
Student Corner


Dinosaurs: Earth's Legacy and Intergalactic Speculation
- Muskan Singh - 24023, Grade X ... 22 February, 2024

It isn't always unbelievable to think that dinosaurs might have unlocked the secrets of time tour and, upon discovering an approaching cataclysmic occasion like a meteor strike, took proactive measures to make certain their survival. They may want to have built significant spaceships to explore the vastness of the universe and search for a new habitable planet. The fossils and bones which have been observed on earth should thoroughly belong to the ones dinosaurs left behind, while the moon turned ingeniously created to function as an observatory to hold a watchful eye on their authentic domestic. This theory profits a few guide from the reality that even Mercury and Venus,  neighboring planets, lack moons.

Perhaps, Earth did no longer in the beginning own a moon. In this hypothetical scenario, it is doable to assume that, upon witnessing the evolution of people on Earth, the advanced dinosaurs may have lower back to our planet to increase their knowledge and help in our development. It is even attainable that we have encountered their teachings and observed the brilliant systems they constructed, inclusive of the historic Egyptian pyramids. The ancient Egyptians worshiped deities with human, animal, and reptilian functions, referred to as Annunakies. Could it be viable that these Annunakies had been truly the dinosaurs who arrived on Earth in a humanoid form to resource humanity and establish a connection with us? 

Perhaps the pyramids have been built as symbolic representations of the Earth's structure, designed by way of those exceedingly advanced beings. When analyzing the evolution of human beings, one cannot ignore the possibility that dinosaurs may also have also undergone their own evolutionary advancements all through the remarkable span of their 300 million year reign on Earth. The large expanse of time opens up endless opportunities and allows us to entertain interesting thoughts. For example, I recently stumbled upon a concept-scary video wherein a woman proposed the concept that the moon could potentially be a complicated spacecraft designed especially to study life on Earth, mainly humans. 

To my marvel, while she posed this query to astronauts, they seemed to lend credence to her idea. While I can not in my view affirm the accuracy of her claims, I discover myself leaning towards the belief that dinosaurs were far greater advanced than people in the course of their time on Earth. In the end, delving into the evolution of human beings necessarily results in the contemplation of the dinosaurs' very own evolutionary adventure. While the ideas provided here are only speculative, they invite us to consider the possibility that dinosaurs have been now not simply primitive creatures, but rather superior beings who may additionally have played a sizable role in shaping our world. 

The mysteries surrounding their life and their ability to interact with humanity hold to captivate our imaginations, urging us to explore further and embrace the enigmatic possibilities that lie past our cutting-edge understanding. Adding another layer of intrigue, latest clinical findings have suggested that our moon is showing signs and symptoms of rusting, which scientists attribute to a mixture of iron and water at the moon's surface.

However, this raises a complicated question: how should water exist on such an arid satellite tv for pc just like the moon? While I should admit that the validity of my theory is uncertain, I have meticulously connected various strands of studies and information to formulate this hypothesis. Taking into account the dinosaurs' sizable reign on Earth and the scarcity of concrete evidence concerning their lifestyles, it's reasonable to consider the belief that they advanced into particularly clever interstellar beings and feature seeing that determined a new domestic environment on every other planet that offers them comparable conditions to Earth. Thus, all that remains of them on Earth are the creatures that constitute their legacy, normally known as animals.


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- Aashika Acharya - 25066, Grad ... 22 February, 2024

