consider his first-ever unfortunate victim to be Mary An Nichols who was found murdered and mutilated in the city’s Whitechapel district. After the first case, the murders continued for several more months and the whole of London was left in fear of the mystery murderer.

After days and nights of investigation of the case, the investigators finally narrowed down the list of suspects to a number of four. Charles Cross, Joseph Barnett, Aron Kosminski, and Francis Tumblety were the primary suspects of being the infamous murderer. It was impossible for the police to identify a particular individual as the murderer because there was no evidence backing them up. Ultimately, the identity of Jack turned out to be a game of who’s who and the case eventually faded after the murder of the final victim, Mary Jane Kelly. The case was lost in the files of East London but gained massive popularity all around the world astonishing even modern-day detectives and investigators.

Jack may have gained such massive success mainly due to the state of anarchy in the district of  Whitechapel, and due to the absence of modern technology such as DNA testing due to which we can almost confirm that there will never be the emergence of another Jack the Ripper since the number and intelligence of the goodwill simply outnumber the number of loathsome murderers.

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House Plants: Five best low-maintenance plants
- Diya Bajracharya - 23021, Gra ... 01 July, 2022

Gardening is an amalgamation of art and science of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture (the science, technology, and business of extensive plant growth for human consumption). Its operations are quite broad, involving both food and non-food crops such as flowers, trees, and shrubs). The most frequent type of gardening is normally done outside, but it can also be done indoors. A house plant is a type of plant that is grown indoors, such as in homes or workplaces. House plants are often grown for a variety of reasons, for decoration and health benefits like indoor air purification. Tropical or semi-tropical plants are often used for this purpose. 

In the Victorian era, indoor gardening was at its greatest. Plants like abutilons, palms, and hibiscus were discovered by botanists (scientists who specialize in researching plants).  There was another indoor plant craze in the 1970s, although it was mostly limited to leafy plants like spider plants, Swedish ivy, and ferns. Due to a lack of natural areas, indoor gardening is concerned with growing plants or houseplants within a house or a building. It is beneficial to urban residents, and it is especially recommended to those who live in apartments, flats, and small houses with limited space.

Below are the five best plants that add up greenery to your house:

Peace Lily

Tropical spathiphyllum plants (also known as peace lilies or sweet Pablos) can produce white flowers even when grown inside. They can survive in low-light situations, but they also grow in brilliantly lighted environments. When the leaves begin to droop, you'll know it's time to water it. The peace lily helps remove benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, toluene, and xylene from the air. However, It includes oxalates, which can result in contact dermatitis, a type of skin irritation. Salt crystals cause irritation when crushed, chewed, or consumed, causing a severe burning sensation. If curious pets try to eat or chew the plant, they may feel the same sensation.

Snake plant

Snake plants are natural air purifiers that help to filter and oxygenate the air. The snake plant, also known as mother-in-tongue law's or by its scientific name (Sansevieria trifasciata), is a tough plant with tall, strap-like leaves that offer a unique appearance to your decor. It can survive in low-water and light settings, though bright, indirect light is preferred. Snake plant leaves contain saponins, which are harmful to pets and can cause nausea and vomiting.

Bamboo Palm

Bamboo palm enjoys bright light, it can survive in dim light if given enough water. T his plant prefers high humidity, set it on a tray of stones with water. Add more water as the first evaporates until the stones are almost completely covered. Bamboo palm is quite effective at reducing the amount of formaldehyde released into the air by new furniture. Bamboo palm is nontoxic to pets.

Areca Palm

Areca palm looks exotic, elegant, and stately. It prefers bright, indirect light and moist, well-drained soil. It reduces the emission of benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. The Areca palm adds humidity to the air within the house. Pests and diseases are rarely a concern.

