
Student Corner


Written by: Raghav Vaidhya - 24024, Grade XI

Posted on: 08 July, 2022

Teenage can simply be defined as the age between 13 and 19 years old. Each teenager must have proper knowledge about adolescence and the changes they go through during that period. They have to go through a lot of stress. So Family members have the most important role, and must ensure that children's are not on a path that can destroy their way of living.
A lot of teenagers face multiple problems in their daily life. One of the biggest problems faced by them is mental stress. Generally, teenagers are found to be interested in various activities like literature, philosophy, arts, music, sports, etc. They try their best to get themselves improved in their field of interest and some teenagers intend to practice it as a lifetime career. However, many guardians don’t let their children be involved in extra activities as a lifetime career and pressurize them to get involved in income generating fields like engineering, medical science, and commerce. That mental stress given by parents disturbs harmony among their family and their teenage child might experience anxiety. Some parents are so harsh that they force their child to study and over-expect during result day. In Nepal, many teenagers have committed suicide because they couldn’t get the results their parents wanted. Such mental stress turns into fear. Due to mental stress, some become an introvert while some gain a negative attitude too. Mental stress promotes brain drain as well. Many youths aged 18 and 19 have left Nepal and shifted themselves to foreign nations permanently because they find a stressful environment in Nepal. Other results of mental stress are apathy, barbarity, and depression.
It is natural that stress will come into everybody's life. Each and every teenager must be taught to avoid mental stress. Well-educated and experienced youths must make their parents aware of the importance of a child’s interest and their impact on their future life. Having unity among friends is one of the best ways to avoid such problems. Teenage is the best time to enjoy yourself with friends, family, and the closest ones. Teenage cannot be fun without teamwork, unity, and enjoyment. This does not mean that one should not focus on academic performance. Career and hard work must never be taken lightly. True hard-working teenagers with a strong future goal are strong enough to face multiple obstacles. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo’s interest was football and he always took it seriously while most of the children just kicked the ball around for fun. Despite being financially poor, he had heart surgery at the age of 15 which could’ve ended his entire sports career. Luckily, that surgery became successful and he gave more time to football. Cristiano Ronaldo is currently one of the most successful footballers on the planet because he tried his best to avoid mental stress and didn’t stop working for his goal in life.
Thus, teenagers must be serious about their future. True hardworking ones are always good enough to fight against obstacles in life as they take their decision seriously by avoiding little mental stress.