शिक्षा एउटा सुपर गाइड जस्तै हो, जसले हामीलाई जीवन अन्वेषण र आनन्द लिन मद्दत गर्दछ । यो छोटो र सरल छ तर यो अति महत्त्वपूर्ण छ । पहिलो शिक्षाले हामीलाई राम्रा चीजहरू सिक्न मद्दत गर्दछ । यो केवल सम्झना मात्र होइन तर हाम्रो वरिपरि चीजहरू कसरी काम गर्दछ भनेर बुझ्नेजस्तै  अनि पढाइ, लेखन, गणित र विज्ञानका नयाँ नयाँ ज्ञानगुनका कुराहरू । यसले रोजगारीको ढोका खोल्छ। चाहे तपाईं वैज्ञानिक, शिक्षक वा शेफ बन्न चाहनुहुन्छ । शिक्षाले तपाईंलाई ती उत्कृष्ट कामहरू गर्न उपयुक्त उपकरण र ज्ञान दिन्छ । शिक्षाले हामीलाई असल मानिस कसरी बन्ने भनेर पनि सिकाउँछ। यसले हामीलाई राम्रो हुनु, अरूलाई बुझ्ने, र सँगै काम गर्ने महत्त्व देखाउँछ। सबै भन्दा राम्रो भाग शिक्षा सबैको लागि हो । तपाईं केटा होस् वा केटी धनी होस् वा गरिब यसले फरक पार्दैन । जब धेरै मानिसहरूले सिक्ने मौका पाउँछन्, यसले सबैका लागि चीजहरूलाई अझ राम्रो बनाउन मद्दत गर्दछ । शिक्षा तपाईँको दिमागको शक्ति जस्तै हो । यसले हामीलाई रचनात्मक, जिज्ञासु र नयाँ कुराहरू सिक्न उत्साहित बनाउँछ। विद्यालयमा नहुँदा पनि, हाम्रो दैनिक जीवनमा समस्याहरू समाधान गर्न र चुनौतीहरूको सामना गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ । तसर्थ शिक्षा एक अद्भूत शक्ति हो । यसले हामीलाई सिक्न राम्रा जागिरहरू प्राप्त गर्न असल मानिस बन्न र संसारलाई अझ राम्रो र आनन्दित ठाउँ बनाउन मद्दत गर्छ ।

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स्वर्गको एक टुकुरा नेपाल
- Stup Bhattarai - 24045, Grade ... 21 February, 2024

नेपाली भई जन्मन पाको छु भाको छ इच्छा पूरा

हाम्रो देश नेपाल बिश्व सामु ,स्वर्गको एक टुकुरा

चार जात छत्तीस वर्णको फूलवारी हो यो लौ साझा

सारा नेपाली भनी विश्व सामु चिनिएका छौँ आज


हामीलाई उचाइमा पुर्याउने सगरमाथा छ शिर 

बुद्ध जन्मिएको शान्ति भूमिमा छौँ लाग्दैन कत्ति पीर

जे छ त्यही बोलिरहे यो मनले गर्दिन ठुला कुरा

हाम्रो देश नेपाल बिश्व सामु स्वर्गको एक टुकुरा


प्राकृति अनि संस्कृतिको पनि छ हाम्रो देश यो धनी 

चिनाउन पाउ विश्व सामु सधैँ म त नेपाली भनी 

जन्मिए यहीँ मर्न यही पाउ लौ हुने छ इच्छा पूरा

हाम्रो देश नेपाल विश्व सामु स्वर्गको एक टुकुरा


हिमाल पहाड अनि हेर लौ छसम्म तल तराई

भाइ बन्धु भइ बसिएको छ निलाग्दैन कोही पराइ

नेपाली कमजोर हुनुहुन्न सबैले यही भन्ठान

झुकाउन शिर जान्दैन है वीर गोर्खालीको सन्तान


वीर गोर्खालीका सन्तान हामी चिनिएको यही नाम

गर्न हुन्न कहिल्यै पनि शिर झुकाउने लौ काम

फेरि पनि दोहोर्याउन मन लाग्यो मलाइ उहीँ कुरा

हाम्रो देश नेपाल विश्व सामु स्वर्गको एक टुकुरा


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Role of Electronic Media for Educating People
- Saanvi Adhikari - 25058, Grad ... 21 February, 2024

We need not be irritated by the electronic media as it seems today. Electronic media such as the radio, television, and the internet have been educating people in politics in multiple ways: through news and views, and promoting public awareness. Although they are commercial media, they provide some services to people who are their target audiences. One of their major functions is to educate people. 


Educating people through News 

Electronic media deserve relative freedom to serve their audiences by providing news possessing ABC (Accuracy, Balance and Credibility) properties. When people get factual information in the form of news, they can learn many things. The news belonging to politics and current issues make people build up their opinion about political programs, leaders and the programs of the government as well. For instance, the news of a program organized by a major political party is essential to all the people. They can learn the principles of these parties by analyzing the news broadcast. In the elections, people can choose the candidates on the basis of the understanding they have developed. Similarly, people can learn the duties and rights of citizens by analyzing the news they get on the electronic media.


