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वीर नेपाली: सङ्घर्ष र समर्पणका प्रतीक
- Muskan Singh - 24023, Grade X ... 22 November, 2023

अस्तित्वको आँखामा युद्धको छाया,

जीवनको क्षणमा त्रासको बयान ।

घमण्ड, आत्मसमर्पण, त्याग र माया,

छल, सङ्कोच र प्रेम बुन्छ सङ्घर्षको अयन ।


रक्तले लेखेको कथा योद्धाको कीर्ति,

सिर्जनाशील र शूरवीर बन्ने छ,

जहाँ बिचोली छर्दै छ, रातीको अन्धकारमा

वहाँ बिजुलीका चमक प्रेमको प्रकाशमा रहने छ ।


वीरहरूले पुराना शत्रुलाई हराए,

नयाँ सपना र नयाँ आशा ल्याए,

फेरि शान्ति र मानवतालाई जिताउने अवसर छ,

रक्तरङ्जित बाटोमा प्रेमको परिणाम ल्याउने कृत्य छ ।


युद्धका महोत्सवमा हाम्रा वीरहरूले जित्ने छन्,

कर्तव्यमा बाँधिएका आमाको लागि लड्ने छन्,

यात्रा कठिन छ, शान्ति र सहनशीलताले सहज बनाउला 

नेपालको वीरहरूको कृत्यले, हाम्रो गौरव बढाउला ।


सङ्घर्षको क्षेत्रमा प्रेमको बीज बिउनुपर्छ

त्यागी, बिनामी, नायिका र नायकको क्षमता राख्नुपर्छ,

हाम्रा वीरहरूले सिकाएका देश भक्तिको हिम्मत देखाउनुपर्छ

सान्त्वना र प्रेमको नयाँ विश्व बनाउनुपर्छ ।


सपनाहरुको भार नयाँ जीवनको आशा

हाम्रा वीरहरूले दिएको हिम्मत र सङ्गर्षको दिलाशा ।

युद्धका स्थलमा जीवनको सुरुवात हुने छ

आउँदो युद्धमा वीरहरु विश्वविजयी हुने छन् ।


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Equality is Just a Fantasy
- Sonic Smrit Shrestha - 25061, ... 22 November, 2023

The Illusion of Equality

Equality is the state of being equal and the state of getting equal opportunities and rights and enhancing the ability to participate. This is the general definition of equality but are all human beings truly equal? Is it possible to create ideal equality? Everywhere you go, there are talks about the fight for equality. But a wise man once said, “Heaven does not create one person above or below another”. And people like to throw his words around but in truth that’s not the whole quote that wise man said. He goes on to say that while we are all equal at birth, pretty soon things begin to change. Academic effort is what sets some people apart, to rise above others. Wealth and influence are the other benefactors that set some apart. At any rate, humans change over time based on their actions. Truth be told at the end of the day equality is just a fantasy. And most of us go through life denying the fact that we live in a meritocracy.


Inequality as a Harsh Reality

Equality is just a modern-day concept made by those who see the world as a dystopian land filled with nothing but joy and greatness. Human beings fight and struggle to maintain their fantasy of an equal world. Equality is nothing but just a myth and an ever-dying hope of salvation. The sooner we realize that equality cannot be achieved in this world of ours, the sooner we can focus on other, more important matters like the environmental crisis and the threat of a nuclear war. The world we live in doesn’t support equality. To be equal we must all be of the same IQ level, live in the same looking houses, eat the same food, and do the same kind of work but that concept of equality is just not feasible. Once a man said, “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer” and that's the hard reality of our world. If one man is suffering then another is in joy and pleasure. 


Gender Disparities

Human beings fight for equality but at the end of the day, equality that they are looking for can’t be achieved. Some people say that if we band together keeping aside our differences then we all can create a world of equality but a world of equality is a fantasy. No man and woman can ever truly be equal. Though one might be better at something the other fails at it and vice versa. But in general, both genders lack something. So, equality between genders can never truly be achieved.


The Dilemma of Equality

In this world, nothing perfect exists and equality is asking for a perfect world. It may be a cliche but perfection does not exist. That’s why ordinary men pursue the concept of equality but its infatuation. But ultimately the question you have to ask yourself is “What is the true meaning of equality?” and the answer I came up with is “Nothing”. The truth of the matter is that I despise the concept of equality. Equality gives people hope for a feature that they didn’t and will never work for. If something is truly equal, then that's it. There will be no room for improvement and there won’t be any need for innovation and no space for intelligence or ability or skills.


Hence, equality is the condition of hopelessness. If everyone is equal, there won’t be any need to push past your limits and strive to be better than anyone that came before you. There won’t be any need for progress. That’s the creatures we are, we try to reach for something that we have to admit may, in fact, be unreachable. But the moment you start talking about equality, you are embracing an impossible concept.




