
Student Corner


Benefits of Physical Exercise for Mental Health
- Aryan Chaudhary - 24064, Grad ... 21 September, 2023

The relationship between exercise and our mental well-being is interesting. While we often think of exercise as good for our bodies, it is also great for our minds. Scientists have found that when we regularly move our bodies, it can do wonders for how we feel mentally. It can help us handle stress better, make us feel happier, and even help us think more clearly. So, exercise is not just a workout for our muscles, it is like a workout for our minds too.

Exercise is often valued for its physical health benefits, such as weight control, heart health, and strength building. However, exercise also affects mental health. Whether we are going for a walk, hitting the gym, or playing a sport, finding an enjoyable activity that you can do regularly can have a positive impact on your mental health. Regular mental exercise can improve people's mood, reduce anxiety and depression, increase self-esteem, and more. Exercise brings structure and routine to our lives, which can help stabilize our moods and provide a sense of stability and control. In fact, regular physical activity can have a positive effect on our moods and emotions, promoting positive and balanced state of mind. 

Benefits for Mind

Mood Building: Participating in consistent mental exercises brings about noticeable advantages in enhancing one's mood. This is achieved through the stimulation of neurotransmitters linked to feelings of happiness and the reduction of stress. These exercises provide a constructive avenue to shift focus away from stress-inducing factors, cultivating a state of tranquility and ease. Furthermore, techniques like mindfulness meditation promote an increased awareness of the present moment, significantly contributing to emotional well-being and an overall positive emotional state. Alongside this, routine physical activity has the potential to enhance mood and emotional wellness. The establishment of structure and routine in our lives through exercise further helps in balancing mood fluctuations.

Stress Reduction: Regular physical activity acts as an effective stress management technique, reducing the presence of cortisol which is the body's stress hormone. Physical exertion helps in releasing tension and restoring the body to a relaxed state. Additionally, participating in exercise provides a valuable escape from daily pressures, allowing individuals to redirect their focus away from stressors and be present in the moment. It transcends into various aspects of life, fostering a greater sense of mental well-being.

Self-esteem and Social Interaction: Setting and achieving fitness goals, whether they involve increasing endurance, reaching weight loss milestones, or conquering demanding workout routines, significantly impacts self-esteem. Furthermore, mental exercises often stimulate engaging conversations and shared interests, promoting social interaction and forging meaningful connections with like-minded individuals. Involvement in group exercise sessions, team sports, or shared fitness activities provides valuable opportunities for social engagement. These social bonds foster a sense of belonging, countering feelings of isolation or loneliness. 

Enhanced Learning Flexibility: Mental exercises play a pivotal role in amplifying the brain's capacity to absorb new information and swiftly adapt to dynamic scenarios. This heightened adaptability holds special significance in today's fast-evolving world, where the pursuit of continuous learning is a cornerstone of personal and professional advancement. Our brain, much like a muscle, can be strengthened through regular and diverse mental exercises. Activities such as puzzles, brainteasers, learning a new language, playing musical instruments, practicing mindfulness meditation, and even engaging in strategic video games stimulate various regions of the brain. This stimulation encourages the growth and enhances the brain. 

Adaptability and Learning: In a world marked by rapid change, adaptability is paramount. Mental exercises increase the brain's capacity to absorb new information, making the process of learning more efficient and enjoyable. By engaging in activities that challenge critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative exploration, individuals enhance their brain, allowing them to effectively absorb new information and adapt to diverse situations. As the mind becomes adapted to face challenges, individuals embrace personal and professional growth.


Exercise does more than just keep your body fit; it also keeps your mind mentally fit. Life can be tough, but exercise helps you take a break from worries and clears your mind. When you work out, you feel good. Moreover, engaging in exercise cultivates a sense of accomplishment as individuals set and achieve fitness goals. This accomplishment not only bolsters self-esteem but also fosters a positive body image and a more confident. Furthermore, the brain's capacity for adaptability and learning is magnified through mental exercises. Just as physical activity strengthens the body, engaging in activities that challenge cognitive abilities enhances the brain's flexibility and capacity for continuous learning. This adaptability is vital in a rapidly evolving world, where the ability to absorb new information and adapt to change is paramount.