Educating people through Views

Similarly, electronic media educate the people in politics by broadcasting or telecasting or transmitting different views belonging to different political principles. For instance, the interview with a communist party leader on radio or television transmits the communist principles which people can compare with a democratic principles which people can compare with non-communist philosophies. Likewise, people can be exposed to political views if they make use of the internet because different views on politics can be found there. Furthermore, if people are equipped with the knowledge belonging to distinct views, they can understand what the rights to politics are and try to enjoy them in their real life. Thus, the electronic media can contribute to educate people in politics by providing different views. 


Educating people by Awareness 

Electronic media can educate the people by promoting public awareness through different programs. If people watch and listen to a program on television, in which the importance of voters is being discussed, they will be alert in the election and they understand why elections are important. Similarly, by getting different information on the internet, people can enhance the level of their awareness in politics. 


In addition to the ways mentioned above, electronic media can educate the people in politics through other ways, too. In our country, during Janaandolan-II , private TV channels were found promoting political awareness of the people by telecasting different news and views. Thus, we can conclude that electronic media can educate the people in various ways significantly.


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अनुशासनको महत्त्व
- Ojas Acharya - 25046, Grade X ... 20 February, 2024

अनुशासन मानव विकासको एक आधारभूत पक्ष हो । यो विद्यार्थी जीवन सफल पार्न पनि त्यति कै महत्त्वपूर्ण छ । अनुशासनले  शिक्षा र व्यक्तिगत वृद्धिको चुनौतीपूर्ण भूभागहरू पत्ता लाउन सहयोग गर्दछ । अनुशासन एक मार्गदर्शक शक्ति बन्छ जसले चरित्रलाई आकार दिन्छ, सफलतालाई बढावा दिन्छ, र भविष्यका जटिलताहरूको लागि तयार गर्दछ ।

अनुशासन शैक्षिक सफलताको आधारशीला पनि हो । यसले लगनशीलता, समय व्यवस्थापन र बलियो कार्य नैतिकताको बानीहरूको खेती गर्दछ । अनुशासनलाई अँगाल्ने विद्यार्थीहरू आफ्नो अध्ययनमा ध्यान केन्द्रित गर्न, समयसीमा पूरा गर्न र उनीहरूको शैक्षिक कार्यहरूमा उत्कृष्टता दिन सक्छन् । 

पाठ्यपुस्तक र कक्षाकोठाको सीमानाभन्दा बाहिर पनि अनुशासनले विद्यार्थीको चरित्र निर्माणमा ठुलो भूमिका खेल्छ । यसले जिम्मेवारी र आत्म-नियन्त्रण स्थापित गर्दछ । अनुशासनको अभ्यास गर्ने विद्यार्थीहरूले नैतिक कार्यहरू गर्छ र असल नैतिक चरित्र प्रदर्शन गर्ने र उनीहरूको बसोबास गर्ने समुदाय र समझ्नाहरूमा पनि सकारात्मक रूपमा योगदान गर्ने सम्भावना बढी हुन्छ।

अनुशासनले विद्यार्थीहरूलाई समय व्यवस्थापन र आफ्नो लक्ष्य निर्धारण गरी अमूल्य सिपहरू सिकाउन पनि सहयोग गर्दछ । कार्यहरूलाई प्राथमिकता दिन सिकाउँछ, प्राप्त गर्न सकिने उद्देश्यहरू सेट गर्नु सहयोग गर्छ । ती हासिल गर्नका लागि व्यवस्थित रूपमा काम गर्न पनि अनुशासनले नै सिकाउँछ । यी सिपहरू सफलतामा मात्र योगदान नगर्दै विद्यार्थीहरूलाई व्यावसायिक रुपमा पनि काम गर्न सिकाउँछ । 

अनुशासन आफ्नो र अरूको सम्मानको साथ हातमा जान्छ। अनुशासित विद्यार्थीहरू शिक्षकहरू, साथीहरू, मानिसहरू समुदाय र समाजप्रति बढी सम्मानजनक हुन्छन्। यस सम्मानले एक सकारात्मक सिकाइको वातावरण सिर्जना गर्दछ । स्वस्थ सम्बन्धहरूलाई बढावा दिन्छ जसले शैक्षिक क्रियाकलापभित्र र बाहिर दुवै सामाजिक वातावरणमा योगदान गर्दछ।

