
Student Corner


- Anukrama Poudyal - 22031, Gra ... 26 November, 2021

Our planet is one of nine planets that circle a star we call the sun. Our solar system is a collection of stars and planets. The sun is part of a galaxy (it really resides on the edge of the galaxy—out in the suburbs), many of which are likely to develop their own solar systems. In all, our galaxy has around 1011 stars.
This galaxy is known as the Milky Way. The Milky Way is one of countless galaxies in the universe. It's a member of the 'local group,' a cluster of galaxies bound together by gravity. The local group contains 18 galaxies. Other clusters of galaxies have been discovered, some of which include as many as 800 galaxies weakly bound together by gravity.

The number of galaxies visible from Earth is believed to be 3109. Many of these galaxies are larger than our own Milky Way. When multiplied together, this equals 1020 stars in the cosmos (if our galaxy is, as it appears to be, of a typical size). It is believed that the universe contains more stars than there is sand on a beach.The entire collection is referred to as the observable universe by astronomers. Two problems restrict what we can observe. To begin with, the light from a galaxy becomes fainter as it gets further away, necessitating the use of a big telescope to view it. It is estimated that the universe is around 15 billion years old, which means that any galaxy more than 15 billion light years distant will be invisible to us since the light has not yet reached us! Without a doubt, the true cosmos is much larger than what we can see right now. It's just lately become clear how much bigger it is. If our current theories are right, the observable world is a speck in an incomprehensibly larger universe.

Cosmology is a unique field of study in physics. Cosmologists research the numerous possibilities for how the universe came to be, how it evolved, and how it will end (including the possibility that it will not!). There is almost no other topic that deals with such vast issues. The fact that this issue has become part of mainstream physics is a remarkable testament to science's ambition. Cosmologists are now convinced that they have a "standard model" of how the universe originated, thanks to contributions from astronomy and particle physics ideas. 
The big bang is the name given to this concept.Consider a period of time that occurred fifteen billion years ago. The volume of all stuff in the cosmos is substantially less than it is now—even smaller than the volume of the earth. There are no galaxies, at least not in the way we think of them from our everyday lives. The universe will continue to grow in the future, although at a slower rate than it did previously due to the tremendous inflation. As the cosmos expands, it cools. As the rest of the universe's gravity pulls it back, each particle loses energy. What was the cause of the Big Bang? We have no idea. As the temperatures and pressures that prevailed shortly after the big bang, our notions of how matter should behave don't function.

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नेपाली बनौँँ, नेपाली नभनौँ
- Subesh Tharu - 22013, Grade X ... 25 November, 2021

मानिसको जाति कति प्रकारको हुन्छ होला ? अरू देशको त थाहा भएन तर नेपालमा चाहिँ दुई किसिमको जात हुन्छ । एउटा आफूलाई नेपाली भन्ने जात र अर्को आफूलाई नेपाली बनाउनेहरू । कोही भन्न सकेर नेपाली भन्छन् त कोही गर्न सकेर नेपाली बन्छन् ।
नेपाली भन्नेहरू आफूलाई गर्वले नेपाली भन्ने गर्छन् । उनीहरूको हिसाबले देशलाई उनीहरूले नै चलाएका हुन्छन् । नेपाललाई बचाउने भन्छन् र बचाउन दुई चार वटा सल्लाह पनि दिन्छन् ।

सबैलाई गरौँ, गरौँ भनेर त भन्छन् तर आफू चाहिँ केही गर्दैन । कुनै ठाउँमा भेला भएर देश कसरी चलाउने र कहाँ के गर्नुपर्छ भनेर गफ हाँक्छन् । अझै आफूलाई अलिक धेरै नै नेपाली भन्नेहरू त सामाजिक सञ्जालसमेतमा भन्न छाड्दैन । बिहान बेलुका फेसबुक, ट्विटर र इन्स्टाग्राममा चिच्याउँदै हिँड्छन् । अब बुढाबुढी त भइहाले, काम गर्न सक्दैनन् तर उनीहरू पनि कम छैनन् । नेपाली बन्नेहरू नेपाली भन्नेहरूभन्दा छुट्टै हुन्छन् । उनीहरू अरूलाई सहयोग गरेर नेपाली बन्छन् । उनीहरूको हिसाबले उनीहरूमाथि सममाजप्रति आफूले गर्नुपर्ने दायित्व हुन्छ । उनीहरू घर घर गएर सहयोग तथा देशको विकासका लागि आग्रह गर्छन् । ठाउँ ठाउँ गएर जनचेतना फैलाउँछन् । सरकारले आयोजना गरेका कार्यक्रमहरूमा सहभागिता लिन्छन् ।

त्यसैले हामीले नेपाली बन्नेहरूलाई देश विकासका लागि आर्थिक, सामाजिक र राजनितिक शक्तिमा ठाउँ दिनुपर्छ । अब तपाईंहरू आफैँ साेच्नुहाेस्, तपाईं नेपाली भन्नुहुन्छ कि नेपाली बन्नुहुन्छ ?

