
Student Corner


A Robot “Can’t help myself”
- Norah Lama - 23060, Grade XII ... 13 July, 2022

The Guggenheim Museum selected Can't Help Myself, its first robotic piece, in 2016. The piece was made by two of China's most renowned artists, Sun Yuan and Peng Yu, and is represented as a robotic arm with a single, eternal purpose,to keep the constantly flowing, deep-red liquid that resembles blood from straying too far. The robot repeatedly moves the liquid back into place by dragging its cleaner across the floor in precise, almost dance-like movements, never appearing to stop. The robot leaves stains of the liquid on the floor, the walls, and even itself in an attempt to clean up the growing mess, but this only makes things worse. This caused the robot to significantly slow down, and in 2019, it was disconnected as a result. In the end, the robot was powerless to resist.  

The art piece unexpectedly went viral in November 2021 on the well-known video-sharing app TikTok. Short videos of the robot arm attempting to carry out its lifelong task were occasionally viewed more than 50 million times and led viewers to have significant emotional responses. Users felt really sorry for the robot and its completely meaningless existence since its previously fluent movements had become rusty over time. It looks so tired and unmotivated," and "Why can't we just let it rest?" were among the countless and widely liked comments.

Known for their radical installations and contemporary concept artworks, Sun Yuan and Peng Yu are two of China's most popular painters . Most of their works, which are frequently seen as being quite aggressive and provocative, deal with issues related to death, perspective, and the human experience.

One may say that the robot Can't Help Myself encourages us to think about topics like monitoring, border control, and autocracy. The artwork "is intended to reflect governments' attempts to use equipment and technological advancements in the field of science in order to preserve themselves and their country," according to Tara McCullough (2020). Governments in autocratic nations employ equipment and try to cut surveillance technologies to prevent citizens from fleeing those nations. In Can't Help Myself, the robot stands in for these governments, and the blood-like liquid for the citizens who, after trying to flee, are forced back into their conservative communities. The artwork also portrays the suffering faced by immigrants who are turned away and sent back to their country of origin by governments maintaining its borders. Immigrants desire so badly to start a new life in a foreign country. As the robot completes its duty, smudges of a substance that resembles blood are left behind, representing the violence that takes place in border regions.

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777 Charlie: Movie Review
- Bidhan Sen Oli - 24006, Grade ... 12 July, 2022

777 Charlie is a recently released Kannada-language adventure, drama film written and directed by Kiranraj K. The titular character is a labrador dog named Charlie. The movie stars Rakshit Shetty alongside Sangeetha Sringeri, Raj B. Shetty, Danish Sait, and Bobby Simha. The story follows a lonely factory worker and a stray labrador dog on their trip and bonding.

The movie begins with a labrador dog escaping from a breeder’s house where many dogs have been tormented, tortured, and caged. The dog makes its way through several places eventually reaching the colony where Dharma resides. Dharma is a loner who doesn't have any family or relationships living all alone in a gloomy house. All his colleagues and the neighbors fear him and he doesn't socialize with anyone. He liked to watch Charlie Chaplin films in his home. His everyday life only goes like “Home Factory Fighting Idli Cigarette Beer” as shown in the trailer itself. He does nothing but work every day and gets into fights and consumes cigarettes and beer every day. The only source of food for him is a small Idli Stall owned by an old couple and he seems to be their daily customer the gentle granny figure old woman always gives him extra idli even when he doesn't want it with a gentle smile. That is his everyday life. He lost his parents and his sister in a car accident at a young age and has been living alone ever since. Neither does he socialize with anyone nor does he seem to have a cheerful personality. That is how his life has been up till now.

One day, the labrador dog while trying to get his attention from Dharma gets into a road accident. He doesn't seem to care much at first but after seeing how Charlie treats his dog on the  T.V, Dharma takes the dog to the veterinary and treats the dog. Dharma wants nothing to do with the dog but because he has no other choice he has to keep the dog in his home until he gets to be adopted by another family. The labrador dog gives Dharma a lot of trouble every day, considering the fact that there are no dogs allowed in the colony he resides in. After quite some time he seems to have grown close to the dog but is still not very fond of taking care of the pup as his own. But one day, Dharma faints and has to be rushed to the hospital. The dog follows him to the hospital worrying about him. Dharma sees this and finally feels the love the dog has for him. Since then, the bond between Dharma and the dog grows deeper and stronger and he names her Charlie as well. The movie then goes on to explore the adventures of Dharma and Charlie and the ups and downs that occur in the movie. The movie displays the emotions of someone who has received happiness from meeting someone and the sadness from losing their loved ones very clearly.

