
Student Corner


- Anushree Rajbhandari - 24012, ... 30 November, 2023

धेरै थाकेको यी अटुट चेनहरूद्वारा तानिएको

यो कहिल्यै अन्त्य नहुने अन्धकार र अराजकताको गहिराइमा

 मेरो सम्पूर्ण जीवनलाई पीडा दिइरहेको छ।

समय बित्दै गएको यो अथाह खाडलमा

मेरा आँखा थकित हुन्छन्,

सचेत रहन गाह्रो छ।

मलाई आफ्नाे दृष्टि गुमाउनको लागि मलाई बाँधिएको साङ्लाहरू

मलाई मारियोनेट जस्तै नियन्त्रण गर्न

सास फेर्न गाह्रो भैरहेको छ चेनहरूभित्र तान्दा

भविष्यको दृष्टि धमिलो पार्दै

मलाई बेहोस महसुस गराउँदै।

तर जब म सुन्दर पलिङ मधुर सुन्छु

 टुट्न नसकिने चेनहरू फुट्न थालेका छन्

मलाई सुन्दर संसार र रमाइलो साहसिक कार्यहरू

मेरो लागि पर्खिरहेको देखाउन

यदि म यो धुन सधैंभरि सुन्न सक्छु

र अन्तत क्षमासँग संसारमा बाँच्नुहोस्।


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My Preferred Tools in Kali Linux OS
- Saurav Phuyal - 24035, Grade ... 29 November, 2023


Kali Linux, is a popular OS for its penetration testing and ethical hacking capabilities. It is a treasure of utilities and tools that help in performing vulnerability testing, password cracking and even hacking. As a student diving into the world of cybersecurity and ethical hacking, I depend a lot on certain tools from Kali Linux. In this article, I'll highlight the tools I find most important and give you a basic idea of how to use them using plain and straightforward language.

1. Aircrack-ng

A complete toolkit to test Wi-Fi network security is called Aircrack-ng. It comes in very useful when trying to crack WPA/WPA2 and WEP encryption keys. To begin, take into consideration following commands:

   - Scanning available wireless networks:

     airodump-ng <interface>

   - Capturing network traffic:

     airodump-ng -w <output_file> --bssid <target_BSSID> <interface>

   - Cracking Wi-Fi passwords (WPA/WPA2):

     aircrack-ng -w <wordlist> -b <target_BSSID> <capture_file>

2. Wifite

Wifite automates a number of procedures to make Wi-Fi penetration testing easier. It's a sensible choice for students to think about. Just open a terminal and enter the following to utilize Wifite (don’t break into anyones Wi-Fi its illegal): wifite

3. Wireshark

One powerful network protocol analyzer that makes it possible to examine data packets inside a network is Wireshark. It functions as a vital resource for monitoring network traffic. Start packet capture by doing the following or you can use easy to use GUI: wireshark

4. Burp Suite

Web application security flaws can be found with Burp Suite, a proxy and web vulnerability scanner. In order to start Burp Suite, open a terminal and type: burpsuite

5. Nmap

Nmap is a flexible tool for network scanning that is used to find open ports and services on different hosts. Use this command to do a basic Nmap scan of a target host (ip address or domain name): nmap <target_IP>

6. Nano

A simple text editor that runs in the terminal is called Nano. When altering scripts and configuration files, it is quite helpful. To use Nano to open a file run this command: nano <file_name>

7. Terminal

In Kali Linux or other Linux the Terminal is mostly used for running scripts and commands, whenever I start Linux OS the first thing I do is open Terminal and start typing commands. It gives users the ability to run scripts, issue commands, and communicate with the operating system. To open the terminal, just hit {Ctrl+Alt+T}.


For a student, Kali Linux opens up an interesting world of investigating cybersecurity and ethical hacking. The tools mentioned above give you an idea of what Kali Linux is capable of. Gaining knowledge of these technologies can provide insightful information on ethical hacking and network security, making the learning process interesting and instructive for students. Never forget to follow moral and legal requirements when using these instruments in a responsible and ethical manner.


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मिथिलाः नेपाल चिनाउने संस्कृति
- Binit Kayastha - 25075, Grade ... 29 November, 2023

नेपाल संस्कृतिामा धनी देश हो, जहाँ विभिन्न जातजातिका मानिसहरू बस्छन् । जसमध्ये मलाई मन पर्ने संस्कृति मेरो संस्कृति मैथिली हो । हरेक जातजातिका  आफ्नै संस्कृति हुन्छन् र तिनका विभिन्न विषेशता हुन्छन् त्यसैगरी मैथिली संस्कृतिको पनि आफ्ना थुप्रै विशेषताहरू  छन्।

मैथिल संस्कृति नेपालको तराई क्षेत्रमा मनाउने संस्कृति हो । राजा जनकको कर्मभूमि र उनको राज्यको नाम मिथिला हाे,  जहा माता जानकीको/ सिताको जन्म भयो। जहाँ प्रभु रामचन्द्र र सिता माताको शुभ विवाह भएको थियो। 

