
Student Corner


Sad Father And Kind Son
- Pritha Khanal - 30022, Grade ... 01 December, 2022

Once upon a time, there lived a father and a son. The son's name was Luke. He was kind-hearted and sweet. He got good grades in school but he was unhappy with himself because his father used to scold him for no reason. Luke obviously didn't understand why, so he was really stressed. Ever since his mother died, his father has started to scold him every single day! even though it's been 2 years! He used to be a jolly man. In fact, he used to be the happiest man in his town. Even he admitted that before his wife's death. Since he was sad, Luke always tried to comfort him. One day, when Luke came back from school, he saw his father normal. He looked better than usual. He asked, “Are you ok now, father?” The father looked at him for some time and answered, "Son, you were right; I couldn't stay sad or mad at her death forever." You are the precious gift your mother left for me, I must adore you and love you. Last night, I saw your mother in my dream, she was very angry at me. When I tried to talk to her she gave me an angry look. When I asked her the reason, she said I am a cruel and irresponsible father. Then she burst into tears and faded away. After that I realised how precious you were to us and I spoiled everything. Then the father started to cry and said, I want to correct my mistakes by giving all the love to you. I promise from today onwards I will be a responsible father and cheerful person. I am sorry my son, please forgive me for my past behaviour, sorry, I treated you badly." Luke then replied with tears in his eyes, "Father, I am glad you understand that you can't stay mad forever, and it's ok; I forgive you for everything, then both of them wiped tears and hugged each other. The son looked up to the sky and thanked his mother.

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पुस्तक समीक्षा- विक्रम र बेताल
- Aayaan Rai - 31006, Grade IV ... 29 November, 2022

‘विक्रम र बेताल’ एउटा दन्त्यकथाहरूको सङ्कलन हो । यो पुस्तक मलाई धेरै मन पर्ने पुस्तक हो । यस पुस्तकका कथाहरू पढिसकेपछि पाठकको दिमागमा धेरै प्रश्नहरू आउँछन् जसले गर्दा यसमा भएका कथाहरूका बारेमा हामी सोच्न बाध्य हुन्छाैँ । विक्रम र बेताल कथा विक्रमले भद्रकाललाई भेटेपछि सुरु हुन्छ । विक्रम एउटा  बुद्धिमान राजा हो भने भद्रकाल जाेगी हाे । विक्रमलाई बेताल नाम गरेको भूत ल्याएमा उसको राजधानी शक्तिशाली हुने कुरा भद्रकालले बताउँछन् । मध्य रातमा विक्रम बेतालको खोजीमा निस्किन्छन् । बेताल एउटा पुरानो पिपलको रुखमा उँधोमुन्टो लगाएर झुन्डिरहेको विक्रमले देख्छ । विक्रमले बेताललाई समातेर आफ्नो दरबारतिर आउँदा बेतालले विक्रमलाई कथा भन्न सुरु गर्छ । त्यही कथाहरूको सङ्कलनबाट विक्रम  र बेताल नामक पुस्तक बनेको छ ।

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Fight Between Body Parts
- Aadhya Shree Poudel - 30001, ... 29 November, 2022

There was once a fight between body parts, and they debated which part was the most important in the body. Firstly, the heart said, "I am the most important part of the body; without me, nobody can live, not even our single cell or the nerves can survive." Secondly, the mouth said, "Without me, you stay hungry and speechless." Then immediately, the nose said, "NO! The most important component is me; I allow humans to breathe oxygen; they cannot survive without it.” The cheek was hearing them all, then she said, "I think I am the most important one as I make everyone look happy and everyone looks very beautiful because of me." Then the eye said, "I am the most important; without me, nobody can see." Ears got angry and said loudly, "No! I am the most important one. I hear everything others say, so I am the most important  in the human body parts. Brain interrupted and said, "I am the most important part. I have to tell the humans to do this, and I control the body, so I am the most important part."
While all the parts were saying that the bum was very sad because "bum is a bum" and "you are useless in the human body," every part laughed and made fun of bum. The bum was sad and decided to leave the human body. After a few hours, all the human parts started to get sick because the bum excretes, and  without excretion, everyone got sick and couldn't do anything. And then all the body parts one day set out to look for bum and they finally found it after that the bum came to the human world and no one got sick in the body part. They realized each other's importance and respected each other's presence and jobs. Afterwards, they started to live happily in the human world.

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विद्याको महत्त्व
- Bishakha Upadhyay - 30010, Gr ... 28 November, 2022

शिक्षाले हाम्रो जीवनमा महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका खेल्छ। रोजगारी पाउनुको मुख्य कारण शिक्षा हो । शिक्षाले आलोचनात्मक सोचको पनि विकास गर्दछ जुन राम्रो जीवनशैली जिउन आवश्यक छ। शिक्षाले व्यक्तिहरूलाई आधारभूत जागिर योग्यताहरू पूरा गर्न मद्दत गर्छ र उनीहरूलाई अझ राम्रो कामहरू सुरक्षित गर्ने सम्भावना बढाउँछ। शिक्षाले वास्तवमा व्यक्तिको जीवनको गुणस्तर निर्धारण गर्छ। शिक्षाले व्यक्तिको ज्ञान, सीप र व्यक्तित्व र मनोवृत्तिको विकास गर्छ। सबैभन्दा उल्लेखनीय, शिक्षाले मानिसहरूको लागि रोजगारीको सम्भावनालाई असर गर्छ। उच्च शिक्षित व्यक्तिले राम्रो जागिर पाउने सम्भावना धेरै हुन्छ। 

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How Does Social Media Infringe on Our Privacy?
- Pasang Doma Sherpa - 30019, G ... 25 November, 2022

We all know that social media plays a huge role in our lives. We use social media on a daily basis. It is estimated that the number of social media users right now might be 4.74 billion. That is a lot! Social media has grown over the years. It is a great platform to share information, get information, and be in touch with society. But is it actually always a good idea to share our information or browse through new, unknown websites. We are leaking our personal information daily, which is awful. Whatever we share on social media is viewed by almost all the people on Earth. So, on social media, we are being watched by everyone. There are many types of people on social media. Some can be cybercriminals, hackers, companies, friends, families, etc. Not all social media users are good on social media. Some are bad people as well because of such people, we have a high chance of being hacked, cyberbullied, and more. It also has a significant impact on mental health.Below are some disadvantages or bad effects of social media on us:

  • It reduces our ability to communicate face to face.While using social media, we do not speak to each other face-to-face, which leads us to have difficulty talking face-to-face.
  • It helps hackers hack your account easily. They send us emails containing links which have viruses and hackers access. After they hack our account, they can also hack the accounts of friends and family.
  • It helps cyberbullying increase. If someone writes unacceptable comments about someone, they are viewed by everyone.
  • It causes people to be lazier.
  • It helps frauds to cheat on people by bribing them.
  • It helps people easily impersonate others or make fake profiles about others.
  • It helps people to easily fall for pop-up apps that can hack their accounts.

There are many reasons beyond those as well. We should be very cautious while using social media. Hundreds of innocent social media users are the victims of social media misusers.


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