
Student Corner

Sad Father And Kind Son

Written by: Pritha Khanal - 30022, Grade V

Posted on: 01 December, 2022

Once upon a time, there lived a father and a son. The son's name was Luke. He was kind-hearted and sweet. He got good grades in school but he was unhappy with himself because his father used to scold him for no reason. Luke obviously didn't understand why, so he was really stressed. Ever since his mother died, his father has started to scold him every single day! even though it's been 2 years! He used to be a jolly man. In fact, he used to be the happiest man in his town. Even he admitted that before his wife's death. Since he was sad, Luke always tried to comfort him. One day, when Luke came back from school, he saw his father normal. He looked better than usual. He asked, “Are you ok now, father?” The father looked at him for some time and answered, "Son, you were right; I couldn't stay sad or mad at her death forever." You are the precious gift your mother left for me, I must adore you and love you. Last night, I saw your mother in my dream, she was very angry at me. When I tried to talk to her she gave me an angry look. When I asked her the reason, she said I am a cruel and irresponsible father. Then she burst into tears and faded away. After that I realised how precious you were to us and I spoiled everything. Then the father started to cry and said, I want to correct my mistakes by giving all the love to you. I promise from today onwards I will be a responsible father and cheerful person. I am sorry my son, please forgive me for my past behaviour, sorry, I treated you badly." Luke then replied with tears in his eyes, "Father, I am glad you understand that you can't stay mad forever, and it's ok; I forgive you for everything, then both of them wiped tears and hugged each other. The son looked up to the sky and thanked his mother.