
Student Corner


Our Home: the Mother Earth
- Chanchal Sah - 25032, Grade X ... 05 February, 2024

Environmental Issues

The surrounding in which human beings survive and perform our day-to-day activities can be referred as the environment. It consists of biotic and abiotic components, living and non-living things. The environment provides us oxygen, land, water, food, timber, wood and a lot more things. We use them in our daily lives. We as humans, have humanity, love, care and respect, and we show these to other humans, but we seem to forget the love we need to give back to our Mother Nature. We never think that we should care for our environment as well. We are getting more and more selfish and limited to our petty needs. We do not know what would happen if we continue to take things for granted and continue to pollute the environment, cut trees, throw trash in rivers or dump plastics underground and kill animals owing to our needs. The more you ignore the environment, the more it becomes polluted with contaminants and toxins with harmful impact on our health. 

Air pollution can cause respiratory diseases and cancer, among other problems and diseases. The other side effects of pollution and destroying the environment have adverse effects on all of us. In order to save the environment, we should focus on growing more trees, use minimum plastic bags as possible, use alternative sources of energy, use more public transport, minimize littering the environment at most. If we take these small steps, our needs will be fulfilled and the environment will not have to suffer much. This way, we need to show humanity towards our environment. The pollution caused by our actions have an adverse effect on our health and increase in air pollution also causes global warming.


Global Warming 

Every day more and more industries are being built emitting smoke and dust particles in the air. Carbon dioxide level is rising and so is the heat. More and more trees are being cut for human habitat, manufacturing and construction. This is giving birth to a deadly phenomenon called global warming. Everyone is talking about financial crisis but no one cares about environmental crisis and global warming which is a threat to mankind. Global warming is a phenomenon in which carbon dioxide levels rise in the atmosphere which traps the heat of the sun. This slowly increases the temperature of the blue planet, slowly raising its temperature every year. We might not be able to notice it but it is happening now. The glaciers are melting, increasing sea level and millions of animals lose their lives unable to adapt to the changing habitat. This is an open invitation to threat to all the lives on earth. Soon, life on earth will no longer exist. All the green meadows will slowly disappear. Ultimately, it is possible that the earth will turn into a lump of rocks with no life. All the glaciers will melt causing countless tsunamis and floods in cities and colonies next to the ocean. If only we could stop it from happening, we can live longer with our animal friends on this heavenly planet. The root cause of global warming is urbanization. If we stop cutting trees and stop those industries from releasing toxic smoke in this atmosphere, there is a chance for us to exist longer. If we shut down the pollution causing factories, there is a chance for global warming to minimize. To completely stop it, we must plant millions of trees and stop polluting this God gifted environment. This environment or earth is home to us and all the other plants and animal are just our friends. So we should save it so that our future generations will also be able to see this beautiful earth with their beautiful eyes.

Our earth is a very interesting and unique planet. Our planet has just the right conditions for life to exist, and it is a very lively place. Earth is currently the only planet we can call "Home". Many Earth-like planets have been found by researchers all around the universe, but even though they have Earth-like characteristics, it lacks the essential building block of life. While there may be a suitable condition for hosting life, they are millions of light years away, and the current technology and the time limit we have are very limited for exploring further to it. Earth is the only planet with flowing rivers of fresh water and water reserves but we humans are trying to destroy it by modernization, and hence, suffering in a great way. Because of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, the ozone layer (the protective layer for lives on earth) is depleting in an unnatural rate, and this leads to skin cancer and the extinction of species. Global warming is trapping heat on earth leading to rising sea levels endangering human race subsequently. 



All in all, it seems that we should encourage others to plant more trees and seek an alternative resource of energy for a sustainable development of our future. If the evil practice of using fossil fuel continues, the oil reserves will soon vanish resulting in the never ending energy crisis for future generations and leaving unhospitable environment on the earth. Even Though the number of trees that are present is slowly increasing, the continuous use of fossil fuel and its results in the future is uncertain. If global warming continues, our earth will finally stop tolerating life in less than a few hundred years. Scientists say that some effects of it have been seen as many polar region animals are endangered. The polar ice caps are slowly melting away which increases the sea level and the low lying areas around the world can be submerged into the sea. So, we all should join hands together for a noble cause, and do our best to stop global warming and seek alternative ways to lower it before it is too late.


