
Student Corner

Do You Think Global Warming Is a Hoax?

Written by: Aavash Malla - 26001, Grade X

Posted on: 15 June, 2023

Global Warming is a major cause for problems in our daily life which has affected us both physically and mentally. There are many reasons for why global warming is rising like overpopulation, pollution emitted by (CFC) gasses. Global warming includes rise in the sea level, increase in the temperature, extreme weather conditions and disruptions of ecosystems. There are very limited resources that we can use to prevent us from global warming like electricity.

People often think that global warming is a conspiracy theory which has grown on us. Do I think that global warming is a hoax? No, I do not think so because nowadays the rise and fall in temperature is way too much. The rise of temperature during the seasons is alarming. We humans are the main cause for global warming. If there was no pollution and no emission of (CFC) gasses then probably we would not face global warming. Many people think that global warming is a hoax depending on the very little evidence that they have but what about the proof that global warming is not a trick or a factor to deceive us? We are losing hundreds and thousands of lives every day just because of global warming and people still think that it is just a way of deceiving us. Global warming directly affects our physical health leading us to have different kinds of diseases which are so  hard to cure and people still believe that global warming is not that important. Because of global warming the sea level is rising and the glaciers are melting which is very harmful to the environment. As the weather is right now we will soon face many crises which will have many negative impacts on the people and on the country. Scientists have also proven the fact that global warming is real but people still do not believe it. There are many politicians who have spoken on the topic of global warming and said to improve the world for the better but some people still do not believe that global warming exists.

In conclusion I do not believe that global warming is a hoax and I do not suggest anyone reading this to believe it is a hoax as well because knowing most of the things about global warming is better for us than to not believe it exists and know nothing about it. You don’t have to do extensive research to know that it is not a hoax, just feel the summer heat. It is extremely abnormal for Ka thmandu to be this hot during the summers. This is the doing of global warming. We need to play our parts in order to try to restore earth and not push it towards extinction.