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- Sanjay Puri - 23058, Grade XI ... 25 November, 2021

Director: Hrishikesh Mukherjee
Producer: N.C. Sippy
Screenplay: Bimal Dutta
Starring: Amitabh Bacchan,Rajesh Khanna,Sumita Sanyal 
Cinematography: Jaywant Pathare
Writer: Gulzar
Distributor: Shemaroo Video Pvt. Ltd.
Length: 122 minutes
Language: Hindi
Release date: 12 March,1971
Budget: 30 lakh IC
Box office: 1.7 crore IC
Imdb Rating: 8.4/10

Last month, I watched the film 'Anand' , the highly acclaimed film by critics and the public. It is one of the best movies made in the history of Indian cinema.

The film is mainly about a patient named Anand in his mid 20s who is suffering from the last stage of intestinal cancer. He had got very few days of his life to survive and comes to Bombay to meet his close friend where he is introduced to the famous doctor of the place,named Bhaskar Banerjee. Anand's cheerful and vibrant nature soothes Bhaskar,who has a contrasting nature and they become good friends. Anand has a pleasant nature of attracting people and making them his friends.

After some months, Anand's health starts to deteriorate and he is forced to stay in the home of Bhaskar. Slowly, Ananda starts to feel lonely because Bhaskar is a very busy doctor. One day, Anand and Bhaskar are having a serious talk and suddenly Bhaskar tells Anand that he doesn't have much time to live and Anand with his jolly nature replies, "My friend, Life should be great not long." The acting in the particular scene is so realistic that it will make you cry. After some days, Anand becomes so weak that he can't even walk on his own. Anand dies of lymphosarcoma of the intestine and Bhaskar gets very emotional. So, Bhaskar decides to write a book named, 'Anand'.

In a nutshell, this movie is one of the best movies I have ever seen in my life. It gives us a moral that no matter how short your life is; it should be great and you should live it to the fullest. This movie is a must watch for every movie lover as it teaches us a great life lesson that how hard your condition is, you should be able to become happy and satisfied. So, I would recommend every movie lover to give it a watch once in their free time.

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Population Explosion
- Binayak Mahato - 22025, Grade ... 25 November, 2021

The high number of people living is referred to as a population explosion. It is a significant problem for poor countries. Furthermore, the government is not taking adequate steps to address this issue. Furthermore, it causes a slew of challenges throughout the country, causing a slew of problems for citizens. Furthermore, it will be difficult to cope with this condition as the government can’t even meet the rising demand of the population.

Causes of Population Explosion

The mismatch between the birth and death rates is the primary reason for this population growth. Due to inadequate medical facilities, people dying in wars, and other calamities is very low in comparison to earlier periods,the birth rate is in control but talking about poor countries, the population is still growing.

Another factor contributing to population growth is illiteracy. People who have a low literacy rate are more likely to be traditional, superstitious, and uneducated. Kerala, for example, has a high literacy rate and only makes up 2.76 percent of India's population, whereas Uttar Pradesh has the highest illiteracy rate and makes up 16.49 percent of the population. Birth control methods are well-known among educated people.

Another factor contributing to the population rise is religious emotion.There are countries that are culturally bound to go against the religious factors. It is difficult for countries like Pakistan, India and other muslims countries to dismantle the religion and its cultural impacts.

Preventive measures of Population Explosion
To address this issue, the government must take correct action. The country's whole development is dependent on how well the population is controlled. The government and its bodies should enhance public knowledge regarding family planning and welfare. In hospitals and other public spaces, posters with slogans like "Hum do, humare do" and "Chota Parivar, Sukhi Parivar" should be displayed.People need to get ideas regarding benefits of having a small family. It is necessary to raise knowledge about the usage of contraceptive tablets and other family planning options.The health care centers should assist the poor by providing free contraceptives and encouraging the control of the number of children. Government must make the programs more beneficial to people.