अनुशासनले नकारात्मक व्यवहारहरू विरुद्धको सुरक्षाको रूपमा कार्य गर्दछ । अनुशासनको महत्त्व बुझेका विद्यार्थीहरूले दुरुप्रयोग वा धोखाधडीजस्ता जोखिमपूर्ण वा हानिकारक गतिविधिहरूमा संलग्न हुने सम्भावना कम हुन्छ । अनुशासनका सिद्धान्तहरूले उत्तरदायित्वको भावना जगाउँछन् । विद्यार्थीहरूलाई सूचित र जिम्मेवार हुनका लागि मान्छेहरूलाई प्रोत्साहन गर्छ ।

अन्त्यमा, अनुशासन भनेको विद्यार्थी अथवा मानिसहरूमाथि लगाइएका नियमहरूको सेट मात्र नभई यो एक मार्गदर्शक सिद्धान्त हो जसका कारण आफ्नो जीवनमा नियन्त्रण गर्न सशक्त बनाउँछ। विद्यार्थीको जीवनमा अनुशासनको महत्त्वलाई अतिरञ्जित गर्न सकिँदैन किनकि यसले शैक्षिक सफलता, चरित्र विकास र पूर्ण भविष्यको लागि जग बनाउँछ । अनुशासनलाई अँगालेर, विद्यार्थीहरूले शैक्षिक यात्राका चुनौतीहरूको लागि मात्र तयारी गर्दैनन् तर कक्षाकोठाभन्दा बाहिर पनि सफल र अर्थपूर्ण जीवनको लागि आवश्यक सिपहरू सिकाउँछ।


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खुसी पक्कै आउने छ !
- Parimal Prakash Nepal - 24084 ... 19 February, 2024

खुसीका पलहरू गुमे जस्तै लाग्छ अचेल कतै

म यहीँ भिडमा हराएझैँ लाग्छ अचेल कतै

सफल हुँदिनजस्तो लाग्छ तर

फेरि आशा संसार जित्ने छ कतै ।।

ठूलो भएसँगै के भयो खै 

खुसी खोज्दा खोज्दै हराइसकेको जस्तो लाग्छ

कसैलाई खुसी पनि दिन सकिन जस्तो लाग्छ

तर ठुलो हुँदै गर्दा बुझेँ 

यहाँ कसैलाई केही गरेर पनि खुसी पार्न सकिँदैन रैछ

बगेको नदी र अस्ताको घामझैँ

दुःख जाला अन्तै तिर चलेको बतासझैँ

खुसी आउँछ होला फर्केर धैर्यको मिठो फलझैँ

आउँदैन होला फर्केर गएको बतासझैँ ।।

खुसी खोज्दै जीवन बित्छ जस्तो छ

तर अब म हरेक कुरामा खुसी खोज्ने छु 

भोलि जिन्दगीको यति मीठो पल पनि गुमाएछु भन्ने नलागोस्  

चाहे परिस्थिति जस्तोसुकै होस्, 

मनस्थिति बलियो बनाएर अगाडि बढ्ने छु 

के थाहा खुसीले नि मलाई कतै खोजिरहेको छ कि ? ।।


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Is AI Taking Over the World?
- Sangam Sedhai - 25002, Grade ... 19 February, 2024

The improvement and effect of counterfeit insights (AI) have started critical wrangle about and concern. Whereas a few specialists accept that AI has the potential to essentially progress human life by disposing of destitution, decreasing malady, and giving way better instruction, others have communicated stresses around the concentration of riches and control, as well as the potential for AI to be utilized in hurtful ways. The public's need for understanding of AI and its suggestions has too been highlighted as a concern. To guarantee the impartial sending of AI and the improvement of social bad form, there has to be an AI-literate open, guarantee diversity within the improvement of AI innovations, and center on AI instruction within the instructive division and public-facing media.

The transformative effect of AI on the world is evident in the areas such as financial improvement, healthcare, transportation, and security. For instance, a study by PriceWaterhouseCoopers evaluated that AI advances may increase worldwide GDP by 14% by 2030, with critical propels in several continents of the world. China, in specific, has set a national objective of contributing $150 billion in AI and points to lead in manufactured insights.