जुन ठाउँलाई अहिले जनकपुर भनेर चिनिन्छ । जनकपुर जुन अहिले मधेस प्रदेशको राजधानी भनेर चिनिन्छ तर मेरो विचारमा यो प्रदेशको नाम मिथिला हुनुपर्छ । 

मिथिला भन्ने बित्तिकै जनकपुर मात्र नभई पूरै तराई क्षेत्रलाई नै बुझिन्छ। मिथिलाको प्रमुख भाषा मैथिली हो । यहाँ भाेजपुरी, अवधि, भजिका अनि थुप्रै भाषाहरू  बोलिन्छन् । मैथिली भाषाको उत्पत्ति कर्ण कायस्थ भन्ने जाति वा समुदायबाट भएको हो । 

उसले दसौं शताब्दी पूर्व कायस्थ जातिको रुपमा स्वीकृति पाएका थिए। कर्ण स्पष्टतः लेखकहरूका समूहमा परिचित नाम थियो ।

कायस्थहरू चित्रगुप्तलाई आफ्नो प्रथम पुरुष (ईष्ट देव, कुल पुरुष) मान्छन् । ब्रह्माको कायाबाट चित्रगुप्तको उत्पत्ति भएकोले उनलाई कायस्थ भनिएको तथा उनै चित्रगुप्तका बाह्र भाइ छोराहरूबाट कायस्थको बिस्तार भएको भन्ने पौराणिक कथाहरू प्रचलित छन् ।


मिथिलामा कर्णाट वंशको स्थापना सन् १०९७ मा नान्यदेवले गरे । जुन वंशको शासन मिथिलामा २२७ सालसम्म चल्यो । यसकालमा साहित्य, कला-सङ्गीत र मैथिली भाषाको क्षेत्रमा निकै प्रगति भएकाे इतिहासबाट थाहा पाइन्छ । यसकालमा स्मृति, नित्यकर्म, विवाह, धर्म चर्चा, स्वयम्वर, विभिन्न वर्णको कर्तव्यमाथि ग्रन्थको रचना गरिनुका साथै समाजमा सङ्गीत, नृत्य आदिको प्रचार भयो ।

मिथिला गीत-सङ्गीतको क्षेत्रमा पनि कायस्थहरूको उल्लेखनीय योगदान रहेको छ । मानव जातिकाे भावभिव्यत्तिको पहिलो साधन सङ्गीत हुन्छ। संसारका सबैभन्दा बढी सांस्कारिक विधिहरू सम्भवतः मिथिलामा नै पाइन्छ र प्रत्येक विधिका लागि गीत त्यसका राग सुनिश्चित छन् । यस अर्थमा मैथिली लोकसाहित्य सांस्कृतिक मिथिलाको अमूल्य निधि हो । 

तिरहुत गीत मैथिली लोकगीतमध्ये सबैभन्दा समृद्ध छ । यसमा प्रेम सम्बन्धी गीतको प्रधाननता हुन्छ । यसमा विरह एवं संयोग दुवैको वर्णन भेटिन्छ । 

यसैगरी मिथिलाका महाकवि  विद्यापतिले मैथिली कविता अनि धेरै मैथिली  गीतहरू लेखेका हुन् । पौराणिक मान्यताअनुरूप विद्यापतिकाे गीतबाट प्रेरित भएर महादेव उनको सामु नोकरकाे रूपमा गहना बनेर आएका थिए।  पछि उहाँ गएपछि कविले गीत गाएका थिए । “उगना रे तु कत हरेल ।”

मिथिलाको पारस्परिक चित्रहरू जुन पुरै विश्वमा मिथिला पेन्टिङ्ग भनेर प्रख्यात मानिन्छन् । जस्तै: कोबर, नैनाजोगीनजस्ता अनेकौँ प्रकारका चित्रहरू छन् । मिथिला  चित्रहरू खासगरी बाँसको कलमले कपडामा बनाउने गरिन्छ। यसले मिथिला बासिन्दाको जीवनयापन, संस्कार, परम्परालाई उजागर गर्दछन् ।

मिथिला पर्वहरू पनि अत्यन्तै प्रख्यात छन् जस्तै: छठ, मधुश्रावणी, वर्षाइत जस्ता अनेकौँ  छन्। मिथिलाको विवाह खास गरी कर्ण कायस्थको विवाह सबैभन्दा रमाइलो अनि विधि अनृकौँ ठूलो हुन्छन् । 

मिथिलाको संस्कृतिक लुगा धोती कुर्ता अनि पाग पुरुषको अनि महिलाको सारी हो। जुन लुगा लगाएर हामी मिथिला बासीको सान बढ्छ । जुन लुगा लगाएर मिथिला बासीको विवाह हुन्छ। “धोती कुर्ता पाग सारी आरो मौर जे मिथिला बासीके सान छै ।” मिथिला बासीको विवाह खासगरी  कर्ण कायस्थको एक दिन  नभई  धेरै दिन लागेर विधिविधानका साथै हुने गर्दछ । यसैगरी महिलाहरू विभिन्न किसिमका गहनाहरू  लगाउने गर्दछन् जस्तैः टीका, नथिया, झुम्का, पायल, बिछीया आदि ।

