
Student Corner


नेपाली प्रकृति
- Riddhis Sharma - 26006, Grade ... 16 June, 2023

नेपाल एक अत्यन्त सुन्दर र सांस्कृतिक देश हो, जसमा प्रकृतिले पनि आफ्नो सुन्दरताको छाँया पारेको छ । यहाँ मानिसले बनाएको संस्कार र संस्कृति मात्र नभई प्रकृतिका अनौठा दृश्यहरू देख्न पाइन्छ ।  सगरमाथा र अन्य हिमालका साथसाथै यहाँ तराई  र पहाडमा पनि अति सुन्दर र दर्शन योग्य ठाउँहरू छन् । 
नेपाल मुख्य गरी त सगरमाथाको देश भनेर चिनिन्छ तर यसलाई चिन्ने अरू पनि कैयौँ अरू तरिका छन् । नेपाल प्राय सगरमाथा र गौतम बुद्धको देश भनि चिनिए पनि यो महान् देशका परिचयमा एक बहुभाषी, बहुसांस्कृतिक र बहुधार्मिक देश हो भन्ने कुरा छुटाउन सकिँदैन । प्रमुख रूपमा नेपाल एक सनातन धर्म मान्ने देश भए पनि यहाँ सबै जाति र धर्मका मानिसहरू बस्छन् । 
नेपाल अरू देशभन्दा प्राकृतिक दृष्टिकोणले एक सुन्दर देश हो । यहाँ तिनै प्रकारका भूमिको अनुभव लिन सकिन्छ । हिमाल, पहाड र तराई सबै ठाउँमा नेपाल विभाजित छ । हिमाली क्षेत्रमा सगरमाथा, अन्नपूर्ण , माछापुच्छ्रे , लोत्से, मकालु र मनास्लु लगायतका विश्वकै सबैभन्दा अग्ला हिमालमध्ये आठ हिमाल नेपालमा पर्छन् ।  यहाँ  यार्सागुम्बा र कैयौँ अरू कहीँ नपाइने आयुर्वेदिक जडिबुटीहरू पाइन्छन् ।  यस्ता जडिबुटीहरू अमूल्य हुन्छन् तर नेपालले यी आम्दानीका स्रोतको राम्ररी सदुपयोग गर्न सकेको छैन । त्यस्तै नेपालका हिमाली भागमा हिमालको काखमा थुप्रै मन्दिर छन्, जसले हिमालकाे महत्त्व  बढाउँछन् । यति मात्र नभई यस्ता हिमालका तटबाट नदीका मूल पनि निस्कन्छन्, जसले खेती र दैनिक जीवनमा पानीको प्रयोगका लागि पानीको आपूर्ति गर्छ । 
त्यसैगरी नेपालको पहाडी भेगमा अत्यन्त मनोरम र रमणीय स्ठलहरू छन् । यहाँ  कैयौँ उपत्यका छन् जसबाट अत्यन्त सुन्दर र मन छुने दृश्य देखिन्छन् । काठमाडौँ उपत्यकामा पनि धेरै धार्मिक नदी र धेरै मन्दिरहरू पनि छन् जसले पर्यटक पनि बढाउँछन् । पहाडी भेगमा तालहरू पनि हुन्छन् जसले ती ठाउँलाई अत्यन्त सुन्दर बनाएका छन् ।

तराई क्षेत्र कृषिकाे उर्वर क्षेत्र हाे । यहाँकाे अन्नले धेरै मानिसलाई बचाउने काम गरेकाे छ । यहाँबाट देशमा पाइने प्राय फलफूल तथा तरकारी निर्यात गरिन्छ र यहाँका मानिस यसबाटै जीविकोपार्जन गर्छन् । यो ठाउँमा सबै भन्दा धेरै चामल, मकै , गहुँ र उख्खु जसता खाद्य पदार्थको उत्पादन गरिन्छ । यहाँको उर्वर जमिनका कारण यहाँ करिब सबै खालका तरकारी र फलफूलको उत्पादन गर्न सकिन्छ, याे नेपाली प्रकृतिकाे विशेषता हाे । नेपालमा यस्ता प्राकृतिक सम्पदाहरू छन् र यिनको संरक्षण गर्नु हामी सबैकाे कर्तव्य हो । 

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The Murder of Roger Ackroyd - Summary
- Manavi Regmi - 27007, Grade I ... 16 June, 2023

Agatha Christie is famous for her mastery of the detective novel genre and her iconic characters, including Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. Her books have sold over 2 billion copies worldwide, making her one of the best-selling authors of all time. She has written over 100 books, the majority of them being crime/mystery novels, “The Murder of Roger Ackroyd” being no different.