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A Year Without Social Media
- Yawat Malla - 24049, Grade XI ... 21 November, 2023


“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, plus a social media overreaction.”

It won't be an exaggeration to say that the world today is running at the mercy of social media. It is surprising how quickly and rapidly social media has evolved over the years and continues to do so. Social media first started as a means of connecting digitally with friends. Everybody seems to have a social media presence, even children and old people. As of 2023, social media is not only a platform to communicate with friends and families but is also a major industry for marketing.  It is hard to believe that the social media we know today first started only a couple of decades ago. In a world that has become so heavily dependent on social media, it may be hard for some to believe that it is possible to live by being completely cut off from the digital world. Nevertheless, I was able to spend a year without social media which I would say has helped me a lot to transform as a person. 


The Social Media Trap

Like many other teenagers, I encountered social media at a very young age, maybe when I was 9 or 10. A friend told me there was this really cool thing called ‘Facebook’ where you can talk to each other and play Dragon City. I have continued to use social media ever since. As someone who has used social media for quite a while, one thing that I learned is that social media is heavily demanding on time. There were times when I would start watching a YouTube video and realize I had been continuously watching one video after another for several hours. It was almost scary how I would lose track of time so quickly without a hint of realization. But the real question is why do people love social media so much? What is so interesting about it? There is an obvious answer. Regardless of the differences in origin, ethnicity, language, and culture, one thing that unites all human beings is drama. Social media has become the undeniable proof for this. Social media seems to capitalize on the fact that people, whether teenagers or elderly, all share an equal love for drama. May it be politics, pollution, or some controversy about a social media influencer, everybody loves to know what's going on, form assumptions, and share their assumptions on social media. And once we get caught up in this quicksand of uselessly drifting across social media to know who called out whom and what they said, we slowly sink into it and it becomes more and more difficult to escape it.


Social Media Detachment

During the one year that I escaped all the social media drama from my own life, I learned to appreciate the small things in life. I realized the value of time we spend with our loved ones and the true meaning of socializing. After getting out of social media, I felt empty, as I believed that there was not anything to do. I would be lying if I said I was not tempted to get back into Facebook and Instagram after a few days. I realized that now that I was not just scrolling through reels, feeds, and videos all day, I actually had a lot of time. With all the spare time that I had, I had the opportunity to rediscover my hobbies. I discovered my love for coding and reading books. I love listening to music and even learned some Spanish on Duolingo. I also put some serious thought into my future about what I want to be, and the correct path to be where I want. I was able to spend more time with my family and my mother’s concern about me being on my PC and phone all the time seemed to have decimated. I hung out with friends a lot and I have to say that the connection I was able to establish with people in person is something that I would never be able to have with only social media interaction. 


In the year that I was absent from social media, I have lost count of how many times people asked me why I deactivated all my social media accounts. They would come up with their own reasons like if I was trying to focus on my studies for the year, if I was pressured by my parents or even if I was emotionally scarred due to a heartbreak. I had to justify myself many times, but I always found it hard to tell my friends that I just wanted a break from all the social media influences in my life and just be me. One thing that I would say is the downside of not using social media is that there were only a few means of contacting me excluding phone calls and SMS, due to which I found myself in trouble several times. Not using social media also feels like being cut off from the digital world, which made me feel a little bit out of place in my friend circle.



Thus when I felt that I had overcome my social media addiction and I would no longer be engulfed by it. I returned to the place where I was. Also part of the reason was because my friends wouldn’t stop nagging me all the time to get back because it had become extremely hard for them to contact me regarding anything and they had reached the end of their patience, which I thought was reasonable. So after getting back on Instagram again, I feel rejuvenated and have a sense of self-control over my social media usage.  I no longer feel the need to fear that I would waste my time by using too much social media which is very exhilarating. A free piece of advice I would like to give to every person who is too much into social media: engage more with the people around you as real connections happen when you look up from your screen and into someone's eyes, where the world of the heart and soul resides.


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चाडपर्वले दिने आनन्द
- Bijit Poudel - 25030, Grade X ... 21 November, 2023

दसैँँमा घरबाट काठमाडाैं आउँदा अब म सिधै अर्काे वर्ष घर फर्कन्छु लागेकाे थियाे । तिहारकाे बिदा ९ दिन हुन्छ भन्ने मैले थाहा पाएँ । लामाे बिदा हुने थाहा हुनेबित्तिकै केटाे झोला बाेकेर कुद्याे गाउँतिर ।

