
Student Corner

Noticing the Small Things

Written by: Shreya Joshi - 25049, Grade XII

Posted on: 17 July, 2024

In our hectic lives, it's easy to miss the beauty in the simple moments of others. Yet, taking time to notice the simple things can bring out meaningful stories and connections that deepen our understanding of people.


When we pause to observe, we find happiness in the smallest details of people’s lives like the laughter between people, someone walking alone with a cup of coffee with music playing through their headphones. These tiny things of their life tell stories of  happiness and sorrow. These everyday scenes have layers of meaning, each telling a unique story of one's life.


As one walks through the busy streets, seeing a mother wrapping her child in a tight hug, friends sharing genuine laughter that fills the air with happiness, elderly couples supporting each other in every step, and friends humming together to the song they love warms the heart. These moments remind us that beauty still exists in our daily lives.


In the world when time appears to fly quickly, taking the time to appreciate these small things can lead to deeper feelings of connection and comfort. They are powerful reminders that, despite the problems in our lives,  these small moments of compassion and connection can brighten our mood and give our lives a meaning.