मिथिलाको कुरा भयो अनि मिथिलाो खानाको कुरा भएन  मिथिला संस्कृति अधुराे हुन जान्छ । दाल, भात, घिउ, बरी,कञ्चको तरकारी, साग, तरुवा खासगरी  तिल्कौरको तरूवा, फूलौरी, पाएर, अचार, दही विभिन्न थरीका मिठाईहरू जस्तैः खाजा, गाजा, खजुर, ठकुवा, पुलुकया आदि ।

सायद यिनै कुराहरूले हाेला  मिथिलालाई “स्वर्गस  सुन्दर गाम हमर मिथिला धाम” भनिएकाे ।

यसको जति कुरा गरे पनि  कम नै हुने छ। “हमर मिथिला धाम ।”


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डियरवाक पोइट्री नाइट २०८० एक अविस्मरणीय पल
- Pranish Khanal - 24080, Grade ... 28 November, 2023

हरेक वर्षजस्तै यस वर्ष पनि “डियरवाक पोइट्री नाइट” को कार्यक्रम आयोजना गरिएको थियो । यस कार्यक्रमको मुख्य उद्देश्य भनेको विद्यालयमा लुकेका कविहरूलाई उनीहरूकाे कला प्रस्फुटन गराउनु हाे । यस कार्यक्रममा विद्यालयका उत्कृष्टभन्दा उत्कृष्ट कवि विद्यार्थीहरू बिच प्रतिस्पर्धा हुने गर्छ । कार्यक्रमको आयोजना र कार्यान्वयन विद्यालयको अङ्ग्रेजी र नेपाली विभागले गरेको थियो । करिब ७० दिन लामो चलेको यो कार्यक्रममा चार चरणहरू थिए । 

डियरवाक पोइट्री नाइट २०८० मा कक्षा १ देखि कक्षा १२ सम्मका विद्यार्थीहरूको सहभागिता थियो। प्रतियोगीताको पहिलो चरण सबै कक्षाकोठा मै भएको थियो । अङ्ग्रेजी र नेपाली विधा भनेर छुट्टिएको यो प्रतियोगीतामा हरेक कक्षाको अनिवार्य सहभागिता थियो। । अङ्ग्रेजी र नेपाली विषयका गुरुहरूले प्रत्येक कक्षाको आआफ्नो छनोट चरण गराउनुभएको थियो । लगभग १ हप्ता लामो चलेको पहिलो छनोट चरणपछि क्वाटर फाइनल चरण भयो । पुनः अङ्ग्रेजी र नेपाली भाषा शिक्षकवर्गले कक्षाबाटै थप उत्कृष्ट कवि विद्यार्थीहरूको छनोट गरेर सेमिफाइनल चरणमा लागेका थिए । 

म कक्षा १२ खुम्बिलाको छात्र हुँ र मेरो कक्षाबाट म  र मेरो एक मित्र सेमी फाइनल सम्मको यात्रा तय गर्न सफल भएका थियौँ । अब भने यात्रा कठिन हुने निश्चित थियो । अबको छनोट भने फाइनलको लागि हुने थियो । कक्षा १ देखि १२ सम्मका मित्रहरूसँग रारा हलमा छनोटको लागि प्रतिस्पर्धा हुने थियो । करिब ५-७ दिनको विरा पछि पहिलो घण्टीदेखि नै सेमी फाइनल रारा हलमा भयो । प्रतिस्पर्धामा आफूले सक्दो दिएपछि कक्षातिर फर्कँदै गर्दा मेरो मनमनै  आफ्नो छनोट तथा साथीभाईको छनोट सम्बन्धी कुराहरू पनि खेले । " जे होला होला " भन्दै म कक्षाकोठा फर्किऍं । 

करिब २ दिनपछि विद्यालयको नोटिस बोर्डमा फाइनालिस्टको नाम प्रकाशन भएछ। म हेर्न गएँ । विद्यालयका ३० उत्कृष्ट कविहरूबिच आफ्नो नाम देख्दा दङ्ग परेको म फाइनलमा वाचन गर्न अझ उत्साहित थिएँ । मेरै कक्षाका अङ्ग्रेजी र नेपालीमा अन्य साथीहरू पनि छनोट भएका रहेछन् । बदाइ साटासाट गर्दै तयारीमा जुटेका हामीलाई विद्यालयले प्रशिक्षक पनि तोकेको थियो । प्रशिक्षकको सहयोग लिँदै सबै साथीहरू तयारीमा जुट्याैँ। 

भाद्र १ गते, शुक्रवार पोइट्री नाइटको फाइनल थियो । 

अङ्ग्रेजीमा १६ र नेपालीम १६ प्रतिस्पर्धी भए तापनि मात्र ३० व्यक्ति फाइनलमा थिए । दुई कवि साथीहरू दुबै विधामा छनोट भएका थिए । 

अन्ततः डियरवाकले आफ्नो विद्यालयको पोइट्री नाइट विजेताको रूपमा अङ्ग्रेजी विधामा आर्य क्षेत्री पायो र नेपाली विधामा संविद ढकाल पायो । 


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Consequences of Tik Tok Ban in Nepal
- Sajiya Tamang - 25065, Grade ... 28 November, 2023

As per the information provided by the government of Nepal, Tik Tok has been banned in Nepal. This issue has created many controversies and it has given rise to negative reactions and comments from the public towards the government for their action. Here, I will briefly talk about the matter and its positive and negative impacts. In my opinion, this action of the government is not justifiable and there are many negative consequences than positive. 

