
Student Corner


Astros! A Space Story
- Benit Shrestha - 21105, Grade ... 05 February, 2020

“Grrrrrrrrrrrr” the ship came to a halt. “D-Day D-Day”, Koun Rogg: the negotiator yelled. But co-pilot Kinan knew well that the sound was just turbulence. “Stop it, you fool,” Kinan said to Koun. Boda: The Captain and co-pilot Biwan Benobi kept chuckling. With a sigh, Rogg said, “When will we reach the Castle?”. Then from the back, a voice came “Keep patience, Koun, we’ll arrive soon at our destination”. It was Chancellor Pauline. He and Roggs were to be escorted to the Capital. He said with a speck of doubt in his voice “Captain Boda, Your men will keep us safe right ?”, pointing to Kinan and biwan. Boda said, “These are no ordinary men, these are dejis, they are focused, determined individuals, they have left their personal lives to serve the council of dejis”. Kinan heard the captain. He has a flash-back, he sees his young son: Ren being separated from him. It had been 15 years since that and all kinan remembers of his son is a light scar on his face and the words ‘Astros!’. Biwan much more experienced than Kinan holds back all memories of his past life, rather clinging on to what is happening.

Kinan tries to hold back all thoughts of his beloved son but ultimately bursts into tears, Biwan being the diligent and faithful friend he was, consoles Kinan and convinces him to focus in the present. The navigator of the ship started giving off a loud and continuous buzz, a few seconds passed and an explosion was heard, “BOOM!” all the passengers on board were thrown to the ground. Boda, Kinan, and Biwan activated their blasters. Boda signaled Rogg and Pauline to enter a hyperspace escape pod. Boda yelled, “We must protect them at all costs”. The stomping of a dozen soldiers could be heard rushing to the cockpit. The dejis stood ready to fight, one-by-one gunning down each man, it seemed if all the soldiers were dead but they heard something, “Shushhhh” and “BOOM!” a missile was launched and a large figure with a mask appeared, wearing all black with a missile launcher in his hands, he dropped the launcher and opted to a blaster.

The explosion injured Boda heavily whereas Kinan and Biwan took light damage, Kinan being the hot-headed person he was, rushed to kill the masked man, he yelled: “Rylo Ben, today you die”. Kinan fell down, it seemed that Rylo had shot first. Rylo Ben was a young yet capable warlord. Rylo said, “Not today, not by you, Deji filth.” Kinan was stunned, his muscles were frozen. Biwan shot and it hit Kylo right in the face, his mask blew up but he hadn’t sustained any damage, his face was revealed, it was a familiar face, especially for Kinan, he couldn’t help but notice the light scar that had grown with Ren. The young warlord was none other than Kinan’s son. Kinan yelled “Astros!” Ren dropped his blaster and collapsed in pain as Biwan’s blaster shot hit him in the chest.

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The Future of A.I.
- Utkrist Mani Neupane - 21133, ... 04 February, 2020

The word AI had first been coined in the year 1956. Since then, in the first two to three years it seemed like the so-called “Future” had been just a simple term even if it had a couple of advancements.

The year 1984 bought a new problem for the growing industry of the future “AI Winter”. The period was when there was reduced funding and interest in the development of Artificial Intelligence. It was hyped up by the idea of “Nuclear Winter”. The main reasons for the AI Winter can be due to the unnaturally high hopes of the users and extensive promotion in the world media.

A.I started blooming with the beginning of the 21st Century. It started gaining enthusiasm since the early 1990s. In the decade of 2010, the interests in Artificial Intelligence along with Machine Learning (ML) have skyrocketed in the global market.

With everyday enhancements and developments, you can expect the world to be like one of those futuristic Sci-Fi movies in the next 50 years or so. We might regard AI as a problem for the future with all those Sci-Fi movies like Terminator or I, Robot. Yes, it seems possible for the world to be conquered by robots and we humans being the next slaves to the technology we created with such zeal. But, no matter how advanced they get, they will never be comparable to human intelligence: the mental developments for such a creation would require massive work to be done and who would like to be a slave by choice for their own creation to ease life.

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Worst day of my life
- Sugam Rijal - 20129, Grade XI ... 03 February, 2020

 I still remember the anger in her face and the worry in her eyes. It is the biggest moral mistake of my life that I regret until now. It was the day when I saw my mom cry for the first time. This was when I lied to her about going to extra classes on Saturday but actually went out with my friends.

