
Student Corner

777 Charlie: Movie Review

Written by: Bidhan Sen Oli - 24006, Grade XI

Posted on: 12 July, 2022

777 Charlie is a recently released Kannada-language adventure, drama film written and directed by Kiranraj K. The titular character is a labrador dog named Charlie. The movie stars Rakshit Shetty alongside Sangeetha Sringeri, Raj B. Shetty, Danish Sait, and Bobby Simha. The story follows a lonely factory worker and a stray labrador dog on their trip and bonding.

The movie begins with a labrador dog escaping from a breeder’s house where many dogs have been tormented, tortured, and caged. The dog makes its way through several places eventually reaching the colony where Dharma resides. Dharma is a loner who doesn't have any family or relationships living all alone in a gloomy house. All his colleagues and the neighbors fear him and he doesn't socialize with anyone. He liked to watch Charlie Chaplin films in his home. His everyday life only goes like “Home Factory Fighting Idli Cigarette Beer” as shown in the trailer itself. He does nothing but work every day and gets into fights and consumes cigarettes and beer every day. The only source of food for him is a small Idli Stall owned by an old couple and he seems to be their daily customer the gentle granny figure old woman always gives him extra idli even when he doesn't want it with a gentle smile. That is his everyday life. He lost his parents and his sister in a car accident at a young age and has been living alone ever since. Neither does he socialize with anyone nor does he seem to have a cheerful personality. That is how his life has been up till now.

One day, the labrador dog while trying to get his attention from Dharma gets into a road accident. He doesn't seem to care much at first but after seeing how Charlie treats his dog on the  T.V, Dharma takes the dog to the veterinary and treats the dog. Dharma wants nothing to do with the dog but because he has no other choice he has to keep the dog in his home until he gets to be adopted by another family. The labrador dog gives Dharma a lot of trouble every day, considering the fact that there are no dogs allowed in the colony he resides in. After quite some time he seems to have grown close to the dog but is still not very fond of taking care of the pup as his own. But one day, Dharma faints and has to be rushed to the hospital. The dog follows him to the hospital worrying about him. Dharma sees this and finally feels the love the dog has for him. Since then, the bond between Dharma and the dog grows deeper and stronger and he names her Charlie as well. The movie then goes on to explore the adventures of Dharma and Charlie and the ups and downs that occur in the movie. The movie displays the emotions of someone who has received happiness from meeting someone and the sadness from losing their loved ones very clearly.

The movie portrays the growing bond between the man and the dog beautifully. Even the music and cinematography never fail to amaze me. It's so simple yet Charlie manages to make it seem entertaining and cheerful with how lovely of a dog she is. This movie will definitely reach out to the people who own pets and especially those who have a deep relationship with their pets. I personally don't own my own pet but while watching the movie I also felt the emotions flowing through the screen along with everyone watching the movie in the hall. The character development of one when they get to meet the right person/being is immense, especially in this movie. One single meeting can change someone's life forever. Even though the first meeting might not seem so special, meeting and spending time with the right person at the right time can bring all the happiness in the world to anyone. This movie has portrayed the relationship between Man and Dog and all the other animals who are no less than humans. They have feelings too, they have their own wonderful life, and they help us stay happy and heal us when we’re hurt. This movie is a must-watch for all people from kids to adults. The emotions this movie brings cannot be expressed in words and for me personally, this has to be one of the best movies I have watched.