The potential of AI to revolutionize society, from progressing healthcare and transportation to profoundly modifying how we live and work, is highly recognized today. The advancement and application of this innovation are not without dangers. Concerns around work uprooting, predisposition, separation, and moral suggestions have been raised. It is emphasized that analysts, decision-makers, and the common open thought collaborate to guarantee that AI is created and utilized in ways that are ethical, open, and profitable to society. The benefits and risks of AI are a subject of progressing talk. The capable improvement and arrangement of AI will require conscious thought of its moral suggestions, potential dangers, and the requirement for open understanding and engagement. By tending to these concerns, it is accepted that AI has the potential to contribute to a distant, much better and more affluent future for all.

The effect of AI on society is multifaceted, and it is basic to carefully explore its advancement to guarantee that the benefits are maximized whereas relieving potential dangers. The dependable and moral utilization of AI will be vital in forming its effect on the world. As AI proceeds to development, it is vital for partners to work together to address the challenges and openings it presents, eventually endeavoring for a future where AI contributes to the well-being and headway of society.

Finally, the potential of AI to essentially move forward human life is significant, but it is necessary to address the concerns and dangers related with its advancement and sending. By cultivating a better understanding of AI, advancing diversity in its improvement, and guaranteeing moral utilization, AI has the potential to bring about positive and transformative changes in various aspects of society. It is through mindful engagement with AI that its benefits can be realized whereas minimizing potential hurts.


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Unveiling the Mysteries of Dream
- Pranisha Dhital - 24054, Grad ... 16 February, 2024

The first thing that comes to mind when I think about the word dream is, "Why do we dream?" There has been a lot of research conducted to determine why we dream, but the study of dreams is a dynamic issue, and the research continues to improve our understanding of this interesting aspect of the human experience. 

Sometimes I think that human beings only dream, or that other living beings also dream. And the answer to that question is that scientific research has said that some mammals dream like humans who have the same sleeping pattern like us and those who have a complex brain. Dreams are like magical stories that happen in our minds when we sleep. People have always been curious about them because they are mysterious and interesting. In this essay, I will talk about dreams, why we dream, what scientists say about them, and what they mean to different people.

Other things that come to mind when I think of a dream or dreaming are that sometimes we remember the dream that we dreamed about while we were sleeping, and sometimes I think that maybe it's giving some important message or hint that may be good or bad for the real world. Don’t you think so?

Sometimes I feel like I have experienced something previously, and I analyze the situation and come to the conclusion that I experienced the same thing in my dream. Such dreams are "precognitive dreaming." At first, I thought that it must be deja vu, but it was not. Now, what is a dream? A dream is a collection of pictures, emotions, thoughts, and experiences that occur unconsciously in the mind during various phases of sleep. Dreams may be vivid and intense experiences that feel genuine, despite the fact that they are created by the brain and do not take place in the actual world. 

I believe we do not dream every day when we are sleeping. At such moments, our brain rests well; yet, some days we dream while sleeping, indicating that our brain has not rested properly. How many times can you relate that the day we dream of something, the next morning, after sleeping for a longer time than usual, we feel tired as our brain has not gotten any rest?

Scientists have found that dreams usually happen when we are in the deep part of our sleep, called REM sleep. They think that dreams are our brain's way of organizing memories and feelings. While we still don't know exactly why we dream, scientists are working hard to understand it better. Some smart people who study the mind, called psychologists, have different ideas about dreams. Some think that dreams show what we really want or what we think deep inside. Others believe that dreams can help us solve problems or learn more about ourselves. It's like our mind is talking to us through dreams.

In different parts of the world, people have their own ideas about dreams. Some cultures believe that dreams are messages from gods or spirits. Ancient civilizations thought dreams had special meanings, like predicting the future. People's beliefs about dreams are shaped by where they come from and what they grew up learning.

Have you ever been in a dream and realized you were dreaming? That's called lucid dreaming! It's like being the director of your own dream movie. Some people can even control what happens in their dreams. This is a new and exciting area that scientists and dream enthusiasts are exploring to understand how it works and how it can be useful.