The movie portrays the growing bond between the man and the dog beautifully. Even the music and cinematography never fail to amaze me. It's so simple yet Charlie manages to make it seem entertaining and cheerful with how lovely of a dog she is. This movie will definitely reach out to the people who own pets and especially those who have a deep relationship with their pets. I personally don't own my own pet but while watching the movie I also felt the emotions flowing through the screen along with everyone watching the movie in the hall. The character development of one when they get to meet the right person/being is immense, especially in this movie. One single meeting can change someone's life forever. Even though the first meeting might not seem so special, meeting and spending time with the right person at the right time can bring all the happiness in the world to anyone. This movie has portrayed the relationship between Man and Dog and all the other animals who are no less than humans. They have feelings too, they have their own wonderful life, and they help us stay happy and heal us when we’re hurt. This movie is a must-watch for all people from kids to adults. The emotions this movie brings cannot be expressed in words and for me personally, this has to be one of the best movies I have watched.

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- Sanjay Puri - 23058, Grade XI ... 12 July, 2022

पत्रपत्रिका भनेको समाचार, दृश्य र विज्ञापन सहितको फोल्डेड पानाहरू मिलेर बनेको कागज हो । पत्रपत्रिकाको मुख्य ध्यान समाचारमा हुन्छ । समाचार पत्र संसारमा के भइरहेको छ भनेर जान्नको लागि सबैभन्दा सुविधाजनक र शक्तिशाली माध्यम हो । पत्रपत्रिकाको प्रमुख कार्य भनेको सबै प्रकारका समाचार र विचारहरू प्रदान गर्नु हो । पत्रपत्रिकामा सम्पादकीय लेख, भाषण, व्यङ्ग्य, सार्वजनिक विचार, कविता र अन्य विभिन्न सामग्रीहरूजस्ता विभिन्न प्रकारका पठन सामग्रीहरू समावेश हुन्छन्। यसले हाम्रो ज्ञानको क्षेत्रलाई फराकिलो बनाउन मद्दत गर्दछ । पत्रपत्रिकाले होसियारी र लगनशीलतापूर्वक पढेर आफूलाई पर्याप्त रूपमा शिक्षित गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ।यसले एक्लो महसुस गर्दा सबै मौन आनन्द पनि दिन्छ । यो विभिन्न क्षेत्रका सबै मानिसहरूका लागि उपयोगी छ । 
व्यापारीहरूले आफ्नो व्यापार क्षेत्र विस्तार गर्नका लागि यसका पृष्ठहरूमा आफ्ना व्यापारिक वस्तुहरूको विज्ञापन गर्न सक्छन् । विद्यार्थीहरूले यसमा प्रकाशित विभिन्न लेखहरू पढेर फाइदा लिन सक्छन् । राजनीतिज्ञहरूले यसमार्फत जनमत प्राप्त गर्न सक्छन् । जनतामा राजनीतिक चेतना जागृत गराउनु भनेको जनतामा प्रकाशित समाचार र विचारबाट निर्देशित हुनु हाे । पत्रपत्रिका जहिले पनि राजनीतिक दलको नियन्त्रण र स्वार्थबाट मुक्त हुनुपर्छ । पत्रपत्रिका भनेकाे विचारकाे शक्तिशाली माध्यम पनि हाे । नकारात्मक सूचना प्रवाह गर्ने पत्रपत्रिकाले मानिसलाई हानी पुर्याउन सक्छन् । यस्ता पत्रपत्रिकामा प्रकाशित समाचार र विचारहरू कहिलेकाहीँ राजनीतिक दल र स्वार्थबाट निर्देशित हुन्छन् । त्यसैले सबै समाचार पत्याउन र स्वीकार गर्नुहुँदैन । कहिलेकाहीँ पत्रपत्रिकाले टुक्राटुक्रा समाचार छाप्ने र गलत सूचना दिने गर्दछ जसले गर्दा राष्ट्रिय एकतामा असर गर्छ । यसैले समाचारलाई जहिले पनि आफ्नो ज्ञान र निर्णयको आधारमा परीक्षण गर्नुपर्छ । पत्रपत्रिका मानव जीवनकाे महत्त्वपूर्ण सञ्चारकाे साधन हाे । त्यसैले झुटो समाचार छापेर जनतालाई भ्रममा पार्ने काम यसले गर्नु हुँदैन ।

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My Imagination
- Sashwat Paudel - 23038, Grade ... 11 July, 2022

Imagine I came up to you and said that I have the power to convert the place you’re living at right now into rubble and dust. I say that I have the power to turn everything you see around you into absolute nothingness in a matter of seconds. What if I told you that I have a device that mimicked the heat of the sun, and the winds of neptune?