तिहारै भए पनि पढ्नु त पर्छ भनेर ल्यापटप चाहिँ ब्यागमा हालेकाे थिएँ। पाँच घन्टाकाे यात्रामा मैले यसाे साेचेँ दसै र तिहारमा रमाइलाे तिहार नै हुन्छ । दसैँमा खासै चाडबाड आएकाे जस्ताे लाग्दैन् । तिहारमा भने हरेक घरमा झिलिमिलि चम्किला बत्ति लगाइन्छ । कतै जुवातास खेल्नेका स्वरले कतै पटाकाकाे स्वरले गाउँटाेल नै थर्किरहेकाे हुन्छ । 


तिहारकाे लागि भनेर मिठाइहरू पनि बन्छन् ।  तिहार खास गरी  देवीदेवताकाे असुर र राक्षसहरूमाथिकाे विजयकाे उत्साह मनाउनका लागि मनाइन्छ । 

देउसी भनेर साथीहरूसँग घरघर जान कम्ता मजा लाग्दैन । पहिले देउसी खेल्ने बेला हामीलाई कम पैसा दिने घरहरूमा आशीष दिने बेला उल्टाे उल्टाे भनेर भागेकाे थियाैँ । कतिजना रिसाएर हाम्राे घरमा कुरा लगाइ दिएछन् । हामीले नमज्नाले गाली खायाैँ त्याे दिन । त्यसपछि त देउसी खेलेकै छैनौँ हामीले । यसपल्ट खेल्नुपर्ला ।

घर पुगेकाे दिन काग तिहार परेकाे रैछ । आमाले टपरीमा पहिले नै कागलाई भात दालहरू हाल्दिनुभएकाे थियाे । उहाँलाई मैलाई भन्नुभयाे कागलाई मृत्युको देवता यमको दूत मानिन्छ । काग एकदमै बुध्दिमानी हुने र यसलाई कसैकाे पनि मृत्युकाे समय थाहा हुने मानिन्छ । कागलाई खुशी पार्न काग तिहार तिहार मनाइन्छ । यसैदिन हामीले तिहारकाे मिठाइहरू बनायाैँ । तिहारकाे मिठाइमा ठेकुवा, सेल, अनर्सा, निम्की आदि हुन्छन् । बनाउन नआए पनि म हेर्दै र खाँदै बसेँ ।

दसैँँमा र तिहारमा मलाई तास खेल्न खुब मन पर्छ। तर काग तिहारमा बिदा भइनहाल्ने भएकाले त्यसदिन हाम्राे घरतिर मान्छे कम थिए । 

दाेस्राे दिन भयाे कुकुर तिहार र लक्ष्मी पूजाकाे दिन । कुकुर तिहारकाे दिन साथीहरूलाई हेप्पी बड्डे भनेर जिस्क्याउने काम पनि खुब गरियाे । यसाे भन्दा दुःख लाग्ने कुरा दाइले मलाई हेप्पी बड्डे भनेपछि थाहा पाएँ । छिमेकीकाे कुकुरलाई मैले बाेलाएँ र सयपत्रीकाे माला लगाइदिएँ । टिका नि लगाइदिएँ र  टपरीमा दाल र भात दिएँ । मासुमा पल्केकाे कुकुरले दाल र भात चाट्याे मात्र  खाएन। 

हरेक कुकुरकाे दिन आउँछ भनिन्छ । सायद त्याे दिन कुकुरकै थियाे । हा हा हा हा  ! कुकुरहरूले हाम्रो घरको रक्षा गर्छन् हाम्रा गाईबस्तुहरू र हाम्राे पनि रक्षा गर्छन् उनीहरूलाई धन्यवाद दिन हामी कुकुर तिहार मनाउँछौं । 

बेलुका बल्ल तिहार सुरु भयाे किनभने आज थियाे लक्ष्मी पूजा । धनकी देवी लक्ष्मीले आजको दिन आफ्नो घरलाई रङ्गीबिरङ्गी बत्तीले सजाएर सफा राख्ने मानिसलाई धनी बनाउने र धनको आशीर्वाद दिने विश्वास छ । यस दिन लक्ष्मी मातालाई खुशी बनाउन उनको पूजा गरिन्छ । हरेक घरमा रङ्गाेली बनाउन केटाकेटीहरू झुम्मिएका थिए । पटाकाका स्वरले धर्ती थर्किरहेकाे थियाे । भैलाे खेल्ने टाेलीहरू गीत गाउँदै बजाउँदै नाँचिरहरेका दृश्य खुब रमाइला थिए । मैले पनि आमा, बुबा, बाबासँग मिलेर लक्ष्मी पूजा गरेँ । मेरा साथीहरू यसपाली तिहार घर फर्केनछन् । म राती गाउँ डुल्दै हिँडेँ, बाटाे बाटाेमा पटाका पढ्काउँदै हिँडेँ । जे हाेस, एक्लै यसरी हिढ्दा पहिले साथीहरूसँग गरेकाे रमाइलाे समयकाे याद आउँदाे रैछ ।