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Dependence on Technology
- Paurakh Raj Pandey - 24025, G ... 02 February, 2024

Technology simply means those things that make our life easier and provide us better services facilitating our tasks. Nowadays, as technology has been developing at such a fast pace, it has been affecting our lives imperiously. We have been using technology to do simpler things to solve and do big and important issues and things. We have become lazier these days since it takes less effort and more comfort. This has affected our physical health as well.

Being dependent on technology has made us forget our traditional technologies and skills. Yes, technology is indeed very helpful for our daily life, but being dependent on them has impacts on various things like traditional skills and physical health as well. We are being unable to read the map as nowadays because of the dependence on GPS and Mapquest for the directions. People are so dependent on their things that if they don’t have them, they get lost and cannot find their destination. And I also heard about something called automatic driving in which we don't need to do anything for driving cars. It drives itself. Similarly, calculators have become very essential famous among the students, shopkeepers. Many people use it to solve all the simple calculations as well instead of using their brains for it. This thing decreases the mental capacity to calculate. The digital cameras are also much popular as it is in most use the people face to use the different type of digital camera except it which is very dangerous as well. 

People are so much dependent on technology that their brains cannot develop well. They are physically and mentally impaired. Such dependence on technology makes our reading, learning, and writing powerless as much information could easily be found on the internet and other resources, so a person does not use his/her brain how much it could be occupied. Similarly, our ability to learn is also reduced to a great extent because computers can provide us all the information. Computers correct our spelling and grammatical mistakes so our English cannot be improved as well. Talking about food, people get packaged food so they don’t even learn to make it by themselves.

Similarly, internet has offered many facilities that help us in listening to music, chatting with our friends, watching videos and give us information about different things in a short time. People spend a lot of time on the internet rather than useful productive activities. I am also using internet to do my assignments easily and quickly. Then I also use it to chat with friends who are far from my home or city. Then I also use it to watch anime, movies, dramas, and many other things to entertain myself. I listen to music, songs, and other things. But what I think is that being dependent has imperious harmful effects although what I think is that if we use the technology properly and not being fully dependent on it, it can surely be very productive.

We can watch useful lectures and productive things through the internet. We can learn many things through the search engine about the world, history, past, countries, scientific inventions, and many other things. If we use these technologies properly, we can surely be more productive and creative. Keeping this in consideration I hope you will also improve your habit and make good use of the technology. 


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नजिकबाट अवलाेकन गर्ने अवसर पनि पाएँ …।
- Sparsha Dahal - 25073, Grade ... 02 February, 2024

नेपाल प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्यले भरिपूर्ण देश । नेपाल तिन भौगोलिक क्षेत्रमा विभाजित रहेको छ । हिमाल, पहाड, तराई तिन क्षेत्रको आफ्नो आफ्नै विशेष महत्व रहेको छ। तिनै विशेषताले गर्दा पनि होला नेपाल विश्वमा चर्चित छ । नेपालका तिनै क्षेत्रहरू निकै सुन्दर छन् । तिनै क्षेत्रले नेपाललाई विविन्न रुपमा पर्यटन क्षेत्रमा धकेली रहेको छ । 


तराई क्षेत्र नेपालको तल्लो भागमा अवस्थित रहेको छ । तराई  क्षेत्रलाई नेपालको अन्न घर भनिन्छ । नेपालमा पाइने धेरै जसो अन्न यही उब्जने गर्छ। तराईको माटो निकै मलिलो रहेको छ । तराई क्षेत्रमा २१ जिल्ला पर्दछन् । झापा, सिरहा, सप्तरी, मोरङ, सुनसरी, धनुषा, महोत्तरी, सर्लाही, बारा, पर्सा, रौतहट, चितवन, कपिलवस्तु, नवलपरासी, रुपन्देही, दाङ, बाँके, बर्दिया, कैलाली र कञ्चनपुर तराई क्षेत्रका जिल्लाहरू हुन् । 

