
Student Corner

The Impact of AI on Education

Written by: Sana Shrestha - 25056, Grade XI

Posted on: 07 February, 2024


Artificial intelligence is the development of computer systems and machines which can perform various tasks that usually require human intelligence. Some of them are voice recognition, decision making and machine learning. In addition, it can solve complex problems, mathematical models, and analyze large amounts of data. It helps to authorize machines to solve different problems.

Positive impacts of AI on education

AI is projected and developed to do a particular job. It also contains the ability to understand and apply knowledge for many different tasks which are similar to human beings. This AI has direct impacts to various facets such as healthcare, education, transportation and finance. As technology is advancing AI is also bringing us closer to more advanced forms of AI. The impact of AI on education is that it covers different factors of teaching, learning and educational systems. It has played an important role in reshaping various aspects of our life. AI in education has brought a wave of new ideas, personalized learning and improved educational outcomes. Looking at personalized learning, smart tutoring systems and automated testing, AI has made technological advancements in education. AI is helping in education by making learning more advanced day by day. Instead of using the same teaching method for everyone, AI tries to understand each student, then customize the lessons and test on the basis of needs of each student and the way they like to learn. This can help them understand and enjoy learning more. Smart tutors are a big technological advancement in education. These tutors use AI to figure out where students find it hard, give specific help, and change their guidance based on how well each student is doing. Adaptive learning platforms use AI to make sure students get the right level of difficulty and support. This helps all kinds of students, whether they're learning quickly or need extra help. It also makes things like scheduling and keeping records much easier. This way, teachers can spend more time teaching and less time dealing with all the paper works. AI helps translate languages so that students can understand educational stuff in their own language. This makes it easier for people around the world to share knowledge.


Negative impacts of AI on education

AI in education has some negative impacts that some students might not have access to AI technology as others. In this generation we need the internet and technologies to make our life easier and help students to learn and understand better. But because of the financial difficulties it is hard for them to use AI technologies which can create a huge gap between rich and poor.AI is very useful and can do almost everything we command and instruct them to do but it cannot replace the human connection which are provided by the teachers. Teachers teach students by bringing emotions and their experiences to learning which is very important for students. But if we depend too much on AI then it might reduce these important interactions between teachers and students. Not just that there is also a risk of focusing too much on tests and numbers. And overthinking about the test scores could stop us from thinking creatively and critically. We need to be careful about the problems and negative impacts. 



In conclusion, AI in education has both good and bad sides. We need to be aware of the problems and keep balance with the positive impacts and negative impacts of AI. It will benefit the students and help them a lot in the educational sector if they use it positively. When there are two sides, sensible people always think of positive side to use for making substantive marks in their lives.