After the end of our pre-board exams my friends made a plan of going to a one day hike. As a kid I was fond of these things so I decided to go on a hike. But one and the only problem for me was my mom because she would never let me go on the hike, however, I desperately wanted to go on the hike. I got a mind-blowing idea of lying to my mother and going on a hike. Later I realized that lying would be my biggest moral mistake.

Friday evening, I told her that there will be an extra class for maths and science because many of the students of our batch failed in those subjects. That night I couldn’t sleep because of the excitement. I felt like I was the king who conquered the entire state within a night. Saturday morning I got ready and went to my friend’s home. There we all gathered and planned what we would do when we reach there. We even planned what we would do if we found some pretty girls.

We went on a public vehicle to Jagdol Hills. We had planned to visit the Jagdol Gumba. We climbed up the stairs and went uphill. There we found that the gumba was closed for the day and there weren’t many lunch counters so we couldn’t eat anything. We wandered here and there as if we were a group of people who got lost in a desert and are starving to eat but all we could find was stones and mud around us and that obviously could not be eaten. All we did that day was walking with thirst greater than that of the crow in the story “The Thirsty Crow” and stomach as empty as schools on holidays.

That day didn’t go as planned and I returned home with a regret that my day could have been better if I had stayed at home. Climbing upstairs I heard a screaming sound as high as a monster. I found that it was my mom screaming at me. At first, I was confused but after I reached my room she entered my room by kicking the door as if it were a football and she had tears in her eyes.

“Where are you? You little rascal you think you are old enough to lie to your mother and think that I would even know about it.” She screamed with eyes as red as a cherry.

“What are you talking about? I have no clue about what you are saying.” I replied with a voice trembling with fear.

“You know what I am talking about you little liar! I know about your little trip, I telephoned your school and found out that there were no extra classes.”

I was afraid and was out of excuses. I looked at her and found out she was so worried that her blood pressure was as high as water with speed to rotate a turbine, tears fell from her ears as if it was water flowing downhill. Then she grabbed a stick as hard as an iron rod that was strong enough to destroy a wall made of concrete. She started beating me with the stick and that day turned out to be even worse than before.


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You Matter!
- Sinja Ghimire - 21125, Grade ... 02 February, 2020

Just because your existence is never valued doesn’t mean you are worthless. Just because people don’t see your struggles behind your failure doesn’t mean you didn’t try. Just because you didn’t get back the love you give doesn’t mean you don’t deserve love.

You know what you are and that’s enough. You have this one life. Don’t spend it regretting, questioning, judging and hating yourself. Don’t keep running after people who don’t see you. Don’t get sad over small things. Don’t overthink everything. Just because you enjoy someone’s company, don’t beg them to stay in your life.

In the race of loving others and getting back the same amount of love we give, we forget to love ourselves. While healing the wounds of others, you forget that you yourself are bleeding. Nobody will value your selflessness in this selfish world. Chase your dreams and stay committed to your goals. You have done enough for people, do something for yourself too. Make yourself happy. Buy yourself flowers, foods and things you deserve much more than you think. Believe in yourself and spend some time with yourself. You will make yourself proud, trust me. Don’t stress too much about things that aren’t happening. Breath and start again and hope for better.

You are too young to be broken. Some people will never see what you do for them but let that be. There are people who love your frizzy hair, big nose, awkward smile, embarrassing laugh and not so flat stomach. Someone somewhere will understand your odd sense of humor. So, wait until it happens, don’t ever underestimate your self-worth.

Just in case, nobody told you you’re amazing. When you smile, the world becomes a little brighter and you spread awesomeness in the lives you enter which wouldn’t have otherwise. You matter. Your existence really matters. 

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Black Cat on the way
- Jeevan Sapkota - 20116, Grade ... 30 January, 2020

There are beliefs that we follow without any reason. We follow those beliefs because other people have been following and we don’t want to take any risk. My father used to believe that there might be bad-luck if you see the cat crossing the road. I also used to follow this superstitious belief. I was supposed to stop my vehicle and wait until another person or vehicle passes through that road. Due to this reason, I was late at school most of the time.

“Dad, how can this innocent cat be a reason for our bad luck? Don’t you think it’s stupid?” I questioned him. He said that his parents and friends follow this and he doesn’t want to take a risk.

I researched why people follow this belief and I found out that in the 16th-century people fell sick and they didn’t know the scientific reason behind this, so they blamed the cat for their illness. There’s no point following those beliefs. I stopped following these ridiculous beliefs but I had to follow when my dad was with me.