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नेपाल जलविद्युत् प्राधिकरण
- Rakshit Dahal - 22023, Grade ... 24 November, 2021

नेपालमा केही महिनाअगाडिदेखि देशका विभिन्न ठाउँहरूमा बत्ती आउने जाने हुँदै आएको थियाे । चार वर्षअगाडि लाेडसेडिङ्ग समाप्त भएको देशमा बिचमा यस्तो स्थिति फेरि देखिन आइपुगेको थियाे । कुलमन घिसिङ्गले आफ्नो बेलामा लाेडसेडिङ्ग समाप्त गर्ने मात्र होइन, देशको आर्थिक स्थिति पनि बलियो बनाउँदै थिए । हाम्रो देशले जलविद्युत्‌बाट धेरै नाफा कमाउँदै थियो । आफ्नो ४ वर्षको कार्यकाल अन्त्य भएपछि हेमन्त शाक्य नेपाल जलविद्युत् प्राधिकरणको नयाँ प्रबन्ध निर्देशक हुन पुगे । शाक्यकै कार्यकालमा फेरि लाेडसेडिङ्ग हुने स्थिति देखिएकाे थियाे तर पछि व्यापक जनदबाबका कारण कुलमान घिसिङ नेपाल जलविद्युत् प्राधिकरणकाे निर्देशकमा पुनः नियुक्त भएपछि लाेडसेडिङ्ग हटेकाे छ ।  

नेपालमा जलविद्युत् प्राधिकरणको राम्रो उपयोग नगरेमा देशले धेरैभन्दा धेरै हानि व्यहाेर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । भारतबाट बिजुली आयात गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ जब कि नेपालमा जलविद्युत् निकाल्न प्रयोग नभएका खोलानालाहरू कयाैँ छन् । नेपालमा इन्भर्टरजस्ता सामग्रीहरूको व्यापार बढ्न पुग्छ, जसले गर्दा यसको पुरा नाफा भारत र चिनलाई हुन्छ । धनीहरूसामु बत्ती आइपुग्छ भने गरिब जनताहरूका लागि हुन्छ त केवल अन्धकार !

शेरबहादुर देउबाको सरकार आएपछि उनले धेरै आलोचना सहनुपर्यो । हाम्रो देशमा कुनै पनि सरकार राम्रो नभए पनि शेरबहादुर देउबाले कुलमान घिसिङ्गलाई फेरि नेपाल जलविद्युत् प्राधिकरणको प्रबन्ध निर्देशक बनाउने निर्देशन दिएका थिए जसकाे फलस्वरूप कुलमान घिसिङ्ग पुनः नेपाल जलविद्युत् प्राधिकरणकाे निर्देशक पदमा नियुक्त भए । जलविद्युत्‌काे क्षेत्रमा केही राम्रो काम हुने आशा नेपाली जनताहरूमा फेरि पलायाे । देउबाले याे कामका लागि इन्स्टाग्राम, फेसबुकलगायतका विभिन्न सामाजिक सञ्जालमा बधाई र राम्रा सन्देशहरू पाए । केही राम्राे काम गर्ने हाे भने नेपाली जनताको मन जित्न त्यति गाह्राे पनि हुँदाे रहेनछ । आशा छ, आगामी दिनहरूमा पनि कुलमान घिसिङ्गले यस्तै राम्रा कामहरू गर्दै जाने छन् र नेपाल जलविद्युत् प्राधिकरणलाई नयाँ उचाइमा पुर्याउने छन् ।

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म रजश्वला
- Roshan Prasai - 23070, Grade ... 24 November, 2021

म रजश्वला, अशुद्ध त हैन तर बनेकी छु नि 
म रजश्वला, अशुद्ध त होइन तर बनेकी छु नि।

बिहे गरेको केही महिनापछि नै भन्न थाल्छन्, ‘अब त बच्चाबारे सोच्नुपर्छ नि ।’ 
परिवारको अंश र वंश अगाडि बढाउने त्यो बच्चा जन्माउनु जायज अरे,
त्यो बच्चा पाउन कयौँ पटक रातो रगतमा भिजेकी म नाजायज अरे ।
(म रजश्वला, अशुद्ध त होइन तर बनेकी त छु नि ।) २

मुर्छा पर्ने गरी त्यो तल्लो पेटको दुखाइ, असीमित धारा त्यो रगतको बगाइ
कमजोर शरीर मेरो अरूभन्दा भिन्नै प्रकारको पीडा 
तर अरू मान्छेलाई थाहा हुनुभएन नि ।
त्यो सारा दुःख ठुलो मुस्कानले दबाएकै छु नि ।
(म रजश्वला, अशुद्ध त होइन तर बनेकी छु नि ।) २