Our protagonist is Dr. James Shepard, a physician of a village King’s Abbot lives with his sister Caroline who becomes involved in the investigation of the murder of his wealthy neighbor, Roger Ackroyd. The case is taken up by the famous detective, Hercules Poirot, whom himself has over fifty books with him as a cunning detective, who reveals a lot of secrets and lies among the suspects, including Ackroyd's widow, his stepson, and his secretary. Poirot's investigation leads to a shocking twist in the case, which is revealed in the final chapters of the book. The novel is famous for its smart use of narrative techniques, as the narrator is revealed to be an unreliable witness to the events of the story. "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" is considered one of Christie's most successful and revolutionary works, and has been made into films, television series, and plays. The incredibly clever Christie has always confused her readers until the last minute, only revealing the answers until the very end. “The Murder of Roger Ackroyd” is no different. The killer is only revealed in the last chapter.

We the reader read from the point of view of Dr. James.  He provides Poirot with information about the suspects, who include Ackroyd's fiancée, his stepson, his secretary, and various other characters in the village. As Poirot delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of secrets and lies, including a secret romance between Ackroyd's stepson and his secretary, as well as evidence that says Mrs. Ferrars was actually murdered. Poirot also learns that Ackroyd had received a letter from Mrs. Ferrars before her death, in which she confessed to killing her abusive first husband. Throughout the novel, Sheppard is the narrator, and his perspective is used to provide insights into the other characters and their actions. However, it is revealed in the final chapter that Sheppard had been deliberately withholding information from the reader in order to conceal his own guilt.

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Do You Think Global Warming Is a Hoax?
- Aavash Malla - 26001, Grade X ... 15 June, 2023

Global Warming is a major cause for problems in our daily life which has affected us both physically and mentally. There are many reasons for why global warming is rising like overpopulation, pollution emitted by (CFC) gasses. Global warming includes rise in the sea level, increase in the temperature, extreme weather conditions and disruptions of ecosystems. There are very limited resources that we can use to prevent us from global warming like electricity.

People often think that global warming is a conspiracy theory which has grown on us. Do I think that global warming is a hoax? No, I do not think so because nowadays the rise and fall in temperature is way too much. The rise of temperature during the seasons is alarming. We humans are the main cause for global warming. If there was no pollution and no emission of (CFC) gasses then probably we would not face global warming. Many people think that global warming is a hoax depending on the very little evidence that they have but what about the proof that global warming is not a trick or a factor to deceive us? We are losing hundreds and thousands of lives every day just because of global warming and people still think that it is just a way of deceiving us. Global warming directly affects our physical health leading us to have different kinds of diseases which are so  hard to cure and people still believe that global warming is not that important. Because of global warming the sea level is rising and the glaciers are melting which is very harmful to the environment. As the weather is right now we will soon face many crises which will have many negative impacts on the people and on the country. Scientists have also proven the fact that global warming is real but people still do not believe it. There are many politicians who have spoken on the topic of global warming and said to improve the world for the better but some people still do not believe that global warming exists.

In conclusion I do not believe that global warming is a hoax and I do not suggest anyone reading this to believe it is a hoax as well because knowing most of the things about global warming is better for us than to not believe it exists and know nothing about it. You don’t have to do extensive research to know that it is not a hoax, just feel the summer heat. It is extremely abnormal for Ka thmandu to be this hot during the summers. This is the doing of global warming. We need to play our parts in order to try to restore earth and not push it towards extinction. 