 हाे, म पहिलो पटक तराई ३-४ वर्ष अगाडि गएको थिएँ । घुम्न जाने भनेपछि यसै पनि खुशी म तराई भनेपछि त्यो खुशीको सीमा तोडियो। पहिलो पटक तराई जाँदा आहा ओहो यस्तो पनि हुन्छ झैँ भयाे | यस्तोसम्म ठाउँ कतै मरुभूमि त होइन यो । म पहिलो पटक तराई दशैँ ताका  गएको थिएँ । चारैतिर फलिरहेका हरिया मन लोभ्याउने धान । तराई जाँदा काठमाडौंबाट सामान्यतया सिन्धुलीको बाटो राम्रो सुन्यौँ। हामीले पनि त्यही बाटो समात्यौँ ।

दशैँको यात्रा भएकाले म परिवारसँगै गएको थिएँ। दशैँ ताका परिवारसँग सँगै लामो यात्रामा मिठामिठा गफगर्दै हिड्नुको मजा पनि बेग्लै रहेछ । सिधुलीको बाटो भने सर्पभन्दा कम रहेनछ। साँगुरो घुमौरो बाटोले पनि छुटै मजा दियो । त्यो दिन को गन्तब्य सुनसरी । मेरो मामाघर रहेको थियो। गाईघाट र सप्तरीमा केही आफन्तजनको हातबाट टीका ग्रहण गर्यौँ। मैले पहिलो पटक सप्तकोशी नदिको दर्शन पाएँ। रातिको को समयमा त्यो नदीको सुन्दरता देखेर मेरो मनै लोभियो । अन्ततः काठमाडौँबाट हिडेको करिब  १२ घण्टापछि म मामाघर पुगे । भोलिपल्ट बिहान उठेर आफ्नो मामाघर ओरिपरि डुलेँ । साच्चै नेपाल पनि धेरै सुन्दर रहेछ। त्यहाँको कोशीको ताजा ताजा माछाको स्वाद भने बेग्लै नै हुँदो रहेछ। 

तत्पश्चात् हामी फुपूको हातबाट टीका थप्न बिराटनगर गयौँ। अहिले त गाउँ पनि धेरै विकास भयो भनेर टेलिभिजनमा मात्र सुनेको थिएँ। साच्चै हो जस्तो पनि लग्यो । तराईको सम्म बाटो वरिपरि हरियाली अहिले सम्झिँदा पनि आहा ! बिराटनगर सहर काठमाडौँ हेरीकन निकै सफा र शान्त रहेछ। बिराटनगरसँग भारत जोडिने जोगबनी नाका जोडिएको रहेछ। 

यो मौकामा पहिलो पटक म नाकाको बजार पनि घुम्न पाएँ । पहिलो पटक मैले रेल पनि जोगबनीमा देख्न पाएँ । 

हाम्रो योजना इलामसम्मकाे थियो तर समयको पावन्दीले गर्दा लामो समय सबैको बिदा भने मिलेन । त्यसैले भोलिपल्ट हामीले काठमाडौँ फर्कने निधो गर्यौ। फर्कदा खेरि बिहान सबेरै हिडेर जानकी मन्दिरको दर्शन गर्ने पनि टुङ्गो भयो । सोही योजनाअनुसार हामी बिहान सबेरै उठ्यौ र बाटोतिर लाग्यौँ । बिहान ४ बजे हामी त्यहाँबाट निस्कियौँ। करिब ११ बजेतिर हामी जानकी मन्दिरको दर्शन गर्न जनकपुर पुग्यौँ । जानकी मन्दिर राजमार्गबाट करिब २०/२२ किलोमीटर भित्र रहेछ। त्यहाँ मन्दिरको दर्शन गरी हामीले पेट पूजा गर्यौँ र त्यहाँ बाट फेरप काठमाडौँ फर्कन थाल्यौँ। 

त्यहाँबाट हिडेको करिब ८ घण्टापछि हामी काठमाडौँ आउन सफल भयौँ। यो यात्रामा मैले धेरै नयाँ कुरा देख्न र सिक्न पाएँ। 

मधेश जतिलै मैले पहिलो पटक देखेँ। तिनीहरूको रहनसहन, वेशभूषा, खानपिनको बारेमा मैले नजिकबाट अवलाेकन गर्ने अवसर पनि पाएँ । 


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- Bidhan Sen Oli - 24015, Grade ... 01 February, 2024