English Ivy

English ivy (Hedera helix) is a simple-to-grow plant that prefers bright light over direct sunshine. It requires moist soil and colder temperatures than the majority of other indoor plants. Except in the winter, English ivy requires regular fertilization. Ivy helps to clean the air by reducing contaminants like mold and dog feces. English ivy produces a substance known as glycoside hederin. If consumed, this substance can cause nausea, diarrhea, fever, and difficulty breathing, among other things.

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- Anushka Basnet - 24022, Grade ... 30 June, 2022

The story dates back to 2018. It was December night, a cold and snowy night. I was warm in my coat and boots. I was returning home from my school. My friends had planned a birthday surprise for me. Everything was good. I remember vividly, it was 7:00 in the evening. The sun was already setting and the cold was starting to take its quick pace. A tall man started following me and before I knew it I was thrown into some corner. I screamed and cried and begged for him to stop. I still remember his face. The hideous face of a monster. A monster who was my uncle, my relative, a close person to my family who mercilessly forced himself into me, his 16-year-old niece. A monster who no matter how much I cried and screamed, raped me. And after he was finished he threatened to kill me if I told anyone what had happened. After a week of mental torture and keeping it inside me, I finally told my mum and dad everything that happened even though I was risking my life with it. I told her in hopes of getting help but I was wrong. I mean who would help a girl who had “dishonored” her family. 

I was hurt and I was angry. I was angry because it was not my fault a man who was a monster in disguise forced himself onto me. It was not my fault my body was too frail and weak to have stopped him. It was not my fault my saying no and begging for him to stop didn't actually make him stop. I was sad because it had happened to me. I was sad because no one would help me and I was sad because I was completely alone in the world. I had no one who would help me. And I am sad right now because I believed my mum. I believed her when she said I had brought shame upon the family. I used to question myself: am I even worthy to be someone’s friend? Because I believed it was my fault. Just like countless people who were trapped into thinking that it's their fault that people cannot think straight from their heads. I was enraged. I started rethinking everything. So I gathered the courage to go to the police. I told them everything that had happened that night to me. I even told them who the rapist was. But I was dismissed again. I was dismissed because I was a then 17-year-old. I was dismissed because I was a girl born into a patriarchal world and I was dismissed because my story was not worthy enough. I had no hopes. I had no wish to live. I couldn't live comfortably in a world where my rapist was roaming around freely, where the person who did that horrible thing to me could do it again, numerous times to other people.

So exactly two years later, on the same month of December, on the same chilly night wearing the same clothes I was wearing two years ago, I killed him. I killed my uncle. My clothes which were ripped apart by him two years ago are hanging on my shoulders. I had shot him with my dad’s rifle. My dad was a police officer. My dad, who had refused to help me two years ago. I killed his brother with his gun. And I felt happy, finally. 

As I am writing this story I am serving my years in jail. I told everything that happened to me in court but in the eyes of law, I was a murderer. I don't feel one bit of guilt for what I did. No one helped me when I begged for help. I took it into my own hands when the hurt grew too big. I wish this story was not mine but it is. And it is of countless other people. Other people who are rejected help, people who are seen as disgusting filth, who are asked what they were wearing when it happened and who are forced to keep it all to themselves. These stories exist because people like you and me ask the victims to dress properly and walk safely instead of teaching everyone how to behave like a decent human being.

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मेरो रमाइलो यात्रा
- Bipan Sajwal - 24015, Grade X ... 29 June, 2022

यात्रा भनको कुनै पनि एक ठाउँबाट अर्को ठाउँमा जानु हो । यात्रा गर्दा रमाइलो हुन्छ । संसारमा हरेक मान्छेले आफ्नो जीवनमा कहीँ न कहीँ यात्रा गरेकै हुन्छ । तर मान्छेले गरेका यात्राहरूमध्ये  कुनै चाहिँ भुल्नै  नसकिने खालका पनि हुन्छन् । 