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- Eshaan Kumar Rajbhandari - 27 ... 15 June, 2023

सुरज र भरत, दुवै एकदमै मिल्ने साथी थिए । उनीहरूका अभिभावकहरू पनि मिल्ने साथी भएर होला, उनीहरूको त्यस्तै कहिलेकाँही मात्र कुरो मिल्दैनथ्यो । विद्यालयमा पनि सुरजलाई खोज्नुपर्दा वा भरतलाई खोज्नुपर्दा, पहिले एक अर्कालाई नै खोज्नुपर्थ्यो किनभने सुरज र भरत, यी दुवै जना विद्यालयमा धेरै समयभन्दा नि जहिले पनि एक र अर्कासँगै देखिन्थे । दुवै जना विद्यालयका प्रथम विद्यार्थीहरू थिए । यी दुवै जना पढाइमा मात्र नभएर अरू गतिविधिहरूमा पनि सक्रिय थिए । उनीहरू आफ्ना विद्यलयका  सान तथा तारा थिए।

यी सबै कुराहरू तब खस्किन थाले, जब एक दिन उनीहरूकाे कक्षामा एक सजन नामक नयाँ विद्यार्थी भर्ना भयो । त्यतिखेर सुरज र भरत कक्षा नौमा पढिरहेका थिए । सजन एक अमिर घले परिवारमा हुर्केको एक बिग्रेको विद्यार्थी थियो । सजन, सुरज र भरत अब खुब मिल्न थाले, अब सुरज र भरतका समूहमा सजन पनि समावेश भयो । सजनका विभिन्न किसिमका नराम्रा बानीहरू थिए, तीमध्ये हुन् होहल्लाह गर्ने, अरू विद्यार्थीहरूलाई होच्याएर तथा गरिब परिवारका मुख्य गरी विद्यार्थीहरूलाई जिस्क्याउने जस्ता हुन् । अब सुरज र भरत एकदमै संस्कारी भएकाले सजन बदलिनु पर्ने ठाउँमा भरतले एक्कासी आफ्नो चरित्रमा परिवर्तन ल्यायो । ऊ पनि अब बिस्तारै सजन जस्तै नराम्रा सङ्गतमा लाग्दै गयो । सजनजस्ता सजनक थुप्रै अरू पनि बिग्रेका विद्यार्थीहरू थिए, जो सुरज र भरतले सजनद्वारा नै चिनेका थिए । यिनै साथीद्वारा साथीमार्फत् भरत झन् झनै बिग्रदै गयो । बिग्रियो एक अर्थमा नराम्रा काम अथवा लागु पदार्थमा आदि भयो । सुरजले भरतलाई भन्यो, “भरत ! मेरो साथी तिमी मबाट किन टाढिन्छौ ? कृपया म कहाँ फर्कनुहोस् मेरो साथी त्यसै गरेर अर्को तर्फमा थियो सजन, ऊ भने चाँहि सुरजको राम्रो सङ्गत तथा संस्कारले गर्दा ऊ पनि सुरज र पहिलेको भरत झैँ बनेको थियो । 
एक महिना पछि यी तीनै जनाका परीक्षा थियो । अहिलेको यस निरन्तर विद्यार्थी मूल्याङ्कन प्रणालीमा गृहकार्य र कक्षाकार्य अङ्क पनि परीक्षामा पनि अङ्क जोडिने भएकाले, सजन र सुरज खुब मिहिनेत गर्न थाले उता भरत भने त्यही नराम्रा कार्यहरूमा व्यस्त थियो । परीक्षा आउन एक हप्ता मात्र बाकी थियो। सुरजलाई थाहा थियो कि आफ्नो बाल्यकालदेखि अहिले सम्मको साथीले केही पनि पढेको छैन भनेर त्यसैले ऊ आफ्नो साथी भएको ठाउँ गयो । उसलाई सम्झायो, “ मेरो साथी आऊ यार हामी पहिलेझैँ मिलिजुली पढौँ । अब परीक्षा आउँदै छ, क्यास प्रणालीले कारण अझ मिहिनेत गर्नुपर्छ । हार नमान है ल आऊ !” त्यसपछि भरतले झर्को  मानेर जवाफ फर्कायो, “तैँले भन्दैमा म आउँछु ! म जस्तो प्रथम विद्यार्थी पढ्नु पर्दैन । तिमी र तिम्रो प्यारो साथी सजन मिलेर पढ ।” यो सुनेर सुरजले बुझ्यो कि उसको साथी आफ्नो पुरानो साथी रहेन । त्यसपछि परीक्षा भयो । नतिजा वितरण पनि भयाे । सबैले थाहा पाए कि भरतबाहेक उसको कक्षाका सबै अरू विद्यार्थी पास भए । सुरज प्रथम भयो र सजन त्यस्तै दसाैँ स्थानमा आयो । त्यसपछि सुरज, सुरजको परिवार र भरतको परिवार तथा सबैले भरतलाई सम्झाए पहिले जस्तै हुन मद्दत गरे । त्यसैले सबैले सङ्गतअनुसारकाे फल पाउँछन् ।