हिमालय बरफले सजाए, छायामा लुटाउँछ

हावा बोलायो रूपमा बदलाउँछ ।

जाडोको रात तारा चम्काउँछ

बरफले लेखेको प्राकृतिक कविता ध्वनिमा रहन्छ।


चाँदीजस्तै टल्कने ताराहरू झिल्मिलाउँछ

हौँसला दिलाउँछ बरफले सजाए खिल्मिलाउँछ ।

जाडोको रुपमा हिमालय बदलिन्छ,

बरफले छायामा सपनामा बजाउँछ ।


हिमालय बरफले ढाकेको रूपले चिनारी

बरफले सजाएको प्राकृतिक सुन्दरी ।

हिउँ हिउँ हेरी रूपले कविता लेखेको

बरफले रङ्गीन चित्रमा दृश्य हेरी बिस्तार गरेको ।


गर्मीको आगमन बरफले ल्याए राहत,

सुन्दर मौसम बरफले छायामा हर्षोल्लास बनाए राजा ।

प्रिय जाडो बरफले लेखेको कविता

हौँसला बढाउँछ हाम्रो मनमा चाहानाले खेलाडी हुन्छ ।


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A Brief History of Smoking
- Ojas Acharya - 25046, Grade X ... 01 February, 2024

Smoking, a practice that dates back to ancient cultures, has had a profound impact on public health, society, and culture. The act of inhaling and exhaling smoke created by burning tobacco or other materials has been practiced in human history for centuries. In ancient cultures, smoking was often used for ceremonial, ritualistic, or medical purposes. For example, indigenous tribes in the Americas used tobacco in sacred ceremonies long before European settlers arrived, while in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, smoking was a part of many ancient rites and medicinal practices. 

The history of smoking reveals an intricate tapestry, with its roots deeply embedded in various cultures around the world. This historical context provides a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding smoking and its impact on society. From its ceremonial and ritualistic origins to its widespread use in different parts of the world, smoking has played a significant role in shaping cultural practices and traditions. Furthermore, the effects of smoking on public health cannot be overlooked. The widespread use of tobacco has led to serious health issues and has become a major public health concern. The addictive nature of smoking has contributed to its prevalence and has led to efforts to curb its usage and promote healthier alternatives. 

The global trade expansion in the past centuries had a profound impact on the widespread adoption of tobacco and its integration into various cultures. The commercialization and mass production of cigarettes in the 19th and early 20th centuries transformed smoking into a pervasive cultural phenomenon, associated with leisure, socialization, and sophistication.

Smoking has deep-rooted social and cultural significance, woven into the fabric of various societies. One notable aspect is its role in rituals and ceremonies, where smoking becomes a symbolic expression of social bonding, spirituality, or transitional moments in life. Additionally, throughout different periods, smoking has donned dual identities. On the one hand, it was seen as a symbol of sophistication and status, signifying a certain level of refinement. On the other hand, it also became intertwined with rebellion, counterculture, and anti-establishment movements, providing a means for individuals to express dissent and nonconformity. The association of smoking with leisure, socialization, and sophistication has made it a significant commodity in global trade. Its widespread adoption and integration into various cultures have given it a deep-rooted social and cultural significance. Smoking has been associated with rituals and ceremonies, where it becomes a symbolic expression of social bonding, spirituality, or transitional moments in life. Moreover, smoking has had dual identities, being seen as a symbol of sophistication and status, as well as intertwined with rebellion, counterculture, and anti-establishment movements.

Smoking, a deeply ingrained cultural practice, has a complex history, originating from ceremonial rituals and transforming into a pervasive cultural phenomenon. Despite its widespread use, it has led to health issues and the promotion of healthier alternatives. Despite these challenges, smoking maintains dual identities, symbolizing refinement and rebellion, social bonding, and spirituality. The relationship between smoking, culture, and public health continues to evolve. The 19th century saw a significant transformation in the tobacco industry, as it shifted towards industrialization and commercialization. This period marked the widespread availability of cigarettes due to mass production techniques, leading to a fundamental change in tobacco consumption. However, the impact of the industry went beyond production, as it extended to public perception through strategic advertising.