Dreams, the nightly blockbuster movies of our minds, remain a puzzling yet entertaining feature of our sleep. Scientists are the backstage crew, psychologists are the detectives, and cultures worldwide are the audience, each with their own critique. And then there are the lucid dreamers, rewriting the script with a touch of personal humor. In this dreamy circus, whether you're the star or just a spectator, may your dreams be as amusing as a cosmic comedy show. Sleep tight and dream light!


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अविस्मरणीय २०८० काे दसैँ !
- Sweta Ghimire - 25001, Grade ... 16 February, 2024

देवी दूर्गालाई समर्पित चाड, दशैँ मेरो मन पर्ने चाड मध्ये एक हो ।  हुन नि किन नहोस् ?  हरेक पटक असोज महिनामा दसैँअघि एउटा त्रैमासिक परीक्षा हुने गरेको थियो । त्यसपछि परीक्षा सकिएपछि दसैँ बिदा सुरु हुन्थ्यो । बाल्यकालदेखि अहिलेसम्म दसैँ आउनु भनेकै नयाँ लुगा लगाउन पाउनु, नयाँ जुत्ता लाउन पाउनु र मिष्ठान्न भोजन जस्तै सेलरोटी, फिनी, पक्कु आदि खान पाउनु थियो ।  मेरो लागि दसैँको मुख्य आकर्षण  चङ्गा उडाउने र  गाउँको पिङ नै थियो । अर्कोतर्फ हेऱ्यो भने मलाई दसैँको मौसम असाध्यै मन पर्छ । शरद ऋतुमा रमाएको प्रकृति हेर्दा मनले आनन्द प्राप्त गर्छ । दशैँमा पन्ध्र दिनहरू हुन्छन्: घटस्थापना, फूलपाती, महाअष्टमी, नवमी र विजयादशमी । जसमा दशैँको पहिलो नौ दिनलाई नवरात्री भनिन्छ ।  हरेक दश दिनमा फरक फरक कामहरू गरिन्छ । यसपालीको दसैँ कार्तिक महिनामा थियो । घटस्थापना दसैँको पहिलो दिन हो । आज बिहान हामी परिवारका सबैजनाले  नुहायौँ र चोखो लुगा लगायौँ । आमा छिमेकी कल्पना काकीको घरमा गाईको गोबर लिन जानुभयो ।  पूजाको लागि आवश्यक सामान ल्याउन बाबा बजार जानुभयो । त्यसपछि हामी सबैले पूजाकोठालाई सफा गरिसकेपछि बुबाले जमाराको स्थापनाको लागि गोबर, कलश र अन्य सामग्रीहरू ल्याएर पूजा गर्न थाल्नुभयो । गुरुवाबाट मैले पहिलोपल्ट थाहा भयो कलश स्थापना गर्ने कोठालाई दसैँ घर भनिन्छ । हामी सबैजना र मेरो ९६ वर्षको हजुरबुवासँग मन्दिर  गयौँ  । पूजापाठले नै घटस्थापनाको दिन सिद्धियो ।   


घटस्थापानापछि सातौं दिनमा फूलपाती आउँछ । मेरो फुलपाती अघिका दिनहरू घरमै त्यत्तिकै बित्यो ।  आमा र मैले जमरा, बेलपत्र र उखुजस्ता विभिन्न सामग्री ल्यायौँ । यस दिन देवी दुर्गा र कालीलाई स्वागत गर्न उखुको डण्डीलाई कलशसँगै रातो कपडाले बाँधेपछि पूजा गर्यौ ।  त्यो दिन महिले गृहकार्य गर्नुपर्ने थियो त्यसैले म दिनभरी गृहकार्य गरे  र दिन त्यसै बित्यो । भोलिपल्ट महाअष्टमी थियो । यस दिन मेरी आमा व्रत बस्नुभएको थियो। त्यसैले म र मेरो बाबा चामुण्डा मन्दिरमा चामुण्डा माताको पूजा गर्न गयौँ । यस दिन देवीको मन्दिरमा धेरै  भैँसी बोकाको  बलि चढाइन्छ । आजको रातलाई कालरात्री भनिन्छ भन्ने पनि कुरा मलाई थाहा भयो ।  यही दिन मैले पहिलोपल्ट ढिढो पनि चाखेँ । नवमी दसैँको नवौँ दिन हो । यसै दिन सृजनात्मकताका देवता विश्वकर्माको पनि पूजा गरिन्छ । त्यसैले यो दिन आमा, बाबा, भाइ र म नरिवल, रातो र पहेँलो कपडाले थाली तयार पारेर गाडीतिर लाग्यौँ। स्कुटर र कारको पूजा गर्यौं । त्यसपछि मेरो बुबाले मेरो निधारमा टीका लगाउनुभयो र मलाई पैसा दिनुभयो । मेरो बुवाले मलाई सवारी साधनको पूजा गर्नुको कारण पनि बताउनुभयो । वर्षभरि हुने दुर्घटनाबाट सवारी साधन र यात्रुको सुरक्षाका लागि दुर्गा देवीबाट आशीर्वाद प्राप्त गर्नको लागि यो हो  भन्ने कुरा थाहा पाएँ  दिनको बीचमा मैले थाहा पाएँ कि यो दशैको नवौँ दिन हो ।