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Difference Between Tuition and School
- Ravi Raj Singh - 27010, Grade ... 14 June, 2023

As we all know that education is required for our careers. For that we need to study hard and then only we are able to do something for us in our future. To get educated we have to go to school and if we want to get better grades or maintain them we either need to go to tuition or get those marks on our own. Going to tuition is basically getting extra help especially for people who are not strong academically.

Let us discuss these two topics. So whenever I hear the word ‘school’ only some things come to mind and they are: a building of 5 flats where there are many rooms in which there are many benches and chairs where students come and study and clear their doubts with the help of the teachers. An institution for formal education.  And tuition classes are where you take the classes as per your requirement you either go to the tutor’s area or they come to your house. They are extra help. You clear your doubts from the tutor in a one to one environment. Unlike schools where the same knowledge is imparted to a whole class of 20 - 30 students, tuition is more focused on an individual. Hence, clearing one’s doubts and getting extra help is possible in tuition. Not saying that it is not possible in the school.

There is a stigma around taking tuition, although it is true that people who need extra help take tuition but it does not mean that they do not know everything. Some people just need a little extra help, it is not that they are hopeless. We need to keep in mind that not everyone can excel in every subject. 

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Data Privacy
- Anmol Dangol - 26015, Grade X ... 13 June, 2023

Privacy is the capacity to prevent one's private affairs and actions from being disclosed to others. The ability to protect privacy in the digital era is getting harder. Online shops, search engines, and social networking platforms all gather a ton of personal information from their users. Concerns have been raised regarding who gets access to the data and how it is being utilized as a result.

In many nations, our data is protected by laws and agreements. Because it gives people control over their personal information, privacy is significant. People insert personal information about themselves with the hope that it would be kept private. This is why it's crucial to read the terms and conditions before using any website or app. Frequently, the terms and conditions will detail how the business gathers and uses personal data. It can be utilized in a variety of ways such as: used by businesses to monitor user activity, target adverts, or offer goods and services. Governments may utilize personal data to track down citizens, keep tabs on communication, or stop crime. While some uses of personal information might be helpful, other ones might be damaging. Identity theft is among the main dangers to privacy and it happens when someone takes personal information like a person's name, address, or credit card number—and uses it to conduct fraud.

For the victim, this may be catastrophic since it may lead to financial losses, harm to credit ratings, and other issues. Personal data should be kept safe in order to prevent identity theft. This entails creating secure passwords, abstaining from disclosing personal information online, and keeping a close eye on credit reports for any suspicious behavior. Data breaches are another risk to privacy. When unauthorized parties get access to personal information, a data breach occurs. This may occur as a result of a breach into a company's computer system or when an employee unintentionally reveals sensitive data. Sensitive data, including social security numbers, credit card numbers, and medical records, might be lost as a result of data breaches. Use safe websites and refrain from revealing personal information unless it is absolutely essential in order to protect yourself from data breaches.