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Optimistic Nihilism and its Psychological Impact
- Gaurab KC - 25006, Grade XI o ... 20 September, 2023

Throughout history, many great philosophers have offered many perspectives which have affected the lives of generations of people. People have been discussing philosophical questions since the beginning of civilization.

In the beginning, the questions were simple. We learned to know what was good and what was bad. We understood that helping people and contributing to the tribe was morally correct and things like greed and selfishness were morally wrong. This development in our society is what helped the ancient civilizations survive and eventually thrive.

The concept of philosophy first began in ancient Greece. The likes of Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, and many others have literally changed the way we think. These philosophies ask questions that are beyond human knowledge. They are things that we still are yet to perceive. These questions are so beyond us that the modern world has mostly become hollow thanks to their influence. To understand why, we need to start from the beginning and work our way till the modern times.

A few hundred thousand years ago, our species became conscious and found their world very bizarre and confusing. From their perspective, everything was uncertain and bizarre to them. When they looked up there was a tiny hot ball in the sky that made them feel warm. There was flowing liquid that quenched their thirst. There were also different beings that coexisted with them. They could eat some, but some could eat them. Sometimes the liquid that they quenched their thirst with fell from the sky, and sometimes tiny cold rocks fell from the sky. 

This is where the philosophical part comes in. Even though they were so unsure and overwhelmed, they still survived. They believed that the only reason for their survival in such a strange and hostile world was due to the protection of a higher power, a god. This thought gave them comfort so they could keep on hunting prey, quenching their thirst and admire the stars.

Only after human beings got older and we learned about ourselves, we realized that the stars aren’t twinkling for us, they just are. We learned that the universe is vast and much older than we thought. We realized that life wasn’t made by any god or deity. It was accidentally created by the molecules of self-replicating RNA in the oceans which eventually led to the birth of the first cell. 

We realized that we weren’t special, that we were only a spec in this vast universe. There were many distant planets beyond our solar system that humanity would probably never visit. The universe was too vast for us to handle. But that wasn’t our only problem, it was the time we had left. The average human being only lives from seventy-five to eighty years old. One day we would die, and the probability of there being an afterlife was certainly low. So, there is a high chance that the life we had lived was the only thing we would ever experience and that we would now be dead forever.

This existential thought eventually became one of the most recognized philosophical topics called Nihilism. Nihilism means that our whole life, our beliefs, our experiences are utterly meaningless since we are going to die one day.

This philosophical topic had sparked a global debate. Many agreed and many didn’t, until one day, another philosophic topic was created that became a basis of many people’s lives. It was so impactful that many entrepreneurs, Billionaires and most of the world have been following it in the modern age, and It’s called Optimistic Nihilism. 

Optimistic Nihilism takes the pessimistic nature of Nihilism and turns it into optimism. It is true that life is short, but life is the longest thing we will ever experience. If there is no afterlife, the life that we are living now is the only thing that is a mattress, so we need to make the most of it and live our lives to the fullest. Sure, we might never go beyond the stars, but there are still many things to do here, many diseases to cure, many people to help, many lives to be fulfilled. The fact that we are living today and are able to be having discussions here is simply a miracle and we shouldn’t take it for granted. So, we should live life to the fullest by doing the things that make us feel good and fulfilled.

The impact of Optimistic Nihilism in the world is interesting to say the least, Many people have abandoned their culture and beliefs. The rise of atheism is prevalent especially in western countries, but it is slowly creeping its way to the other parts of the world including Nepal. Youths are abandoning centuries of traditions due to philosophy. The younger generation is now lost. Since the new standard of society is now shifting to this philosophy, youths are now more comfortable with fulfilling their desires which leads to problems among the younger generation like smoking, drinking and drug use. Among the western youths, slang words have been created like ‘YOLO’ (which is a slang acronym for ‘You Only Live Once’) which directly support Optimistic Nihilism.

The world has quite literally changed due to this philosophy. Although it was created to give hope to the people to encourage them to face the world and fulfill their dreams in the limited time they have, it has now turned into the cause of many social problems which have left most of the younger generation lost.




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Insights of Internship
- Aadarsha Khatri - 24001, Grad ... 19 September, 2023

Working as an intern is a great opportunity for us students and young professionals since it helps us fill up the gap between our theoretical knowledge and practical experience. It helps us gain real world experience, explore our field of interest, boost us up with confidence in the real world. Last few months, I worked as a video editor intern at Aviation News Network Nepal which was one of the remarkable moments in my career.