लक्ष्मी पूजाका दिन तास र जुवा राम्रै खेलियाे। यसपल्ट खुब तास लागेकाे रहेछ। टन्नै पैसा मारियाे। तिहारमा त खासै कुनै रात पनि राम्ररी सुतिएन। पैला हरेक घरमा गइ गइ देउसी हेर्ने र राति भएपछि तास खेल्ने। दाइहरूले साथीहरूका ठाउँ लिए यसपाली । 


भाेलिपल्टकाे दिन एक दुःखद खबर आयाे। 

हामीलाई जुठाे लागेछ। काेही आफ्नाे नाताले छुनेकाे निधन भएमा हामीले चाडबाड मनाउन, पुजा गर्न, माछा मासु खान मिल्दैन । यस्ताे हुनुलाई हाम्राे तिर जुठाे लाग्नु भन्छाैँ ।  हुन त के मिल्ने के नमिल्ने नियम नाताअनुसार, जातअनुसार र परम्पराअनुसार फरक हुन्छ । 

यसपाली गाेरु पुजा र भाइ टिका मनाउन मिलेन। 

तास खेल्न मिल्ने रैछ। धन्न राहत भयाे । 

तास खेल्न कुनै दिन छुटेन ।

सामाजिकमा जुवातास खेल्नु हुन्नु भन्ने पढेकाे थिएँ । परीक्षामा लेखेकाे नि थिएँ । तर त्याे ज्ञानले मलाई जुवातासबाट तिहारकाे बेला अलग राख्न सकेन्। चाडपर्वमा रमाइलाेकाे लागि खेल्नु खासै गलत पनि न हाेला । 

भाइटीकाका लागि टाढाबाट आ‌एका दिदीबहिनीहरू टीका नमिल्ने समाचारले दुःखी हुनुभयाे तर भाइहरूसँग भेट्नुकाे खुशी पनि थियाे। दिदीभाइकाे सम्बन्ध गाढा बनाउन मनाइने भाइ टीकामा टिकै मात्र ठुलाे कुरा हाेइन् पनि । 

भाइ टीकाकाे दिनपछि यम पञ्चक/तिहारकाे अन्त्य भयाे । मलाई थाहा भयाे ब्रह्माजीकाे आशीर्वादले बलिराजा तिन लाेकका पाँच दिनका लागि राजा भएका थिए । यही समयमा ब्रह्माजीले यमराजलाई पनि पाँच दिनका विदा दिएका थिए । यस समयमा यमराज आफ्नी दिदी यमुनालाई भेट्न गएका थिए। त्यसैले तिहारलाई यमपञ्चक पनि भनिदाे रहेछ।

अरु समय तिहार मनाउथेँ मात्र तर यसपाली धेरै कुरा सिकेर र बुझेर आएँ । नियमहरू पनि बुझेँ । 

तिहार सिद्धियाे । म मधेसतिर बस्ने भएकाले छठकाे रहलपहल अझैँ बाँकि थियाे । मधेसी समुदायकाे याे पर्वमा उनीहरू खाेलाकाे बगरमा रातभर बस्छन् र बिहान उदाउँदाे सूर्यकाे पुजा गर्छन् । हरेक साल हाम्राे घर नजिक पनि मेला लाग्छ। म पनि छठकाे रमाइलाे हेर्न जान्थेँ । मेराे विद्यालय यसपटक मङ्सिर ४ गते साेमबारदेखि खुल्ने भयाे । तिहारपछि याद आए ती तिहारमा गर्छु भनेर छाेडेका गृहकार्यहरू । छठ भ्याइएन । अगाडि नै कुद्नुपर्याे । अब एक वर्षसम्म पुग्ने रमाइलाे गरेर फेरि झाेला बाेकेर काठमाडाैं फर्केकाे छु । 


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Should Education Be Free? Challenges and Outcomes
- Atharva Lal Shrestha - 25011, ... 20 November, 2023


Education is seen as a very important tool of making society better and helping people improve themselves. It gives information and abilities they need to do well in life and helps make society advanced. However, education is now too expensive for many people all around the world. It stops them from getting opportunities and stops them from reaching their full potential. In this article, we will discuss why education should be free, how it can help people, society, and the economy.



A really good reason to support free education is making sure that everyone has the same chances to succeed. In a world where some people have more money and opportunities than others, free education helps make things fairer by giving everyone a chance to get a good education. When education depends on how good someone is and not how much money they have, it means that anyone who is smart and works hard can follow their dreams. This is good for people and helps make society fairer for everyone to have a chance at success.

Increasing expense of education has caused a problem with student loans in many countries. After finishing university, many graduates have to repay a lot of money they borrowed. This can take them many years, even decades, to finish paying back. This debt can make it difficult for them to have families, buy homes, or pursue careers in areas that might not pay as well but are more personally satisfying. When education is given for free, students won't have to worry about being in debt. They can freely choose what they want to do with their lives based on what they are passionate about and talented in, without having to think about money.