According to the information provided by the Minister of communication and Information Technology, Rekha Sharma, the real reason for the ban was because it was disturbing social harmony, family structure and public relations. I agree that the unnecessary activities happening in Tik Tok was truly disturbing the peace of many families and their structure along with their relations, but I think that the decision for banning the whole app for the whole country was not necessary at all. In my view, instead of taking such a great action of banning Tik Tok, the government could have put different types of restrictions and age limitations in the app. They should have implemented strict monitoring system for controlling its misuse. It seems that they banned it when they could not monitor cyber activities. This reflects government’s inability to control such activities. This would have kept the children away from negative impacts. There would have been provision of punishment for the people promoting unnecessary and disturbing activities in Tik Tok.

There is a positive side of this issue despite the fact that it was not such a great decision. The positive effects are that the people and most of the teenagers who were addicted to using Tik Tok all the time forgetting their responsibilities won’t be able to use it anymore, and I think that they will start to think about their responsibilities now that Tik Tok is banned. People promoting such disturbing and unnecessary activities will not be able to do so. And those underage children getting affected by the bad influence and always wanting to watch Tik Tok being glued to their parents mobile phone will now be unable to watch it. It had created many eye problems in the underage children. Now I think that this problem will decrease. These are the positive effects that I see.

Now about the negative impacts, this action of the government has strongly affected people who were promoting their businesses through Tik Tok. Those social media influencers who thought that they could do something in Nepal for income without following the trend of going abroad are badly affected. And what I think and is also true is that the students were most affected by this. Students were getting various information about the unknown things from Tik Tok which helped them in many ways. But now that it is banned, they won’t be able to explore such things. We were getting so much information about our own country and the people of our country as well. Some can say that there are other media for getting information but it is not agreeable because there is no other media through which we can get information like we were getting from Tik Tok. This ban has adversely affected the social media usage, creativity and entertainment in the country. Tik Tok is a platform for exploring creative activities. It has also been a great medium for the income source for many people. But now there are more problems than there were before. 

Finally, I think that banning the whole app instead of taking action to monitor such activities is not a good idea. Before taking decisions, the government should have thought in alternative ways instead of just the one


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Students’ Reluctance in Article Writing
- Yawat Malla - 24049, Grade XI ... 27 November, 2023

Writing in itself is an essential skill that holds great significance in many aspects of our lives. Article writing is an important practice to hone the skills of writing with proper etiquette. As these skills serve a great purpose in our career as well as other points in the future, teachers always encourage students to write articles as often as possible. But the bitter truth is that students are reluctant and don’t express as much interest in writing new, creative articles.

In such a situation, an educator’s disappointment is common. While everyone has their own opinion on this problem, from a student’s point of view, things are a little different. I believe reluctance in article writing is not something that students desire, but it is because there are different psychological barriers due to which students are unable to write articles. By knowing these barriers, students may be able to overcome their shortcomings and teachers may be able to help students to be a better version of themselves. 

One of the main psychological barriers students face is the fear of criticism. Articles can be criticized and evaluated, which can lead to self-doubt. The anxiety of not meeting the expectations of the readers can paralyze creative ideas, resulting in an inability to complete writing an article. As a student, I can say that I have faced this problem myself many times. The fear that I didn’t choose a suitable title, or if I did, I may not be able to meet the expectations of the readers is a fear that I believe I shared with many students like me.

The pursuit of perfection can be another silent killer for the desire to express. Students, driven by the desire to produce flawless work, may set standards so high that the act of writing becomes daunting. Breaking free from the shackles of perfectionism is essential to unlocking one’s true potential to write something phenomenal. As a student, we must be aware that we learn from our mistakes and whatever mistakes we make while exploring a new skill, our teachers are always there to help us to their fullest extent. 

Without a clear sense of purpose, writing articles may lack the appeal needed to inspire students. When students choose to write something only because they were told to, they are likely to stop at some point. Students or anyone writing an article about something should have a keen interest in the subject so that they can demonstrate their skill and even evolve as they write. Without a clear desire to express, no article can touch the hearts of the readers. 

The students may also be victims of overwhelm and procrastination. The sheer volume of assignments, coupled with the pressure to perform is understandably an overwhelming feeling which can lead to avoidance. While it may be difficult to deal with procrastination, it is not impossible to overcome. I believe the key to avoiding procrastination is the will and desire to grow into a better person. To break the cycle of procrastination, we have to set manageable goals, dissect large tasks, and foster a sense of accomplishment.

