
Student Corner

You Matter!

Written by: Sinja Ghimire - 21125, Grade XI

Posted on: 02 February, 2020

Just because your existence is never valued doesn’t mean you are worthless. Just because people don’t see your struggles behind your failure doesn’t mean you didn’t try. Just because you didn’t get back the love you give doesn’t mean you don’t deserve love.

You know what you are and that’s enough. You have this one life. Don’t spend it regretting, questioning, judging and hating yourself. Don’t keep running after people who don’t see you. Don’t get sad over small things. Don’t overthink everything. Just because you enjoy someone’s company, don’t beg them to stay in your life.

In the race of loving others and getting back the same amount of love we give, we forget to love ourselves. While healing the wounds of others, you forget that you yourself are bleeding. Nobody will value your selflessness in this selfish world. Chase your dreams and stay committed to your goals. You have done enough for people, do something for yourself too. Make yourself happy. Buy yourself flowers, foods and things you deserve much more than you think. Believe in yourself and spend some time with yourself. You will make yourself proud, trust me. Don’t stress too much about things that aren’t happening. Breath and start again and hope for better.

You are too young to be broken. Some people will never see what you do for them but let that be. There are people who love your frizzy hair, big nose, awkward smile, embarrassing laugh and not so flat stomach. Someone somewhere will understand your odd sense of humor. So, wait until it happens, don’t ever underestimate your self-worth.

Just in case, nobody told you you’re amazing. When you smile, the world becomes a little brighter and you spread awesomeness in the lives you enter which wouldn’t have otherwise. You matter. Your existence really matters.