दुर्गा, लक्ष्मी अनि सरस्वती ! यिनीहरू पनि जगत्‌जननी हुन्, 
रजश्वला पक्कै होला यिनीहरूलाई पनि !
पूजा, आराधना बाह्रै महिना गर्न हुने यिनीहरूको
(तर केबल) २ रातोले छुँदा वर्ष दिनमा आउने पर्वमा रातो निधार रङ्ग्याउन नपाउने म ।
(म रजश्वला, अशुद्ध त होइन तर बनेकी छु नि ।) २

सृष्टिको सिर्जना मैबाट हुन्छ, 
नयाँ जीवनको प्रारम्भ मेरै कारण हुन्छ
तर त्यहाँ छुनु हुँदैन, त्यहाँ जानु हुँदैन, पूजा गर्नु हुँदैन,
यो सात दिन म आफैँ छुन नमिल्ने, नछुने हुन्छु ।
(म रजश्वला, अशुद्ध त होइन तर बनेकी त छु नि ।) २

छाउपडी, समाजका विश्वास भनाउँदा जिनिस 
अनि अहिले त झन यो प्याडको मूल्यको बढाइ,
जसका कारण चेलीहरू मर्छन् 
अनि अन्तिममा भन्दिने गर्छन्, ‘ए, यो त रजश्वलाका कारण मरिछ ।’

म रजश्वला, अशुद्ध त होइन तर बनेकी छु नि ।
म रजश्वला, मेरो दोष त केही छैन तर गुनेगार त बनेकी छु नि, 
अशुद्ध त बनेकी छु नि ।
म रजश्वला .......

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Alice in the Borderland
- Safal Gautam - 22016, Grade X ... 24 November, 2021

Here, the review of “Alice in the Borderland” does not mean the netflix adaptation of this story
but it's Manga. This manga goes straight into the question, What do we as a social being live
for? Neither the question nor the answer to it might particularly interest you, yet reading this
manga's attempts at trying to give you answers to this very question proves it to be a great
investment of your time.
I think many of us who are unfamiliar with this story may have gone to look back as to whether I
had made a mistake in the title or if the story they thought was different from what I have shortly
described. ‘Isn’t it supposed to be Alice in Wonderland?’ Well, you have not read it wrong but
The story does contain references to the Children novel Alice in Wonderland.
As you may have already guessed, the Main Character of this story is Arisu, a japanese spin-off
of ‘Alice’, who in fact is portrayed as a Male Character. The main character, Arisu, is the person
you'll be following throughout most of the story. If you're into badass main characters, this story
will probably not be for you. The main character's attitude throughout the story fits the atmosphere of the manga very well, which is melancholic. So don't expect some ruthless guy finishing off adversaries in cold blood.
Going into other characters, we have the Female Lead of the Story, Yuzuha Usagi, better known
as Usagi which translates to Rabbit in english, the Depressed kid in simple term, Chisiya which
means the Cheshire Cat, one of the Main Antagonists of the story, Mira which mean ‘the queen
of’ as she is the queen of hearts representing the playing card of the same type, Hatter, the
a former Yakuza(Japanese Street Mafia) who wants to make a utopia in hell. Just from the
characters name and descriptions we can see similarities between the characters and their
personalities from Both Alice in wonderland and Alice in borderland.
Borderlands primarily targets 2 kinds of audiences. The first one being people who enjoy
reading stories with games of life and death and an abundance of characters that make these
sorts of games interesting to spectate. The second types are people with a very reflective or
depressed personality.
The story manages to find a good balance between keeping dark and serious topics with drama
and feels at the core and still keeping a very friendly atmosphere that manages to turn heart
tearing stories into heartwarming experiences.
This story is rich with consequences. You'll see people die for taking wrong steps at every turn.
The characters have heart and are relatable to a certain extent which shows that the writer did a
good job trying to portray people that you could possibly meet anywhere.
The weakness in the writing for this work shows when characters start to act overly corny or
when characters start to emotionally overreact at times. It makes you question whether the story
even knows where it wants to go or if it doesn't know which audience it wants to target.