त्यसैगरी हेर्दाहेर्दै दशमी पनि आयो । दशैँका दिनहरूमा मलाई दशमी असाध्यै मन पर्छ। यस दिन म चाँडै उठेर नुहाए। त्यसपछि केही मिनेटपछि मैले चिया र बिस्कुट खाएँ। म मेरो कपाल सुकाएर रमा मामुलाई मद्दत गर्न माथि घर गएँ । किनकि मेरो हजुरबुवाको पनि बाबा बसेको ठाउँमा टिका लगाउने चलन छ । त्यहाँ पुग्दा मलाई थाहा भयो कि टीकासहित ११:०२ बजेको छ। त्यसैले मेरी आमाले अन्य आन्टीसँग विभिन्न परिकार पकाउनुभयो । सबै कुरा तयार भएपछि म र मेरी आमा घर फर्कियौँ । फर्किएपछि म तयार हुन थालेँ । मैले कुर्ता लगाएर कपाल बनाएर आमालाई तयार हुन मद्दत गरें। मेरो भाइ पहिल्यै लुगा लगाएको थियो। १०:३० मा हामी माथी घर गयौं। बिस्तारै काकु र काकी पनि माथीघरमा आउनुभयो । हामी तीनै घर परिवारका सदस्यहरू लगभग २१ जाना थियौं । त्यसपछि ११ बजेदेखि १२ः३० बजेसम्म टीका लगायौँ। त्यसपछि सबै परिवार मिलेर दाल, भाट, कुखुरा, आलुको आचार, दुई आदि खाएपछि आमा, बाबा, भाइ र म मामघर गयौँ र त्यहाँ पनि टीका र जमरा लगाएर आशिर्वाद लियौँ । त्यसपछि हामी ४ बजे घर फर्कियौँ । त्यसपछि दिन सकियो । मेरो दशैँ बिदाको दिन पनि सकियो । त्यसैले तीन दिन मैले आफ्नो काम (गृहकार्य) पूरा गरेँ । हेर्दाहेर्दै नेपालीहरूको महान चाड दशैँ पनि सिद्धियो । 

२०८० दशैँ रमाइलो भयो !


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मेरी आमा
- Pranish Khanal - 24080, Grade ... 15 February, 2024

काखमा नागबेली लहराएकी

छातीमा छहरा सजाएकी 


शिरमा हिराकाे ताज पहिरेकी विश्व सुन्दरी हुन् मेरी आमा

तर अहिले

मेरी आमा झुत्री भइन्

गरिब भइन् 

जिङ्ग्रिङ्ग भइन् 

त्यसैले त म उनको पहिचान लुकाउँछु 

साइनो बदल्छु,

उस्तै परे नयाँ आमा नै खडा गर्छु

तपाईंहरू छक्क पर्दै सोचिरहनु भएको होला

के आमा पनि फेर्न सकिन्छ र ?