One click of a finger and everything would be gone, vapourized. It would be like dropping a bit of water onto a hot stove. A mere sizzle and nothing left. The person who just walked past you, the home that you live in, all the people in the area, your beloved pet, your belongings, and most importantly, you, yourself would cease to exist, in a matter of moments.

What would your reaction be? Would you be intrigued ? Would you believe me and be frightened? I’d say that would be very unlikely. Most probably you would burst into a hysterical laugh and question the mere existence of such a thing. To put it plainly, the truth is, we do possess devices as such, and they can unleash frightening amounts of chaos, and they are nuclear devices.

So what is a nuclear bomb and why should you bother? 
Nuclear bombs get their name from the two words “Nuclear” and “Bomb” , the word bomb is pretty self  explanatory, as it generally denotes an explosive. The word Nuclear denotes that it works by the process of nuclear reaction, which includes nuclear fission or fusion. In fusion, two lighter atoms fuse together into heavier nuclei, with the release of energy. Fission, on the other hand, a heavy atom is split into heavier atoms again,with the release of energy. This is the same process by which the Sun produces its energy.  

The factor that separates a nuclear bomb from a conventional explosive is it’s far greater blast radius and damage overall. A nuclear bomb can be many thousands or millions of times more powerful than the largest conventional detonations we could ever do. For perspective, about 64 kilograms of uranium was used in the bomb which was released over Hiroshima. It had a 16 kiloton yield which implies that it was equivalent to 16,000 tonnes of TNT. Imagine blasting 16 million kilograms of TNT. That would not be possible in any way. It is literally impractical, but when we factor in nuclear weapons, that job becomes way easier with just 64 kilograms of uranium. 
The result? 80,000 people killed by the explosion itself; tens of thousands more would later die due to the hazardous levels of radiation. But wait.., that;s not all. The 64 kg of uranium was what was packed in the bomb. Reports claim that only 1.38% of the uranium actually fissioned in the blast. The rest did not have a chance to fission, it was already blown away before that could happen.  

We can think of devices that can unleash hell in just seconds, but we can’t think of working out our differences and stopping such a threat. The danger of nuclear war is still looming around us, and with the recent invasion of Ukraine, it is looking more likely than ever. Sadly, the only thing we can realistically do is ask for reform and nothing else.

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- Sarjan Waiba Tamang - 24032, ... 11 July, 2022

घामकाे किरणसँगै हाँस्न मन छ ,
बताससँगै उडी जाने चाहान छ ।
शीतल हावाको मिठाससँगै रमाउने मन छ,
इन्द्रेणीको किरण हेरी मुस्कुराउने मन छ  ।

कतै अड्केको आभास हुन्छ
अन्धकारकाे न्यानो स्पर्शमा बिलाउँछु
हजारौँ बिताएँ चिसा साँझहरू
झुटो हाँसो सारालाई देखाएँ

फिक्का भएको छ त्याे खुसी
हराएको छु म हजारौँको भिडमा
गुमाइसकेँ ती शीतल पललाई
केवल यादमा मात्र सीमित भए ती पल

थाकिसके मेरा पाइलाहरू
गन्तव्य नै छैन ती यात्राको
भुलभुलैया रैछ जीवन 
जति अगि त्यती नै कठिन

भागिराछु यो वास्तविकताबाट
कल्पनामै रमाउन सिकेछु,
डरलाग्छ ती सोचहरूसँग
जसले घाेची भित्रैबाट मलाइ मार्छ ।

गड्गडाएका आकाशसँग बोल्छु,
झरिसँगै आफ्नो दुःख पोख्छु,
आकासिएका हावासगै हिँड्छु,
त्रास र हतासमा अन्धकार मात्र फेला पार्छु ।

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- Raghav Vaidhya - 24024, Grade ... 08 July, 2022