My first day of my internship felt like stepping into a new world of challenges and determination. The corporate setting was both daunting and exhilarating. However, the warm welcome from my advisor erased my nervousness, and I felt like one of the valuable components of the organization. My early days were filled with learning the basic ideas, working with fellow interns and adopting myself in the new environment. It was during this time that I realized the importance of effective communication, teamwork and adaptability in a fast-paced working environment. As the days progressed, I was assigned to work with various styles of editing, each one offered unique challenges and learning opportunities. One of my most remarkable tasks was podcast editing. This style of editing demands attention to detail, determination and creativity. Learning to work with new software and technologies was initially daunting but I never gave up, I faced those challenges with enthusiasm. I was taught different styles where I encountered problems one after the other. The deadlines, extensive research, details and more. The initial pressure felt overwhelming but with my advisor by my side who helped me in every way possible. Then, I not only completed the task on time, but also received the commendation of my dedication which boosted my confidence. 

One thing that helped me a lot during the internship was eagerness to learn new things. Unless one is eager to learn something new, it is useless to attend those workshops. Engaging with different styles of editing in a professional manner broadened my sights of editing. These not only enriched understanding of editing but also opened doors to future opportunities. Working with an advisor taught me the importance of collaboration and open communication. He always gave me insightful ideas for editing, which bossed my creativity and innovation. With the help of him, I was able to stay updated on emerging trends of editing, as he was always looking for something new that he could teach me. The mentor played a vital role in shaping my learning experience. Regular one-on-one sessions allowed me to seek advice, share my strength, capability, progress and receive feedback for further improvement. He helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses, enabling me to improve and grow throughout the internship.

The demanding nature of the internship required me to maintain balance between my work deadlines and my personal life. As I adjusted myself to the dynamic environment, I learned about time management. This newfound skill not only made me productive but also gave me a good taste of the life of a professional worker. The internship was an eye-opener for me in terms of understanding my passion. As I was attached to a specific work, I realized my keen interest that I had never once considered. The last day of my internship was bittersweet, marked by farewells and expressions of appreciation from my advisor. 

Looking back, my internship was much more than a CV-building experience. It was a journey of self-improvement, self-discovery, a chance that gave me an opportunity to explore my strengths and interests as a professional worker. The experience that I gained during those times will definitely help me out later in the future where I have to solve problems one after another. Those experiences have loaded me with skills, boosted my confidence, and reaffirmed my commitment to pursue my chosen field.

In conclusion, my internship was an unforgettable experience and transformative phase that allowed me to discover various aspects of video editing. As I march forward in  my career, I carry those lessons and experiences as an inspiration and motivation, reminding me of my boundless potential that remains within me.

As I bid farewell to my internship and step into the next chapter of my life, I felt like making myself an independent and a well-rounded professional. I am grateful for the opportunity from both sides, my school and the organization. I eagerly look forward to embracing the new adventures like this. 

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अध्यारो मुहार
- Aarashi Shakya - 24004, Grade ... 15 September, 2023

चट्याङझैँ खुम्चेको निधार
राता ज्वालाझैँ आँखा
गुमसुम सुकेका ओठ
लाली बिहिन गाला
त्यस्तै रहेछ अध्यारो मुहार ।।


मस्तिष्कमा छाएको ठुलो बादल
प्रलयको नाम लिई गर्जन्छ
सबै अनिष्ट आवाज लिई झस्कन्छ
आरिसे बादलझैँ बेसरी भट्कन्छ
त्सस्तै रहेछ खुम्चेको निधार।।


छायाका बादल ठोकी नयनधारा खुल्छन्
ती धारा बगी आशा समुन्द्र रित्तिन्छन्
आशाका समुन्द्र राति रातो लाभा भरिन्छन्
रातो लाभाभरि तातो आँसु बग्छन्
त्सस्तै रहेछ जवालाझैँ आँखा।।


मसानमा सलबलाउने शून्यता
मरभूमिमा रहेकाे माटोझैँ
त्सस्तै रहेछ सुकेका ओठ
घाम ढलेपछिको गाेधुली साँझझैँ
त्सस्तै रहेछ अध्यारो मुहार ।।

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Small Tasks, Big Contributions to Environment
- Subigya Baral - 25026, Grade ... 15 September, 2023