Governmental spying may potentially be a danger to privacy. Governments may employ surveillance to keep tabs on communication, find people, or stop crime. Although it might be required in some circumstances, surveillance can also be misused. For instance, monitoring may be employed to identify political rivals or quell opposition. Supporting privacy legislation and fighting for accountability and openness in government surveillance programs are crucial for safeguarding against governmental spying. In addition to these dangers, privacy can be violated in a variety of different ways. By sharing pictures or status updates, for instance, social media users may unintentionally reveal personal information to the public. User activity may be monitored by online merchants, who may then target adverts using this data. Search engines may keep track of user searches and utilize this data to produce better search results. It's critical to be aware of how personal information is being used and to take precautions to restrict its gathering and distribution in order to defend against these risks. Online privacy may be protected in a variety of ways. Use of secure passwords and avoiding sharing of passwords or personal information with others are two of the most crucial ones. Additionally, it's crucial to use secure websites and to refrain from opening attachments or clicking on links coming from unidentified sources. Limiting the quantity of private information exchanged online is another strategy to preserve privacy.

Aside from using privacy-enhancing tools like ad blockers and virtual private networks (VPNs), this can be accomplished by modifying the privacy settings on social media accounts. Finally, it should be noted that privacy is a fundamental human right that is under threat more than ever in the digital age. Numerous uses of personal information are possible, some of which may be detrimental. It's critical to understand how personal information is being used if you want to defend yourself from these hazards.

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मचाती जात्रा
- Pratik Dangol - 27009, Grade ... 13 June, 2023

मचाती  जात्रालाई अर्को शब्दमा त्रिशुल जात्रा पनि भनिन्छ । यो जात्रा उपत्यकामा मनाउने अनौठो जात्रामध्ये एक मानिन्छ । यो जात्रा अरू जात्राहरूझैँ देवताको सम्मानमा नमनाई हामी मानिसको दानवप्रति जितको प्रतीकमा मनाउने किंवदन्ती रहेको छ। 
किंवदन्तीअनुसार धेरै अघि एउटा दानवले बच्चाहरूलाई अपरहण गर्थ्याे । पशुपति क्षेत्रका मानिसहरू दानवले गर्दा हैरान भएका थिए । अन्त्यमा तान्त्रिक पुजारीहरूका मद्दतले देवपाटनका निवासीहरूले दानवबाट छुट्कारा पाए र त्यसको बच्चालाई समात्न सफल भए । पछि त्यो दानव भागेर नागार्जुन जङ्गलमा गएको मान्यता छ । हरेक वर्ष यो पर्व मनाउने क्रममा काठमाडाैँवासीले दानव सुपुर्दगीको मागलाई बेवास्ता गर्दै आएको हो । यो जात्रामा बच्चाहरूलाई दानवको प्रतीक मानी तीन ओटा खटमा राखिन्छ, अनि बासिन्दाहरूले खट बोकी  आर्यघाटमा लैजान्छन् ।

मचाती जात्रा दुई शब्द मचा जसको नेपाल भाषामा बच्चा हो र ति जसको नेपाल भाषामा अर्थ त्रिशुल हो । बच्चाहरूको पेटमा त्रिशुल घोपिएको हुनाले यसलाई त्रिशुल जात्रा पनि भनिएको हो ।  यस जात्रामा मुख्य तह तीन ओटा खट निकालिन्छ, दानवलाई बस्न दिएकोमा गाली गरिन्छ, र भुवनेश्वरी मन्दिरबाट निकालिएको शव यात्रा पनि गरिन्छ । वैशाख पूर्णिमाको दिन जीवित देवी कुमारीको पूजा गरी स्थानीय बासिन्दाहरूले जात्राको लागि दुई जना केटा र तीन जना केटीलाई छनोट गरिन्छ । त्यसपछि एक महिनापश्चात् असारमा जात्रा मनाइन्छ ।