मैले पनि जीवनमा धेरै यात्राहरू गरेको छु । जसमध्ये  मेरो जीवनको सबैभन्दा रमाइलो यात्रा भनेको मा कक्षा ८ मा अध्यन गर्दाताकाको हाे । मेरा सबै सहपाठी साथीहरूसँग चितवन सौराहा गएको थिएँ । वि.सं. २०७६ साल ९ महिना १७ गते शुक्रबारको दिन म विद्यालयमा थिएँ मेरो त्यति बेला विज्ञान विषयको पढाइ भइरहेको थियो । अफिसबाट आएर एक जना शिक्षकले हामीलाई अर्को दिन चितवन सौराहा (चितवन रास्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज ) भ्रमण लागि लैजाने भनेर भन्नुभयो । त्यो दिन म र मेरा  सहपाठी साथीहरू एकदमै खुसी थियौँ । त्यो रात म र मेरा साथीहरू राम्ररी सुतेका पनि थिएनौ । हाम्रो मनमा एक किसिमको आनन्दको महसुस भइहेको थियो । हाम्रो त्यो रात यस्तै रमाइला  कुराको कल्पनामा बितिरहेको थियो । हेर्दाहेर्दै हाम्रो चितवन जाने दिन पनि सुरु भैसकेको थियो । म लगायत मेरा साथीहरू सबै हामी विद्यालयमा भेला भएर विद्यालयको गाडीमा बसेर यात्रा सुरु गर्यौँ । हामीहरू सबैजना एकदम रमाइलो गर्दै गाडीमा नाच्दै गाउँदै बाटो लागेका थियौँ । जाँदाजाँदै हामीले बाटोमा खाना खान गाडी धादिङ गएर रोकेका थियौँ अनि खाना खायौँ । त्यसपछि हामी फेरि गाडीमा बसेर बाटो लाग्याैँ। खाना खाएपछि हामीमा उत्साह थिएन । त्यसैले हामी गाडीमा आनन्दले २ घण्टाजति सुतेर चितवन पुगेका थियौँ । हामी चितवन पुगेर एउटा थारु जातिले बनाएको होम स्टेमा गएका थियौँ । हामीले हाम्रो सबै सामान त्यही छाडेर जिपमा बसेर जङ्गल सफारी गर्न गयौँ । त्यहाँ हामीले धेरै किसिमका जनावरहरू पनि देख्यौँ । हामीले सारै रमाइलो गर्दै जनावरहरू हेर्दै आइसक्रिम खाँदै फोटो खिच्दै जङ्गल भ्रमण गर्यौँ । त्यसपछि हामी जङ्गल सफारी सकेर हात्तीहरू भएको ठाउँमा गएर हात्तीहसँग रमायौँ । त्यसपछि हामी यता थारूजातिद्वारा निर्मित एउटा सङ्ग्रहालय गयौँ । सकेपछि हामी फर्केर हाम्रो होम स्टेमा आयौँ । आआफ्नो फोन चार्जमा राखेर इभिनिङ वाक गर्न हाम्रा गुरुहरूसँग खोला किनारमा गयाैँ । सधैँ काठमाडौँको धुलोमा हिँडेका हामीलाई  तराईको चिसो हावा खाँदा स्वर्गीय आनन्दको महसुस भैइहेको थियो । हामी इभिनिङ वाक सकेर फेरि होम स्टे फर्कियौँ र खाना खायौँ । खाना खाएर हामी चिसाे हावा खाँदै थियौँ । त्यही बेला उताबाट थारूजातिका महिलाहरू आएर हामी सबैलाई नमस्कार गरे । हामी अकमक्क पर्यौँ अनि भित्रबाट गुरुहरू आएर भन्नुभयो । उनीहरू हामीलाई थारु नृत्य देखाउन  आएका रहेछन् । गुरुहरूको कुरा सुनेर हामी सबैजना एकदम खुसी भयौँ र नृत्यको मनोरञ्जन लिन थल्यौँ । हामीलाई पनि उनीहरूले नाच्न आग्रह गरे । हामी पनि मज्जाले नाच्न थाल्यौँ । असाध्यै रमाइलो भयो । सायद म मेरो जीवनमा त्यो दिन सबैभन्दा बढी रमाएकाे दिन हाेला । फेरि त्यसरी सहपाठी साथीहरूसँग रमाउन पाउने छैन होला जस्ताे लाग्छ । त्यति सबै गरी सकेर हामी सुत्न भनी आआफ्नो कोठामा पस्यौँ । त्यतिबेला हाम्रो उमेर पनि उस्तै चकचक गर्ने थियाे । उमेर त्यस्तै भएर पो होकी हामी त्यो रात सुत्दै सुतेनौँ ।  रातभरि (पिल्लो फाइट ) मतलब तकियाले एक अर्कालाई हानाहान गरेर बस्यौँ । केही समयपछि हामी थाकेर कोठाबाहिर निस्केका मात्र के थियौँ कोठाका साथीलेहरूले एकजना सानो मान्छे, हुन त हाम्रै कक्षाकै हो ऊ पनि बच्चाजस्तो गर्थ्यो,डराउँथ्याे। ऊ ट्वाइलेट गएको बेला बत्ती निभाएर डराउन दिएछन् । बिचरा ऊ रुँदै  ट्वाइलेट बाहिर आयो । त्यसलाई हामीले धेरै फकायौँ ।  पेट मिचीमिची हाँस्यौँ पनि । हाम्रो त्यो रात त्यही त्यसरी नै बित्यो । 