I used to drive our car during family tours. When we were on the way to Lumbini, our car hit the other car and only my father got injured. I had some bruises but I couldn’t see my father in pain, so I drove the car to the hospital in Kawasoti. On our way to the hospital, a black cat crossed the road. I was supposed to stop the vehicle but I didn’t stop the car. If something bad happened to my dad, then I would be blamed for not stopping the car. We reached the hospital and my father got admitted. Everyone was worried about him.

Later when I visited the doctor to know about my dad’s condition, she said that we got there just in time and they were successful to save my dad’s life. If I had stopped the car and waited for another person to cross then maybe I wouldn’t have been able to see him alive. After this incident, my father and my family have stopped believing those superstitions. My family is now free from the superstition. We should ignore these superstitious beliefs as they aren’t valid from a scientific point of view. 


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Multiple Myeloma
- Srijal Ulak - 21117, Grade XI ... 29 January, 2020

Multiple myelomas is cancer that forms in a type of white blood cell called a plasma cell. Plasma cells help you fight infections by making antibodies that recognize and attack germs. Multiple myelomas causes cancer cells to accumulate in the bone marrow, where they crowd out healthy blood cells. It is a very dangerous type of blood cancer CBC (complete blood count) gets low. It mainly affects bone marrow. To know the disease you need to perform bone marrow biopsy. It pains in bones. 5 cycle of chemo is required to perform a bone marrow transplant. There are two types of bone marrow transplant analogous transplant and autologous transplant.
Autologous transplant
In this transplant, the stem cells of the infected person is taken and after hard chemo, the stem cell is transplanted in one’s own body.
Analogous transplant
In this transplant, the steam cells of siblings are taken and hall matching tested and after it is matched 100% the stem cells can be transferred from the sibling to infected person.
Infected person should take precautions for 100 days like a newly born child ;
• a person should not to in the crowds
• raw food should be avoided
• personal hygiene should be maintained daily
• smelly things should be kept away including flowers, perfumes, sweat
• Infection(common cold, fever, etc) should be prevented
• A blood test is compulsory every week
After 100 days of precautions, CBC test and KAPPA/LAMBDA blood test Is done and seen the percentage of disease left in the body of the infected person. Chemotherapy therapy is started again to cure the leftover disease. The long-lasting medicine for this disease is chemotherapy.
There are two types of chemotherapy Oral chemo, injection chemo and other antivirals medicine are given because after transplant the body of the infected person becomes like of newly born baby any type of infection can do harm to the body. The transplant has a 50-50 chance of success and failure. The main medicine of multiple myeloma is chemotherapy
Life span after multiple myeloma
Some patients beat the odds and live 10 or more. the average for myeloma patients overall was about 3 years.


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If I could change my past
- Kriti Rajbhandari - 20116, Gr ... 26 January, 2020

No one is satisfied with what’s going on. We can think past, feel the present, and plan for the future. Past is like a word carved in a stone.it can be remembered but not changed. To date, no such device like the time machine has been invented. A human who has the capacity to discover about the black hole to quantum has to kneel down in front of the past.so I would like to change my past and make it memorable, productive and self-loving.

I can barely recognize my past. School-age, the golden age, was nothing more than a scheduled activity that I was obligated to do. Socializing with friends and colleagues instead of surfing the internet or running eyes on the words would be the prime thing I would have done. Instead of spending 24 hours studying and sleeping, I would make it more lively so that I can count on it in the future. School-age is meant to be a time to relax, make friends, do all those crazy things and make much of it.

Similarly, productiveness along with liveliness seems complicated. The multiple opportunities, I neglected multiple times was one of the biggest mistakes I made. If given the time and opportunity, I would have participated in the beauty pageant, talent show, literature programs and so on. Instead of focusing only on academics and being a bookworm, I would make it productive. I would have built up my confidence. In the crowd of thousands of students, I would make myself recognizable.

Similarly, during my school days, I was judgmental about myself. I was chubby during my lower secondary years so I used to get bullied. After that, I lost about 20 kg by dieting. I avoided everything that I liked to eat . I was so focused on dieting that I ended up losing my originality. I wanted to be someone else instead of being best of myself .if I could change, I would make myself self-loving, self-satisfied and nonjudgmental. I would love myself for who I  really was.

In a nutshell, if the past changed us then we can change the future. Being nostalgic can give happiness to someone while even can open a closed wound. So we must concentrate on our present so that we can mold our future as we wish.