Teenage can simply be defined as the age between 13 and 19 years old. Each teenager must have proper knowledge about adolescence and the changes they go through during that period. They have to go through a lot of stress. So Family members have the most important role, and must ensure that children's are not on a path that can destroy their way of living.
A lot of teenagers face multiple problems in their daily life. One of the biggest problems faced by them is mental stress. Generally, teenagers are found to be interested in various activities like literature, philosophy, arts, music, sports, etc. They try their best to get themselves improved in their field of interest and some teenagers intend to practice it as a lifetime career. However, many guardians don’t let their children be involved in extra activities as a lifetime career and pressurize them to get involved in income generating fields like engineering, medical science, and commerce. That mental stress given by parents disturbs harmony among their family and their teenage child might experience anxiety. Some parents are so harsh that they force their child to study and over-expect during result day. In Nepal, many teenagers have committed suicide because they couldn’t get the results their parents wanted. Such mental stress turns into fear. Due to mental stress, some become an introvert while some gain a negative attitude too. Mental stress promotes brain drain as well. Many youths aged 18 and 19 have left Nepal and shifted themselves to foreign nations permanently because they find a stressful environment in Nepal. Other results of mental stress are apathy, barbarity, and depression.
It is natural that stress will come into everybody's life. Each and every teenager must be taught to avoid mental stress. Well-educated and experienced youths must make their parents aware of the importance of a child’s interest and their impact on their future life. Having unity among friends is one of the best ways to avoid such problems. Teenage is the best time to enjoy yourself with friends, family, and the closest ones. Teenage cannot be fun without teamwork, unity, and enjoyment. This does not mean that one should not focus on academic performance. Career and hard work must never be taken lightly. True hard-working teenagers with a strong future goal are strong enough to face multiple obstacles. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo’s interest was football and he always took it seriously while most of the children just kicked the ball around for fun. Despite being financially poor, he had heart surgery at the age of 15 which could’ve ended his entire sports career. Luckily, that surgery became successful and he gave more time to football. Cristiano Ronaldo is currently one of the most successful footballers on the planet because he tried his best to avoid mental stress and didn’t stop working for his goal in life.
Thus, teenagers must be serious about their future. True hardworking ones are always good enough to fight against obstacles in life as they take their decision seriously by avoiding little mental stress.

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- Bidhan Sen Oli - 24006, Grade ... 07 July, 2022

सपना भनेको क हो ? हामीले सपना किन देख्छौँ ? सपना भनेको सुतिरहेको बेला हामीले देख्ने विचारहरू,हुन् ।  फरक मानिसले फरक सपनाहरू देख्छन् । कसैले हरेक दिन राम्रो सपना देख्ला भने कसैले हरेक दिन नराम्रो सपना । हामी राति सुत्दा हामीले दिनभरि गरेका कार्यहरूले नै हाम्रो सपना निर्धारण गर्छ । सबै जनाको दैनिक जीवन राम्रो हुँदैन, सुख हुँदैन, शान्त हुँदैन। धेरैजसाे मानिसको जीवन दु:खले भरिएको हुन्छ । उनीहरूकाे दैनिकी पीडादायी हुन्छ भने दिनरात मेहेनत गरेर आफ्नो लागि अथवा आफ्नो परिवारको टाउकोमाथि जिम्मेवारी कठिनाइ गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ ।  सबै मानिसको जीवन सजिलो हुँदैन र त्यसै कारण उनीहरूले राम्ररी सुत्न पनि पाएका हुँदैनन् । यसैगरी उनीहरूले नराम्रा र असजिला सपनाहरू पनि देखिरहेका हुन्छन्।