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The Pyramids
- Aarnov Adhikari - 23003, Grad ... 24 November, 2021

The pyramids, particularly the Great Pyramids of Giza, were built during a time when Egypt was one of the world's richest and most powerful civilizations. These are among the most beautiful man-made structures ever built. The Pharaoh, or ruler holds an unique position in ancient Egyptian culture, as evidenced by their immense magnitude. Though pyramids were constructed from the beginning of the Old Kingdom until the end of the fourth century A.D., the pinnacle of pyramid construction occurred during the late third dynasty which ruled till the 6th century. The Egyptian pyramids maintain much of their magnificence more than 4,000 years later, giving an insight into the country's rich and glorious history.

Royal graves were cut into rock and covered with flat-roofed rectangular constructions called "mastabas," . The oldest known pyramid in Egypt was erected for King Djoser of the third dynasty in Saqqara approximately 2630 B.C. It began as a typical mastaba but developed into something far more grandiose, known as the Step Pyramid. Imhotep, a priest and healer who would be deified as the patron saint of scribes and physicians 1,400 years later, is said to have designed the pyramid.

Pyramid builders built six stepped levels of stone (as opposed to mud-brick, like most earlier tombs) that finally reached a height of 204 feet (62 meters) during Djoser's almost 20-year rule, making it the highest edifice of its period. Djoser could spend his eternity in a network of courtyards, temples, and shrines surrounding the Step Pyramid.The stepped pyramid became the standard for royal graves after Djoser, though none of his dynastic successors were able to finish them (probably due to their relatively short reigns). The Red Pyramid at Dahshur, one of three burial constructions erected for the first king of the fourth dynasty, Sneferu, was the first "true" (smooth-sided, not stepped) pyramid.The hue of the limestone blocks used to build the pyramid's core gave it its moniker.
Despite common perception that the pyramids were built by slaves or foreigners forced into labor, remains recovered in the vicinity indicate that the workers were most likely native Egyptian farm laborers who worked on the pyramids while the Nile River inundated most of the surrounding land.To construct Khufu's Great Pyramid, around 2.3 million pieces of stone (averaging roughly 2.5 tons a piece) had to be cut, transported, and erected. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus said that it took 20 years to construct and that 100,000 men were needed, while archaeological evidence shows that the workforce was closer to 20,000.

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Character Development
- Ashwot Acharya - 22021, Grade ... 23 November, 2021

Character development is a literary tool used by writers to express how the character has grown in terms of understanding and gives the characters some depth. This way the plot line becomes more interesting as there is a certain motivation to the character.
As said from the article from masterclass, without a clear sense of who the characters are and what his motivations and personality are and how they develop the characters becomes dull and thus the novel becomes boring. The same applies for anime as well but this does not mean that the character development is fully necessary. Especially in comedy anime we do not see a lot of character development because that is not really needed. For example In the anime Aho girl , we do not at all see the characters develop. Then how would you make the anime interesting, and fun to watch ? This is covered by characterization.
An example of a great character development would be  re-zero . Here not only you see some depth to the character but who and what he likes , his mindset and how that changes over time ( may contain spoilers) The time when Subaru continuously dies and comes back alive to change the outcome and to stop Rem from dying and his change of attitude towards rem and ram these all different things are clearly seen. This could be a great example of character development. 

Characterization technique used to describe a character, his/her nature features , his/her likes dislikes etc. In the video by BobSamurai:What is Character Development & Characterization? He explains how Edward Elric is considered as a good character. I highly recommend you watch it .
In the video he talks about how Elric doesn't like to be called small which shows that he is uncomfortable when being called a shrimp. The fact that he doesn't like to drink milk . These small details are of no use to the plot and have no effect on the story line but what it does is give a character a certain depth. This also  shows that the characters are not perfect and this helps the character development. It creates a proper environment for development that makes the story interesting and better than simply introduction to character and straight to the plot.

Characterization is the most important as without it we do not at all know what the story or who the story is about, anime is no fun without a proper characterization. In comedy anime where there is not a lot of character development the characterization takes over. This sometimes makes it so that the characters do not need any character development. A good example would be "Nezuko'' from "kimetsu no yaiba" (may contain spoilers). The only thing shown in the anime about "Nezuko '' is that after she changes into demons she comes to get the idea that Demons are bad and humans are good. This characterization makes it so that the characters don't need a lot of development which makes it easier for the writers. Nezuko may have more development later in the manga but so far in the anime it doesn't have a lot. 
Characterization and its importance can be seen clearly as we would love to watch anime where the characters are really nicely described as it creates an amazing setting but even if the plot of the anime is good and the setting is not attractive the story again starts to become dull. 

Character Growth  

Character growth is sometimes mistaken for character development. But they are completely different. Character growth could be like a character could train some skills they already have and be better like in the anime "Naruto" , Naruto learns Rasengan which is a result of his training and he also learnt something new but there is not a lot of character development in that section of the anime.