It is essential for students to write with the desire to express and evolve as well as for educators to comprehend the psychology of students. Through understanding, we can create an atmosphere where students write not just for the sake of "writing," but also to convey their ideas, vision, and untold stories. If these words were able to change a few hearts into writing something out of their own will, then I would feel deeply honored. 



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एसइई पछिको त्यो समय
- Himanshu Gautam - 25034, Grad ... 27 November, 2023

एसइईपछि हामीले ३ महिना बिदा पाएका थियौँ । यसै बिचमा छुट्टीका लागि धेरै योजनाहरू थिए मसँग । हाम्रो परीक्षा ठ्याक्कै २०७९ चैत २६ मा सकियो । त्यसपछि त्यही दिन म साथीहरूसँग भक्तपुर दरबार स्क्वायर गएँ । हामी ४ जना थियौँ । हामीसँग जम्मा जम्मी ४ हजार ३ सय रुपैँया थियो । हामीले नेपालको इतिहासलाई चिनाउने विभिन्न मूर्तिहरू हेर्‍यौँ । खाजा पनि त्यहीँ खायौँ । त्यहाँ बोबा चिया पनि पियौँ । बोबा चियाको बुलबुला मेरो घाँटीमा अड्कियो । त्यसपछि मैले बोबा चिया कहिल्यै नपिउने निर्णय गरेँ । हामी घर पुग्दा अँध्यारो भइसकेको थियो । त्यसपछि आइसक्रिम खान भाटभटेनी पनि गयौँ । म घर पुग्दा ढिलो भएकोले मेरी आमाले मलाई गाली गर्नुभयो । हामीले धेरै रमाइलो गरेका थियौँ । एसइई पनि सकिएको त्यो दिन हाम्रा लागि अविस्मरणीय दिन बन्यो ।

भोलिपल्टदेखि म बुबाको काम हेर्न अफिस गएँ । वैशाख १८ गतेसम्म म निरन्तर रूपमा बाबाको अफिस गएँ । हाम्रो २० गते मुक्तिनाथ जाने योजना थियो । त्यसैले म १९ गते चाहिँ सामनहरू  किन्न ममीसँग बजार गएँ । 

२० गते बिहान हाम्रो परिवार र छिमेकीको परिवार एउटै स्कोरपियोमा मुक्तिनाथ दर्शनतिर लाग्यौँ । यो यात्रा ५ दिन ४ रातको थियो । हाम्रो पहिलो दिनको बास गलेश्वर मन्दिर क्षेत्रमा थियो । 

हामी बेलुका ६ बाजेतिर त्यहाँ पुगेका थियाैँ । भोलि बिहानै हामीले गलेश्वर मन्दिरको दर्शन गरेर तातो पानीमा नुहाउन गयौँ । त्यहाँ  नुहाएपछि हामी सिधै कागबेनीमा पुगेर हजुरबुवाको श्राद्धमा सहभागी भयौँ । श्राद्ध सकिँदा त्यस्तै साँझको ५ बजेको थियो । हावा धेरै चलेको कारणले गर्दा श्राद्ध गर्न गाह्राे भइरहेको थियो । तर श्राद्ध चाँडै सकियो अनि हामी त्यहाँबाट हिड्यौँ ।

हामी त्यही रात बेलुका ७ बजे मुक्तिनाथ मन्दिरको नजिककै रहेको होटलमा बस्यौँ । हामी सबै थकित थियौँ । मन्दिर त्यति नजिक भए पनि हामीले एक दिन प्रतिक्षा गरेर भोलिपल्ट जाने निधो गर्‍यौँ । 

भोलिपल्ट बिहानै हामी मन्दिर दर्शनतिर लाग्यौँ । त्यहाँ होटल बाहिर धेरै नै चिसो थियो । तर, कोठामा न्यानो थियो । होटेलबाट करिब ७ मिनेट  हिँडेर हामी मुक्तिनाथको भर्‍याङमा पुग्यौँ । भर्‍याङबाट हिडेर जान गाह्राे हुने भएकाले आमालाई घोडामा चढाएर मन्दिरको गेटसम्म लगियो । हामी सबैजना हिँड्दै गयौँ । मलाई पनि अग्लो भूभागमा जाँदा गाह्राे हुन्छ, किनकि मेरो मुटुको उपचार गरिएको थियो । तर, मैले कसैलाई भनिन । हामीले मन्दिरमा गएर दर्शन गयौँ । लाखबत्ती पनि बाल्यौँ । तल झर्नी बेलामा मलाई अत्यन्तै गाह्राे भयो, त्यसैले म र काका चाँडो चाँडो झर्‍याैँ ।