सपना एक अनौठो र अचम्म को घटना हो । मानिसले आफ्नो सपनामा जे पनि देख्न सक्छ । अहिलेसम्म कहिले पनि नदेखेकाे अनुहार आफ्नो सपनामा आइदिन्छ भने कति बेला आफ्नै नजिकको चिनेको साथी परिवारको सदस्य आएर नराम्रा घटनाहरू पनि घटेका हुन सक्छन् । हामी सोचाैँला कि हामीले आफ्नो सपनामा के देख्छाैँ, जसलाई हामी नियन्त्रण गर्न सक्दैनौँ । हामीले आफ्नो सपनामा केके गर्छौं भन्ने कुरा आफैँमा नियन्त्रण गर्न नसकिने कुरा हाे । यो सुन्दा हजुरलाई अचम्म लाग्ला । आफ्नो सपनालाई पनि कसरी नियन्त्रण गर्ने, यस्ताे पनि हुन्छ ?  यसलाई अङ्ग्रेजीमा “लुसिद ड्रिम”, अर्थात् चमकदार सपना भनेर लिन बुझिन्छ । यस्तो अवस्थामा मानिसले आफ्नो सपनामा के गरिरहेकाे छ, के हेरिरहेकाे छ ? सबै आफूले नै नियनत्रण गर्न सक्छ । हामी धेरै जसोलाई त थाहा पनि न होला तर यो सम्भव विषय हाे ।

साधारण सपना र धेरै जसो सबैले देख्ने सपनाकै कुरा गर्दा, हामीले धेरै किसिमका सपना देखेका छौँ होला । कुनै शान्तिपूर्ण त कुनै एकदमै अप्ठ्यारो र असजिलो । हामी धेरै जसोले त एउटै सपना पनि दोहोरिएर देख्छौँ । यस्तो किन हुन्छ होला ? कहिले सोच्नुभएको छ ? कतिपयले त सपना नै देख्दैनन् । यस्ताे हुनु समान्य हो । कुनै एक व्यक्तिको सपना उसको जीवन कस्तो छ कसरी बितिरहेको छ ? त्यस्ता कारकहरूमा भर पर्छ । कसैकाे दिन राम्ररी बितेको छ भने राम्रो सपना देख्ने अनि कसैकाे नराम्रो दिन बितेकाे छ भने नराम्रो सपना देख्ने कुरा अनुसन्धानबाट पत्ता लागेकाे छ । कुनै डरलाग्दो फिलिम हेरेको दिन त्यस्तै डरलाग्दो सपना देख्ने, यस्तो धेरैजसो हुन्छ । धेरैजसोले थाहा नभए पनि आफूले दिनभर गरेको कार्यले नै कस्तो सपना देख्छौँ भन्ने कुरा देखाउँछ । जुन मानिस निदाएकाे अवस्थामा देखिन्छ । याे नै सपना हाे ।

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My thoughts on the movie “ The Platform”
- Yunil Ghimire - 24016, Grade ... 06 July, 2022

“The Platform” is a social science fiction thriller, horror movie. It is a Spanish movie directed by Galder Gaztel-Urrutia. This is a movie where the characters are reassigned to different floors after 30 days. People staying at 18th floor will be moved down to floor 87 after 30 days.

The people who are put inside the building will be fed by a platform that is filled with food on the top floor and the platform will descend to the lower level/ floors of the building. The platform filled with food will stop for a certain amount of time on each floor for the people to eat the food. After they have eaten the food the people won’t be getting any other food until the next day.

The people who are at the bottom level started to get in conflict because the people on the top floor of the building can eat a lot of food but the people below the floors have to eat the leftovers from the ones who are above them. Due to this reason, most of the foods were already finished when it reached level 80 and the people below them only have bones, peels, etc to eat. The people who are below level 150 couldn’t even see the foods on the platform because the foods were already eaten by the people above them. The people who are on the lower level have to suffer a lot to get food. We can also see Cannibalism in this movie. People from the lower floor had to kill their roommates to calm their hunger whereas people from the top floor could eat the food as much as they liked and leftovers would be served to the people below them.

The above-mentioned things can be seen as the basic plot of the movie and now I would like to present my thoughts on the movie. While watching this movie I got to know that there was enough food for all the people to eat from the first floor to the bottom floor but the people were so selfish that they would eat as much as they wanted and would try to leave less food for the people below them. Also, most people have the intention of killing their roommates to consume as much food as they can by themselves. We can see animal nature of humans in this movie just like cannibalism. We saw that a person can do inhuman things to fulfill their hunger. They will betray the relationship they build with their roommates within those 30 days. And also saw the selfish behavior of the humans who are on the top floors trying to consume as much food as they can so that the people below them can starve.

Even though some of the people tried to save food so that the people below them could eat their portion, the people who wanted to consume a lot were in large numbers. So the people who were on the low floors had to suffer while the people from the top floors were having fun. This movie can be related to wildlife where weak animals get killed and stronger get to live, similarly in this movie where we saw strong people kill weak to eat their flesh in order to survive.

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