अर्को दिन हामी बिहानै उठेर खाजासाजा खाएर समानहरू लिएर गाडीमा बस्यौँ । हामीलाई अब काठमाडौँ फर्किन्छौझैँ लागेको थियो तर गाडी त्यहाँबाट नवलपरासीतर्फ लाग्यो । हामी खुसीले झन् रमाउन  थाल्यौँ । हामी त्यताबाट सिजी धामतिर लाग्यौँ । सिजी धाम पुगेर हामीले फोटाहरू खिच्यौँ घुम्यौँ अनि धेरै रमाइलो गर्यौँ । घुमिसकेपछि हामी काठमाडौँ फर्किन थाल्याैँ । मलगायत साथीहरूलाई घर आउन मन लागेकै थिएन । तर क गर्नु आफ्नो घर नआइ नहुने । हामी सबै आआफ्नो घर आयौँ । 

मेरो जीवनको सबैभन्दा रमाइलो यात्रा यसरी सकिएको थियो । मेरो जीवनमाजस्तै सबै मानिसको जीवनमा पनि कुनै न कुनै त्यस्तो यात्रा अरूकाे पनि हाेला । जसलाई मानिसले जति नै सुकै ठुलो मान्छे भए पनि कहिल्यै भुल्न सक्दैन । म त झन् के भुल्थेँ र मेरो जीवनको सबैभन्दा रमाइलो पल । अहिले ती दिनहरू सम्झिँदा पनि आकाशमा ती दिनहरूमा फेरी फर्केर जान सक्ने भए ……….सोच आउँछ ।

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Fictional or Non-Fiction books?
- Kriti Nepal - 24020, Grade XI ... 28 June, 2022

When it comes to reading a book, a frequent state of confusion and uncertainty of choosing the genre of book is something everyone must have faced at least once. One of them which heavily stands out is choosing whether to read a fictional or non-fiction book. Both genres have their own forte and speciality that is unique and varies to each reader. Personally I prefer fiction over non-fiction books.