दिउँसो ४ / ५ बजेको समयमा केही स्थानीयको टोलीले अर्याघाट नजिकैको बत्लेश्योरी मन्दिरबाट त्रिशुल घोपेको केटाको (कुमारको) खट निकाल्छन् । अर्को स्थानीयको टोलीले बैर्धारबाट त्रिशुल घोपेको केटीको (कुमारीको) खट निकाल्छन् । अर्को स्थानीय टोलीले एउटा कुमार सबैभन्दा माथि भएको र दुई ओटा कुमारी अलि तल छेउँछेउँमा भएको खट  तयार पारिन्छ । त्यसपछि पहिलो दुई खट तेश्रो खट भएकोमा जान्छ । त्यही बेला भुवानेश्वरीमा मुस्या फुलले बनईएको बन्धु दत्ता अचाजुको शव जसमा टाउको मानी बिष्णु भगवान्को प्रतीक मानी शालिग्राम हाएको निकालिन्छ। यो चाहिँ उहाँले दानव भगाउँन मद्दत गरेकोमा निकालिन्छ । त्यो शालिग्राम ४ जनाले बोक्छन र त्यो ३ ओटा खटपछि लगिन्छ । 
ती खटहरू जयबागेश्वरीदेखि सिफल लगिन्छ र फेरि फर्काउँदै दथु टोल, पाचा टोल, भुवनेश्वरी हुँदै आर्याघाट नजिकको एउटा घरमा लगिन्छ । त्यो खट यात्रामा युवाहरूले दानवलाई बस्न दिएकोमा अपशब्द प्रयोग गर्छन र आफूभित्र भएको रिस पोख्छन् । त्यसपछि बच्चाहरूलाई खटबाट निकालिन्छ, खाना खुवाइन्छ र आफैँ नबिउँझेसम्म कोसैले उठाउँदैनन् । पछि उठ्दा दानवले त्यो बालकहरूको शरीर छोडिसकेको हुन्छ र साधारण बालक बन्दछ । त्यसपछि भुवानेश्वरी मन्दिरमा तान्त्रिक सबलाई बिदाइ गरिन्छ र त्यसलाई आर्यघाट लगिन्छ ।   

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Sacrificing Animals in Newar Community
- Pratik Dangol - 27009, Grade ... 12 June, 2023

Newar community is an indigenous group of people living in and around the Kathmandu valley. We have many religious practices in our culture. We have uncountable culture, jatras, etc. So among our cultural activities, sacrificing animals to god is one of them.

Animals like goats, chicken, buffalo, pigs, etc are sacrificed to god in different festivals and jatras. The practice of animal sacrifice is believed to have originated from the Hindu tradition, where animals were sacrificed to appease the gods and goddesses. Later the practice evolved in different ways and became an important characteristic in the Newar community. In the community, the sacrifice of animals is not only a religious act but is a way of connecting to culture and cultural heritages. It seemed to be a way of giving back to deities to have fortune upon the community. It is also an act of seeking forgiveness for our mistakes.

You must be wondering what next after the sacrifice is done? Is it thrown or eaten? It is distributed among the people of that particular place as “prasad”. Hence, the selection of animals is very important. The selection of animals is done seeing the weight and health of the animal. Health is checked first because we consume that meat and we need to make sure that it is good enough to be consumed. Next, weight is also taken under consideration because the meat of animals has to be distributed in a big number of people. A puja is done before the sacrifice. At last it is sacrificed by cutting the neck part, the blood is completely drained.

So, is it right to sacrifice animals in the name of religion? The question itself is a very controversial question because everyone’s opinions are different. Answering this question causes the rise of many conflicts. Different national and international organisations have gone against animal sacrifice but the defender from the community says it’s very important for the culture and we sacrifice animals with respect and care. In my opinion this should not be a controversial case. If this is intervened by the government then the backlash from the Newar community will be huge.

In conclusion, animal sacrifice is a religious practice in the Newar community that has been done in different jatras and festivals. This is a very controversial and sensitive matter as all have their own opinions in it. It should not be stopped but improved to make both parties happy in this controversial matter. We need to come to a middle ground. 