In order to succeed in a competitive world economy, it is important to be well-educated. Free education means that people can learn the things they need to get a job. This also makes the overall workforce stronger and helps a country compete better globally. Education for everyone leads to a more varied, skilled, and flexible workforce, which helps the economy grow.

Education is a way to invest in yourself and improve your skills and knowledge. It helps people become better at what they do and more useful in society. When governments put money into education, they are putting money into the future of their country. Having a good education helps people to deal with the problems and changes that come with the 21st century, such as new technology and worldwide emergencies. If governments offer education for free, they can make sure that the people and the country have a better future.

Free education not only includes regular schooling, but also the idea of learning throughout your whole life. In an ever-changing world, people must keep learning new things and develop new abilities to succeed and do well. Free education systems can help create a society where people are encouraged to keep learning and seek more education and training throughout their lives. This not only helps individuals but also helps society be more dynamic and innovative.

Education provides many important advantages for society. It helps decrease crime, makes people healthier, and encourages people to get involved in their community. When people have more knowledge, they usually make smart choices, get involved in democratic activities, and make positive impacts on their communities. We can help society by making education available to everyone. This will create citizens who are better informed, involved, and care about others. Innovation is important for both the economy and society to move forward. When education is free, it helps people with new and exciting ideas to follow their interests and come up with new things. If you don't have to pay for your education, more people who want to be scientists, inventors, or entrepreneurs can make their ideas happen. This leads to a society that changes and thinks ahead more, and gets benefits from new ideas. Countries with good education systems are more competitive worldwide. They bring in skilled people from around the world, encourage new ideas, and keep a workforce that is necessary for the economy to succeed. Countries can become more appealing to students from their own country and other countries if they offer free education. This can make them stronger and more competitive in the global community.

In lots of places, the type of education you get can be very different depending on where you live and how much money you have. Education that does not cost money can help reduce the differences in opportunities for learning. It means that all students, no matter where they come from, can have the same good education. This helps make things more equal and improves how we all get along.

While giving education for free does require money, it usually leads to good outcomes in the future. When people have more education, they can help the economy more, pay more taxes, and rely less on social assistance programs. Moreover, when people are well-educated, it can lead to economic growth. This growth can bring in more money than the amount spent on providing education for free.

Even though free education has many advantages, there are also difficulties and opposing points of view to think about. Critics are worried about how much it would cost to set up this system, too many students in schools or colleges, and if making education available to everyone would make degrees less valuable.

To deal with these worries, governments might think about taking gradual steps towards free education. They could start by implementing it in stages and then slowly making it available to more people. Moreover, they can also put money into improving buildings and materials to meet the growing need for education without sacrificing its quality.



The argument for free education is based on the idea that education is a basic entitlement and a significant catalyst for personal and social development. By offering education that is both affordable and of high quality, we can create equal opportunities for everyone, decrease the burden of student loans, enhance the workforce, and invest in the skills and abilities of people. Getting education without paying encourages people to continue learning throughout their lives. Additionally, it helps to make society more equal and has long-lasting economic benefits. Although there may be difficulties in adopting free education, the benefits of doing so are much greater than the expenses. 


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Atomic Habits: A Book Review
- Bidhan Sen Oli - 24015, Grade ... 10 November, 2023

Written by: James Clear

Published by: Penguin Random House

Published in: 2018


Atomic Habits is a book written by James Clear, a writer known for amazing decision making and positive habits. This is a self-development book rather than a story or a novel to entertain you. It is a really good book that explains the ways to make changes in one’s life through minor efforts at deeper levels. Mr. Clear reveals exactly how miniscule changes can grow into a life-altering change and outcomes. He uncovers and displays the reader's varieties of simple yet powerfully effective ideas that can convert the smallest of efforts, the smallest of changes into huge positive results in the future.  

Clear's powerful message is that understanding the mechanics of our habits is the first step towards lasting change. By identifying the cues that trigger unwanted behaviors and replacing them with positive routines, we unlock the potential of atomic habits. This foundational concept underscores the notion that profound transformation commences not with grand gestures, but with small, deliberate changes. 

What makes "Atomic Habits" particularly appealing is its ability to translate complex ideas into relatable anecdotes. Through these stories, Clear illustrates how tiny, consistent changes in our habits can result in significant improvements in our lives. The book also offers a practical roadmap for those seeking to take action and integrate the principles it outlines into their daily lives. 

One of the key premises of the book is that our habits are not solely a product of our willpower or motivation but are deeply intertwined with our environment. Clear emphasizes the role of "environmental design" in fostering habit formation. By making the desired behaviors the easiest option, we nudge ourselves toward making better choices consistently.