Yes, the non-fiction books have their own benefits of helping improve the readers' perspective to things, provide various knowledge on history, motivate the readers to achieve something in life, get inspired by someone, understand one’s struggle and sympathize with them, which is something really commendable. Some non-fiction books like ‘Ikigai’ has helped many to find their own purpose in life and its longevity, ‘Cancer currey and me’ has given many cancer patients a new perspective in life, how books like ‘Becoming’ helped many know better about one’s struggles in life or how books like ‘Boy’ provided a completely different experience to an autobiography.  However, fictional books hold a special meaning that I personally feel lacks most of the time just as in a nonfiction one. People might consider fictional books as something completely illogical, mere fantasy entertainment and nothing more, but I strongly differ from these opinions. Fictional books tend to help one increase their imagination and think out of the box. While the non-fictional books are factual and something that has happened somewhere, to someone where we can’put forward our creativeness. Fictional books gives the reader an experience of a complete new world, unknown to them and tag along with the characters. Reading fictional books helps one develop their own version of ending if they are not satisfied with the one they just read; however it is not possible for a non-fictional one and that it constrains the imaginative capacity of readers. The plotline of nonfiction heavily tends to revolve around positivity, motivation and happy endings that could sometimes be monotonous while some fictional ones can leave one emotionally scarred due to the ending of the story. Similarly, reading fictional books helps us understand and accept various characters we come across that can surprisingly increase our social and communicative skills. It ultimately benefits by helping one fit in a social circle and work as a team and increases the sense of inclusiveness. I strongly believe that reading fictional books helps one see the bigger picture. Not that non-fiction books limit or narrow one’s view; however, comparatively fictional books help us explore various aspects a lot more and give us a better understanding. An example of the best fictional book I’ve read that defies any stereotypical viewpoint of fictional books as mere entertainment is ‘The midnight library’ where it connects the reader to character, motivates them, is very emotional, explores an unknown world yet leaves the reader stunned and with a positive outlook to their life.

My thoughts can heavily be biased and influenced by the number and genre of books I’ve read, however I strongly prefer fictional books over non-fictional ones.

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एस.इ.इ परी‍‍‍‍‍‍क्षा
- Abi Bhattarai - 24039, Grade ... 27 June, 2022

एस.इ.इ. परीक्षा भनेको विद्यालय तहमा  दिइने कक्षा १० काे अन्तिम परीक्षा हो । यो परीक्षालाई धेरै महत्त्वपूर्ण रूपमा लिइन्छ । याे परीक्षालाई विद्यार्थीहरूको जीवनको फलामे ढोका पनि भन्ने गरिएकाे छ । 

मैले पनि गत वर्षकाे एस.इ.इ. परीक्षा वैशाख महिनामा दिएको हुँ । एस.इ.इ मा मैले अनुभव गरेका कुराहरू बताउन गइरहेको छु । दुई महिना पहिले म  एस.इ.इ परीक्षाको लागी तयारी गरिरहेको थिएँ । पहिलो पटक यस्ताे परीक्षा दिन लागेको भएर होला मलाई निकै डर लागिरहेको थियो। 

त्यसमाथि झन् कोरोनाले  गर्दा पनि हाम्रो कोर्स ढिला भएकाले हाम्रो पुनरावृत्ति हुन राम्ररी पाएन । थोरै समय मात्रै भयाे । त्यकारण हामी निकै तनावमा थियौँ । यस्तो समयमा हामीलाई हाम्रा गुरुबाहरूले एस.इ.इ. परीक्षामा पढाएकै कुराहरू आउँछ । आत्तिनु पर्दैन भनेर प्रोत्साहन गर्नु हुन्थ्याे । थोरै समयका लागि भए पनि पुनरावृत्ति भएको थियो ।  परीक्षालाई मध्यनजर गर्दै म पनि टुप्पी कसेर पढिरहेको थिएँ । त्यसपछि परीक्षाको समय आयो । परीक्षा सुरु हुनभन्दा अगाडि हाम्रो दुई दिन बिदा थियो । त्यतिबेला मैले सबै पढाएका कुराहरूलाई  मज्जाले पढेँ । परीक्षाको दिन पनि आयो । म धेरै नै डराइरहेको थिएँ । हाम्रो सेन्टर पनि विद्यालयबाट टाढा रहेछ । हामी विद्यालयमा बिहानै गयौँ र त्यहाँ हामीलाई गुरुबा गुरुआमाहरूले टिका लगाइदिनुभयाे । परीक्षामा राम्रो अङ्क ल्याउन आशीर्वाद दिनुभयो। 

