
Student Corner

Field Visit

Written by: Manip Maharjan - 2022009, Grade IX

Posted on: 17 December, 2019

Nepal Police Canine Division was established in the year 2026 B.S. It has been 50 years since it started. The dogs provide service in investigating of murder, terrorism, drug import-export, checking bombs before any VIP comes. Dogs are often used in airport to prevent terrorism and drug import or export. Dogs are used in natural calamities like earthquake, landslide, to rescue people or retrieve dead bodies. There are over 300 breeds internationally used in dog services. In Nepal, 8 breeds of dogs are used.   Individual scent is different and even twins have a slight difference in scent that is why dogs are used to find anything left by the culprit in the crime scene. When a dog finds a bomb or something like that it gives a certain signal. The most used dog breed in the world is German Shepherd. Dogs can detect smell because of their 250M-300M olfactory cells in their nose.