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अविस्मरणीय यात्रा
- Sohan Bhattarai - 25003, Grad ... 31 January, 2024

पोखराको यात्रा सुरु गर्नु भनेको प्राकृतिक आश्चर्य र सांस्कृतिक समृद्धिको क्षेत्रमा पाइला टेक्नु जस्तै हो । जब म मेरो यात्राको लागि अग्रसर हुने क्षणहरू सम्झन्छु, उत्साह र प्रत्याशाको भावनाले मेरा विचारहरू भरिन्छन् । पोखराको नामले मात्र शान्त तालहरू, भव्य पहाडहरू र जीवन्त बजारहरूको छवि उक्साउँछ। 

मैले देवीको झरना भनिने यो साँच्चै चिसो झरना पनि देखेँ । तल खस्दा पानी धेरै चर्को थियो र यसको मुनि एउटा गुफा थियो । त्यहाँ हुनु अलि जादुई लाग्यो । म पनि गुप्तेश्वर गुफामा गएँ । जुन जमिनमुनि यी सबै चिसो ढुङ्गाहरू झुण्डिएको गोप्य ठाउँ जस्तै थियो । त्यहाँ अँध्यारो थियो तर साँच्चै रोचक पनि थियो तर यो प्रकृति सामानको बारेमा मात्र थिएन । पोखराका बजारहरू चहलपहलले भरिएका छन् । त्यहाँ हेर्नको लागि धेरै रङ्गीन चीजहरू थिए जस्तै हस्तनिर्मित शिल्प र पृष्ठभूमिमा बजिरहेको परम्परागत सङ्गीत। यो एक जीवन्त पार्टी जस्तै थियो । मैले केही स्थानीयहरूसँग कुरा गरें । उनीहरूले मलाई आफ्नो संस्कृतिका कथाहरू सुनाए । यसले मलाई संसार कति फरक र अद्भूत हुन सक्छ भन्ने महसुस गरायो।

मैले बिन्ध्यवासिनी मन्दिरमा ठाउँको भ्रमण गरेँ । यो अलिक थुम्काे थियो । त्यहाँबाट मैले पुरै पोखरा उपत्यका देख्न सक्थेँ । मन्दिर धेरै सुन्दर थियो । मानिसहरू प्रार्थना र अनुष्ठान गर्दै थिए । यो शान्त र शान्त महसुस भयो । पोखराको यो यात्रा केवल दर्शनीय स्थलहरू मात्र थिएन । यो नयाँ संसार पत्ता लगाउने जस्तै थियो । 

अन्त्यमा पोखरा जानु भनेको सपनाको संसारमा पाइला टेक्नुजस्तै रहेछ । मेरा लागि याे अविस्मरणीय बन्याे ।


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The Rise of Urban Gardening
- Muskan Singh - 24023, Grade X ... 31 January, 2024

 The Urban areas nowadays are really polluted and have been facing many environmental problems since each passing day. The environmental issues are very serious issues as they proportionally increase the death rate and also degrade the climatic situation. Humans are the superior among all the animals present on this earth. They are responsible for the situations of the earth and animals living here. Unfortunately for the fortune and easiness of the humans they have been degrading the environment for a very long time. It's high time to realize their mistakes and conserve the environment for future generations.


Urban Gardening means doing urban works like planting and harvesting in the polluted areas. It certainly decreases pollution and increases the quality of air and the environment. Thus pollution must be controlled and Urban Gardening must be promoted thoroughly. People should realize their contribution to the environment and be responsible for it. Duty and responsibility comes hand by hand, they are like the two sides of a coin and cannot be separated. Thus it's our responsibility to conserve our environment and be responsible for it. Thus one of the most useful and fruitful methods to do so involves Urban Gardening. It's the method which will certainly help to maintain the air conditions with water and soil in the areas like Kathmandu, Delhi and other polluted areas. Developed countries have already applied such a thing in their respective cities but developing and underdeveloped countries could still not do this thing. 


Greenery means conserving natural resources, and working for the protection of nature. Nature is the most important thing in everyone’s lives. The earth is the most beautiful place and suitable too for the people and other living things. It’s the only home we have and if we destroy our own home there might be nothing left. Nowadays there are many unnatural things occurring as some species are being extinct and some places are facing problems like floods, landslides, earthquakes and so on. It’s really heartbreaking to hear the news of wars and destruction all around the world. It doesn't only affect humans but nature too. For example, the war between Russia and Ukraine had brought so many deaths and harmed nature to a great extent. Fortunately, people are understanding their responsibilities and trying to protect nature through different activities. 