The book doesn't shy away from the importance of self-awareness and mindfulness. Clear encourages readers to become vigilant observers of their habits and provides guidance on how to track and measure their progress. This emphasis on self-reflection is foundational to the journey of meaningful change. By becoming more conscious of the cues and triggers that drive our behaviors, we can modify them to align with our goals. 

To fully grasp the essence of "Atomic Habits," we must begin with the understanding that change is not a matter of luck or fate. It is not the extraordinary, life-altering moments that mold our existence but the ordinary, day-to-day choices we make. James Clear's masterful work takes us on a profound journey of self-improvement, revealing the untapped potential residing within our smallest actions. 

At its core, "Atomic Habits" revolves around the concept of the "habit loop." This loop consists of a cue, a routine, and a reward. The cue is the trigger that initiates a habit, the routine is the behavior or action itself, and the reward is the outcome or feeling that reinforces the habit. By dissecting this loop, Clear illuminates the mechanics of habit formation and, more importantly, the mechanics of habit change. 

Clear's central thesis is that meaningful, lasting change doesn't begin with sweeping transformations but with the subtle modification of our habits. The power of "Atomic Habits" lies in its ability to translate this concept into actionable steps. It encourages us to identify the cues that drive our habits, whether they're good or bad, and then replace the routine with a more desirable one. By doing this, we harness the potential of atomic habits, small changes that can have a big impact on our lives. 

"Atomic Habits" doesn't just stop at presenting ideas; it offers a comprehensive framework for action. It guides readers through the process of identifying keystone habits-those habits that can trigger broader change in our lives. Clear also provides a practical strategy for designing and implementing a habit transformation plan. This includes defining clear goals, making good habits appealing, and using rewards and accountability mechanisms to stay on track. 

One aspect that sets the book apart is its focus on the role of the environment in habit formation. Clear argues that our surroundings play a pivotal role in our habits. By adjusting our environment to make desired behaviors more accessible and undesirable ones less so, we can significantly influence our habits. This concept, known as "environmental design," is a powerful tool for habit change. 

Self-awareness and mindfulness are integral components of the book's approach. Clear encourages readers to become keen observers of their habits, emphasizing the importance of tracking and measuring progress. By consistently monitoring our behaviors and their outcomes, we gain valuable insights that can inform our journey of self-improvement. 

The book itself isn’t “life changing” or anything but has done a wonderful job of clearly explaining and uncovering the most obvious yet important tiny habits that one should be following. The power of actually implementing and applying these theories into practice is only in the hands of the readers themselves. The book does its job of reminding, further elucidating the practice of positive habit development and self growth as Clear has clearly explained and given his opinion about habit development from his own experiences giving real life examples and how practical they can be. 

In summary, "Atomic Habits" by James Clear is a masterpiece in the field of habit formation and personal development. It provides a clear, actionable roadmap for individuals seeking to make lasting changes in their lives. By elucidating the science behind habit formation and offering practical guidance, Clear empowers readers to harness the potential of atomic habits and create transformative change. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in self-improvement, and its lessons will resonate long after the last page is turned. 



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दुःखपछिको सुख
- Muna Gautam - 25085, Grade XI ... 10 November, 2023

तिहारको बेला थियो जताततै झिलिमिलि थियो । सबैकाे घरमा मिठा मिठा खानेकुरा पाक्दै थिए तर रामुको  घरमा भने आमा बिरामी भएर खाटमा सुतिरहेकी थिइन । रामुका साथीहरूको घरमा आफन्तहरू आएको थिए । रामुको कोही आफ्नो भन्ने थिएनन् । ऊ टाेलएर झ्यालमा बसेर बाहिरकाे दृश्यलाई हेरेर कल्पनामा डुबुल्कि लगाउँदै थियाे ।  उसका आँखा आँसुले ढाकेकाे थियो । ऊ कल्पना बाहेकअरू कुरा गरोस् पनि के । घरमा भएकी आमा बिरामी भएर केही गर्न सक्ने अवस्थामा  थिइनन्, आफ्नो भन्नु कोही पनि थिएन । सायद ऊ जन्मिदा उसकाे भाग्यमा लेखिदिएको थिएन । लेकोस पनि कसले ऊ जन्मिनुअघि नै उसलाई बाबाले उनीहरूलाइ छाेडेर  धेरै टाढा गई सकेका थिए ।