हाम्रो पहिलो दिनकाे परीक्षा अङ्ग्रेजी विषयको थियो । अङ्ग्रेजी विषयको परीक्षा धेरै राम्रो  भयो । पहिलो परीक्षा सकिएपछि एक दिन बिदा थियो । बिदापछि गणितको परीक्षा हुने भएकाले त्यो एक दिन बिदामा मैले खुब पढेर बसेँ । त्यती धेरै अभ्यास गर्दा पनि मलाई अझै पनि डर लागिरहेको थियो । कही कतै गारो प्रश्न त आउने हैन ?भन्ने प्रश्नहरू मेरा दिमागमा खेलिरहेका थिए । तर 

प्रश्न हेर्दा त्यति गारो थिएन । पाँच अङ्कका प्रश्न भने अलिकति गाराे र हल गर्न एकछिन सोच्नु नै पर्ने खालका थिए । मैले सबै प्रश्नहरूकाे राम्ररी उत्तर लेखेँ । ए ग्रेड आउँछ जस्तो पनि लग्यो । त्यसपछि नेपाली र विज्ञान विषयकाे परीक्षा कहिले सकियाे थाहा नै भएन । सामाजिक विषयको पनि मैले राम्ररी लेखेर आएँ । कम्प्युटर र हेल्थको प्रश्न्न पनि सारै सजिला थिए। एउटा अप्सनल म्याथकाे पनि गारो प्रश्न आउला जस्तो लाग्याथ्यो तर त्यसको पनि सोचेको भन्दा सजिलै प्रश्नहरू आए । 

यसरी नै मैले मेरो एस.इ.इ. परीक्षा दिएँ। 

मेरो .परीक्षा चाहिँ राम्रै भएको छ। अहिले एस.इ.इ. परीक्षाको परिणाम प्रकाशित भएकाे त छैन तर मेरो ए प्लस ग्रेड आउला भन्ने मैले आश गरेको छु । 

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- Swodhin Bhandari - 24029, Gra ... 24 June, 2022

Perfectionism is a personality trait that strives for flawlessness in any activity or occurrence they observe. People often mistake perfectionism as a psychological disorder but it is rather related with mental health issues and anxiety. While being a perfectionist a person who has perfectionism seems good to be perfect and have perfect things surrounding them but it is quite opposite than that of people’s mindsets, being a perfectionist is rather difficult, frustrating and it can put a heavy burden on your mental health. Perfectionist people always want everything to be perfect but it is rather impossible not everything is perfect. You cannot have the world revolve around yourselves. It sounds absurd but that is what being a perfectionist is.

While rather disturbing as it sounds it is not their fault being a perfectionist it is the effect of their friend circle, their family and the society they live in and on which they were brought up in. If you are wondering whether you are a perfectionist or not it is highly likely that you are a perfectionist too. Everyone is a perfectionist not on the extreme level because it varies from person to person. It is a fact that everyone has some sort of perfectionist traits and it is impossible to not have any. Having a feeling to achieve something or win something itself is a sort of trait of perfectionism or rather win or nothing is a trait of perfectionism.

Perfectionist people want to be like the high achieving people but they are quite different from each other. Perfectionists are fearful, have low self-esteem and they are concerned about failure. These traits can affect the lifestyle of the people and hold back their ability to reach greater heights, achieve their goals. Not everything is perfect but perfect is also imperfect itself because it varies from person to person because perfection does not exist physically. Perfection is based on a person’s perspective. Perspective itself can vary the definition of the term perfect from person to person. Something perfect in your perspective can be different in the other person’s perspective.

