
Student Corner

Impact of Internet

Written by: Ashwin Khadgi - 25036, Grade XII

Posted on: 15 July, 2024

The internet indisputably is in every sphere of our life, changing the way we connect to each other, study, and travel. With the internet, we are able to keep in touch with people all around the globe, access a deluge of information at our fingertips, and watch sundry entertainment by clicking a few buttons. That really changed the concept of sharing knowledge and communicating; a whole new world of opportunities opened up. Even though every powerful tool still has its drawbacks and peculiar problems, the same is the case with the internet. We are living in an age where the internet has become an integral part of our daily life, affecting our ability to socialize, collaborate, find information, and even see outside from within. Social networking, messaging apps, and video conferencing have brought in the revolution of communication that has removed the barrier of distance, hence giving way to real-time connections. Global connectivity develops a feeling that we are all intertwined.


The effect of the internet has been much more than anything else. It has completely changed the mode through which we acquire information. Websites like Google facilitate answers for all our questions quickly. We have options for learning many new things and even seeing things from other people's perspectives. Similarly, online courses are now at the click of a button; this is reviewing education systems and opening new business opportunities too. Moreover, entertainment has become so easily accessible through video streaming services and online gaming. On the dark side, technology has privacy issues, cyberbullying, and other forms of negative communication on the web, such as fake news. Anyway, it is a huge source of information that gives knowledge to all and provides people with the means to learn for themselves on various subjects. The need for curbing fake news and disinformation has arisen as managements of veritable data from a volume of information can be tricky. It becomes a space where cultures can interact, yet different voices are expressed in cyberspace while social movements find support through online activism. In the case of algorithms making personalized content, cultural homogenization or digital echo chambers become a problem. The 'revolutionary' effect of the internet is not easy and is found to be burdened by its due share of problems, including loss of privacy, digital addiction, and cybersecurity risks. Our culture and society have undergone huge transformations, which came with the aid of the internet. Not only did the manner in which entertainment was consumed change completely with the likes of YouTube and streaming services like Netflix, offering innumerable options for movies, television series, and videos, but so did the entire system. We can track our favorite artists, find new music, and even design our own pieces. Online communities should not go unmentioned either. The internet has managed to bring us closer than we have ever been before—be it through fandoms, interest groups, or support groups. We could gain friends with those who share our major interests and tell stories of making one feel a part.


Therefore, the big impact is that it actually changed our way of doing business. Online marketplaces, alongside other e-commerce websites like Amazon, give us the capability to buy almost everything online. You can say it's like an online store right at your fingertips! Moreover, the internet has allowed small business enterprises to reach out to a global audience. It's all hustle on the internet.