आमाको भन्नु त्यहीँ एउटा छोरा थियो । श्रीमान् मरेपश्चात् उनी जिउँदो लास बनेकी थिइन् । आज सिउदो खालि भएको तिन महिना भएको थियोे । सबैको घरमा स्वादिष्ट खाना, मिठाइँ  पाकिरहेका थिए । उनी चाहेर पनि रामुको इच्छा, आकाङ्क्षा पूरा गर्न सक्दिनथिनँ ।  मध्य रातको समयमा आमालाई असाध्यै गाह्रो ‌भयो‌ उनी छोरा छोरा भन्दै पुकार्दै थिइन् । ज्वरो धेरै बढिसकेको थियो । रामु, रामु भन्दै पुकारिन् । रामु‌ हतारिदै आयो । रामुले पानीपट्टी गरिदियाे  सेकेको‌ कपडा तातिएर‌ जिल्न मात्र बाँकि थियो । उसले आफूले सक्ने सबै थोक गर्यो । आमालाई अस्पताल लग्न एउटा डोको लिएर आयो । छिटोछिटो अस्पतालतिर लाग्यो । अस्पताल धेरै नै टाढा थियो । जाँदाजाँदै आमाले आफ्नो बाआमाले आफ्नो बाटो स्वर्गतिर मोडिसकेकि थिइन्। अब फर्केर आउने विकल्प नै थिएन ।  रामु‌ अब यस संसारमा एक्लो थियो । उसले यो कुरा स्वीकार गर्न सकेको थिएन्।  ऊ रातभरि आफ्नी आमालाई हेरी रोएर बस्यो ।

 ऊ दिनहुँ आमाबाबुलाई सम्झि रोई रहन्थ्यो। गाउँका मानिसहरूले उसलाई धेरै सम्झाउने कोसिस गरे । रामुका एक काका थिए । जसले उसलाई सम्झाउन सक्थे । उनले भने, “बाबु मर्ने मान्छे त मरेर गइसके तर तिमीले रूनुभन्दा उनको सपना पूरा गर्नुपर्छ भनी धेरैबेर सम्झाए ।” केही दिनपछि उसले घरमा भएका सबै लालावालाहरू बेचेर सहर जाने‌ सोच्यो । उसले जीवनमा आमाको रहर पूरा गर्न । 

उनी यस संसारमा नरहे पनि ।  उनको सपना पूरा गरि उनलाई खुसी बनाउने र‌ उनलाई खुसी बनाउने पूरा अठोट गर्यो । उनको सपना आफ्नो छोरोलाई एउटा ठूलो मान्छे बनाउने थियो । यसरी उनको सपना साकार पार्न ऊ सहर गएर मिहिनेतका साथ काम गर्याे । साहुले काम गरेको जस्तो दाम दिदैन्थ्यो । धेरैजसो ऊ नखाएर सुत्यो । उसलाई हावाहुरी, बाढीपहिरो कसैले पनि रोक्न सकेन । करिब दुई वर्षमा धेरै पैसा कमाइसकेको थियो । कतै ठेसलाग्दा आमालाई सम्झिन्थ्यो । उसको यो मिहिनेत देखेर स्वर्गीय मातापिता कति खुसी हुँदाउन हुन्  । उसले पढ्न पनि थाल्यो । पढेर ऊ ठूलो मान्छे बन्न चाहन्थ्याे ।  बस्ने घरका घरबेटी धेरै असल‌ थिए । उनीहरूले उसलाई आफ्नो छोरो झै पालेका थिए । उसले आफूसँग भएको पैसाले घर बनायो । उनीहरू गाउँमा बस्दा खान नपाउँदाको पीडा, राम्रो खान नपाउनुको पीडा अझै मनमा थियो ।

पाँच वर्षपछि उसले गाउँ फर्कने सोच्यो। ऊ फेरि आफ्नो गाउँ फर्कियो। गाउँ फर्किदा धेरै पिर लाग्यो । उसले गाउँ विकास गर्नतिर लाग्यो । आफ्नी आमा र आफ्नो बुबा सुविधा नभएर मरेको उसलाई थाहा थियो।‌ त्यसैले उसले जीवनभरि दुःख गरेर कमाएको रकमले सेवा प्रदान गर्यो । यसरी‌ उसले आफ्नो खुसीको आधार पाएको थियो। ऊ अहिले जीवनमा धेरै सफल छोरा बनेको थियो । तर उसको जीवनको पश्चात् सकिएको थिएन । आफ्नो आमा र बुवालाई बचाउन नसक्नुको पीडा थियो । त्यसैले उसले अहिले जति धनी भए पनि सबैको सेवा गर्न लाग्यो ।



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Five Dimensions of Education
- Prinsa Shrestha - 25016, Grad ... 09 November, 2023


Education is commonly understood to be a discipline concerned with methods of teaching and learning at schools. It could also be a transmission of character, knowledge and traits. It can be defined in many different ways. Education is one of the most important factors for the development of human civilization. It also enhances human status and leads everyone to prosperity. It signifies preparation of a matured life. It is a continuous and lifelong process that attributes the most precious and permanent property of an individual. 