The reason people get confused in character growth is that when character growth happens in the anime it sometimes comes together with character development Which BobSamurai has talked about in his video . Taking an example of "Kimetsu no Yaiba" when "Tanjro" trains he learns something about sword art which is a skill and is character growth but in the process of learning sword art he learns about the death of old students , and that affects his growth mentally and his view starts changing. This can somewhat be considered as character development. But before he learns sword art his training of running from the top of the hill to increase his stamina is character growth.

Character growth may or may not affect the storyline of the anime but it adds to the thrill as we love to see characters grow to become stronger and better . This reason is why character growth and character development are sometimes kept together. This reason is why people get confused with development and growth. 

youtube : BobSamurai, What is character Development? And character development


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नारी शिक्षा
- Simon Sangat - 22019, Grade X ... 23 November, 2021

अहिलेको युगमा नारी शिक्षित हुनु अति नै जरुरी छ । नेपालको कुल जनसङ्ख्यामा आधा हिस्सा ओगटेका महिलाहरू अझै पुरुषका तुलनामा कम शिक्षित छन् । नारी जातिप्रति समाजको ज्यादै सङ्कुचित सोच भएकाले उनीहरू पछि परेका छन् । नारीहरू घरायसी काम मात्र गर्न सक्छन् भन्ने मानिसको यो सोचाइलाई बदल्नु जरुरी छ । नारी शिक्षित भएमा नै घर शिक्षाको उज्यालो ज्योतिले चम्कन थाल्छ त्यसैले नारी शिक्षित हुनु जरुरी छ ।

आजको यस एक्काइसौँ शताब्दीमा नारीहरू पनि पुरुष समान काम गरिरहेका छन् । नारीले पनि पुरुष सरह प्रतिष्ठा, मान, सम्मान पाउनु निकै जरुरी छ । नारीले पनि पुरुषले जत्तिकै शिक्षा आर्जन गर्ने मौका पाउनुपर्छ । यदि यसो भएन भने त आधा जनसङ्ख्या नै पछि पर्न जान्छ । नारी अशिक्षित भए देश विकास कसरी होला त ? नेपालीमा एउटा उखान पनि छ, “यदि एउटा पुरुष शिक्षित भयो भने एउटा मानिस मात्र शिक्षित हुन्छ तर एउटी नारी शिक्षित भई भने पुरा परिवार नै शिक्षित हुन जान्छ ।” शिक्षा आर्जन गर्ने सुनौलो अवसर पाए भने नारीहरू पनि पुरुषसरह देशको नीति निर्माणमा अघि बढ्नुका साथसाथै डाक्टर, विमान चालक आदि बनेर राष्ट्रसेवा गर्न सक्छन् ।

नारी आमा पनि हुन् । नारीको कोखबाट जन्मेका बालबालिकाहरूका लागि आमाको काख नै पहिलो पाठशाला हो । आमाले नै आफ्ना बालबालिकाहरूलाई शिक्षित, सभ्य र शिष्ट बनाउन सक्छिन् त्यसैले नारी शिक्षित हुनु अति नै जरुरी छ । बालबालिका भनेका भविष्यका कर्णधार हुन् । उनीहरूको हातमा नै यो देशको भविष्य छ । एउटा सभ्य, शिष्ट र शिक्षित व्यक्तिले नै यो देश बनाउन सक्छ । त्यसको लागि नारी शिक्षा अति नै आवश्यक छ ।

नारीलाई शिक्षा दिने कार्य अहिले नेपालमा बढ्दै गए पनि यो सहरमा मात्र सीमित रहेको छ । अझै पनि गाउँका नारीहरू शिक्षाबाट बञ्चित छन् । ग्रामीण क्षेत्रमा नारीहरू अर्काको घर जाने त हुन् नि भनेर उनीहरूलाई शिक्षाबाट नै वञ्चित गराइन्छ तर शिक्षाको अवसर पाएमा उनीहरू पनि आफ्नै खुट्टामा उभिन सक्छन् । नारी शिक्षित भएमा सिङ्गो परिवार नै शिक्षित हुन गई समाज अशिक्षाको दलदलबाट निस्किन्छ । नारीलाई शिक्षा दिनुपर्छ भन्ने चेतना गाउँगाउँ पुगे देशको विकास हुने निश्चित छ त्यसैले नारी शिक्षाको आवश्यकता आजको युगमा झन् झन् बढ्दो छ ।


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