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Our Faculty
Mr Giri holds Master Degree of Science in Physics from Tribhuvan University. He is the Deputy Head of High School and he teaches Physics.
Aakash Chandra Giri
Mr. Bakey holds a Master's Degree in Mathematics Education from Kathmandu University. He is a faculty of mathematics department.
Amir Bakey
Ms. Gurung holds a Bachelor's Degree in Humanities from Tribhuwan University. She is an Elementary Educator.
Anjali Gurung
Ms. Pokhrel holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration from Tribhuvan University. She is a faculty of English Language Department.
Ankita Pokhrel
Ms. Acharya holds a Post Basic Bachelor of Nursing from Purbanchal University. She is a school nurse and an elementary educator.
Arati Acharya
Mr. Ghimire holds a PhD in Physics from Tribhuvan University. He teaches Physics.
Basudev Ghimire
Ms. Karki holds a Masters Degree in Humanities from Tribhuvan University. She is an Elementary Educator.
Bidhya Karki
Mr. Gurung is a skilled national basketball player since 2006. He has more than 10 years experience as basketball coach. He is a basketball teacher.
Bikash Gurung
Ms. Paudel holds a Bachelor's Degree in Nepali from Tribhuvan University. She is a faculty of Nepali Language Department.
Bindu Paudel
Ms Pandey holds Master Degree in Business Studies from Tribhuvan University. She is the Elementary Educator.
Chanda Pandey
Mr. Bhattarai holds a Double Bachelor's Degree in Physics from Tribhuvan University and Engineering from Nepal Engineering College. He teaches coding.
Choodamani Bhattarai
Mr. Yonghang holds Master of Science in Chemistry from Tribhuvan University. He is a faculty of Chemistry Department.
Dhanshwor Yonghang
Ms. Limbu holds a Master's Degree in Nepali from Tribhuvan University. She is a faculty of Nepali Department.
Domankala Limbu
Mr. Puri holds a Master's Degree in Nepali from Tribhuvan University. He is a faculty of Nepali Department.
Durga Bahadur Puri
Mr. Paudel holds a Bachelor's Degree from Tribhuvan University. He teaches Yog & Meditation. He has also written various books on Yog.
Dwarika Paudel
Mr. Dahal is currently pursuing Bachelors in Business Studies and an experienced Table tennis coach. He is a TT Teacher at Sifal School.
Gananjaya Dahal
Ms. Rajbhandari holds a Master's Degree in Humanities from Tribhuvan University. She is an Elementary Educator.
Hama Rajbhandari
Ms. Rai holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Studies from Tribhuvan University. She is an Elementary Educator.
Hangkeng Rai
Mr. Subedi holds a Master's Degree in Nepali from Tribhuvan University. He is the Deputy Head of Middle School. He teaches Sanskrit.
Hari Prasad Subedi
Mr. Parajuli holds a Master's Degree in Mathematics Education from Tribhuvan University. He is a faculty of Mathematics Department.
Himal Parajuli
Mr. Kewrat holds a Bachelor's Degree in Science from Tribhuvan University. He is a faculty of Mathematics Department.
Ishan Kewrat
Mr. Dahal holds a Bachelor's Degree in English from Tribhuvan University. He is a faculty of English Department.
Kallol Dahal
Mr. Kaman holds a Bachelor's Degree in Physics from Tribhuvan University. He is a faculty of Mathematics Department.
Kaman Lama
Ms. Bajracharya holds a Master Degree in Nepal Bhasa from Tribhuvan University. She teaches Nepal Bhasa.
Krita Bajracharya
Mr. Gupta holds a Master's Degree in Humanities from Tribhuvan University. He is a faculty in Science Department.
Kuldeep Gupta
Mr. Maharjan holds Bachelor Degree in Computing USCI University. He teaches coding.
Kushal Maharjan
Mr. Jari holds a Master's Degree in Business Studies from Tribhuvan University. He is the Head of Social Studies Department.
Laxman Jari
Ms Adhikari holds Bachelor Degree in Science from Tribhuvan University. She is the Deputy Head of Elementary School. She teaches Mathematics.
Manisha Adhikari
Ms. Rajopadhyaya holds Master of Science in Physics from Tribhuvan University. She is the Head of Science Department and she teaches Physics.
Mazina Rajopadhyaya
Mr. Lamichhane holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration (Executive) and Bachelors of Engineering (Computer) from Kathmandu University. He teaches coding.