One of the major ones is Urban Gardening. This thing has actually impacted a lot for nature as most of the wastage and destruction on nature is done through such urban areas. Urban areas are a major source of pollution and environmental degradation but converting it into a cultivated village of the green spaces in the concrete jungle. In every place there are plants and the greenery is maintained. Similarly the chemical usage has decreased a lot. The places like the lakes, rivers and water bodies are being cleaned thoroughly and no wastage has been thrown at that place. People are not throwing the dust particles on the roads and other places rather than proper waste management. Similarly the materials like plastics made out of polymers and all their usages are being decreased thoroughly. Thus Urban Gardening is really needed in today’s scenario and its usage is also being increased in different areas. It’s recommended to implement this system in all the urban areas so that the most productivity can be acquired through it. 


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याे अविस्मरणीय पल बन्याे … !
- Ritesh Paudel - 25047, Grade ... 29 January, 2024

पोखरा मेरो स्वप्न नगरी थियो । म बारम्बार यसकाे बयान सुन्दथेँ । फेवा, रुपा, बेगनास, माछापुच्छ्रे आदिको बारेमा सुन्यो, पढ्यो अनि मस्तिस्कमा एक प्रकारको छवि बनायो यस्तै होला पोखरा भनेर । 

एक दिन बिहान बुबाले घरमा पोखरा घुम्न जाने कुरा निकाल्नुभयो । मेराे  खुसीकाे सीमा नै रहेन । बुबाले अब १/२ हप्तामा जानुपर्ला भन्नु भएको थियो । त्यसैअनुसार नै मैले सबै तयारी गरेँ । मङ्सिरको अन्त्यतिर भएकाले बिहान हल्का चिसो महसुस भैरहेको थियो । मङ्सिर २३ गते जाने कुरा थियो । त्यो दिन बिहानै ७ बजे हाम्रो गाडी आयो । 

हामी लगभग ७-८ घण्टाको यात्रापछि पोखरा पुग्याैँ । एउटा होटेलमा बस्ने निधो गर्याैँ । त्यहाँ पुगेपछि त्यो दिन आराम गर्ने निर्णय गर्याैँ । रातिको ८ बजे त्यस होटलका मानिसले हामीलाई खाना खान बोलाउनुभयो । 

निकै मिठो खाना थियो । खाना खाएर हामी सबै जना आगो ताप्ने ठाउँमा गयाैँ । आगो ताप्दै गीत सुन्दै बस्याैँ र रमाइलो गर्याैँ । 

लगभग ११:३० बजेसम्म त्यहाँ बसेछाैँ हामी । त्यसपछि सुत्न सुत्ने तर्खरमा लाग्याैँ । बिहान ७:३० बजे उठेर नास्ता गर्न गयाैँ र नास्ताको बेला बुबाले भन्नुभयो कि हामी ९ बजे डेभिड फल्स हेर्न जाने छौँ । त्यो कुरा सुनेर म निकै खुसी भएँ । खाजा खाएर एकछिन बसेपछि तयार हुन गएँ म । ९ बजे हामी सबै डेभिड फल्स तिर लाग्याैँ । लगभग आदि घण्टापछि त्यहाँ पुगियो । 

फेवातालको पानी भूमिगत सुरुङमार्ग हुँदै झरनाको रूपमा निस्कने रहेछ । "डेभिड फल्स " नाम एक दुःखद घटनाबाट आएको रहेछ  जहाँ डेभिड नामक एक स्विस पर्यटक झरनामा खसेर डुबेका थिए। घटनाको सम्झनामा स्थानीयले यसलाई ‘डेभिड फल्स’ नाम दिएका रहेछन् । त्यहाँ घुमेर, फोटोहरु खिचेर हामी सबै जना चमेरो गुफातिर लाग्याैँ । 

चमेरो गुफा हेर्दा हल्का डरलाग्दो थियो र त्यहाँ भित्र जाने बाटो नि हल्का डरलाग्दो थियो । यो गुफाभित्र पर्खाल र छत माथि हजारौँ चमेराहरुको बासस्थान रहेछ । गुफाबाट नराम्रो दुर्गन्ध रहेछ । त्यहाँ एकछिन घुमेपछि हामी बाहिर निस्कियाैँ र बाहिर निस्कदा घोडा देखियो ।