त्यहाँबाट हामी होटल गयौं । एकछिन सुतेर आराम गरेपछि मलाई ठिक भयो । त्यहीँ दिन दिउँसो मलाई, भाइलाई र हजुर आमालाई कागबेनी छाडेर अरु सबै जना माथिल्लो मुस्ताङ जानुभयो । एक दिनको लागि हामी तीन जना होटल ड्रागनमा बस्यौँ । अर्को दिन दिउँसो १ बजेतिर माथिल्लो मुस्ताङबाट ममी र बाबा आउनुभयो । त्यहाँबाट हामी पोखराको बाटो लाग्यौँ । हामी पोखरा पुग्दा साँझ भईसकेको थियो । त्यो रात हामीले पोखरामै बितायौँ । भोलिपल्ट बिहानै हामी फेवा ताल घुम्न गयौँ । फेवाताल घुमेपछि हामी होटल आएर खाजा खायौँ र घर फर्कियौं ।

हामी घर  जाँदै गर्दा बिचमा गाडी बिग्रीयो । हामी बिहान पोखराबाट हिडेको ८ बजे पग्नु पर्ने थियो २ बजे तर गाडी बिग्रेर र धेरै जाम भएको करणले गर्दा हामी बेलुका ९ बजे घर आई पुग्यौँ । यसरी यो ठूलो यात्रा पनि राम्रोसँग सफल भयो ।

त्यसपछि म आफ्नो पढाइलाई निरन्तरता दिन इन्टेल संस्था गएँ । करिब एक महिना त्यही पढेँ पनि । त्यहाँ पढेर मैले धरै ज्ञान प्राप्त गरेँ । त्यहाँ एक महिना पढेपछि मेरो प्यारो साथीको ब्रतबन्धको लागि म र मेरो परिवार झापा गयौँ ।

झापा जाने बाटोमा मेरो गाउँ निजगढ पर्छ । झापा जाने बहानामा मेरो नागरिकता पनि बनाइयो । नागरिकता बनाएको दिन हामी सबै मेरो मामा घरमा बस्यौँ । भोलिको दिन बिहानै हामी झापातिर लाग्यौँ । त्यो दिन हामी झापामा गएर ग्रीन रिसोर्टमा बस्यौँ । त्यहाँ धेरै गर्मी थियो । हाम्रो रिसोर्टमा पौडी खेल्ने ठाउँ पनि थियो । त्यहाँ गएर हामी पौडी पनि खेल्यौँ । अर्को दिन हामी ब्रतबन्धको काममा व्यस्थ भयौँ । व्रतबन्धमा निकै रमाइलो भयो । त्यो दिन धेरै काम गरेकाले हामी थकित थियौँ र गर्मीले गर्दा पकिरहेका पनि थियौँ । त्यसैले हामी काम सकिने बितिक्कै सुत्न गयौँ । भोलिपल्ट हामी कन्याम र चियाबारी घुमेर सिन्धुली–बनेपा बाटो हुँदै घर आयौँ ।

यो यात्रा सकेपछि मेरो बिदा पनि सकिन आँटेको थियो र म डिएरवाकमा पढ्ने कुरा पहिल्यै नै निधो भइसकेको थियो । म सात कक्षामा पढ्ने बेलामा नै एसइईपछि त्यहाँ पढ्ने भनेअनुसार मेरो डिएरवाकमा भर्ना भयो । यसरी मेरो तीन महिनाको बिदा सकियो ।


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साथी : एक अधुरो कथा
- Paurakh Raj Pandey - 24025, G ... 26 November, 2023

बोलूँ भने मनका कुरा कसलाई व्यक्त गरूँ ?

मेरो मनका कुरा आखिर कसले बुझ्ने हाे र ?

आँखाभरि आँसु लिई कसलाई दु:ख पोखूँ

आँशु  पुछ्ने आखिर मेरो रुमाल हाे नि साथी ?


बोल्दै छु म हुलको सामू 

 किन आफैसँग गुनगुनाको महसुस गर्छु  म  

रुन मन लाग्दा आफ्नो भावना म कसरी पाे थामूँ

मेरो मुटुमा दबिएको दु:ख  अहिले आएर रुँदै छ । 


भन्छन् कोमल मन हुनु भगवानको एक आशीर्वाद हो ।

तर किन हो आफूलाई भने श्राप झैँ लाग्दछ 

साथीले प्वाक्क केही भन्दा 

जब ती आँशु मेरा बग्न थाल्छन् 

बिगतका सम्झनाले मेरा मन चरक्क चर्किन पाे थल्दछन् । 


हाँसिरहेको छु म 

तर मनको कथा भने बेग्लै छ, 

साथीहरू त धेरै छन् मेरा 

तर मन मेरो एक्लो महशुस गर्दै छ। 


मेरै होला गल्ति त 

तिम्रो मनमा ठाउँ बनाउन सकिन 

कम छाडेर तिम्रै कुरामा अल्झिरहे 

तर प्राथमिकता भने पाउन तिम्रो सकिनँ । 


ए साथी ! अन्तिममा एक्लो महशुस गर्याे किन ?