Milan Lamichhane
Miss. Dahal holds a Bachelor Degree in Science in Chemistry from Tribhuvan University. She is a faculty of Science Department.
Miss. Aastha Dahal
Mr. Pandey holds a Master's Degree in Mathematics from Tribhuvan University. He is the Head of Mathematics Department.
Mr. Bishnu Prasad Pandey
Mr. Ghimire holds a Master's Degree in Mathematics from Tribhuvan University. He teaches Maths.
Mr. Rohit Ghimire
Mrs. Gyawali holds a Master Degree in Nepali from Tribhuvan University. She is a faculty of Nepali Language Department.
Mrs. Sabita Gyawali
Mrs. Kafle holds a Master Degree in Nepali from Tribhuvan University. She is a faculty of Social Studies Department..
Mrs. Sushila Kafle
Ms. Bajracharya holds a Master's Degree in Business Studies from Tribhuvan University. She is an Elementary Educator.
Nemjala Bajracharya
Mr. Manandhar holds a Bachelor Degree in Music Ethnomusicology from Kathmandu University School of Arts. He teaches Music.
Rahul Manandhar
Mr. Pandey holds Master of Science in Chemistry from Tribhuvan University. He teaches Chemistry.
Ram Darash Pandey
Ms. Kisi holds a Bachelor Degree in Kathak and Master Degree in Sociology from Tribhuvan University. She teaches dance.
Rameshwori Kisi
Mr. Nepali holds a Master's Degree in Taekwondo from Korean Taekwondo Headquarter. He is national referee of khyorogi and poomsae from Nepal Taekwondo Association. He has an experience of 10 years. He coaches taekwondo.
Ramsharan Nepali
Mr.Bhattarai holds a Master's Degree in Chemistry from Tribhuvan University. He is a faculty of Science Department.
Roshan Bhattarai
Ms. Labh holds a Bachelor's Degree in Science from Calcutta University & B.Ed from Tribhuvan University. She is the Head of Elementary School & She teaches Mathematics.
Ruby Labh
Mr. Bhattarai is currently pursuing Bachelors in IT and is a skilled chess player. He is a chess teacher.
Sabin Bhattarai
Ms. Maharjan holds a Master's Degree in Chemistry from Tribhuvan University. She is head of high school and faculty of Chemistry Department.
Sagina Maharjan
Ms. Rai holds a Bachelor's Degree from St. Xavier's College. She is a faculty of English Language Department.
Samyo Hangma Rai
Mr. Rai holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration from Presidential Graduate School. He coaches football.
Sanjay Hang Rai
Mr. Malla holds a Bachelor Degree in Music from Kathmandu University. He teaches music.
Sanjog Malla
Ms. Lama holds a Bachelor's Degree in Physics from Tribhuvan University. She is Head of Middle School and she teaches Science.
Sapana Lama
Ms. Maharjan holds Bachelor Degree in Liberal Arts from Tribhuvan University. She is a faculty of Science Department.
Sarina Maharjan
Mr. Rai holds a Master's Degree in Mathematics from Tribhuwan University. He is a faculty of Mathematics Department.
Saroj Tenga Rai
Mr. Baidya holds a Bachelor Degree in CSIT from Tribhuvan University. He is teaches Coding.
Sayal Baidya
Ms. Poudel holds Bachelors of Education from Tribhuvan University. She is a faculty of Nepali Language Department.
Sindhu Poudel
Mr. Bhujel has done course on Theater Acting from Gurukul. He teaches theater acting.
Sitaram Bhujel (Rajan)
Mr. Chandyo holds a Master's Degree in Zoology from Tribhuvan University. He teaches biology.
Suresh Chandyo
Mr. Kafle holds a Master's Degree in Nepali Language from Tribhuvan University. He is the Head of Nepali Language Department and teaches Nepali.
Tej Prasad Kafle
Mr. Shahi holds a Bachelors Degree in Computer Applications from Purbanchal University. He teaches Coding.
Viplab Shahi
Mr. Adhikari holds a Master's degree in Performing Arts from Bhatkhande Music University, India. He teaches Sanskrit
Yatiraj Adhikari
Mr. Aryal holds a Master' Degree in Nepali from Tribhuvan University & Sastri from Nepal Sanskrit University. He is a faculty of Nepali Language Department.
Youb Raj Aryal
Ms. Burma holds a Master's Degree in Sociology from Tribhuvan University. She is a faculty of Social Studies Department.
Yukta Burma
Ms. Shrestha holds a Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts from Kathmandu University. She teaches Visual Arts.
Yunisha Shrestha