
Student Corner

Article Of The Week

स्थापित गर्नु छ समानता


हेर्दै छु मानिसको भाग्य कस्तो हुन्छ 

पढ्न पाउनेहरू 

पढ्दिनँ भन्छन� ...

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By Anushree Acharya


Parents Talk Programme
- Simon Sangat - 20015, Grad ... 08 January, 2019

On October 8th, 2018, we, students of grade 8 and 9 got the opportunity to learn about ‘Google’ on a Parent Talk Show Programme from Mr. Sagun Dhungana. We learned that Google is a search engine and we can get all sorts of information on Google. Google utilizes the information shared by sites and applications to deliver data to us. Google is one of the biggest search engine on the World Wide Web(WWW) handling more than three billion searches each day. Google's main objective is to organize the worldwide information and make it universally available and accessible to each and every corner of the world. Without search engines like Google, it is practically hard and failing to find any information on the internet. We also got a chance to know about ‘Web Crawling’. It is processed by which Google bot searches for new and apprised sites to add it to the Google Index. We use a huge set of servers to fetch( or crawl) billions of pages on the web. The program that performs this fetching is called Spider. Google knows a lot of things about you than you think it does. Once we become part of the global citizens, the world recognizes us and we are connected to the whole world. The global citizen is basically someone who identifies with being part of an emerging world community and whose actions contribute to building this community’s values and practices. Today, the forces of global engagement are helping some people to identify themselves as global citizens who have a sense of belonging to the world community. Google just connects our answer by crawling and this is the way by which we can know what is happening out there in the world. We cannot always say the Google is right in many ways and it can present itself to be wrong. Mainly it cannot be trusted with keeping our information private. So coming up to this point, we really got to know so much about a search engine. The results that are displayed are generally presented in a line of results often referred to as search engine result pages. The information provided by search engines might collective include images, videoes, web pages and other different formats of data. So these were the things that we learned from the Parent Talk Show Programme explained by Mr.Sagun Dhungana.

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Literacy Day- A day well spent
- Rusha Manandhar - 20008, Grad ... 27 December, 2018

Today I woke up at 6 AM. My sister was also sleeping by my side. I woke her up too. Then I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I opened the laptop so that I could be updated. I opened the messenger and read the messages sent by my friends and relatives. Suddenly, I remembered that we were going to celebrate Literacy day at our school. I was excited as well as nervous. I opened my bookcase and took the book” Karnali Blues” straight away. I had to write a book talk on it. I searched for some of the important points on Karnali Blues. I listed them out in my notebook. I then went downstairs to have breakfast. My mom and dad were already in the kitchen. My dad was scrolling the news feed while my mom was cooking an omelette for me. I had an omelette and then got ready for school.

I dressed up and my dad took me and my sister to school. I entered the class room. My classmates were already there. I shared them a little about literacy day. Our regular classes ran till second period. We then had a five minutes break. Our class advisor, Mr. Tej Kafle entered our class. He asked us to discuss about the plans we made with our group partners. Following his instructions, we discussed about the topic. We then went to get the necessary equipments for the event.

I along with my group members decorated the chart paper with borders, and worked on the plot and the setting of the novel “Karnali Blues” At around 2:20 PM, we were ready with our work. We went to the ground. The stalls were ready with the grade name specified. We stuck our chart paper on the bench.

We presented our project to the teachers and some students of our school. We had lots of fun presenting the project. Finally, the bell rang. We took our bags from our class room and proceeded to our home.

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Deerwalk Sifal Night 2018
- Krish Tamang - 20006, Grade I ... 25 December, 2018

Because of the grand event in our school, the school was very well decorated. The school had given a holiday for the students except for the participants. When I went to the school in the morning, the teachers were preparing for the event along with the students of Grade 10 as they were the main volunteers. I met my friends and we went to the music room. We were going to perform an instrumental Newari Dhun, ”Silu”. We did it a bit different this time as we used to play western instruments before.  I was going to play the Sarangi. I had been practicing Sarangi for 2 weeks continuously as it was a new instrument for me. After we finished practicing, we went downstairs to take a look at the decorations. The stage was set and the sound system was being checked. Then, we went back to our class, played games and watched videos. At 12 p.m. we had our lunch and practiced again. The program was going to start at 3:20 p.m. The students from the dance club were dressed and ready to perform. The performers were in their respective rooms. Parents started to arrive. We were in grade 10. We did not get to practice after the program started. One by one the participants performed. The parents were having a good time. Then it was our turn to perform. I was nervous from the inside because it was a new instrument for me. The microphones were set up. We did not get to check if the microphones were working. I realized that my mic was not working. The curtains opened. The performance started but my mic was still not working. I just played my part but it was not audible to the audience. The performance was over. We bowed to the audience and the curtains closed. Two weeks of practice and my mic did not work. But I was happy because at least I got to learn to play Sarangi. We kept our instruments in the room and watched other performances.

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Article Of DSN II
- Simon Sangat - 20015, Grade I ... 24 December, 2018

The day I would be remembering the most in my future, is the day when our school organized a great grand program called Deerwalk Sifal Night II, in which various performances were done. I personally enjoyed a lot that day.

On 30th November 2018, our school organized a grand program in which parents were invited to see some of the creative performances of the students. The school was all decorated and looked amazing. All the decorations were very attractive. The decoration was appreciated by everyone. Parents were invited at 3:15 p.m. and the program started at 3:20 p.m. All the parents were amazed looking at the beautiful decoration of the school. The students and the teachers had put on a great effort. Starting from the entrance gate it was all decorated with colorful balloons and creative paper handicrafts. The stage was also very attractive. The parents were very excited to watch the performances. The program started with the national anthem followed by welcome speech and then there was a welcome dance performed by dance club students. All the audience enjoyed the energetic dance. It was wonderful. Later, parents also enjoyed music, drama, Chinese and Sanskrit speech, dance, fashion show and many more which was very unique.

By the time, the program came to an end. The closing dance was done by the club students. It was very nice. At last, Our principal sir gave a short speech. After that, the students went back home with their parents. It was a well-spent day for me and I really enjoyed my day. The day will always be one of the memorable days for me.

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