बरु सङ्गत नै नगर ,

बेला बेलामा आफ्नो महशुस गराई 

बीच बाटोमा छाडेर जाने नगर । 


तिम्रो सुन्दर जीवनमा 

रहेछु म त मात्र केही दिनको पाहुना, 

नसकिने हाम्रा ती मिठा गफगाफ 

सकिनँ मैले अझै  भुलाउँन 


लौ भैगो यही नै थियो भाग्यमा मेरो 

सायद ग्रह नै नमिलेको हाम्रो 

आशा राख्द छु अझै 

हराएको मार्गमा सायद साथ पाउने छु कि तिम्रो ?


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Earthquake: A Natural Threat to Nepal
- Sameer Dahal - 25051, Grade X ... 26 November, 2023


An earthquake is a natural calamity due to sudden shaking of the earth’s surface caused by the release of energy from geological processes. This energy is typically released when tectonic plates, which make up the Earth's crust, move or interact with one another. Earthquakes can vary in intensity, from minor tremors that go unnoticed to catastrophic events causing widespread destruction. Earthquakes can cause environmental destruction and can take many lives. Earthquake-prone regions are often located along tectonic plate boundaries, such as the "Ring of Fire" encircling the Pacific Ocean. A seismometer measures earthquakes and its unit is the Richter scale. Japan is the most affected country by earthquakes. Education and awareness of earthquakes are essential in our country, too.


Earthquakes in Nepal

Nepal has been affected by destructive earthquakes from time to time. The most dangerous earthquake that happened in Nepal was of 8.0 magnitude in 1934, on 15 January. In Nepal, this earthquake is known as ‘90 Saal ko Bhukampa’ that occurred in 1990 BS. This earthquake is the most terrible earthquake faced by Nepal as it killed more than 10,000 people. After this earthquake, we saw another one of 7.8 magnitude in 2072, in Baisakh. 8,857 died in this earthquake and many historical structures were damaged like Dharahara, Patan Durbar area, etc. Due to this earthquake, many rich people had to run for their lives. People were very much affected by this earthquake. Earthquakes often shake Nepal as one came a few days ago and killed hundreds people. We Nepalese are really afraid of earthquakes as we suffer from them very often. Some are of high magnitude and some of low magnitude. Each year, Nepal observes National Earthquake Safety Day on January 15th or 16th (Magh 2 in the Nepali calendar) in commemoration of the devastating earthquake of 1934, one of the most devastating earthquakes in living memory, where more than 8000 people lost their lives.


Earthquake Awareness

In Nepal, school students are taught about earthquakes and awareness of earthquakes because earthquakes are a great danger to Nepal. Nepal is highly susceptible to earthquakes due to its location along the convergence of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates. This tectonic collision has resulted in the ongoing geological activity that gives rise to frequent and potentially devastating earthquakes in the region. The seismic energy that accumulates along the boundary of these massive plates is released in the form of earthquakes, making Nepal one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world. The country's unique geography, with its rugged terrain and densely populated areas, exacerbates the danger. The capital, Kathmandu, and many other urban centers lie on or near active fault lines, making them particularly vulnerable to seismic activity.



Poorly constructed buildings, inadequate infrastructure, and a lack of preparedness further increase the risk, as a significant earthquake can lead to extensive damage, loss of life, and economic disruption. Efforts are ongoing to improve earthquake preparedness and strengthen building codes in Nepal, but the continued risk underscores the importance of disaster mitigation and resilience-building measures in this highly seismic region.


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Menstruation : A Social Taboo?
- Prarthana Khatiwada - 24026, ... 24 November, 2023


Menstruation, often referred to as a women’s “period”, is a natural biological process that occurs in females of reproductive age. It is a monthly cycle in which the body sheds the lining of the uterus, known as the endometrium, through vaginal bleeding. This process is controlled by hormones and plays a vital role in the female reproductive system. The menstrual cycle lasts for around 28 days. The duration of menstrual cycle depends upon an individual's reproductive system. Half of the world’s population experiences menstruation naturally, so it should be a topic free from stigma, taboo and discrimination. Unfortunately, in some societies, menstruation is still considered as a social taboo associated with misconceptions and myths. 


The word “Menstrual taboo” refers to the harmful practices, negative behaviors and attitude towards menstruation. Some key aspects of “Menstrual Taboo” are: 

  • Cultural misconceptions: The stigma associated with menstruation has been increased by cultural myths and superstitions globally. In Nepal, menstruating women are considered to be impure, and their touch can contaminate the food, and make a healthy person sick. These thoughts promote discriminatory behaviors and develop a culture of shame. 
  • Isolation and discrimination: In some cultures, menstruating women are kept apart from their families when they are menstruating. In the context of Nepal, menstruating women are not allowed to enter the kitchen, worship in the temple, sit on the sofa or enjoy with their family members. This isolation maintains the idea that menstruation is something to be hidden and ashamed of. 


Some of the consequences of the menstrual taboo are: 

  • Physical and mental health: Isolation and lack of access to hygiene leads to health problems, infections, and many other problems. Depression and anxiety are the two major mental health effects that can result from shame around menstruation. 
  • Gender inequality: Taboos around menstruation keeps gender inequality alive. It promotes the idea that women cannot fully participate in society because they are somehow dirty and impure when they menstruate. Women’s self-esteem is impacted and so are her chances of employment, education and personal growth. 


