
Student Corner

Fictional or Non-Fiction books?

Written by: Kriti Nepal - 24020, Grade XI

Posted on: 28 June, 2022

When it comes to reading a book, a frequent state of confusion and uncertainty of choosing the genre of book is something everyone must have faced at least once. One of them which heavily stands out is choosing whether to read a fictional or non-fiction book. Both genres have their own forte and speciality that is unique and varies to each reader. Personally I prefer fiction over non-fiction books.

Yes, the non-fiction books have their own benefits of helping improve the readers' perspective to things, provide various knowledge on history, motivate the readers to achieve something in life, get inspired by someone, understand one’s struggle and sympathize with them, which is something really commendable. Some non-fiction books like ‘Ikigai’ has helped many to find their own purpose in life and its longevity, ‘Cancer currey and me’ has given many cancer patients a new perspective in life, how books like ‘Becoming’ helped many know better about one’s struggles in life or how books like ‘Boy’ provided a completely different experience to an autobiography.  However, fictional books hold a special meaning that I personally feel lacks most of the time just as in a nonfiction one. People might consider fictional books as something completely illogical, mere fantasy entertainment and nothing more, but I strongly differ from these opinions. Fictional books tend to help one increase their imagination and think out of the box. While the non-fictional books are factual and something that has happened somewhere, to someone where we can’put forward our creativeness. Fictional books gives the reader an experience of a complete new world, unknown to them and tag along with the characters. Reading fictional books helps one develop their own version of ending if they are not satisfied with the one they just read; however it is not possible for a non-fictional one and that it constrains the imaginative capacity of readers. The plotline of nonfiction heavily tends to revolve around positivity, motivation and happy endings that could sometimes be monotonous while some fictional ones can leave one emotionally scarred due to the ending of the story. Similarly, reading fictional books helps us understand and accept various characters we come across that can surprisingly increase our social and communicative skills. It ultimately benefits by helping one fit in a social circle and work as a team and increases the sense of inclusiveness. I strongly believe that reading fictional books helps one see the bigger picture. Not that non-fiction books limit or narrow one’s view; however, comparatively fictional books help us explore various aspects a lot more and give us a better understanding. An example of the best fictional book I’ve read that defies any stereotypical viewpoint of fictional books as mere entertainment is ‘The midnight library’ where it connects the reader to character, motivates them, is very emotional, explores an unknown world yet leaves the reader stunned and with a positive outlook to their life.

My thoughts can heavily be biased and influenced by the number and genre of books I’ve read, however I strongly prefer fictional books over non-fictional ones.