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- Manaswi Sapkota - 26004, Grad ... 12 June, 2023

स्कुलबाट फर्किदा, स्कुल जाँदा, स्कुल बसबाट धेरै अपरिचित मान्छेहरू गुज्रिरहेको देख्छु, कोही खुसी र कोही उदास देखिन्छन् । मलाई यी अपरिचितहरूलाई हेर्न मनपर्छ, तिनीहरूले मलाई वास्तविकताको अनुभूति दिन्छन् । आज मैले एक जोडी केटीहरू दौडँदै  सडक पार गरेको देखेँ, गर्दा ट्याक्सी अचानक केटीहरूको उपस्थितिले रोकिनु परेको थियो । मलाई अचम्म लाग्छ ड्राइभरले केटीहरूको बारेमा के सोचे, के उसले उनीहरूलाई आफ्नो समय बर्बाद गरेकोमा श्राप दियो ? के तिनले उनीहरूलाई अझै पनि जीवनको आनन्द लिइरहेका किशोरहरूका रूपमा सोचेका थिए ? के उसले उनीहरूलाई अझ होसियार भएको चाहान्छ ? वा सायद उसलाई वास्ता थिएन । 
मैले अर्को व्यक्तिलाई देखेँ, जो रिसाएको देखिन्थ्यो । उसले फोनमा कसैलाई गाली गरिरहेको देखिन्थ्यो, धेरै रिसाएको देखिन्थ्यो । मलाई अचम्म लाग्यो कि अर्को लाइनको मान्छे के सोचिरहेको छ ? के गाली खादाँ ऊ दुखी थियो ? रिसाएको मान्छे के सोचिरहेको थियो ?  के ऊ अर्को व्यक्तिप्रति निराश थियो ? के ऊ रिसाउनुको कारण मात्र उसको काम बर्बाद भयो र ऊ आफैँ गाली खायो थियो ? के तिनीहरू मध्ये कसैले वास्ता गर्छन् होला ?


साच्चै भन्नुपर्दा, मैले आज, हिजो वा भोलि देख्ने कुनै पनि व्यक्तिको बारेमा वास्तवमै वास्ता छैन । म उत्सुक छु कि उनीहरूले त्यो वर्तमान समयमा के सोचिरहेका छन् । मेरो मतलब दिनको अन्त्यमा म सोच्छु र सबै जना पनि सोच्छन् । म केवल उत्सुक छु कि उनीहरूले उनीहरूको परिस्थितिको बारेमा के सोच्छन्, उनीहरूले कुरा गरिरहेका मानिसहरूको बारेमा के सोच्छन् र यस्तै । 
मेरो विचारमा अपरिचितहरू हाम्रो जीवनको नचिनिएका र नभेटिएको भाग जस्तै हुन्। तिनीहरू सधैं त्यहाँ हुन्छन् र हामी तिनीहरूलाई सधैँ देख्छौँ । हामी तिनीहरूलाई हेर्छौं, हामी कहिलेकाहीँ तिनीहरूको बारेमा लेख्छौँ र  यदि तिनीहरू रुचिपूर्ण छन् भने हामी तिनीहरूको बारेमा हाम्रा साथीहरूलाई छलफल गर्छौं ।
यदि भोलि संसारको अन्त्य भएको भए आज अपरिचित मानिसहरूले कसरी आफ्नो दिन बिताउनेछन् भनेर जान्न म इच्छुक छु । के तिनीहरू रुनेछन् ? के तिनीहरूले यसलाई अन्तसम्म आनन्द लिन्छन् ? के तिनीहरूले वास्ता गर्दैनन् र इन्टरनेटमा मात्र हुनेछन् ? के तिनीहरू आफ्नो परिवारसँग भएको चाहन्छन् ? के तिनीहरूले स्वीकार गर्नेछन् ? मलाई साँच्चै आश्चर्य लाग्छ ।