हामी सबैजना पालैपालाे  घोडा चढ्याैँ  । त्यसपछि १ बजेतिर हामी होटेल फर्केर र खाना खायाैँ । खाना खाइसकेर एकछिन आराम गर्याैँ र आराम गरेर ४:३० बजेतिर हामी बिन्दाबसिनी मन्दिर गयाैँ । त्यहाँ एकदमै भव्य तरिकाले पुजा भजन भैरहेको रहेछ । एकैछिन त्यही भजन आराधनामा हामी मग्न भयाैँ लगभग ६ बजेतिर होटेल फर्कियाैँ । होटेल फर्केर फेरि आराम र नास्ता गरियो । ८ बजे खाना खाइयो र ९ बजेतिर लेक साइड घुम्न गयाैँ । 

राति लेक साइड जानुको मज्जा नै बेग्लै रहेछ । वातावरण नै एकदम रमणीय । अनि १० बजेतिर होटेल फर्केर आराम गर्याैँ । भोलिपल्ट बिहान ७:३० बजे हामी फेवा ताल गयाैँ । एकदम ठुलो र राम्रो झन् बिहान त सुर्याेदय  भएको नि एकदम राम्ररी देखिने । त्यहाँ एउटा ढुङ्गा चढेर हामी ताल बराही दर्शनतिर पनि लाग्याैँ  । ताल बराहीमा दर्शन गरेर हामी होटेल फर्कियाैँ । 

होटेलमा नास्ता गरेर हामी कुस्मा,बाग्लुङको  सबैभन्दा लामो झोलुङ्गे पुल गयाैँ । त्यहाँ चड्दा निकै डर लाग्ने रहेछ अनि त्यो पुल निकै हल्लिने पनि रहेछ । बल्ल बल्ल त्यो पुल काटेर हामीले त्यहाँको रमणीय दृस्य हेर्याैँ । त्यहाँको दृस्य निकै अद्भूत थियो । त्यस्पछि त्यो पुल फेरि काटेर हामी कालिका भगवती मन्दिर गएर दर्शन गर्याैँ । त्यहाँ दर्शन गरेपछि हामी साराङकाेट गएर केबल कार चढ्याैँ  । हामी पुम्दिकोट र शान्ति स्तुपा पनि गयाैँ ।

तत्पश्चात् होटेल फर्केर  र खानासाना खाएर आराम गर्याैँ  र भोलि बिहानै ८ बजे गाडि चढेर काठमाडौँ फर्कियाैँ ।

मेराे पहिलाे भ्रमण भएर पनि हाेला मेरा लागि याे अविस्मरणीय पल बन्याे ! 


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- Sadhana Uprety - 24092, Grade ... 26 January, 2024

प्रकृति सौन्दर्यले बारीमा छान्नु छ

सुन्दर फूलहरू र बिरामी बगैँचाहरूमा ।


मन छाेएको प्रेमले जीवनमा रमाइलो ल्याउँछ,

बरफको ठोकरले गर्मीका रातहरू ठान्छ ।


प्रेमको रङ्गले रगाउँछ जीवनलाई

हरिया पर्वतहरूले सुन्दर दरीहरूमा ।


बादलको छायामा  मुस्कान तिम्रो ब्याप्त छ

पर्वत र नदीहरूले प्रेमको कहानी बोल्छ ।


सारा विश्व यात्रामा तिम्रो प्रेम खोज्छु

प्रकृतिको सौन्दर्यमा सपनाहरू रोज्छु ।


तिमी र म प्रेमको सिलसिलामा

प्रकृति र साथी हाम्रो जीवनमा ।


पूर्वी आसमानमा सूर्यको किरण बिछ्याए

खुसीको राजा प्रेममा रमाए ।


साथी हाम्रो  प्रकृतिको आँचलमा

बिताएको समय मिठा स्मृतिहरूमा ।


बर्फिला हिमालयमा आफ्नो सिपाही,

सुन्दर दृश्यहरूमा भयो हाम्रो मिलन ।


प्रेमको सागरमा लहराए हाम्रो जीवन

प्रकृति र प्रेम हाम्रो एक मात्र मिलन ।

हाम्रो एक मात्र मिलन

एक मात्र मिलन




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