Some steps that must be taken to break the menstrual taboos are listed below: 

  • By providing comprehensive menstrual education in school to both boys and girls can help breaking the taboos. 
  • By ensuring that every individual has access to affordable and hygienic sanitary products. 
  • By empowering women to stand out and advocate for their rights by sharing their experiences and difficult harmful practices during their menstrual cycle.

Final words:

It is high time for societies to drop down the misconceptions that have ruined the image of menstruation. We can move towards a world where menstruation is celebrated, not humiliated, and where everyone can experience it with respect and honor by encouraging education, direct conversation and gender equality. 


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एसइईपछिका ती दिनहरू
- Dipshikha Shrestha - 25063, G ... 24 November, 2023

एसइईकाे परीक्षा दिएपछि दुई दिन जति यतिकै आराम गरेर बिताएँ । त्यसपछि म र मेरा साथीहरू मेरो गाउँ जाने सल्लाह गर्यौ । 

 हामीले आआफ्ना बुबाआमासँग पहिल्यै नै कुराकानी गरिसकेका थियाैँ । जाने निश्चित पनि गरियो । मेरो बाबासँग हाम्रो गाउँ तातोपानी घुम्न मेरो साथीहरू र म खुशी खुशी रमाइलो गर्दै गीत गाउँदै मेरो बाबाको गाडीमा गयौँ । बाटोमा दोलालघाटको सुनकोशी खोलाको नजिकै एकछिन रमाइलो गरेर फोटोहरू खिच्यौँ । अनि बिस्तारै चार घण्टा जतिमा हामी सबै तातोपानी बजार पुग्यौँ ।  

मलाई धेरै खुशी लागेको थियो । आफ्नो गाउँमा साथीहरू लिएर जान पाउँदा ।


भोलिपल्ट बिहानै साथीहरूलाई नुहाउन मैले हाम्रो गाउँमा भएको धार्मिक तीर्थस्थल तातोपानी धारामा लाग्यौँ । तातोपानी धारामा गएर नुहाईदुहाई गर्यौ । त्यसपछि हामी कोदारी झरना हेर्न गयौँ र हामी बाबाको ट्राउट फममा गर्यौँ । ट्राउट फर्ममा धेरै माछाहरू थियो र हामीलाई माछा पनि समात्नु पाएको थियो । हामी पोखरी घुम्याैँ  र हामीले त्यतै बस्ने निर्णय गर्यौँ । खाना बस्न सबैको राम्रो बेवास्ता गरेको थियो । 

हामी रातभरि रमाइलो गरेर बिताए । भोलिपल्ट बाबाले हामीलाई ऐतिहासिक दुगुना गडीडाँडामा गुम्न लग्यौँ । हामीले दुगुना गडीडाँडामा फोटोहरू खिच्यौँ । 

दुगुन गडीडाँडामा जङ्गबहादुर राणाको कहानीहरू रहेछ । हामी सबैलाई बाबाले जङ्गबहादुर राणाको कहानी सुनाउनु भएको थियो । 

म र मेरा साथीहरू सबै खुशी भएर तिन चार दिन गाउँमै बितायाैँ र काठमाडौँ फर्किने दिनमा बाबाले हामीले मितेरी पुलमा घुमाउनुभयाे । मितेरी पुल नेपाल र चिनको सीमाना हो । त्यसपछि हामी काठमाडौँ आयौ । 

सबैलाई आआफ्नु घर पुर्याएर म र मेरो बाबा घर आएका थिए । भोलिपल्ट म मेरी आमा र भाइ अनि बाबासँग फिल्म हल्लमा फिल्म हेर्नु गयौँ र हामीले बाबाको पुरानो साथी पनि भेट्न पायौँ ।

एसइई सकेको दुई महिनापछि म मेरो आमासँग बौद्धमा रहेको द नेल स्टेशनमा गयाैँ । त्यहाँ मेरो लागि ४७ दिनको  नेल कोर्स बुक गर्यौ । त्यस दिनपछि म जहिले बिहानको ११ बजेतिर नेल आर्ट सिक्नु नेल स्टेशन जाने गर्दथेँ ।त्यसपछि दिनहरू बित्दै गए र ४७ दिन पनि पुरा भयो । सबै साथीहरूले ११ कक्षाको लागि कलेज खोज्नु सुरु गरिसकेका थिए । म पनि मेरो साथीसँग कलेजहरू जाने भनेर सल्लाह भयाे । मैले चारओटा कलेजहरूकाे अवलाेकन गरेँ । तर कुनै पनि खासै राम्रो लागेन । मैले मेरो अर्को साथीलाई कलेजको बारेमा सोधेँ । 

उसले मलाई डियरवाक राम्रो छ भनेको थियो । त्यसपछि म र मेरा बाबा डियरवाक स्कुल हेर्नु आयाैँ । स्कुल मन पनि पर्याे । अन्ततः म पनि डियरवाककी एक सदस्य बन्न पुगेँ ।


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