The trees are the savior of our earth. Not only do they provide us with life-sustaining oxygen and shelter for countless creatures but they also offer us respite through their cooling shade. By planting trees in our backyards or within our communities, we can contribute to the preservation of our planet. Our small work can contribute to a great deal for the earth. 
Water, a truly invaluable resource, must be treated with utmost reverence. Simple steps, such as turning off the tap while brushing our teeth, and collecting rainwater for gardening purposes, can collectively make a substantial difference. To reduce waste, purchase products in bulk to minimize packaging, opt for refillable products, and donate items we no longer need. Currently, the environment is degraded by pollution, deforestation, and climate change. However, there is cause for optimism, as even the simplest of actions can contribute to its salvation. Let us now explore effortless methods to safeguard our environment and forge a brighter future for generations to come. Littering is an act that displays disregard for both local customs and nature. By refraining from this behavior, we showcase our respect for our surroundings.
Additionally, opting for eco-friendly accommodations reinforces our commitment to sustainable practices. Environmental groups, often found within our local communities, organize clean-up drives, tree-planting initiatives, and awareness campaigns. We can make a tangible impact on the preservation of our environment by actively participating in these endeavors. Mindful energy consumption plays a vital role in our efforts. Turning off lights, computers, and electronic devices when not in use, utilizing energy-efficient bulbs and appliances, and even considering the implementation of solar panels within our homes are all steps towards a sustainable future. Supporting companies that prioritize sustainability and employ eco-friendly methods and materials is a cooperative way to encourage a broader shift toward environmental consciousness within the business community. 
Embrace the power of the 3 R's: reduce, reuse, and recycle. By minimizing waste and opting for products with minimal packaging, we can conserve precious resources. Before discarding an item, consider its potential for reuse; an old jar can serve as storage and worn-out clothes can be repurposed as cleaning rags. Transforming used materials into new ones through the process of recycling, such as paper, glass, metal, and plastic, can significantly alleviate our impact on the environment. Conserving electricity is a responsibility we all share. Embrace natural light during the day, unplug devices when not in use, and consider utilizing fans instead of air conditioners whenever possible. Harnessing the power of composting allows us to transform kitchen waste, such as vegetable peels, into a natural fertilizer that aids in plant growth and reduces the need for harmful chemical alternatives. 
Water pollution is a grave concern that necessitates our mindfulness. Avoid disposing of medicines, paints, or oils down the drain, and choose eco-friendly detergents and soaps to mitigate our impact on water sources. every year, on June 5th, we commemorate world environment day. This serves as a momentous occasion to spread the message of environmental preservation and renew our commitment to fostering a sustainable planet. Education and advocacy are powerful tools in effecting change. By engaging in discussions with our friends and family about the importance of environmental preservation, we can expand awareness and inspire greater action.
Saving paper is not only a practical measure but also an act of saving the environment. Utilize both sides of the paper when writing or printing, opt for electronic bills and online bank statements, and indulge in reading books and newspapers online, all to reduce paper consumption. The menace of plastic, which takes centuries to decompose, demands our immediate attention. By opting for cloth bags instead of their plastic counterparts, refraining from purchasing bottled water and instead utilizing reusable containers, and saying no to plastic straws and utensils, we can collectively fight this environmental hazard.

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एसइईपछिका ती दिनहरू …
- Aahyan Panta - 25072, Grade X ... 14 September, 2023

परीक्षाको अवधि समाप्त भएपछि मैले पाठ्यपुस्तक र कक्षाकोठाकाे सिकाइलाई थाती राखेँ ।

बाहिरको संसारलाई पुनर्जीवित गर्ने र अन्वेषण गर्ने मौकाको रूपमा मैले बाकिँ समयलाई लिएँ । 

किन किन मलाई प्रकृति औधी मन पर्छ । 

मैले यही बिचमा पद यात्रा गरेँ ।

बिहान सबेरै साइकिलिङ गर्नुकाे मज्जा नै बेग्लै । थकाइ पनि उत्तिकै तर आनन्दभित्रकाे थकाइकाे मज्जा नै बेग्लै ।

यात्राले चारैतिरकाे वातावरण बुझ्न, नयाँ पाठहरू, नयाँ अनुभवहरू दिलाउँछ नै ।

यही बिचमा ऐतिहासिक स्थलहरू घुम्न पनि गएँ । याे कुरामा मलाई मेरी मामुले सहयाेग गर्नुभयाे ।

