
Student Corner

Difference Between Tuition and School

Written by: Ravi Raj Singh - 27010, Grade IX

Posted on: 14 June, 2023

As we all know that education is required for our careers. For that we need to study hard and then only we are able to do something for us in our future. To get educated we have to go to school and if we want to get better grades or maintain them we either need to go to tuition or get those marks on our own. Going to tuition is basically getting extra help especially for people who are not strong academically.

Let us discuss these two topics. So whenever I hear the word ‘school’ only some things come to mind and they are: a building of 5 flats where there are many rooms in which there are many benches and chairs where students come and study and clear their doubts with the help of the teachers. An institution for formal education.  And tuition classes are where you take the classes as per your requirement you either go to the tutor’s area or they come to your house. They are extra help. You clear your doubts from the tutor in a one to one environment. Unlike schools where the same knowledge is imparted to a whole class of 20 - 30 students, tuition is more focused on an individual. Hence, clearing one’s doubts and getting extra help is possible in tuition. Not saying that it is not possible in the school.

There is a stigma around taking tuition, although it is true that people who need extra help take tuition but it does not mean that they do not know everything. Some people just need a little extra help, it is not that they are hopeless. We need to keep in mind that not everyone can excel in every subject.