 Low self-esteem, All or nothing mentality, fear of failure, Pushy towards peers are some traits that are found in perfectionists. Perfectionists point out mistakes and something that seems imperfect in their perspective which can annoy some people and in some cases their peers may start to avoid them. Since their low self-esteem being avoided may make them feel lonely and have anxiety which can cause other mental issues or degrade their mental health.

In the context of Nepal mental health is not regarded as a serious issue, but it is coming in the eyes of the public. People are getting aware day by day and we may be able to alert the people about these issues and we can help the people suffering from it.

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मेरी बुढी अजी
- Ambira Pradhan - 24009, Grade ... 23 June, 2022

मेरी बुढी अजीको नाम  सुक कुमारी श्रेष्ठ हो । उहाँ तनहुँको  एउटा गाउँमा धेरै वर्ष अगाडि जन्मनुभएकाे हाे। उहाँ सानो छदै बिहे उहाँकाे बिहे भएकाे हाे । उहाँ मेरी आमाकी आमा मेरी जिजु हजुरआमा  हुनुहुन्छ । उहाँ अहिले ९४  वर्षकी हुनुभयाे । उहाँका दुई वटा छोरीहरू हनुहुन्छ । ऋषि पिया  र कुसुम मल्ल । कुसुम अजी चाहिँ मेरो अजी हो । उहाँकाे पतिको नाम धीरभक्त श्रेष्ठ हाे । बुढी अजीले बुढा अजासँग  नेपाल र  भारत भ्रमण गर्नुभएकाे छ ।  कुसुम अजी चाहिँ भारतमा हुँदा जन्मिनुभएको थियो ।

बुढी अजी र बुढा अजा केही समयसम्म  बन्दिपुरमै बस्नुभयो । त्यसपछि उहाँहरू दुवै जना नारायणगढमा बसाइ सर्नुभयो । बुढा अजा विश्वयुद्ध  लड्न पनि जानुभएकाे थियाे रे । त्यतिबेला विश्वयुद्ध लड्न गुरुङ ,मगर आदि जातका मानिस जान्थे रे तर नेवारहरू विश्वयुद्ध लड्न जाँदैनथे । उहाँ आफ्नो नाम फेरेर  विश्वयुद्धमा जानुभएछ । उहाँ म्यान्मारमा खटिनुभएकाे रहेछ ।

एक दिन युद्धको समयमा बुढा अजा र उहाँका साथीहरू खाडलमा रहेछन् ।  त्यही रात युद्ध हुन्छ होला भनेर   उहाँ र उहाँका केही साथीहरू खाडलबाट  निस्केर गएछन् । तर उहाँको एउटा साथी खाडलमै छुटेछन् । उहाँकाे एउटा साथी त्यही खाडलमा परेर उसको मृत्य भएछ । बुढा अजा विश्वयुद्ध लडेर फर्किदा उहाँकाे देब्रे खुट्टामा गोलीको चोट थियो । याे सबै कुरा मलाई बुढी अजी र मामुले भन्नुभएको थियो । बुढा अजाले  वि . सं. २०५८ मा यो धर्तीं छोडेर जानुभएको थियो ।

बुढा अजाले दोस्रो विवाह पनि गर्नुभएकाे थियाे । दोस्रो विवाहपछि बुढी अजी र बुढा अजा छुट्टै  घरमा बस्न थाल्नुभयाे । बुढी अजी सानो घरमा त्यसपछि उहाँ अहिले पनि तगडा हुनुहुन्छ । उहाँ निकै मिहनेती हुनुहुन्छ । अहिले पनि उहाँकाे घर जादा एकदम चिटक्क हुनुहुन्छ । उहाँ  अहिले नारायणगढमै बस्नुहुन्छ। मैले  बुढी अजीलाई  पछिल्लाे पटक यो बर्षको वैशाख महिनामा भेटेकी थिएँ । 