Osho, the Indian philosopher, had his own visons of education. He focused on five refutations regarding education. He says that education should not be governed by any goal-oriented examinations, the teacher should not be authoritative, teaching-learning activities should not be imposed, and memorization does not play any significant roles in learning. These factors are just informative modes for enhancing five dimensions of education: world language, scientific subjects, art of living, art of dying, and art and creativity.


World Language:

Osho believes that the first dimension incorporates history, geography, and other sciences which can be taught by television and computer. In addition to that, a global language is required basically to enhance people irrespective of their race, nationality, and geographical territories. He thinks that English can function as a common language among uncommon people. Moreover, each mother tongue is equally important because everybody should know two languages: one is their mother tongue, and the other a common language, like English. In this world, language can connect people and disconnect them too. When they understand world language, people drop their prejudice and see the reality. 


Scientific Subjects:

The second dimension of education is related to the inquiry of scientific subjects that are tremendously significant because they reflect external reality, the major half of the reality. It can also be imparted by television and computers with the guidance of a human being. The development of technology brings changes in all aspects of human life. It cannot be ignored but to be properly utilized for making our life better. We should not fall victim to scientific discoveries; rather they have to be properly used as our loyal servants.     


Art of Living:

The third dimension of education viewed by Osho is the art of living; along with humor required to transfer anger, hatred and jealousy into love in human life. Love, laughter and acquaintance with life, its wonder, its mysteries and a reverence for life is the third dimension. It should be instrumental by contributing to the enhancing of love, laughter, and acquaintance with life. Osho views that a reverence of life should be the foundation of the third dimension because life is God which is the dancing spirit in human life. 


Art of Dying:

The fourth dimension of education is the art of dying. In this dimension will be the meditations, so that we comprehend that there is no death and become aware of an eternal life inside us. Everybody has to die physically; nobody can avoid it. It is significant in life because if an individual realizes the existence of an eternal life inside him/herself, the person becomes a complete human being. We all know that birth and death are like the two sides of a coin. So, nobody can avoid the arrival of bodily death while death itself cannot defy the soul.


Art and Creativity:

The final dimension is related to human capacity to art and creativity. Anything such as painting, music, craftsmanship, pottery and even masonry is full of creativity. Osho believes that a student can choose anything from a whole rainbow of creative art and become a part of existence. It means that they can choose any creative art in educational program. Therefore, teachers need to explore the creative potentials of their learners and create situations accordingly to magnify them as required. By being creative one becomes divine; while creativity is the only prayer. 


The Final Remark:

These dimensions of education as proposed by Osho are truly significant in educational programs. They are to be addressed either implicitly or explicitly while nobody has looked for such holistic education. In this sense, almost everybody could be considered uneducated; even those who have great degrees are uneducated in the vast areas of life. It is almost impossible to find a man who is truly educated. 


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Power of Positive Thinking
- Prijom Khadka - 24076, Grade ... 08 November, 2023

A mindset or mental attitude that leads us to believe that good things will eventually happen and that our efforts will finally be rewarded is known as positive thinking. Positive thinking is the antithesis of negative thinking, which fills our minds with anxiety and tension.

"A man who thinks positively will succeed." A person who believes in their own abilities will work hard to accomplish their goals, will not be intimidated by obstacles in their way, and eventually will triumph. A combination of hard effort, tenacity, self-assurance, and determination mostly determines success.

Every issue, regardless of size or complexity, has an answer. You only need self-assurance, diligence, and willpower to find the solution.

There is always a way when there is a will. If you come across a usual problem, don't give up; instead, dedicate yourself entirely, consider all the options, and solve the issue. Every invention that has occurred thus far has had numerous unanswered questions, but the true perseverance of the inventor led to the discovery of the answer and the creation of a new creation. The lexicon does not contain the word "impossible" for a self-assured person. "I am possible" is stated in the term itself.

People who are committed and determined manage to overcome any obstacles and are unfazed by setbacks or failures. They persevere in solving puzzles until eventually they reach their desired destination. Living is a war; one must fight it bravely. The most certain route to triumph is to fight with self-assurance, a positive outlook, the correct attitude, and focused, determined effort.

It is stated that the bold will prosper. God is also in favor of self-help. An optimist and determined spirit who ventured to compete in the race had the chance of winning, whereas a coward and a pessimist would not even dare to enter the race.

A person who puts up constant effort to succeed will eventually emerge victorious, but someone who gives up will never emerge victorious. Many dismissed Vallabhbhai Patel's statement that "Swaraj is my birthright" as a simple catchphrase, yet with unceasing effort, all the freedom was attained. Achieving a goal requires strategic planning, moving in the right direction, and striking when the time is right. Every seemingly impossible goal can be accomplished with optimism, tenacity, and unwavering willpower.


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