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- Samaya Shrestha - 20121, Grad ... 22 January, 2020

The beginning of manhood can only be seen in man after Bartamandha. It is a complex Hindu ceremony where boys of age between 8-12 years take the first steps in learning the traditional law, ceremonial roles and rituals of their caste. Before the ceremony boys wear traditional orange, headband pierced with a porcupine spice for the protection from evil. In Nepal, one cannot marry unless he has done bartamandha. It is performed by six Brahma priests, though technically two are only required. Red, white and yellow patterns are made around the fire for the protection and to mark an elaborate part setting, indicating where each god should sit as they join the ceremony. Pujas are performed to Ganesh and light and water.

There is a belief that if a guy doesn’t do a bartamandha before marriage, he can never be happy. It is also said that he can never have a baby. As there is a belief that evil roams around their marriage and never lets their marriage be successful. There is also another belief that if a guy doesn’t do bartamandha he is graded as a low caste. Even the high caste once you marry without bartamandha, he becomes untouchable. It is said that their karma will be incomplete and they can never live a normal life (i.e. sad marriage life, regarded as low people, never accepted in a society.)

I always had a question regarding this belief like why do evil surround you if you don’t cut your hair? How is cutting hair related to giving birth? Does the cutting of hair disturb our biological behavior? Why can’t we be called man unless we cut our hair? And why do we have to put a hairtail behind our head? And why only our maternal uncle is related to our karma as karma is related to bartamandha. There are so many ‘wh’ questions in my mind.

When I asked my mother about this tradition, she replied it’s what we’ve been following so many centuries ago. We have no right to question it. Then I asked her many questions then she shouted at me and said it is what it is! We have to follow it. Then I asked my father and then he replied I don’t know anything about it, it’s just that we follow it because everybody does so. And this is what our ancestors have been doing, they have taught us this, so why not. Why take a chance?

Then I realized that we don’t even know what we are doing. Most of us don’t even care and just so because that’s what our ancestors have been doing because that is what everybody is doing. We don’t even question it, because if we do so then we become “the spoiled one”. Everybody goes against us. We follow it out because of fear. We follow it because everybody does so. We are all blinded by our tradition. We should follow our tradition, take it as our pride but we should never be blind. We should question everything and believe only those which are reasonable and believable.

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- Aayushma Kharel - 20102, Grad ... 21 January, 2020

Considering females as impure, Chaupadi pratha is a tradition practiced for centuries that banishes females during their menstruation period from the house. It is primarily practiced in the western part of Nepal. This pratha basically prohibits Hindu women and girls from participating in normal family activities while menstruating. “Untouchability” a tradition it is called, forbidden from touching other people and objects, women and girls are required to live away from the community, typically in a livestock shed, during their menstruation. And their mistake was to be a girl! And go through the biological means following what nature gives was her only mistake.

And when I heard that in some cases women are instructing to live in a separate area of the house. They are forced to live in a mud hut that is hundreds of yards away. I thought it was so unfair. The pain that those young females or women go through, nobody cares about. These women when they were growing, they were told horror stories of how their fathers would become possessed if they stayed in their home during their period. They are not even allowed to touch cattle or crops at such time from fear of harming them. But they were allowed to touch other women. If contact is made with other men, it is said that one must be purified with cow urine.

Women are not even allowed to comb or wash their hair. In some areas, women are not even taught or aware of sanitary towels and so are forced to bare the “condemned” stains on their unwashed clothes. And there are many cases of women dying in this pratha suffering from respiratory diseases, malnutrition, and diarrhea. And mother “a woman” herself pressurizes her daughter to do so. When I heard that I had one question and that is “do my parents think the same way?”

I ran to my parents and asked them, what do you think of this pratha. My parents then replied even science says some negative vibrations do come out when a girl is on her period. And at that point, everybody around her should be supporting her as she suffers from irritation, the pain. I felt so lucky. My mother did say that those are our traditions and we should not allow women to touch god, but I would never be so blinded by our tradition that I would let my daughter suffer alone in the cold outside. Because I know to what extent it’s true but they don’t.

Then I realized, those women who are suffering and following this pratha don’t even know what’s true. They are just misguided by their ancestors. The young girls while growing up listening to their ancestors said they think it's their mistake. They live in fear. They feel so sorry for a natural process, that they can even give their life, even get raped and say nothing while following this pratha. But the government even put a ban on this pratha but will the girls even know that what they are doing is not necessary, it's illogical. No, they’ll not, instead, they will think the government is wrong, and keep on practicing this pratha. So, in order to stop this, we should start by educating them. There are many such kinds of tradition. This is just an example for us to not be blinded by our religions.

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