वास्तविकतामा यस्तै भइरहेको छ यहाँ

यहाँ  त

धमाधम आमा फेरिँदै छ

नेपाल आमालाई लत्याईँदै छ


अँगालिदै छ

अमेरिका, क्यानाडा अस्ट्रेलिया र यस्तै यस्तै अनगिन्ती नक्कली आमाहरू

नेपाल आमालाई लत्याइँदैछ

केही कुसन्तानका कुकर्मले पिरोलेको छ नेपाल आमालाई

ऐया ! ऐया ! भन्न बाध्य बनाएको छ

यद्यपि यस्तो घडीमा आमालाई अँगाल्न नसक्ने 

धिक्कार छ आजको पिडीलाई 

धिक्कार छ यस्तो आधुनिकतालाई 

तर अब उठौँ, जागौँ

टल्किने हिराकाे झल्झलाकार घुम्टाेले 


सञ्जीवनीकाे अत्तर छर्किदै 

संस्कृतिकाे बिगुल फुक्दै 

र यी हाम्रा परिश्रमी हात र कर्मठ मनले भनाैँ 

जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरियसी ।


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Has the Internet Positive or Negative Impacts?
- Muna Gautam - 25085, Grade XI ... 15 February, 2024


Internet is the interconnected wave of networks that connects computers all around the world. Internet allows us to interact with everything all round the world in a short period of time. The Internet is an essential tool for modern civilization since it makes cross-border communication, information sharing, and collaboration accessible to all. Computer scientists Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf are known as the inventors of the internet as they came up with an idea of Transmission Internet Protocol and Internet Protocol in the 1970s. They are also known as the "Father of internet". Before the 1970s, Larry Robert from MIT invented "Package switching" in 1967 which allowed a way of sending information. Even though the internet was there to communicate and send information, it was not available everywhere. So in the 1990s, Tim Berners Lee created the world wide web and HTML was made the basic building of the computers. It transformed the internet into a user-friendly platform for information access.  The Internet has made everything possible in the world of computers like instant messaging, internet relay chat, and electronic communications through the internet. The internet has both positive and negative impacts on our society. It is true that positive impacts overrule the negative. Talking about the bright side, we find many benefits. 


Connectivity and communication

The internet has connected the world now. It is possible to communicate to and from anywhere in the world via this hub of networks. More than ever, communication is now more convenient. Thanks to the Internet. The internet has connected us through different social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and many others. Social media sites, email, and messaging apps have completely changed how people interact with one another, bridging geographical gaps in relationships.



Through the means of internet, on social media platforms we can get live news from all around the world. Information about almost any topic is available on the internet. It is a helpful resource for communicating and conducting research on a wide range of subjects. You can obtain directions to practically any location in a city, nation by using GPS technology. Nearby services such as restaurants and shopping centers are easily accessible. We can know the real time events around the world by sitting at our home. We can learn about anything through the internet in ChatGPT, YouTube and different platforms. With the development of e-learning platforms, online courses, and educational resources, the internet has completely changed the way people learn. A wide range of information is available to students, which improves their educational experience.



Internet has made our lives much easier. It has become the source of income for many people. It has made it possible to make money online by selling goods or services. It expands the consumer base, which boosts revenue and profit.  We can now work from home. Many businesses now permit their staff members to work from home. We can listen to online music, watch movies, videos of our choices and play video games. By sitting at our office we can check everything happening at our home. By creating entertaining videos or about any content now we can earn a lot of money. This can learn about the vacancies and about anything through the internet.


Digital Divide

However, the internet also has some dark sides. The term "digital divide" refers to the unseen gap that exists between those who have easy access to the internet and others who find it difficult to use it. People from the richer background have access to everything but the marginalized people can face many problems as they are not introduced to the world of internet. They find it hard to get computers, phones as they are expensive. So, the internet has also divided the world into two halves where one has access to knowledge about the e world and the other one is still left behind making it hard to get job opportunities, education and information.


Privacy concerns

The internet poses privacy risks. Cybercriminals attempt to steal passwords, do Cyber bullying credential numbers and so much digital information. Third-party apps that are linked to social network accounts may also have access to user data. Businesses track user behavior online, build user profiles, and target you with customized advertisements using cookies and other tracking technologies. Loss of identity and violation of privacy may result from this. Personal information like name, email address, and browsing history is frequently collected by websites and online services. This information may be sold to unaffiliated parties, used for targeted advertising, or even made public through hacking.


Therefore, the internet has numerous other disadvantages like Social isolation, spread of misinformation and it leads to addiction and distraction. It has both positive and negative impacts on our society. So, it must be used wisely in order to learn new things. The internet has countless benefits if it is used wisely. We must be aware of the disadvantages and digital literacy, security measures and mindful behaviors should be applied while using the internet.


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