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शिक्षाको महत्व
- Diya Bajracharya - 23021, Gra ... 23 May, 2022

शिक्षा शब्दको अर्थ सिक्नु, ज्ञान आर्जन गर्नु वा अध्ययन गर्नु हो। शिक्षा विशेष गरी विद्यालय वा विश्वविद्यालयमा व्यवस्थित निर्देशन प्राप्त गर्ने वा दिने प्रक्रिया हो । शिक्षा भनेको ज्ञान, सीप, मूल्य, नैतिकता, विश्वास र बानीको प्राप्तिलाई सहज बनाउने प्रक्रिया हो । शैक्षिक विधिमा शिक्षण, तालिम, कथावाचन, छलफल र निर्देशित अनुसन्धान समावेश छ । 

जीवनमा शिक्षाको महत्त्व अथाह छ । यसले मानिसहरूलाई जीवनभर गुणस्तरीय शिक्षा दिन मदत गर्छ। शिक्षाले ज्ञान, विश्वास, सीप, मूल्यमान्यता र नैतिक बानीहरू विकास गर्छ। यसले जीवनस्तर उकास्नुका साथै व्यक्तिविशेषको सामाजिक तथा आर्थिक स्थितिलाई बढाउँछ। शिक्षाले जीवनलाई सुमधुर र शान्त बनाउँछ । शिक्षा भनेको आर्थिक सम्पति, सामाजिक समृद्धि र राजनीतिक स्थिरता ल्याउने समाजको जग हो । यसले मानिसहरूलाई आफ्नो दृष्टिकोण राख्न र आफ्नो क्षमता प्रदर्शन गर्न शक्ति प्रदान गर्छ। यसले नागरिकलाई शासन प्रक्रियामा सहभागी हुने साधन उपलब्ध गराएर लोकतन्त्रलाई बलियो बनाउँछ । यसले सामाजिक एकता र राष्ट्रिय पहिचान बढाउन एकीकृत शक्तिको रूपमा काम गर्छ।यसले मानिसहरूलाई शक्तिशाली बनाउनुका साथै जीवनका चुनौतीहरू सामना गर्न तयार बनाउछ। 

शिक्षा सफलताको ढोका हो। यस्तो प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक संसारमा सबैले राम्रो शिक्षा हासिल गर्नै पर्छ । राम्रो जागिर र पद प्राप्त गर्न उच्च शिक्षाको महत्त्व बढेको छ। उचित शिक्षाले भविष्यमा अघि बढ्ने थुप्रै तरिकाहरू सृजना गर्छ। यसले हामीलाई मानसिक, सामाजिक र बौद्धिक रूपमा बलियो बनाउँछ । यसले हाम्रो ज्ञानस्तर, प्राविधिक सीप र जागिरमा राम्रो स्थान बढाउँदै जान्छ । प्रत्येक बच्चाको जीवनमा केही फरक गर्ने आफ्नै सपना हुन्छ र यो सपना राम्रो शिक्षाले मात्र पुरा हुनसक्छ।  यसबाहेक, शिक्षाले  जीवनबारे हाम्रो धारणामा परिवर्तन ल्याउँछ र यसलाई अझ राम्रो बनाउँछ।

शिक्षाले नै मानिसलाई सुख-सभ्यता र  ऎश्वोर्य प्रधान गर्छ। शिक्षाले मानिसको जीवनको गुणस्तर निर्धारण गर्छ। शिक्षाले ज्ञान, सीपमा सुधार गर्छ र व्यक्तित्व र मनोवृत्ति विकास गर्छ। शिक्षित मानिसहरूले देशको स्वस्थ खम्बा बनाउँछन् र भविष्यमा यसलाई अगाडि बढाउछन्। त्यसैले, शिक्षा भनेको जीवन, समाज र राष्ट्रमा असम्भव हरेक कुरालाई सम्भव तुल्याउने साधन हो।


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