
Student Corner

My Favorite Teacher

Written by: Sandarva Subedi - 21121, Grade XI

Posted on: 23 January, 2020

That day I remember
Three months earlier than  December 
I got a new family member 
Who has got great control over his temper?

Beginning with the cozy smile 
I got to know that you are versatile 
Every day with you is a permanent memory  
You care about me, although I'm a tough allergy.

That cute face with a glamour grace 
Polite English with enough space 
Everything changed with the initiation of a new race 
I need no excuses, you are the best.

The charming smile and growing beard
Makes my laziness disappear
Time changed people changed but you are same 
You always motivate me for my aim 

The laughs and joy expressed
I again repeat you are the best
One of the reasons why I come to school?
It's only you Suraj Sir!!