मैले केही परिवारका सदस्यहरू देखेँ जो अपरिचित थिए, त्यो पेस्ट्रीमा मैले यो अन्तरक्रिया देखे। त्यो पार्टीमा मैले एक बुबाले आफ्नो छोरालाई आफ्ना काकाहरूलाई भेट गर्न बोलाएको देखें। छोरो अचम्ममा परेको देखियो अनि मान्छेलाई चिनेको छैन जस्तो लाग्यो, बुबाले जान दिएपछि छोराले राहत पाए जस्तो । छोराले वास्ता गरेन किनभने उसका बुबाले उसलाई यी आफन्तहरूसँग चिनाउने चिन्ता गरेनन्। छोराले यो बारेमा के सोच्यो? के ऊ आफ्नो बुबासँग रिसाएको थियो किनभने उनले उसको आफ्ना साथीहरूसँगको समय बिगारेका थिए? खै, मलाई लाग्छ ती दुबैले वास्ता गरेनन्।
माथिको उदाहरणले इन्टरनेटको प्रभावहरू र यसले परिवारहरूलाई कसरी टाढा बनाउँछ भनेर देखाउँछ । इन्टरनेट र वाइफाइको कारणले आजकल हामी वास्तविकताबाट धेरै टाढा छौँ। हामीसँग हाम्रो परिवारको लागि पर्याप्त समय छैन । खाने टेबलमा पनि कुरा गर्नुको सट्टा हामी फोनमा डुबेका छौँ, यति धेरै कि हामीसँग फोनबाट माथि हेर्ने र कुराकानी गर्ने समय पनि हुँदैन । यसले पारिवारिक जीवनमा धेरै असर गरेको छ । परिवारहरू पहिले जस्तो नजिक छैनन् । तिनीहरू एउटै छानामुनि बस्ने अपरिचितहरू जस्तै व्यवहार गर्छन्, जब तिनीहरूको थर, रगत, सबै एउटै छ ।
हामी अपरिचितहरूलाई हेर्छौं र न्याय गर्छौँ तर ती अपरिचितहरूले हामीलाई हेर्छन् र हामीलाई न्याय गर्छन् । हामी एक अपरिचित व्यक्तिलाई भेट्न सक्छौँ । जुन हामीले पछि जीवनमा हाम्रो साथी वा साझेदारको रूपमा भेट्छाैँ । जबसम्म तिनीहरू हाम्रो जीवनमा प्रवेश गर्दैनन् । हामीलाई यि अपरिचितहरूको बारेमा केही थाहा हुदैँन । यसले तिनीहरूलाई अपरिचित बनाउँछ।

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Freedom Of Speech And Censorship
- Prashraya Shrestha - 26014, G ... 09 June, 2023

Freedom of speech is a fundamental right given to us. This right gives us access to present our opinion in topics freely unless it is hurtful to a certain group or individual. Censorship is a prohibition or suppression of certain ideals, opinions and information. This might be done if the content is deemed offensive or damaging. This is regulated by government co-operations, private corporations and other undercover bodies.

Due to the rise in social media online censorships are at an all time high. The content which is exposed to us, is filtered by the algorithm and the content made on certain topics are taken down. Most of the time, due to censorship we are exposed to one part of the argument but the other part of the argument is hidden from us. In this day and age saying “gay people should be given equal rights” is equal to saying “straight people are terrible”. This hinders our ability to come up with conclusive solutions. This has caused rights or wrongs to be determined by governmental bodies. And freedom of speech is non-existent in this world. The censorship nowadays is so strong that the fundamental right given to us as human beings is being oppressed.

But why do people censor content? This is due to human’s obsession with power. Power: the ability to influence someone's action or in simple words, it is the ability to control someone or something. Our opinion and ideals are the bi product of the information we are exposed to which means if someone has control over the information we are being exposed to they have control over our ideals and a human being without ideals is just a machine made out of flesh. I do not understand people's desire to control or their obsession for power. In my opinion if a person is a functioning human being and is contributing to society they should not be censored. If a person decides to change their gender, people should not try to control them because at the end of the day no matter their gender, religion or age, they are a human being who is contributing to the society. The best way to counter censorship is forming your own ideals, trying to understand both ends of the argument and understanding the perspective of people and their reasoning behind the action.

Even though censorship is bad. Freedom of speech should also have its limits. Censorship is fine if they censor content which is morally wrong. The right to freedom of speech should not be used to harm any groups or individuals. Threats are also speech but it intends to silence an individual or a group so it is morally wrong. The same goes for fraud and hateful comments. We should be respectful towards people while we present our views and opinions. We should also make sure the other party was hurt by the comment we made.

In conclusion, we should find a middle ground between censorship and freedom of speech and before discussing a certain topic we should determine the perspective, the reasoning and the intention behind the argument.

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