चित्रकला पनि मेराे रूचिकाे विषय हाे । क्यानभास, ब्रस र रङ्गहरूको त्यति बेला मेरा साथीहरू भएँ । घन्टाैँ समय बिताएकाे पत्ताे नै नहुने कस्ताे गजबकाे पल ।
यही बिचमा मैले चित्रकला सम्बन्धी भिडियाेहरू पनि हेरेँ । ताैरतरिकाबारे थाेरै भए पनि जानकारी हासिल गरेँ । 

साेचेँ, ज्ञानकाे क्षेत्र कति फराकिलाे छ । 

मैले केही अनलाइन पाठ्यक्रमहरूबारे पनि खाेज गरेँ । 

मैले मेरो बुबाको व्यापारको बारेमा पनि अवलोकनसँगै आफ्नो जिज्ञासा मेटाउने पनि मौका पाएँ । 

मैले मामूलाई खाना पकाउने, भाँडा सफा गरिदिने काममा पनि सघाएँ । मैले केही खानाका रेसिपिहरू पनि हेरेँ । बनाउने प्रयास पनि गरेँ ।

भान्साकोठा नै मेरो प्रयोगशालामा बन्याे । मिठाे खाना बनाउनु पनि ठुलाे कला रहेछ । मैले बल्ल व्यवहारतः बुझेँ । 

वातावरण संरक्षणका लागि समाजका सदस्यहरूसँग मिलेर मैले पनि रुख रोप्ने अभियान, सरसफाइ गर्ने अभियान र सचेतना कार्यशालाहरूमा पनि भाग लिएँ । 
यी कामले म खुशी थिएँ । 

मेराे जीवनमा यी क्षण निकै नै गुणात्मक रहे भन्ने मेराे बुझाइ हाे । 

सबैभन्दा बढीआमाबाबा पनि निकै खुशी थिए । 

म खेलप्रेमी पनि छु । यही समयमा कहिलेकाहीँ त अबेलासम्म खेलहरू पनि हेरेँ । 

याे समयमा मैले पुस्तकहरू पढ्ने पनि समय निकालें । 

समग्रमा परीक्षापछिको मेरो दिनचर्या रमाइलाेसँग नयाँ अनुभवका साथ व्यतित भयाे ।  

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Dimensions of Education
- Grace Shrestha - 25015, Grade ... 13 September, 2023

Education refers to the process of acquiring knowledge, important life skills. Education plays an important role nowadays. It is very important especially in the 21st century. Education teaches us new skills which are important in our day to day life and it also gives us a lot of knowledge.


But education is still hard to obtain in the rural village areas. Children have to walk for a long time to get to school with heavy bags which is very hard. Education is a thing that should be available for us all. It should be equally available in every region with no problems to face. 


Education is important for Empowerment. We need to have at least a little education to get a job and earn money. Education is also important for the eradication of poverty because it helps us to get money so the poverty is eradicated. Education is also important for social and cultural development because with education we can know about the different cultures and values all through the education. Education also helps us to develop leadership skills which is very important. With education we can receive a lot of respect as well. Education also helps to eradicate discrimination on the basis of caste, color, gender etc. Education also helps the country to develop faster. The more educated manpower the faster the country develops. It also helps in the economic growth of the country. So education is also very important in the development of countries as well. Education also helps in the reduction of crimes as everyone is educated they can separate the difference between good and bad. They can make their own decision which reduces the crimes and all the bad doings and cultures.


Education is also important for self growth and the fulfilling of one's goals. Everyone has a goal in mind to fulfill that goal education is must. Through education one can also develop critical thinking, decision making, teamwork and many more abilities. Education also helps us in our day to day life and is very much important and good. Everyone should be provided with education because it is a must in this generation. We have to know how important education is and also how helpful it is for us in our life and how much we need education.


So these are the importance of education. Education helps us in many things and these are just some of the importance of education. It is very helpful.we should be thankful that we can get education easily. It is not so hard to get an education nowadays as we have access to the internet and different AIs. But we should not take it for granted just because we have it. We have to fully utilize it and feel lucky that we have it. They provide us with a lot of knowledge in a short amount of time which is very helpful. So these are the importance of education and how helpful it is for us.

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